Top 100 Misconception Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Misconception Quotes from famous people such as Chris Isaak, Aarti Sequeira, Logan Green, Sarah Jessica Parker, Famke Janssen, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

There was a misconception about me when I started off b

There was a misconception about me when I started off because I had my hair greased up and I have some vague resemblance to the hillbilly gene pool that Elvis came from. People would say, ‘You want to be Elvis’ and I would say, ‘No’.
Chris Isaak
I think there is a real misconception about Indian food being super spicy. And I know that’s because when you go into an Indian restaurant, it is pretty spicy. But it doesn’t have to be. In fact, my husband can’t handle a lot of heat. I’ve had to temper my cooking so that he can eat with me.
Aarti Sequeira
There’s a misconception that Lyft is just a better version of the taxi. You know, I think that’s just scratching the surface of what we’re doing.
Logan Green
People always assume that I’m some sort of party girl, and that’s such a misconception because I like staying home.
Sarah Jessica Parker
I think there’s a big misconception out there about actors and the choices they have.
Famke Janssen
There’s a misconception that survival of the fittest means survival of the most aggressive. The adjective ‘Darwinian’ used to refer to ruthless competition; you used to read that in business journals. But that’s not what Darwinian means to a biologist; it’s whatever leads to reproductive success.
Steven Pinker
It’s the same misconception I used to have. I meet people and think they’re millionaires and they’re not.
Peter Hook
People have this misconception that people with six-pack abs can deliver hits, but that’s not the case. Had I built six-pack abs for ‘Tanu Weds Manu Returns,’ I wouldn’t have been able to justify myself.
R. Madhavan
There’s just a misconception that comes with being a dual-threat quarterback. You run first, throw second. I’ve proven I throw first and then run if I have to.
Robert Griffin III
Many people may automatically associate breast cancer with women only, but that is a huge misconception because this disease does not discriminate.
John Bel Edwards
We have been suckered into believing that, because there are more men at the top than women at the top, that this is a result of discrimination against women. That’s been the misconception. It’s all about trade-offs. You earn more money, you usually sacrifice something at home.
Warren Farrell
I think a lot of people have a misconception of what the kitchen is about, but you know the grueling part of it is also the pleasure of it. That’s why I think you have to have a certain mentality to understand what that is and be able to handle it.
Todd English
One misconception is that entrepreneurs love risk. Actually, we all want things to go as we expect. What you need is a blind optimism and a tolerance for uncertainty.
Drew Houston
I can see why there’s a misconception that it’s easier when your parents are actors, but it doesn’t work out at all. In fact, it’s the reverse.
Max Irons
There is a misconception that young Muslim women are oppressed. That simply isn’t the case. I choose to dress modestly and choose to cover my hair with a hijab; not all Muslim women make that choice, and that’s okay. We are all different!
Halima Aden
Most of the producers don’t know what they do. The misconception of the producers’ function is really not a misconception. Most producers don’t do a very good job.
Irwin Winkler
There is a huge misconception that if you do something like hot yoga, you’ll burn more calories, and the opposite is true. You want to heat your body from the inside out, not the outside in.
Jillian Michaels
Because Shakespeare’s language is so expansive, we’re under this misconception that it’s difficult. But I discovered that it’s easy because it’s so brilliantly written. The words are perfect, and the language is intelligent and very emotional.
Jessica Lange
It’s a misconception that an intelligent person can’t act and I want people to discard such notions.
Padmapriya Janakiraman
One misconception is that if we follow God in the life of faith, and that means obedience – that we read His Word, we’re obedient, we pray, we go to church, we do the right things – that somehow His blessing means we’re going to be okay.
Anne Graham Lotz
There’s the common misconception that restaurants make a lot of money. It’s not true. If you look at maybe the top chef in the world, or at least monetarily, it’s like Wolfgang Puck, but he makes as much money as an average crappy investment banker.
David Chang
When you look at my astonishing physique you probably think to yourself, This kid must eat nothing but molten steel. That’s a common misconception.
