Top 100 Seal Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Seal Quotes from famous people such as Brandon Webb, Peter Bergen, Beth Ditto, Emma Willis, Bret Michaels, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

As a Navy SEAL, and sniper, one of the things I learned

As a Navy SEAL, and sniper, one of the things I learned was that excellence matters.
Brandon Webb
In the public’s mind, Special Forces are often confused with the ‘door kickers’ of Special Operations Forces – such as SEAL Team 6 and Delta Force – who are the United States’ elite counterterrorism operators.
Peter Bergen
We all seek approval, and our mother’s seal is usually the most important. The nitty gritty is that we have to accept ourselves, even if it is just to be ready for the next cut-down. Mom’s blessing or not.
Beth Ditto
I hydrate my legs by mixing a body oil with moisturiser and I apply it evenly all over my legs to seal in moisture. For a special occasion I might have a spray tan, which gives my skin a nice glow.
Emma Willis
I’m the son of a Navy veteran, my two sisters are in the Air Force, I have a cousin who’s a Navy Seal, and more.
Bret Michaels
Look thy last on all things lovely, Every hour – let no night Seal thy sense in deathly slumber Till to delight Thou hast paid thy utmost blessing.
Henry Austin Dobson
‘Nanette’ has been a journey. She went from being something of a personal little blast to the world from me, that I expected would seal me off into the margins as far as my career is concerned, and into an idiosyncratic sort of life beyond all of that.
Hannah Gadsby
What the SEAL teams do, what our training does, is it chips away the outer that layer and shows you what you’re capable of and not capable of.
Marcus Luttrell
After serving as a U.S. Navy SEAL, I started a business. In four years, it failed incredibly, but I learned a lot about business, raising equity, and choosing partners.
Brandon Webb
There aren’t that many people that cover my music. It’s kind of hard to cover. Everybody always has their own spin. The only guy who didn’t, I think, was Seal. It just sounded like a bad version of ‘Fly Like an Eagle.’
Steve Miller
Not a single illegal immigrant should or need enter the United States, not one. Contrary to the common wisdom, the borders are easy to seal, and controlling entry is hardly totalitarian.
Mark Helprin
For the life of me, I can’t understand why BP couldn’t go in at the ocean floor, maybe 10 feet lateral to the – around the periphery, drill a few holes, and put a little ammonium nitrate, some dynamite, in those holes and detonate that dynamite and seal that – seal that leak. And seal it permanently.
Phil Gingrey
I want to share some insight into why someone would want to be a SEAL. A lot of us faced obstacles growing up. I didn’t have any type of real nurturing as a kid. I hope people will relate to my story and go, ‘Hey, if this guy can do it, so can I.’
Howard E. Wasdin
Being a Navy SEAL and sniper taught me all about risk management. Take away all the risk variables under your control and reduce it to an acceptable level. The same fundamentals apply in business.
Brandon Webb
There is nothing we like to communicate to others as much as the seal of secrecy together with what lies under it.
Friedrich Nietzsche
The denial of our duty to act in this case is a denial of our right to act; and if we have no right to act, then may we well be termed the white slaves of the North, for like our brethren in bonds, we must seal our lips in silence and despair.
Angelina Grimke
To add an AC outlet, for example, you just drill a circular hole in the wall, tap into the wiring, add the outlet and you’re set. If you don’t want it, pull it out and plaster over it with more earth to seal the hole.
Randy Bachman
Waking up early was the first example I noticed in the SEAL Teams in which discipline was really the difference between being good and being exceptional.
Jocko Willink
The records of adopted children are sealed in California. That seal is considered inviolable… The judge ruled that, because I was famous, he didn’t have the same rights as other kids.
Danielle Steel
I felt I’d earned the Good Housekeeping Seal when I designed an oval-shaped spaghetti pot, because spaghetti is long.
Rachael Ray
I started in SEAL Team 3 in 2008.
Dan Crenshaw
With ‘Mad Men,’ you feel like you’re a member of Seal Team Six when you’re shooting.
Ben Feldman
I built Blackwater to stay connected to the SEAL teams and to serve that whole community.
Erik Prince
A little bit of sun does wonders! With good protection, of course. Vitamin D is just so good for your hair and your nails. I also love coconut water and coconut oil from Whole Foods. It’s amazing. You can cook with it, shower with it… you come out of the shower like a slippery seal, but it works.
