Top 100 Harry Potter Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Harry Potter Quotes from famous people such as Gary Ross, Daniel Radcliffe, Elvis Mitchell, Judy Blume, David Sedaris, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Most modern science fiction went to school on 'Dune.' E

Most modern science fiction went to school on ‘Dune.’ Even ‘Harry Potter’ with its ‘boy protagonist who has not yet grown into his destiny’ shares a common theme. When I read it for the first time, I felt like I had learned another language, mastered a new culture, adopted a new religion.
Gary Ross
The sixth Harry Potter film – I don’t like my performance in that film at all.
Daniel Radcliffe
The world may not be ready yet for the film equivalent of books on tape, but this peculiar phenomenon has arrived in the form of the film adaptation of J. K. Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.’
Elvis Mitchell
I am a big defender of ‘Harry Potter,’ and I think any book that gets kids to read are books that we should cherish, we should be thankful for them.
Judy Blume
I guess my guilty pleasure would be listening to the British audio versions of the ‘Harry Potter’ books.
David Sedaris
There’s no subtext in ‘Harry Potter,’ really; it’s all magic – anything can happen. Why do I say this? Because it’s a magic spell. It’s quite nice in a way. There is a real freedom to it. Doesn’t say much for acting, does it?
Michael Gambon
I think the three Mexican directors that came before me did a very good job in Hollywood because they came in and started directing things like ‘Harry Potter.’
Patricia Riggen
I love ‘Harry Potter.’
Dwight Gayle
And religion causes most of the problems, war, and economics of course, and study your history or you’re going to repeat it; and if you’re burning a Harry Potter book you need some serious counseling, you don’t get it, you’re missing the whole point.
Michael Berryman
I’ve got my life and ‘Harry Potter,’ where I travel the world, I make films, I meet amazing people, I do press junkets and stuff. And then I go back home to Leeds, where I live, and I’ve got the same friends from before.
Matthew Lewis
I think readers are always patient. Look at the ‘Harry Potter’ series. Some have given up on this generation of kids as game and TV addicts, but lots of people spend lots of time patiently reading through hundreds of pages of dense prose. I think reading a comic by comparison is a lot more immediate.
Dave Gibbons
Some say it is the elements of hope and wonder in children’s books that make them special. But there are many dark young adult novels these days. Adults loved Harry Potter, though it was written for the young. In the end, it is probably up to the reader of any age to decide if this book is for him or her.
Katherine Paterson
My kids love it. I thought I was the coolest dad in the world when I got to be in a Bond film, but ‘Harry Potter’, too? Well, I think I qualify for a medal for exceptional parenting or something, don’t you?
Robbie Coltrane
I couldn’t watch ‘Harry Potter,’ ‘Lord of the Rings,’ ‘House’… I was like strictly a ‘SpongeBob,’ Disney Channel, Nickelodeon kinda guy.
Joe Burrow
Anything that activates the joy center in the brain makes you happy, and therefore protects you. Oddly enough, that’s what they do in ‘Harry Potter’: The nurse gives the kids chocolates when they’ve been near the Dementors!
Jane Siberry
You know that I had heard so many times people say things like, ‘You could never write ‘Harry Potter’ and have it be about Harriett Potter because nobody would read it; people only want to read an adventure story if it’s about a boy,’ and I thought, ‘I don’t think that’s true.’
Cassandra Clare
My favorite place in the world is the Harry Potter tour near London.
Jessica Williams
Sometimes I’m stressed and I’m sick of things and I need to forget about them for a while, so in Harry Potter you’re taken to this wonderful imaginary world where everything is so different.
Evanna Lynch
I was in the bath at the time, and my dad came running in and said, ‘Guess who they want to play Harry Potter!?’ and I started to cry. It was probably the best moment of my life.
Daniel Radcliffe
People ask me if there are going to be stories of Harry Potter as an adult. Frankly, if I wanted to, I could keep writing stories until Harry is a senior citizen, but I don’t know how many people would actually want to read about a 65 year old Harry still at Hogwarts playing bingo with Ron and Hermione.
J. K. Rowling
The ‘Harry Potter’ books had a huge impact on me.
Sabaa Tahir
One week I was in school and the next I’m at Leavesden Studios in Dumbledore’s office reading scenes with Daniel Radcliffe. Weird. And terrifying for such a huge ‘Harry Potter’ fan.
Evanna Lynch
I’ve always thought that as long as directors and casting directors don’t see me as just Harry Potter, I’ll be OK. People have shown a lot of faith in me, and I owe them a huge debt. They’re letting me prove that I’m serious about this.