Michael Sorrentino
A lot of people have the misconception that I decided to become an actor when Lily became famous and have accused me of jumping on her bandwagon. But that’s completely untrue.
Alfie Allen
I think a misconception among many non-religious people is that anyone with a strong faith is, in all ways and at all times, blindly consistent, unwavering, unquestioning.
Alice McDermott
There is a big misconception about arranged marriage. Yes, it can mean that you meet someone and then have to marry them, but this was my mother saying, ‘I’m going to introduce you to so-and-so – If you don’t like them, fair enough.’
Archie Panjabi
There is this massive misconception that young people have absolutely no interest in the news. Young people definitely do want to be informed, but they want to be informed by people they can relate to.
Ana Kasparian
People kind of have a misconception, because when someone calls me Theo and I correct them, say, ‘No, my name is Malcolm,’ they think I have an attitude about it and I don’t want to be associated with the show.
Malcolm-Jamal Warner
A common misconception about how things such as space shuttles come to be is that engineers simply apply the theories and equations of science. But this cannot be done until the new thing-to-be is conceived in the engineer’s mind’s eye. Rather than following from science, engineered things lead it.
Henry Petroski
There’s a common misconception about running for office. People think it’s dreadful, morally compromising work. But I’ve found the opposite is true. It made a better person and a better feminist. It forced me to take a hard look at my shortcomings.
Brianna Wu
The biggest misconception about us is that we’re just a rock band. We think our music is a cross-section of many genres; a hybrid of what the six of us have grown up on.
Brad Delson
A lot of people have the misconception that, as a Muslim woman, I am somehow against women wearing bikinis. No, I want women to feel comfortable and confident in whatever they wear.
Halima Aden
It's a common misconception that money is every entrepr

It’s a common misconception that money is every entrepreneur’s metric for success. It’s not, and nor should it be.
Richard Branson
There is a misconception over whether black ex-players can make successful managers.
John Barnes
The misconception about the record company is that they were the ones who got me wearing short skirts, or got me to do my hair blond, or got me to dance around onstage and start doing different things with my clothes. No, that was actually all me.
Grace Potter
It’s a misconception that I compose songs for girls. I have sung a song for Bhagat Singh, too, but nobody knows about it. I have sung about boys, but all of them are super-duper flop.
Yo Yo Honey Singh
It’s a misconception that singers in Punjab use music as a backup in case their acting fails. For me, singing is the front, it’s not the backup, it was acting that happened by chance.
Diljit Dosanjh
Sometimes when you speak what’s on your mind – I’m talking everything on your mind, and – people can get a misconception of you.
Rozonda Thomas
There’s a misconception about Barack Obama as a former constitutional law professor. First of all, there are plenty of professors who are ‘legal relativists.’ They tend to view legal principles as relative to whatever they’re trying to achieve.
Jonathan Turley
We’re under some gross misconception that we’re a good species, going somewhere important, and that at the last minute we’ll correct our errors and God will smile on us. It’s delusion.
Farley Mowat
Running is easy. It is a misconception that it is tough.
Milind Soman
There’s this misconception that comedy and music go together. They don’t. Comedians can’t compete with rock stars; they’re just not on the same level. Rock stars will always be cooler. They will always get more girls.
Michael Ian Black
Your conscious brain cannot multitask. If I’m speaking to you and checking my I-Phone at the same time, I’m doing neither. This is why our society is frazzled; this misconception that we can consciously do more than one thing at a time effectively.
Deepak Chopra
Another misconception that people have is that if you’re a good-looking girl, you can get anyone. But that’s the thing… it’s more tough for us – when you can choose anyone, who do you choose?
Sana Khan
We have a deeply rooted misconception in our country that unhoused people have done something to deserve their conditions – when the reality is that unhoused people are living the consequences of our government’s failure to secure the basic necessities people need to survive.
Cori Bush
I think that’s the biggest misconception when people want to live a more clean, cruelty-free life is, ‘I can’t do that. It’s going to be so hard.’ But I say do some research. You’d be surprised!