Poppy Delevingne
As a Navy SEAL, our motto is obviously ‘Never Quit,’ and our only easy day was yesterday. Send in the Navy SEALS – I think it’s time to send the Navy SEALS to Washington!
Ryan Zinke
I never make a movie for awards consideration. I will use the hope of getting an Academy Award a) to honor the people who work so hard and also b) it’s the greatest Good Housekeeping seal in the world. It’s the greatest brand. It’s as good as Louis Vuitton and Dior in the world of moviemaking. It’s the Super Bowl.
Harvey Weinstein
There’s a wide spectrum between a Navy SEAL hero-killer and a traumatized victim, but those are the archetypes – hashed and rehashed in the media, in popular culture, in the minds of people with a lot of preconceived notions but not much else.
Phil Klay
Yes, I’ve often been threatened by hunters, by horsemeat butchers, and seal murderers… I am still alive!
Brigitte Bardot
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society recognizes that the deaths of four sealers is a tragedy, but Sea Shepherd also recognizes that the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of seal pups is an even greater tragedy.
Paul Watson
I love that Barry Seal is working for the CIA, and he’s an awful liar. It just goes to how honest this character is at the end of the day, even as he rips off the country and the world to the tune of becoming one of the wealthiest men in America. There’s an innate honesty, a purity to him.
Doug Liman
Arsenal is a team that, even if they score two or three, people believe that at the end of the day, they might lose or draw. They have to learn to seal off games so that the opposition can’t come back when they’re one or two-nil up.
Nwankwo Kanu
The guys who don't make it through SEAL training are th

The guys who don’t make it through SEAL training are the Rambo wannabes. If you cannot work in a team format but also function autonomously, you won’t last for very long.
Brandon Webb
From the start, I was focused on getting the Good Housekeeping Seal. I wanted to go on TV and tell everyone that the Miracle Mop had it. Now, I can proudly say 26 of my products have been approved!
Joy Mangano
I feel like, Barry Seal, he’s pure of heart.
Doug Liman
I agree that sometimes Michelle Obama can come across as angry – and anger is discomforting. We venerate that empty word, closure, wanting to seal off the pain of the past and refusing it admittance to the chirpy present. This, of course, is nonsense.
Richard Cohen
To me, basic SEAL training was a lifetime of challenges crammed into six months.
William H. McRaven
I think, often with Australian films, if an Australian film has been given the seal of approval by an offshore festival or an offshore release, then it does mean a lot to a local audience.
Joel Edgerton
The inviolability of the seal of confession is so fundamental to the very nature of the sacrament that any proposal which undermines that inviolability is a challenge to the rights of every Catholic to freedom of religion and conscience.
Sean Brady
A lesson learned, both in the SEAL teams and as an entrepreneur, is that failure is sometimes a critical component of success.
Brandon Webb
If you pick up a copy of ‘A Better World,’ you’ll lose those last five pounds while saving a baby seal under a rainbow. I kid. It’ll be ten pounds.
Marcus Sakey
I grew up during a time of peace, and my friends weren’t joining the military – it wasn’t something on my radar. But if you asked me whether I could go back and do it all over again now, and it meant I wouldn’t go into filmmaking, there’s a part of me that would have loved to try to be a Navy SEAL.
Peter Berg
Saturn seems to have impressed the seal of melancholy on me from the beginning.
Marsilio Ficino
I’d finished a dissertation, writing about how international humanitarian organizations worked with kids in war zones and then I made this transition from the academic world to officer candidate school and to the SEAL teams. It was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.
Eric Greitens
It’s killing for fun or profit I can’t stand. There’s a difference between an Eskimo killing a seal for survival and some dumb broad strolling down Fifth Avenue in a leopard coat.
Amanda Blake
I remember, when I was a young guy in the SEAL teams, I was very afraid of making mistakes and looking stupid or doing dumb things and getting a bad reputation.
Jocko Willink
If you’ve never met a Navy SEAL and you ran into one at a bar, you probably still wouldn’t know he’s a Navy SEAL.
Howard E. Wasdin
Before I became a SEAL, I’d done humanitarian work around the world – with refugee families in Bosnia, with unaccompanied children in Rwanda, with kids who lost limbs to land mines in Cambodia.
Eric Greitens
Seal Team Six is a different unit than the rest of the SEAL teams inasmuch as they concentrate primarily on one thing, counter-terrorism, hostage rescue.
Howard E. Wasdin
I believe in American exceptionalism. As a Navy SEAL, I fought so that I would never have to see my president bow to anyone.
