Top 100 Sheet Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sheet Quotes from famous people such as Jason Ritter, Paul Ryan, Michael Bennet, Dean Ambrose, Chanda Kochhar, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

One of the fun things as an actor is to find a characte

One of the fun things as an actor is to find a character that if you were to look up a rap sheet about them, you might say, ‘I don’t really necessarily want to hang out with this guy’ or ‘I would never be this kind of guy in my life.’ I think it’s part of an actor’s job to say, ‘Maybe you could be.’
Jason Ritter
While President Obama shirks his responsibility to advance solutions to our fiscal challenges, he can no longer hide from the merciless math of the balance sheet. Conservatives have made certain of that.
Paul Ryan
We have managed to acquire $13 trillion of debt on our balance sheet. In my view we have nothing to show for it. We haven’t invested in our roads, our bridges, our waste-water systems, our sewer systems. We haven’t even maintained the assets that our parents and grandparents built for us.
Michael Bennet
The first time that somebody handed me a sheet of paper with a promo on it, it was like a ‘throw up in your mouth’ kind of moment. And it’s not, like, their fault, you know? It’s not the writers’ fault. But if was my world, there would be no written promos; there’d be no scripts.
Dean Ambrose
As far as discom reforms are concerned, they have to be a combination of two parts. One is the existing balance sheet and, therefore, taking care of that. The second important is the reduction in losses going forward.
Chanda Kochhar
I recognize the Republican party as the sheet anchor of the colored man’s political hopes and the ark of his safety.
Frederick Douglass
I love sheet masks.
Brandi Cyrus
South Korea has very few natural resources. The country isn’t stocked with oil, much natural gas, or even many minerals. What it does have is an enormous quantity of sheet masks, BB creams, essences, and face masks packaged to look like tomatoes.
Kayleen Schaefer
I used to love ‘Jeeves And Wooster.’ That theme tune was great. I remember writing to them when I was little to get the music so I could learn it on the piano, and they sent me the sheet music.
Lydia Leonard
On average, it takes as much as $100 million in paid media for a brand to be a household name in America. Marketing partnerships are the best form of off-balance sheet financing one can ever find. Smart startups use this technique to scale their companies and build their brand equity.
Jay Samit
I didn’t know anything about movies or movie stars or the Academy or anything. I was just a blank sheet of paper. I was totally ignorant of all that stuff. I never went to the movies, didn’t know anything about the movies.
Mary Badham
As a scientist, my attention became totally focused on global warming some 15 years ago by the elegant and powerful measurements of carbon dioxide trapped in ice cores taken as much as 2 miles deep from the great East Antarctica ice sheet.
John Olver
After my triple bypass I got my sheet of healthy and unhealthy foods and I was like, croissants!?! Literally as bad as lard.
Bob Mortimer
With a private company, you’ve got to get into who’s investing and what’s the balance sheet like. So going public is a positive thing from the perspective of the sales organization.
David Duffield
You can’t tie a rope around the ice sheet. You can’t build a wall around the ice sheets.
James Hansen
Baseball, boxing, handball – sooner or later every game gets compared to narrative, but only in football are the plays perfectly linear, drawn up with letters, and only in football is the field itself lined like a sheet of notebook paper.
J. R. Moehringer
Traverse City sits halfway between the North Pole and the Equator, and our summer days are long. The light seems to take forever to vanish from the sky, and when it does, it goes out like someone folding a white sheet in the dark. A flare on the horizon. Then a rustle: Goodnight.
Doug Stanton
I don’t care who’s No. 1 on the call sheet or how big my trailer is. I care about the work. I don’t care who gets the laughs. I just care that the laugh comes.
Mark Harmon
There’s the pressure of being a No. 1 on the call sheet, being a lead actor. There’s almost this feeling like being captain of the team. You want to put a bit of energy into actually setting a good example.
Joel Edgerton
I would climb on roofs and jump off using my parents’ bed sheet, hoping it would open like a parachute. I was always getting hurt, breaking a leg, you know, bruising, cracking my head open.
Cathy Rigby
The Chinese people have only family and clan groups; there is no national spirit. Consequently, in spite of four hundred million people gathered together in one China, we are, in fact, but a sheet of loose sand.
Sun Yat-sen
The Federal Reserve Act requires the Federal Reserve to report annually on its operations and to publish its balance sheet weekly.
Ben Bernanke
At night, I try to sheet mask. I’m one of those people who does it on the plane.
