Top 101 Charles Barkley Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Charles Barkley Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

My initial response was to sue her for defamation of ch

My initial response was to sue her for defamation of character, but then I realized that I had no character.
Charles Barkley
If you are black on television, you are probably going to be some kind of thug, gangster, or portrayed in a negative light. If you are some type of Muslim, you are going to be blowing stuff up. If you are Hispanic, you are going to be some type of gangbanger. I’ve felt like this for years.
Charles Barkley
I don’t think of myself as giving interviews. I just have conversations. That gets me in trouble.
Charles Barkley
My perspective is never gonna change on that… We’ve got to do a much better job to take care of poor people, because you cannot put all the poor people in bad neighborhoods, send them to bad schools, and say, ‘Good luck in life.’ That’s just not right.
Charles Barkley
I’m a mad dog whose only concern is winning.
Charles Barkley
The NBA man, we have always been progressive.
Charles Barkley
One thing about being famous is the people around you, you pay all their bills so they very rarely disagree with you because they want you to pick up the check.
Charles Barkley
One of the worst days of my life was telling Dick Ebersol I was going to TNT.
Charles Barkley
If you get a chance to play with great players, that’s half the battle.
Charles Barkley
I think people got more common sense than people give ’em credit for.
Charles Barkley
My initial response was to sue her for defamation of character, but then I realized that I had no character.
Charles Barkley
Racism is here and will always exist, but we can’t use it as a crutch.
Charles Barkley
I’m not a role model… Just because I dunk a basketball doesn’t mean I should raise your kids.
Charles Barkley
I’d rather have a gay guy who can play than a straight guy who can’t play.
Charles Barkley
One of the worst days of my life was telling Dick Ebersol I was going to TNT.
Charles Barkley
In the locker room, and when I’m with my friends, we use racial slurs… What I do with my black friends is not up to white America to dictate to me what’s appropriate and inappropriate.
Charles Barkley
It’s my job, with the position of power that I’m in and being able to be on television, I’m supposed to stand up for the people who can’t stand up for themselves.
Charles Barkley
What I try to do is, I just want the fans to enjoy the game.
Charles Barkley
We need the cops, especially in the black community.
Charles Barkley
Just because you watch ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ doesn’t mean you can do the operation.
Charles Barkley
If I weren’t earning $3 million a year to dunk a basketball, most people on the street would run in the other direction if they saw me coming.
Charles Barkley
If I screw up, I’m gonna say, ‘You know what? I really screwed up.’ That’s all you can do. Some people gonna forgive you, some people not gonna forgive you. That’s just the way it works.
Charles Barkley
The only people who distrust the cops are crooks. They’re not out there just harassing innocent people. Maybe sometimes they do. But there’s no inherent situation where cops are deliberately out there harassing people.
Charles Barkley
You can’t sit on the sidelines of life.
Charles Barkley
You know it’s going to hell when the best rapper out there is white and the best golfer is black.
Charles Barkley
The only difference between a good shot and a bad shot is if it goes in or not.
Charles Barkley
When the cops are trying to arrest you, if you fight back, things go wrong.
Charles Barkley
To think that everybody’s like you is silly.
Charles Barkley
Look, I’m in the top 20 of players who ever lived.
Charles Barkley
I remember I’d be sleeping in the airport at 5 o’clock in the morning, traveling three hours, and playing a game that day. We never even chartered until my third year in the NBA.
Charles Barkley
Any professional athlete who gets on TV or radio and says he never played with a gay guy is a stone-freakin’ idiot.
Charles Barkley
I was only 5'10'' until I was a senior in high school.

I was only 5’10” until I was a senior in high school.
Charles Barkley
Racism is the greatest cancer of my lifetime.
Charles Barkley
I love New York City; I’ve got a gun.
Charles Barkley
Everybody wants to talk about black and white, when the situation is really about rich people against poor people.
Charles Barkley
Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
Charles Barkley
The Republicans always do a good job of dividing and conquering. They do a really good job of making black folks, poor white folks, and Hispanics not like each other.
Charles Barkley
I’m never going to be one of those guys who gets on TV and yells and screams. That’s not how I do my business. But I’m very aware of social responsibility.
Charles Barkley
I live in Arizona, and I don’t like the way they treat Hispanics there.
Charles Barkley
That’s one of the problems with this country: they put you in a box. You’re a Republican, you’re a Democrat, you’re conservative, you’re liberal. And that’s really unfair.
Charles Barkley
Just because you say something doesn’t make it controversial, and it doesn’t make you a bad person.
Charles Barkley
When I get on TV, I’m going to be talking about a silly basketball game, and I’m going to be having a lot of fun doing it. But I’m very aware of all the social stuff going on.
Charles Barkley
I know that I’m never as good or bad as any single performance. I’ve never believed my critics or my worshippers, and I’ve always been able to leave the game at the arena.
Charles Barkley
It’s interesting – the greatest country in the world, we shouldn’t have people starving. We shouldn’t have young people not getting something to eat.
Charles Barkley
All the poor white people, all the poor black people, all the Hispanics, they’re in the same boat. They’ve got no economic opportunities.
Charles Barkley
Bill Clinton is the greatest president of my lifetime. Period.
Charles Barkley
You can’t sit on the sidelines of life.
Charles Barkley
I really like ESPN. They do a great job.
Charles Barkley
I have voted Democrat my entire life.
Charles Barkley
I’ve only met LeBron casually. He’s always been great to me. I think I’ve been great and cordial to him, but this notion that we have to be friends – we’re never gonna be friends. And that’s not a negative thing.
Charles Barkley
When the cops are trying to arrest you, if you fight back, things go wrong.
Charles Barkley
Neither one of the parties is doing anything for poor people. They’re both full of it. Black people have been voting Democratic their whole life, and they’re still poor. And the Republicans don’t do anything for poor people, either.
Charles Barkley
I’ve only met LeBron casually. He’s always been great to me. I think I’ve been great and cordial to him, but this notion that we have to be friends – we’re never gonna be friends. And that’s not a negative thing.
Charles Barkley
If I weren’t earning $3 million a year to dunk a basketball, most people on the street would run in the other direction if they saw me coming.
Charles Barkley
At some point, I don’t want to have any obligation. And just chill out.
Charles Barkley
Anybody who walks out peacefully, who protests peacefully, that’s what this country was built on.
Charles Barkley
I got some cash from agents. I’ve talked to the NCAA. I think that should be legal. I want some money, too; everybody else is making money. I want to go on dates. I want to go buy myself some new suits. I want to buy myself some new sneakers, and I paid the agents back.
Charles Barkley
In the locker room, and when I’m with my friends, we use racial slurs… What I do with my black friends is not up to white America to dictate to me what’s appropriate and inappropriate.
Charles Barkley
I think you have an obligation to be honest.
Charles Barkley
I’m not going to waste my time worrying about these Confederate statues. That’s wasted energy.
Charles Barkley
I remember I’d be sleeping in the airport at 5 o’clock in the morning, traveling three hours, and playing a game that day. We never even chartered until my third year in the NBA.
Charles Barkley
I think it’s a travesty that the NBA can’t just tell these guys to play basketball two days in a row. It’s just a joke to me. We flew commercial, and we were able to play back-to-back.
Charles Barkley
People like you as long as you agree with them. But tha