Ryan Zinke
I was 18 years old, and it was a dream come true for me to work out and eat great food for free. What else do you want in life? People think that is what it is like to be in a SEAL team, but it is less than a fraction of your career as a real SEAL.
Jocko Willink
In the past, Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, of which SEAL Team 6 is a key component, has only launched ground raids in Yemen when the lives of hostages held by al Qaeda seemed at risk.
Peter Bergen
All SEALS in my mind are equally elite. It doesn’t matter if you’re SEAL Team Two, One, Six, 10, it doesn’t matter. All SEALS are equally elite.
Howard E. Wasdin
If I were growing up today, I’d want to be a Navy SEAL.
Wally Funk
I see upon their noble brows the seal of the Lord, for they were born kings of the earth far more truly than those who possess it only from having bought it.
George Sand
Part of the attraction of the SEAL teams was the incredible tests that it offered.
Eric Greitens
If a leader comes to office in a seemingly fair election and tolerates dissent, he or she qualifies for our seal of approval.
Stephen Kinzer
I went through some training with a Navy SEAL. I had to learn how to submerge myself underwater and hold my breath, how to move without creating waves, and how to be very stealth.
Jaimie Alexander
I do this system called TRX. It was developed by a Navy SEAL and is basically a simple cord that you can wrap around something anywhere, anytime, and you use your body weight as resistance. We installed one in our home gym, but you can also attach it to a tree. It’s very easy to travel with.
Elizabeth Banks
SEAL training was a great equalizer. Nothing mattered but your will to succeed. Not your color, not your ethnic background, not your education and not your social status.
William H. McRaven
My whole thing now is I know how to think properly to be successful in all aspects of my life. It’s not about ultra running or being a SEAL or pull-up records: it’s about if you want to be better you, have to change your perceived limitations and take the barriers down.
David Goggins
I wear my prosthetics legs every day, and when I train in the gym, I call them my Lamborghini, because both legs and sockets, which extend up to my hips to keep the legs on via a suction seal, cost about $305,815.
Oksana Masters
It was my duty to shoot the enemy, and I don’t regret it. My regrets are for the people I couldn’t save: Marines, soldiers, buddies. I’m not naive, and I don’t romanticize war. The worst moments of my life have come as a SEAL. But I can stand before God with a clear conscience about doing my job.
Chris Kyle
The heart and soul of a Navy SEAL is somebody who's com

The heart and soul of a Navy SEAL is somebody who’s committed to their country and committed to their teammates.
Howard E. Wasdin
Most people, even most doctors, learn that the placenta is a nice, tight seal that prevents anything in the mother’s body from invading the fetus, and vice-versa. That’s mostly true. But the placenta doesn’t seal off the baby perfectly, and every so often, something slips across.
Sam Kean
I care a great deal about LGBT U.S. servicemen and women being able to serve openly and honestly. Since early in my career, I’ve included realistic LGBT characters in my books. The idea that a gay Navy SEAL had to hide who he was in order to serve was a terrible one – and I made sure my readers knew that!
Suzanne Brockmann
When you tell a recruiter that you’re almost 300 pounds and you want to be a SEAL, it doesn’t go too well. I got hung up on a lot.
David Goggins
You have to really want to be a Navy SEAL. The passion you need to endure the rigors of training, to become the best of the best… It’s admirable.
Suzanne Brockmann
Killing a baby seal is about the easiest thing you can do if you’re inclined to be sadistic; you certainly can’t say there’s any sport in it – the animal is totally defenceless.
Paul Watson
My grandpa was a World War II paratrooper, my uncle a Vietnam Purple Heart recipient, my cousins both Marine Corps officers. I have some very close Navy SEAL connections as well.
Tomi Lahren
An iron lung looks like an enormous metal coffin or a 19th-century rocket ship: only its occupant’s head is left outside, a tight seal around the neck.
Elizabeth McCracken
The Great Seal has got it all – everything liberals despise is there, front and center.
Mike Gallagher
After four tours of duty as a Navy SEAL officer, I came home from Iraq and watched the VA – the second-biggest bureaucracy in the country – fail my friends. The VA was broken and my friends were suffering. And yet, time and again, the only ‘solution’ I heard from liberals was to spend more money. It made me angry.
Eric Greitens
I don’t have any delusions. I don’t think I would make it through Navy SEAL training.