Torrey DeVitto
One misconception I think is wrong is that being a larger size means, somehow, that you’re neglecting your body, or you don’t look after yourself, or you don’t love yourself enough to lose weight. We’ve been saturated with the idea that to be happy you must be thin, or to be healthy you must be thin.
Philomena Kwao
There’s a common misconception that you don’t need SPF during the grey winter months, but it’s so important to protect skin from UVA/UVB rays year-round.
Kat Graham
A misconception that exists in the eyes of the general reading population is that authors make truckloads of money.
Ravi Subramanian
I think there’s a misconception that I’m opposed to social media.
Bill Keller
Stock market bubbles don’t grow out of thin air. They have a solid basis in reality, but reality as distorted by a misconception.
George Soros
There is a common misconception that when you’re a singer working for a recording company you get to pick everything you’re doing. Very few people have been accorded such a luxury.
Frank Sinatra Jr.
I am very much available for singing. There’s a misconception that I am too busy with my acting ventures, but, I think, I can manage both.
Andrea Jeremiah
The biggest misconception people have about me is that I’m a chancer and they think I’m lucky! They don’t realise that I have actually earned it, because I have worked with so many bands. That’s all I’ve ever done is work in music.
Louis Walsh
The biggest misconception people have about me is that I’m stupid.
Billy Idol
I think there’s a misconception about the industry, that you have to change who you are to look ‘cool’ in order to succeed, and that’s just not true.
Grace VanderWaal
The biggest misconception about me is the bad-boy image that everyone stuck me into due to my tattoos, drug days and the constant changes I make with my hair color.
A. J. McLean
The misconception about Foursquare is that it’s just hipsters in New York and San Francisco checking in at bars. It’s happening all over the world. I’ve seen huge growth in Europe, Japan, South America.
Dennis Crowley
If you don’t know something completely, you tend to have a misconception.
Wamiqa Gabbi
Generally young men are regarded as radicals. This is a popular misconception. The most conservative persons I ever met are college undergraduates. The radicals are the men past middle life.
Woodrow Wilson
I think for such a long time people had this misconception of who I was and what I was about.
Adrienne Bailon
The biggest misconception about my game is my love for it. This is what I want to do. I owe this thing my life. There’s no other way around it.
Mohamed Bamba
People assume when my hair is long that I am a lot cooler than I actually am. I am not opposed to this misconception, by the way, but it is a misconception.
Malcolm Gladwell
I think there's a misconception that I eat everything.

I think there’s a misconception that I eat everything. The one or two bites that you see me take, that’s it.
Guy Fieri
I don’t come from a comedy background or a stand-up background, but I think that sometimes there’s a misconception that an actor who works primarily in comedy is a comedian. There’s nothing wrong with being a comedian, but I’m absolutely not that. I can’t think of anything more terrifying than doing stand-up!
Darren Boyd
I’m not worried about misconception or a perception that’s bad. If I were, I’d be chasing something all the time.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck
The biggest misconception is that swimming is something you do on holiday, in the pool or in the ocean.
Gethin Jones
Misconception Number 1, the public always thought, ‘Reggie has a massive ego; he’s narcissistic, he’s cocky, he needs everyone to look at him all the time,’ because that’s what the media told them. Wrong. I could handle the attention. I didn’t let the attention affect my performance. But I never needed the attention.
Reggie Jackson
The public has this misconception that vaping is a safe alternative when compared to cigarettes.
Mikhail Varshavski
The first misconception is that embryonic stem cell research is not legal. The fact is, embryonic stem cell research is completely legal. Research on embryonic stem cells has taken place for years.
Virginia Foxx
There is a romantic, often misguided, misconception among the British that life in France is akin to life in Paradise.
Janine di Giovanni
I think there’s a general misconception that anything written quickly lacks quality, and I don’t believe that.
Michael Connelly
Nontraditional students often have the misconception that aid is intended only for high school students entering college. Luckily, that’s not the case.
Jean Chatzky
The biggest misconception about Black Lives Matter is that BLM is just one entity; Black Lives Matter is an organization and a network. We are a part of the movement, but we are not the movement.