People like you as long as you agree with them. But that doesn’t bother me.
Charles Barkley
What we, as black people, need to do is we need to worry about our education.
Charles Barkley
I’m not paid to be a role model, parents should be role models.
Charles Barkley
It’s interesting – the greatest country in the world, we shouldn’t have people starving. We shouldn’t have young people not getting something to eat.
Charles Barkley
I respect and admire what cops do.
Charles Barkley
Kids are born into the situation they’re born into, and obviously, they have no control over that. And we, as adults, it’s up to us to take care of kids – that’s part of your moral responsibility. I always tell people, ‘There’s two groups we should take care of – old people and young people.’
Charles Barkley
We don’t need refs, but I guess white guys need something to do.
Charles Barkley
I don’t care what people think. People are stupid.
Charles Barkley
Look, I’m in the top 20 of players who ever lived.
Charles Barkley
Any time you criticize these young guys, they call you a hater. They never ask you if the criticism is fair or not.
Charles Barkley
But when I see a story on welfare on television, they only show black people.
Charles Barkley
I’m no role model.
Charles Barkley
It’s my job, with the position of power that I’m in and being able to be on television, I’m supposed to stand up for the people who can’t stand up for themselves.
Charles Barkley
I understand the power of symbols, and if I had anything on my house that seriously offended someone, I’d take it down if for no other reason than common courtesy.
Charles Barkley
Kids are born into the situation they’re born into, and obviously, they have no control over that. And we, as adults, it’s up to us to take care of kids – that’s part of your moral responsibility. I always tell people, ‘There’s two groups we should take care of – old people and young people.’
Charles Barkley
If you’re a poor white person and your life sucks, it’s easy for you to blame Hispanics cos you don’t want to look in the mirror and say, ‘I’m the reason my life sucks.’ The Republicans do a good job exploiting that.
Charles Barkley
I’m not going to waste my time screaming at a neo-Nazi who is going to hate me no matter what.
Charles Barkley
As a fan, I don’t want to have my team out of it by Day 1.
Charles Barkley
Anybody who is racist, I just I think they are an idiot.
Charles Barkley
I’m never going to be one of those guys who gets on TV and yells and screams. That’s not how I do my business. But I’m very aware of social responsibility.
Charles Barkley
I know I’m never as good or bad as one single performance. I’ve never believed in my critics or my worshippers, and I’ve always been able to leave the game at the arena.
Charles Barkley
Poor people cannot rely on the government to come to help you in times of need. You have to get your education. Then nobody can control your destiny.
Charles Barkley
I just grew up a poor black kid in Alabama with a single mom and two brothers.
Charles Barkley
I’d love to see an openly gay player, a really, really good gay player come out.
Charles Barkley
Everybody wants to protect their own tribe, whether they are right or wrong.
Charles Barkley
We, as black people, we have a lot of crooks.
Charles Barkley
The main thing to do is relax and let your talent do the work.
Charles Barkley
I am a big pro-choice guy.
Charles Barkley
Fans have this perception that they can say anything to you because you are a celebrity.
Charles Barkley
I would love to be a general manager just for the challenge.
Charles Barkley
I love sports because it takes me away from reality, and I tell people, ‘No matter how bad your life is, if you are having problems at home, you are having problems at work, that’s the beauty of sports.’
Charles Barkley
My idea of religion is we are supposed to bring people

My idea of religion is we are supposed to bring people together. We are not supposed to judge other people.
Charles Barkley
The only difference between a good shot and a bad shot is if it goes in or not.
Charles Barkley
We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad… Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn’t for the cops?
Charles Barkley
I accept the media for what they are. Most of them are really good people. Some of them are scumbags.
Charles Barkley
I don’t care what people think. People are stupid.
Charles Barkley
What bothers me the most are the Republicans and the Democrats: they act like little kids. They are lying to real people out here trying to get through life.
Charles Barkley
If I screw up, I’m gonna say, ‘You know what? I really screwed up.’ That’s all you can do. Some people gonna forgive you, some people not gonna forgive you. That’s just the way it works.
Charles Barkley
One of the reasons I don’t trust the media is you can’t have a double standard for guys you like and dislike.
Charles Barkley