Chris Pratt
Let us search into the records of Holy Writ, if out of this their great charter, there be not a seal grant of a lesser, though like privilege, and this by virtue of Christ, in that we have the honour to be accounted Abraham’s seed as truly as they.
Thomas Goodwin
Even if you haven’t seen ‘The Seventh Seal,’ you’ve seen it. The influence is so vast and insidious, every image of a black-robed, white-faced Death is a rip or parody of ‘The Seventh Seal.’
Steve Erickson
Discipline starts every day when the first alarm clock goes off in the morning. I say ‘first alarm clock’ because I have three, as I was taught by one of the most feared and respected instructors in SEAL training: one electric, one battery powered, one windup.
Jocko Willink
Like in combat when you’re in chaos, a Navy SEAL in chaos, you cannot be afraid of dying for a cause.
Vitor Belfort
I know from my experience as a Navy SEAL that barriers work.
Dan Crenshaw
I don’t do anything on stage that allows me to become a trained seal, where you’re just doing the same thing over and over.
Arlo Guthrie
People think SEALs are cold-blooded, heartless, wound-up, brainwashed killers. They imagine you can just point a SEAL in a direction and say, ‘Go kill.’ The truth is you’re talking about a bunch of kind-hearted, jovial guys. The only thing that separates them is mental toughness.
Howard E. Wasdin
I loved being a SEAL. I loved working with those kind of guys and a sense of mission, and Blackwater was started to continue that sense of mission.
Erik Prince
I did 510 days SEAL training.
Dan Bilzerian
Going through SEAL training taught me that it’s OK to fall down three times, as long as you get up four. This is a good philosophy for most things in life.
Brandon Webb
Fundamentally, I’m profoundly influenced by hip-hop, so whatever I do is going to bear that seal.
Adam Mansbach
A great laptop running the new kinds of user interfaces and apps that people now love on phones and tablets would be a big, exciting event that would help seal the deal. But there hasn’t yet been a product that emphatically suggests the era of the traditional PC is fading.
Walt Mossberg
Ain’t nobody more famous than me. I am my own hero and everything else. If you are a SEAL you can say that.
Rudy Boesch
When I’m writing, I like to seal everything off and face the wall, not to look outside the window. The only way out is through the sentences.
E. L. Doctorow
The truth is that I have never created a president to push a political point of view. I am often looking to create aspirational characters; that’s true. But, you know, in the end, it is really up to the actor in front of the presidential seal to decide exactly what kind of president you’re going to get.
Rod Lurie
The Great Seal was an early proclamation of ‘humanitarian intervention,’ to use the currently fashionable phrase.
Noam Chomsky
It’s love. It’s two men – two strong, very virile men – finding that space in life where they can let go enough of their masculinity to feel the passion of love and respect and trust. Friendships are based on those things, and you seal it with a kiss.
Clarence Clemons
One of the great things about the SEAL teams in particular, and the American military in general, is the tremendous diversity of backgrounds and experience that people bring to their service.
Eric Greitens
I have done a lot greater things than ‘Survivor.’ Going through SEAL training was much harder than ‘Survivor.’
Rudy Boesch
I got a house… in Effingham, so they lock me up in my hermitic seal, and if they knock, I don’t answer the door. I am immersed in my world.
Maurizio Sarri
We want to chase and seal the championship title. The d

We want to chase and seal the championship title. The decisive thing is to be at the top at the end of the season.
Niko Kovac
Crucially, the Energy Transition Act does not leave affected workers and neighbors behind. We look out for each other. With this law, we seal that promise.
Michelle Lujan Grisham
I had the strong sense that I really wanted to be a SEAL, and I started thinking, ‘Look, I don’t ever want to look back and feel I have any regrets.’
Gabriel E. Gomez
We cannot watch another family lose everything – risking their lives and the lives of the first responders sent to rescue them – because the flood insurance program’s seal of government approval fooled them into thinking they were safe. That’s more than wrong: it’s immoral.
Jeb Hensarling
If you asked a team of expert psychologists and sociological researchers to come up with a design that was sure to infuriate and offend liberals in America, they’d probably come up with what we call the Great Seal.
Mike Gallagher
King Frederick I of Prussia conceived the Amber Chamber in 1701 as a magnificent gift to the Russian royal family that would seal the alliance between the two powers.
Stephen Kinzer
To be a Navy SEAL, it’s three and a half years training before you’re ever put into harm’s way the first time.
Ryan Zinke