Top 101 Drew Barrymore Quotes

It’s embarrassing to go through any rebellious stage in front of people that you love and respect, and yet I’m glad I did.
Drew Barrymore
I didn’t grow up in a traditional family, and I never had a family dinner around the table, so whenever I actually had a dinner ‘plan,’ it meant a lot to me; it made me feel excited and safe.
Drew Barrymore
The low points I had all helped make up my character, so I probably wouldn’t want to do away with them because I like being flawed and I like having them help me grow and change and become better and stronger.
Drew Barrymore
I personally battled with my own body image for years. I used to tell myself, You can’t wear anything sleeveless or strapless. And all of a sudden I was like, What if I just didn’t send such negative messages to my brain and said, wear it and enjoy it? And now I’m more comfortable in clothes than ever.
Drew Barrymore
Being a Barrymore didn’t help me, other than giving me a great sense of pride and a strange spiritual sense that I felt OK about having the passion to act. It made sense because my whole family had done it and it helped rationalise it for me.
Drew Barrymore
I want people to be blown away when I do what they don'

I want people to be blown away when I do what they don’t expect.
Drew Barrymore
Going back to Georgiana Drew and John Drew, and my great-grandfather Maurice Barrymore, and it was such a sort of circus of odd, interesting people that loved acting.
Drew Barrymore
I’m so in control of my life, you shouldn’t dislike anything I do-because I’m not only in the best place I’ve ever been, but it keeps getting better and better.
Drew Barrymore
I mean, I come from a hippie mentality where I just think to know someone, you need to look into their eyes. Eyes are so important. Until they start melon-balling eyes out, I won’t be able to get to know someone another way.
Drew Barrymore
I never regret anything. Because every little detail of your life is what made you into who you are in the end.
Drew Barrymore
I was raised in unique and trying environments, but they were also amazing platforms for me to have an extraordinary life. Going through hell as a kid made me sensitive to what others in this world go through, too.
Drew Barrymore
My therapist says I still haven’t got in touch with my anger. Maybe one day I’m going to explode. But I’m still really happy. I know it looks like a strange and painful upbringing – all those experiences led me to the paths that I’m on now.
Drew Barrymore
I’m not after fame and success and fortune and power. It’s mostly that I want to have a good job and have good friends; that’s the good stuff in life.
Drew Barrymore
The best kind of parent you can be is to lead by example.
Drew Barrymore
At 35, I’m definitely starting to feel more like a grown-up than I ever have. There’s nothing in my life that is childish or whimsical. Having fun is fantastic and I never want to lose a sense of that – and also, I think, you have to have that to put into your work or else it’s going to feel stiff.
Drew Barrymore
I love romance. I’m a sucker for it. I love it so much. It’s pathetic.
Drew Barrymore
I’m okay with the idea that slow and steady wins the race.
Drew Barrymore
It wasn’t my choice to be an open book, but when people found out what my life was like when I was 14 or 15, I didn’t deny it. I think the more imperfect you are, the more human you are.
Drew Barrymore
In a world and a life that moves so fast, photography just makes the sound go out and it makes you stop and take a pause. Photography calms me.
Drew Barrymore
My life choices are not supposed to be the gateway to somebody else’s. That’s my journey.
Drew Barrymore
I’m a real stay-at-home mom. I’m really hands-on. Everything else became secondary.
Drew Barrymore
I remember being on film sets when I was younger, and only men got to do the cool action movies. So I thought, ‘Maybe I’ll get to produce one day and get to do cool stuff, too,’ which is what happened when we did ‘Charlie’s Angels’.
Drew Barrymore
I’m such a profound believer that timing is everything; I would tattoo that on my arm.
Drew Barrymore
I love working with the actors eye-to-eye. I think something gets lost in translation, not only through a monitor, but when you leave the area where the actual scene is taking place.
Drew Barrymore
I can’t wait until I have my children. I love the idea that they don’t have to do something that they have no interest in, that they can do something completely opposite if they want to.
Drew Barrymore
I’m a carb queen. I’ll always order macaroni and cheese, but I don’t want it to be fancy. I want it to be as close to Kraft Services as it can possibly get!
Drew Barrymore
When I lay my head on the pillow at night I can say I was a decent person today. That’s when I feel beautiful.
Drew Barrymore
My mother used to dress rather risque when I was a kid, and that sort of shocked me. I always thought moms were supposed to wear cardigans and flats, but she was in leather bracelets and minidresses. In hindsight, it was pretty cool, but I’m probably more conservative because of it.
Drew Barrymore
I used to look in the mirror and feel shame, I look in the mirror now and I absolutely love myself.
Drew Barrymore
From my perspective, there’s no reason to be afraid of aging, because if you age, you’re lucky! The alternative is death.
Drew Barrymore
There’s a hunger and a fervor that I have, but there’s no person I’m going to push to the side to get where I’m going. I want to create my own road.
Drew Barrymore
I would love to be a travel writer. I’d be so stoked.
Drew Barrymore
When I lay my head on the pillow at night I can say I was a decent person today. That’s when I feel beautiful.
Drew Barrymore
The stories that I want to tell, especially as a director, don’t necessarily have a perfect ending because, the older you get, the more you appreciate a good day versus a happy ending. You understand that life continues on the next day; the reality of things is what happens tomorrow.
Drew Barrymore
A lot of my business is about protecting creativity.
Drew Barrymore
The way things have gone in my life, sure, I could have been a bitter person. But I just find bitter people really un-fun, you know? And who wants to be that person?
Drew Barrymore
I love the very exposed, humorous, imperfect, never-try

I love the very exposed, humorous, imperfect, never-trying to-pretend-to-be-perfect journey that I have been on in my life.
Drew Barrymore
I have no regrets in my life whatsoever.
Drew Barrymore
It’s my crusade to help women feel good about themselves.
Drew Barrymore
The best kind of parent you can be is to lead by example.
Drew Barrymore
I’ve been a vegetarian for years and years. I’m not judgemental about others who aren’t, I just feel I cannot eat or wear living creatures.
Drew Barrymore
I still, at hotel rooms, I do this one sort of not-so-cool thing: continually shoving my room service tray in front of someone else’s door. Because I don’t want the remnants. I don’t want to be caught, like, being like the pig that I was at two in the morning.
Drew Barrymore
I have certainly had my share of long-distance love affairs.
Drew Barrymore
I feel like some of my baby fat is going away, and that’s not just physically, it’s psychologically. I think that your body is in tune with your mind and your spirituality and your heart. If things are going better, I just think you look better.
Drew Barrymore