Daniel Radcliffe
I loved ‘Harry Potter’ growing up. I’m dyslexic and a slow reader, but I could get through the thick ones in days!
Douglas Booth
I grew up as an only child and my mother was also an only child, so we were both very passionate about reading. I think I passed that on to my daughter, who went plowing through ‘Harry Potter’ and every other book possible!
Kate Beckinsale
I love all the ‘Harry Potter’ books. Those are just my favorites.
Kirstin Maldonado
Nearly all monster stories depend for their success on Jack killing the Giant, Beowulf or St. George slaying the Dragon, Harry Potter triumphing over the basilisk. That is their inner grammar, and the whole shape of the story leads towards it.
A. N. Wilson
After being in Harry Potter, I believe a bit more in magic than I did before.
Rupert Grint
I hope to read a Harry Potter novel soon, to see what it’s all about. I admit to being annoyed that many good light fantasy writers have had trouble getting published, in England and elsewhere, when it is obvious the readers were waiting for us all along.
Piers Anthony
‘Harry Potter’ achieved a very special act of actual magic: it made it completely acceptable for an adult to carry around, read and enjoy a children’s book.
Maureen Johnson
I have read the ‘Divergent’ series. I obviously read ‘Harry Potter.’
Lana Condor
Harry Potter is awesome.

Harry Potter is awesome.
Ed Sheeran
I want to go to Harry Potter Land! I actually should text Emma Watson to see if she can hook us up with a backstage pass or something. That’s the perk of doing a movie with Emma called ‘The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.’
Nina Dobrev
Twilight’ has a supernatural reference to it with werewolves and vampires. ‘Harry Potter’ has magic. ‘The Hunger Games’ is about real people put into extreme situations and circumstances.
Isabelle Fuhrman
Nothing’s really changed since the Harry Potter films came along.
Tom Felton
J. K. Rowling’s first ‘Harry Potter’ manuscript was rejected 12 times. Stephen King’s ‘Carrie’ was rejected 30 times. ‘Gone With The Wind’ was rejected 38 times. I was immensely proud to have beaten them all.
Ashwin Sanghi
I did ‘Deathly Hallows’ so my kids could get on the ‘Harry Potter’ set. They met Daniel Radcliffe, who was a darling and couldn’t have been nicer to them so I’m a hero right now.
Peter Mullan
Funnily enough, I had a real giggle with Gary Oldman when we were doing an interview together for ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.’ Because I joked I was probably the only British actor who wasn’t in the ‘Harry Potter’ franchise. The same is true of ‘Game of Thrones.’ Also ‘Star Wars.’
Mark Strong
If you’re going to pick a book and you want to base a system of government around it, why not ‘Harry Potter?’
Lewis Black
I like Disney stuff. No-one looks at ‘Toy Story’ and says,’ Oh, that’s just for kids.’ Why is it that games can only appeal to a certain audience, but movies and books – I mean, how many adults read ‘Harry Potter?’
Warren Spector
Harry Potter to me is a bore. His talent arrives as a gift; he’s chosen. Who can identify with that? But Hermione – she’s working harder than anyone, she’s half outsider, right? Half Muggle. She shouldn’t be there at all. It’s so unfair that Harry’s the star of the books, given how hard she worked to get her powers.
Ira Glass
I could never write about strange kingdoms. I could never do ‘Harry Potter’ or anything like that. Even when I did science-fiction, I didn’t write about foreign planets and distant futures. I certainly never did fantasies about trolls living under bridges.
Richard Matheson
I’m obsessed with Maggie Smith – the way that she can be the most brilliant actress in every single situation and then do Harry Potter, and still make me cry while she’s casting spells with a wand?
Frankie Grande
I’ve always liked shape-shifter characters. I gravitated towards characters like Mystique from ‘X-Men,’ Zam Wesell from ‘Star Wars,’ and Tonks from ‘Harry Potter.’
Noelle Stevenson
All my favorite books and movies are franchises like ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Lord of the Rings,’ so that was always the dream, that maybe I’ll get to write a series of my own.
Victoria Aveyard
For me, the triad of ‘Harry Potter,’ the ‘Hunger Games’ and ‘Twilight’ feature strong women, and as a declared feminist, it’s a wonderful thing. These women have really opened up this particular world of storytelling, which I’m very grateful for.
Cassandra Clare
I have an editor in my head, that’s why I can’t read Harry Potter, because Rowling is such a lousy writer.
Colleen McCullough
The more powerful you become, the less likely it is that people will tell you the truth. It must be why the ‘Harry Potter’ books become so bloated as the series progresses; think of the beautiful, precise editing of books 1-3 drowned in a mire of sycophancy and yea-saying.