Alicia Garza
I think it’s a common misconception that because you’re a woman, you can’t command a set and have people respect you, and for some reason, Hollywood is really far behind every other industry. It’s getting better; it’s just slow.
Reed Morano
The biggest misconception is that the purpose of going to the gym is to change your body. We should be working out to be healthy.
Ashley Graham
It’s a misconception that you don’t have seasons in southern California. They are just very subtle. The vegetation is very different. Plants react differently. You just have to be a little more observant.
Christoph Waltz
Part of what we did is change that misconception that reggaeton is machista and misogynist. On the contrary, women are our biggest fans, and they inspire us.
J Balvin
Most of my career, people have the misconception about me as being threatening and scary, and having an intense look, but that’s not the real me.
People have this misconception that I’m going to beat them up when I meet them. But it’s like… no. Just ’cause I stand up for myself, and I’m honest, that doesn’t mean I’m going to beat people up all the time.
Danielle Bregoli
There’s a common misconception that if I uploaded a 20-minute video that I just pressed ‘record’ and put it online. It’s not that at all.
I don’t know why people think I’m a Goth – that’s a misconception.
Zola Jesus
I think the biggest misconception about me is people really don’t know who I really am. They see the party side of me, they see the crazy side of me. But I also have a laid-back side. You know, I’m chill, down to earth. If you want to grab a cup of coffee and just talk about life, I can do that.
Nicole Polizzi
Criticism is a misconception: we must read not to understand others but to understand ourselves.
Emil Cioran
We Chinese use a lot of ginger and green onions to flavor dishes but not to overpower them. Westerners have this misconception that we eat the ginger and green onion, but we leave those on the plate.
Alvin Leung
There is a huge misconception that you need to spend hours in the kitchen to produce something special.
Gino D’Acampo
I think it’s a common misconception in the civilian community that the military community is filled with just drills and discipline and pain. They forget that these are humans who are in an abnormal situation.
Adam Driver
It’s a misconception that all singers need to portray a messed up, dirty look to prove their identity.
Harshvardhan Rane
I think people have a misconception about comedians and performers. All that stuff is serious business.
The biggest misconception in the hip-hop industry is that people are only focused on the money. We should just be happy for everybody that is working in the hip-hop culture.
Fat Joe
We want to blame people who have brain disorders – they should somehow be able to magically rise above it. It’s a profound misconception.
Drew Pinsky
There’s a misconception in my opinion… and it’s that we Latinos have to go do an American album, an English album, an Anglo production, to cross over.
Romeo Santos
I think a common misconception about a small town in rural America is that everyone believes the same way, and nothing could be further from the truth.
Ree Drummond
It is an awfully sad misconception that librarians simply check books in and out. The library is the heart of a school, and without a librarian, it is but an empty shell.
Jarrett J. Krosoczka
A dominant misconception among believers is that their

A dominant misconception among believers is that their atheist brethren are a slavering pack of hell-bound debauchees, gleefully wining and wenching their way through life while loudly professing their amorality.
Lynn Coady
There’s this misconception that I’ve been turning down roles. It’s just not true. The reality is, there was nothing for me to do, nobody was calling, the phone wasn’t ringing.
Billy Porter
There’s a misconception that maybe I’m overly confident or a little vapid or that I am a stereotypical, bratty, spoiled girl who doesn’t have much to bring to the table other than how people perceive her physically.
Megan Fox
The biggest misconception people have about me is that when they see how young I am, they think, ‘Oh, this guy must have always wanted to be in politics; his parents must have been politically connected.’ I’m a finance major and always intended to go into business.
Aaron Schock
A big misconception is that a black hole is made of matter that has just been compacted to a very small size. That’s not true. A black hole is made from warped space and time.
Kip Thorne
I don’t believe in a lot of schmoozing and buttering up. Not that you don’t become friends in work. But I think it’s a misconception that you have to do a lot of hanging before you work.
Sam Shepard
The biggest misconception about work is that you need to spend the majority of your time doing it.
Tim Ferriss