Denise Bidot
What’s wrong with us isn’t a rap sheet of bad deeds, but a damaged heart, a soul-sickness, that plunges us into fearful self-protection, alienation from God and others.
Frederica Mathewes-Green
No matter how many awards you’ve won or how many sales you’ve got, come the next book it’s still a blank sheet of paper and you’re still panicking like hell that you’ve got nothing new to say.
Ian Rankin
So often is the virgin sheet of paper more real than what one has to say, and so often one regrets having marred it.
Harold Acton
It doesn’t matter whether I’m in an NHL arena, at a local rink, or on a sheet of ice in the middle of a baseball stadium: when I’m around the game, I feel at home.
Gordie Howe
You’re better off being a brick layer if you’re going to play guitar than a sheet metal worker.
Roger Daltrey
With independent film, as an actor, you have more involvement – it’s very much more connected. It’s not just like I’m showing up and there’s another actor on the call sheet; you’re very attached to it.
Alia Shawkat
We need a new British business bank with a clean balance sheet and an ability to expand lending rapidly to the manufacturers, exporters and high-growth companies that power our economy. Today I can announce we will have one.
Vince Cable
Being No. 1 on any call sheet is difficult. Being No. 1 on an episodic, hour-long drama is really hard.
Jon Hamm
A factory that can turn carbon nanotubes into a sheet a

A factory that can turn carbon nanotubes into a sheet a yard wide and long enough to stretch one-fourth of the way to the moon is not something you’ll find at your local industrial park. That’s the show-stopper for the space elevator. The ribbon.
Seth Shostak
Until the writers room sets it down on a sheet of paper and then it gets in front of a camera, it’s all vaporware.
Brendan Hunt
Learning how to keep track of inventory and cash flow and creating an income statement and a balance sheet are great skills to learn for managing existing businesses.
Steve Blank
Part of the attraction to golf may be that it’s just a score on the sheet and there’s not much you can do about it.
Tessa Virtue
It was like in Samoa when they’d put up a movie screen on the beach and show movies and the locals would run behind the sheet to see where the people went. It was pretty grim.
Dick Wolf
When I turned 40, subconsciously, life was a blank sheet. Before, it was disjointed, and I was very displaced and quite mad, but it was a brilliant time. Everyone thinks I must have been unhappy.
James Nesbitt
I was always taught that book keeping was more relevant than book reading. The only thing worth reading was meant to be a balance sheet.
Ashwin Sanghi
My favourite pool is located in a remote valley in the eastern Lake District, surrounded by vine-hung cliffs and slippery boulders. It has a torrential sheet waterfall at one end and is almost black in colour, so it appears bottomless, a portal to nowhere.
Sarah Hall
Except for a handful of banks that just keep a handful of their loans in portfolio, on their balance sheet, every other loan that’s originated in the United States – whether from a bank, mortgage company, mortgage broker – is sold into the secondary market.
Dan Gilbert
I was always very active as a kid. I would climb on roofs and jump off using my parents’ bed sheet, hoping it would open like a parachute. I was always getting hurt, breaking a leg, you know, bruising, cracking my head open.
Cathy Rigby
I can’t switch time zones any more. London is one of my favourite places, but I’m always so zonked that I can’t appreciate it. It’s like a six-inch sheet of glass between me and Charing Cross Road.
Douglas Coupland
For several days in July of 2012, Greenland surface ice cover melted more than at any time in 30 years of satellite observation. During that month, an estimated 97% of the ice sheet thawed.
Brian Schatz
One of the things that we’re missing from our political dialogue right now is the idea that the United States is a home. It is more than an accounting sheet. It is more than the sum of its G.D.P., its total tax collections, or its total outlays. America is a family.
Stephen Miller
PayPal is a strong business: it has a strong balance sheet and free cash flows, and it will help us take a look at where we want to independently invest.
Dan Schulman
I especially like to make my own ginkgo soup, bean curd sheet soup, and red bean soup. This way, I can control the sugar portions.
Alvin Leung
When you walk into a field office, you have many opportunities. We’ll hand you a call sheet. You can make calls. You can knock on doors, and they’ll have these stacks there for you. They’ll say: ‘Harper, you’ve knocked on 50 doors. That’s great. Here’s how you compare to the rest of them.’ But it’s all very offline.