Robert Rinder
But things such as ‘Harry Potter’, all I can do is shape my character, seek the director’s approval on that, and basically take it from there. Professor Flitwick in ‘Harry Potter’, I kind of defined how I saw him from reading the book, and luckily that matched up with the director’s vision.
Warwick Davis
In the same way that so many people read ‘Harry Potter’ and went to see ‘Harry Potter,’ just because a movie is about a kid, doesn’t mean it’s for kids, and just because a movie is about a girl, doesn’t mean it’s for girls.
Cassandra Clare
I was born in 1991, and ‘Harry Potter’ came out in ’97, so, you know, I was really obsessed. I used to read them in one night.
Samantha Shannon
I was in ‘Harry Potter,’ and nobody on the street recognizes me from that. Nobody on the street has ever stopped me from ‘Harry Potter!’
Domhnall Gleeson
‘Harry Potter’ is very nice because it’s very easy to make children happy. All you have to do is have your photograph taken with them.
David Thewlis
I absolutely don’t relate to being beaten down my whole life – I had amazing opportunities at a young age – but there is still in many, many people’s minds the notion that I’ll never be able to escape Harry Potter.
Daniel Radcliffe
I first played the Royal Albert Hall when I was 14. I was a violinist with the Birmingham Schools Concert Orchestra, and we travelled down from the Midlands for the last night of the School Proms. We played some pieces from the Harry Potter films, and the violin parts were really hard.
Laura Mvula
I love ‘Harry Potter.’ I’m a huge nerd – I would dress up if I could.
Veronica Roth
I mean, I must confess I don’t own Harry Potter DVDs. My parents do. They have them all. And they like watching them.
Matthew Lewis
But I can’t imagine Harry being a stockbroker at 35. That doesn’t really seem the stuff of ‘Harry Potter’.
David Heyman
It’s like going back to school. You know, autumn! Time for ‘Harry Potter’.
Robbie Coltrane
Honestly, I get more recognized for ‘Three Men and a Little Lady’ than ‘Harry Potter’.
Fiona Shaw
It sounds so geeky, but I really do like studying and reading, and if I’m not working on ‘Harry Potter,’ then my greatest relaxation is to sit with a book.
Emma Watson
I only discovered the ‘Harry Potter’ series in my tenth standard. I dived right into it, often reading non-stop through the day and night. It was the morning after one such readathon when I was to appear for a Chemistry exam. Spending my night with the third edition of Harry Potter didn’t help much, and I fared poorly.
Sonam Kapoor
Nobody sells books like J.K. Rowling. We have a rule in

Nobody sells books like J.K. Rowling. We have a rule in publishing: Never compare anything to ‘Harry Potter’ because it’s like lightning in a bottle.
Cassandra Clare
I have three kids who like Harry Potter so I was sort of aware of it. You can’t really move from it: it’s on buses, in stores, it’s everywhere. One of my kids has read the books; the other two are too small but they like the movies.
Gary Oldman
I like playing Vernon Dursley in ‘Harry Potter,’ because that gives me a license to be horrible to kids. I hate the odious business of sucking up to the public.
Richard Griffiths
I read fantasy books like the Harry Potter books, ‘Twilight,’ also biographies, and I like to read about people who have been through stuff like wars or lost their families – real life stuff, you know? I like to read about their experiences and how they coped with that.
Wynter Gordon
I have read only the first ‘Harry Potter’ book. I thought it excellent, perhaps the best thing written for older children since The Hobbit. I wish the books had been around when my kids were the right age for them.
Gene Wolfe
‘Harry Potter’ changed my life in more ways than one, and it helped me get through my mother’s death.
Aimee Carter
‘Harry Potter’ is the first book that ever got me into reading. I had to read it in year 7, for school, and then I kept reading all of them.
Danielle Macdonald
I’m also a huge nerd and love magic, especially ‘Harry Potter.’
Jaz Sinclair
I will carry on writing, to be sure. But I don’t know if I would want to publish again after Harry Potter.
J. K. Rowling
We can suspend disbelief about Harry Potter, and we do the same thing with God, and we do the same thing with human rights, and we do the same thing with money.
Yuval Noah Harari
I have been in five Harry Potter films and never read a ‘Harry Potter’ book. If you are an actor, all you have is the script you are given. If you read the book, you might get disappointed about what’s been left out.
Michael Gambon
I read so much Harry Potter, that’s, like, all I wanted to talk about. I watched stuff like ‘Lizzie McGuire.’ I watched things that were very mainstream but white, and I went to a predominately white school.
