Words matter. These are the best Articulation Quotes from famous people such as Eliot Spitzer, Tony Harrison, David Gilmour, Benjamin Millepied, Toni Morrison, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
In nations where the voices of intolerance are most visible and momentarily powerful, it is in our long run interests to remain firm in our clear articulation that the use of violence in response to speech is to be condemned.
Coming from a very inarticulate family made me try to speak for those who can’t express themselves and created a need for articulation at its most ceremonial – poetry.
I think a guitar solo is how my emotion is most freely released, because verbal articulation isn’t my strongest communication strength. My wife thinks that I should do interviews by listening to the questions and playing the answer on guitar.
‘Swan Lake’ is the most difficult thing to portray for a female ballet dancer; it really requires such specific qualities of articulation, agility, strength, and the arm work is something that takes a lot of training.
Everything I’ve ever done, in the writing world, has been to expand articulation, rather than to close it.
I wanted to learn Latin and Greek and become a poet and acquire power over language. I only understand this clearly in retrospect, that my ability to study came from a hunger to learn all the resources of articulation.
The hand has the richest articulation of space.
Theater criticism should be visceral, at least on some level, an articulation of that fierceness and passion. I usually do a fair amount of research before I see a show – on the history of previous productions (if it’s a revival) and the creative team.
When articulation is impossible, gesticulation comes to the rescue.
When shopping was still connected to the street it was also an intensification and articulation of the street. Now it has become utterly independent – contained, controlled, surveyed.