Harper Reed
Tipping points are so dangerous because if you pass them, the climate is out of humanity’s control: if an ice sheet disintegrates and starts to slide into the ocean there’s nothing we can do about that.
James Hansen
I start with a beat sheet, which is more of an abbreviated outline. It hits all the major plot points. From there, I move to note cards. But the most important part of my process is my inspiration board.
Kami Garcia
The best board members aren’t elected by default. CEOs that set themselves up with their choice of board member – which means getting more than one term sheet and doing extensive reference checking – are better off.
Scott Weiss
Lowry is a pitbull. He’s a gritty player who scores in a variety of ways, but he’s also one of the few guards who also does the things that go unnoticed on the stat sheet.
C. J. McCollum
I didn’t know what a ‘call sheet’ meant. I’d never been out of the country before, but there I was on a ginormous set in Australia with John Boyega and thinking, ‘What is going on?’ He took me under his wing and broke my fear of being the new kid.
Cailee Spaeny
We want to go back to a tax system where Americans sit down at their kitchen table, and they do their taxes on a single sheet of paper. That’s what we should have in this America.
Gary Cohn
I always try to get back to the original source of the song. It’s not always there in the sheet music, which is sometimes just a sketchy blueprint of what the song is about.
Michael Feinstein
Every time the races would come to Richmond, my mom would have a sheet of where each driver was doing appearances. And we’d go on a Thursday night road trip to each stop to get each driver’s autograph.
Denny Hamlin
Who would want to get back together with Taylor Swift after having dated her? I’m sure dating her is like talking to a white sheet of paper with a little bit of vanilla ice cream on it that doesn’t say anything.
Kurt Braunohler
Though it is very easy to do valuations, eyeballs and brand prominence surveys, you should never allow any of them to influence the balance sheet.
Ashwin Sanghi
The beginning of everything is our defensive organisation. The clean sheet is always the first objective that we have in the game. Always.
Nuno Espirito Santo
If it’s an international flight, I always like to wear a sheet mask.
Marisol Nichols
During Fashion Week, my skin becomes sensitive, so I always put on a sheet mask before I go to bed.
HoYeon Jung
In 1987, I wrote a goal sheet. I didn’t want to waste my life. I’d dropped out of college, and there was a lot of pressure from my parents. I decided, ‘If you’re going to do this, you’re going to become the best in the world at this.’
Phil Hellmuth
As a defence, we have to strive for that clean sheet while also giving the attacking players the licence to go and create.
Gary Cahill
I had to go to an audition for a rather large West End

I had to go to an audition for a rather large West End musical set on a Greek island. I didn’t realise that you had to go with sheet music to give to the pianist. I took a Mark Bolan CD, a small ghetto blaster and then sang along. It was absolutely appalling.
Mel Giedroyc
When you come up with a theory, you fall in love with the beauty the simplicity and elegance of it. But then you have to get a sheet of paper and pencil and crack out all the details. Hundreds and hundreds of pages. Because you have to prove it.
Michio Kaku
The natural creativity of the staff morphed ‘The Daily Beast’ very fast into what has become a newsroom. Aggregation lives on the Cheat Sheet, the video player, and in the breaking news slot in the first big box. The rest is all original, generated by Beast writers and editors.
Tina Brown
We always want to keep a clean sheet, but there are situations we can’t control.
Keylor Navas
What my character is or how many jails I have lounged in, or wards or walls or wassails, how many lonely-heart poetry readings I have dodged, is beside the point. A man’s soul or lack of it will be evident with what he can carve upon a white sheet of paper.
Charles Bukowski
I knew that for this movie to work it had to be very hot and very real, and it wasn’t going to be a case of doing it Hollywood all covered with a nice little sheet.
Natasha Richardson
A carbon nanotube is just a graphene sheet that’s rolled up seamlessly, and this happens in nature; carbon nanotubes are found in mineral deposits around the planet.
Mildred Dresselhaus
Not intending to be funny: I sit at the keyboard, put my fingers on the keys and go. To me, it’s the real secret of writing. Put yourself in front of the screen or the blank sheet of paper and get to work.
Robin Hobb
For business owners, there are many important documents to learn to read. One of the most important is the profit and loss statement, known as the P&L, and the balance sheet.
Darren L Johnson
The only time I scream is when I see the 5 A.M. start on the call sheet.
Bradley Walsh
As long as the attitude is to only show the sheet metal, then automobile advertising will continue to be wretched.