Jessica Williams
‘Harry Potter’ created a generation of readers in an era when kids could have disappeared into the depths of the Internet. That’s no small feat. Every book series owes J.K. Rowling a debt of gratitude.
Gary Ross
Well, before I knew there was going to be a film. I was the biggest Harry Potter fan. I read all the books.
Rupert Grint
It’s always at the back of my mind that acting might come to an end for me when Harry Potter finishes. I don’t know if I’m good enough to have a long career. I’ve got a bit of an inferiority complex about my acting. My self-esteem is quite low in that sense.
Rupert Grint
I was up for ‘Harry Potter’ way, way back. But I don’t quite fit the bill, I think.
William Moseley
I got very carried away with my ‘Harry Potter’ life and we did have school but I didn’t study. I just had fun.
Evanna Lynch
I don’t like when people say I act good for my age. Who would have said that to Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson when they were filming ‘Harry Potter?’
Kwak Dong-yeon
I think, back in the day, the ultimate trifecta was considered ‘Harry Potter,’ ‘Lord of the Rings,’ and maybe ‘Star Trek.’
Jessica Henwick
For me, ‘Harry Potter’ isn’t something that changed my life. It’s just something I did that was a lot of fun and I got to experience amazing things from. But my actual, personal life is the same. Or at least I like to keep it the same.
Matthew Lewis
But I like all the books. You’ve got to read them all to get the complete Harry Potter experience.
Rupert Grint
Harry Potter was my first job.
Frank Dillane
I turned down ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Spider-Man,’ two movies that I knew would be phenomenally successful, because I had already made movies like that before and they offered no challenge to me. I don’t need my ego to be reminded.
Steven Spielberg
I admire the world of the books and the characters that she’s created, but I’m not an addict of Harry Potter. I don’t feel possessive about it.
Ralph Fiennes
I’m a ‘Harry-Potter’-till-I-die kind of person. Those are the movies I grew up on. I was like, ‘Why would I want to watch any other movies when there’s ‘Air Bud’ and ‘Harry Potter?” It makes no sense why I have to expand my movie-viewing experience when I have two really wonderful films.
Kiernan Shipka
I really tried out for the part of Harry Potter, but they ended up picking me for the part of the enemy of Harry. Actually it is really fun playing the bad kid because it just has so many interesting qualities to it. And Daniel Radcliffe and I get along really well off set so it’s really fun filming.
Tom Felton
You know a lot of what worked on this was taken from Harry Potter 2, the little Doby character, we had a lot of our skin stuff worked out and that helped a lot. We have a lot of exchange happening.
Dennis Muren
My parents sent me from Venezuela to the Convent of Our Lady, a boarding school in Hastings, which was horrible – like Harry Potter without the magic. Sometimes we went into town, and if we were caught chewing gum in our uniform, members of the public would take down our names and report us to the school.
Carmen Busquets
The one good thing is that I get a lot more good scripts coming through my letterbox. ‘Vera Drake’ raised my profile in one way, and then ‘Harry Potter’ in another.
Imelda Staunton
The protests against Harry Potter follow a tradition that has been growing since the early 1980s and often leaves school principals trembling with fear that is then passed down to teachers and librarians.
Judy Blume
I am stopped in the street by kids and Harry Potter fans all the time.
Miriam Margolyes
I've done all sorts of children's things before, but no

I’ve done all sorts of children’s things before, but none as big as ‘Harry Potter.’
John Hurt
The first thing I thought when I finished Ernest Cline’s ‘Ready Player One’ was, ‘My God, it’s the grown-up’s ‘Harry Potter.” Now this is from a mega ‘HP’ fan, so I mean business, here.
Rebecca Serle
I think movies do play a valuable role in turning people on to the act of reading. I think that phenomenon just creates readers. At first they’re going to love ‘Harry Potter,’ or they may love ‘The Hunger Games,’ but after that, they’re going to love the act of reading and wonder, ‘What else can I read?’
Gary Ross
I will never stop being excited about ‘Harry Potter.’
Danielle Macdonald
I had admired the way the producers of the ‘Harry Potter’ franchise had found David Yates, who ended up doing their four final movies, and he’d come from television.
Kevin Feige
The sets were fantastic. The Harry Potter sets are brilliant. You do get transported for a second.
Ralph Fiennes
I live in Leeds, which is about 200 miles north of London, and I get to go and do all the ‘Harry Potter’ stuff and make great films and be part of this wonderful thing all around the world, and then I get to go home and chill out with my friends in Leeds and go watch the football and go to the pub.
Matthew Lewis