Jerry Della Femina
Neverending Story’ was one movie I did see when I was a kid. On the little island I grew up on, they put up a sheet in the town hall.
Zoe Bell
America has a rap sheet. You can’t police the world and tell the world how to act when you’re just as bad yourself.
Paul Mooney
Notably, the FCC fact sheet regarding the net neutrality plan does not mention any accommodations for small providers.
Michael O’Rielly
Everyone communicates with music in a different way. With some people, if there’s not sheet music, they’re not playing it.
I feel really grateful to be a part of a cast that is dedicated week in and week out to doing good work, and you don’t always come across that, but everybody on the call sheet is committed to doing good work, and a big part of that is having these firefighters on set and using our resources.
Miranda Rae Mayo
We are tasked to rebuild not just a damaged economy, and a debt-ridden balance sheet, but to do so by drawing forth the best that is in our fellow citizens. If we would summon the best from Americans, we must assume the best about them. If we don’t believe in Americans, who will?
Mitch Daniels
I’ve got a balance sheet. Every year I have to figure out how much I generate and what I spend, and keep those two somewhat in relationship.
Oliver Luck
Our balance sheet provides us with the ability to act on investment opportunities in appropriate areas that diversify and broaden our portfolio, including the gas and energy sector.
Kerry Stokes
When people tell me they are going to go scrapbooking, I say, ‘Why don’t you make it yourself.’ It’s like chocolate-chip cookies. People buy the cookie-dough roll and slice it, and then they lay it on a cookie sheet. That’s not making chocolate-chip cookies.
Amy Sedaris
I never took sheet music seriously. I could do better myself just by listening to other people and using my own intuition.
Brian May
In papergaming, players can look at a character sheet of their own creation and see all of their skills, right there, in black and white.
Warren Spector
Many other states ultimately – they might not have the same balance sheet as Wisconsin – but collective bargaining from the federal level… these are big issues, and these costs need to be put under control.
Rick Santelli
As for me, I was a lonely kid, with few close friends until I was an adult – even when I might have been perceived as being on the inside, I felt like I was on the outside, kind of like viewing the world through a sheet of glass.
Laura van den Berg
One of my first questions when I interview prospective employees is, ‘Do you know how big a sheet of plywood is?’ Most people don’t, and say they are different sizes, but it’s 4′ x 8′. Anyway, working with your hands is a very American thing that we kinda lost here, but it’s an important skill to have.
Casey Neistat
Books is our main type of content, but we include user-generated content and will include other verticals such as scientific papers, sheet music, and comic books.
Trip Adler
Keep a strong balance sheet, don’t get over-leveraged, and try to protect the security of your employees.
Steve Wynn
You think that a wall as solid as the earth separates civilization from barbarism. I tell you the division is a thread, a sheet of glass. A touch here, a push there, and you bring back the reign of Saturn.
John Buchan
If you look at my rap sheet, it’s very long.
I came from the theater. It takes a team. We need everyone. It’s not just No. 1 on the call sheet. I love to have kindness and respect and a place for where we can create.
Katy Mixon
If you grow up playing in church, it removes a lot of the boundaries that other musicians might have, growing up with sheet music or whatever.
Anderson Paak
When you mess up, teams wonder whether they want to put

When you mess up, teams wonder whether they want to put their hands on you. I respect that. They can only go by a rap sheet or a resume.
O. J. Mayo
I show up in a playoff game, I have my sideline sheet. I can’t even spit plays out, I get so excited. I mean, you get nervous. These are critical, do-or-die situations. Third down and 1, Red Zone, what do I call? Two minute drill? Are we going to go no huddle? These are decisions that you wrestle with.
Jon Gruden
I was a sheet metal worker, then a metal engineer, then a Pontin’s bluecoat, then a comedian. You can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it.
Bradley Walsh
Blank House was exactly a nice empty sheet where nothing was accountable because you were so naughty that you were in Blank House.
Diane Cilento
Everyone thinks I’m looking for attacking football all the time. But the foundation is how you defend – keep a clean sheet, and you have a decent chance to win a game of football.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
I’m the guy that gets up at three in the morning to jot down an entire sheet of lyrics for something that won’t be recorded for six months. You have to get it down when you can, because thoughts are fluid.
Corey Taylor
I totally accept that it’s a legitimate criticism that when you are involved in the day-to-day scrum of government… that what can get lost is the narrative, the hymn sheet… the song that inspires and lifts people’s sights.
Nick Clegg