Top 101 Mitt Quotes

Mitt Romney claims Mr. Obama has ‘thrown allies like Israel under the bus,’ but in fact the president has taken concrete steps to make Israel more secure – a commitment he has described as ‘not negotiable.’
Haim Saban
Unlike President Obama, Mitt Romney has been inside the bubble all his life. He has no idea what’s going on here. He has no idea how destructive Bush’s eight years were to this country.
Stephen Stills
Mitt Romney – he had a Rock Hudson thing going, shoeblack hair and a well-hung resume, but even for a shameless, position-shifting phony he seemed a trifle insincere.
James Wolcott
As a former lifelong Republican, it pains me to tell you that today’s Republicans – and their standard-bearers, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan – just aren’t up to the task. They’re beholden to ‘my way or the highway’ bullies, indebted to billionaires who bankroll ads and allergic to the very idea of compromise.
Charlie Crist
I think we know enough now to know that Donald Trump is doing the same kinds of things that Jeb Bush would have done or Marco Rubio would have done or Mitt Romney would have done.
Mitch McConnell
I gave Mitt Romney some donations for his campaign because he was a friend, and friendship came first. I’ve always been a Democrat, and I’ve had different views than Mitt Romney. I’m not Mitt Romney, and I think people will realize that when they meet me out there.
Stephen Pagliuca
The president is under 50 percent approval ratings in all the battleground states. So, you could say that President Obama is defying gravity by still being in a dead heat with Mitt Romney. And one of the reasons that he is, is because the changing face of the electorate are giving him a small boost.
Mara Liasson
My dream part would be to play Mitt Romney’s sarcastic black maid. We could call it ‘Mammy & Me.’
Natasha Leggero
I personally – if I were designing the tax code – would have a tax code in which Mitt Romney paid more than 13 percent, given what I know about the kind of investments he made money from.
Bill Kristol
As his partner on this amazing journey, I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success. He built it.
Ann Romney
I can tell you and promise you that I’ve had struggles in my life. And I would love to have people understand that Mitt and I have compassion for people that are struggling.
Ann Romney
Wealth plays out in the political sphere in all kinds of ways, often personally. Can Hillary Clinton represent the interests of working people when she and her husband have taken so much money from Wall Street? Was Mitt Romney’s private-equity business too ruthless with workers?
Anand Giridharadas
At the end of the day, Mitt Romney and Ann Romney are two fine people.
Lindsey Graham
Mitt Romney understands free enterprise, he has worked

Mitt Romney understands free enterprise, he has worked in it. He has seen companies succeed and he has seen them fail, too. He knows what people think about when they invest their money.
Marco Rubio
Mitt Romney said many years ago that he thought Russia was the single biggest geopolitical threat to the United States and their presence in a variety of conflicts of one type or another have borne out much of what Mitt Romney said.
Charlie Baker
You can say that Mitt Romney started with nothing! He didn’t get an inheritance from his dad.
Brian Kilmeade
If Mitt Romney is vanilla, Chris Christie is three hefty scoops of Rocky Road topped with whipped cream, Red Bull, and gravel.
Ron Fournier
I know you are not a woman if you are voting for Mitt Romney. Because no woman in her right mind would vote for a man that opposes a woman’s right to get a clean abortion or a safe abortion.
Willam Belli
In 2012, when Mitt Romney named Russia as our greatest geopolitical foe, Democrats scoffed and accused Republicans of trying to ignite a new Cold War.
Kristen Soltis Anderson
If Mitt Romney defeats President Obama in his bid for reelection on Tuesday, it will mark the success of one of the most deeply cynical political campaigns in American history. It is hard to beat an incumbent no matter the economic climate.
Juan Williams
Whether it was his ability to turn around the Massachusetts economy or turn around businesses in the private sector, Mitt Romney has demonstrated the leadership that we need in the White House to get the country on the right track.
Lisa Murkowski
Mitt Romney’s energy policy is a relic of the 19th century. We need a 21st century plan. The fate of the planet is at stake.
Bernie Sanders
Mitt has a ton of consultants, and not one of them thought he needed a credible answer on Bain or taxes?
Mark Steyn
There is one candidate in this election who will protect that dream. One leader who will fight hard to keep the promise of America for the next generation. And that’s why we must stand up and make Mitt Romney the next president of the United States.
Susana Martinez
The nominee is Mitt Romney. Paul Ryan joins Mitt Romney. The budget plan, the approach on Medicare and all of that is going to be the Romney plan. What he has is a man as his number two who understands the details of budgets, who has demonstrated a willingness to take on tough issues.
John Sununu
The grass roots are energized because the absolutely highest priority in the country in November is to defeat Barack Obama. I have spoken with literally thousands and thousands of tea-party activists – I have yet to meet a single tea-party leader that is not going to vote for Mitt Romney.
Ted Cruz
Climate change was a point of division between Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney. The president declared climate change a global threat, acknowledged that the actions of humanity were deepening the crisis, and pledged to do something about it if elected.
Ron Fournier
I think liberals would love to see the conservative party be more moderate, more middle of the road. I mean, my gosh, what do you call John McCain? Some would argue, what do you call Mitt Romney?
Mike Gallagher
There’s no love lost between me and Mitt Romney.
Chris Collins
I read somewhere that Mitt and I have a ‘storybook marriage.’ Well, in the storybooks I read, there were never long, long, rainy winter afternoons in a house with five boys screaming at once. And those storybooks never seemed to have chapters called MS or breast cancer.
Ann Romney
Republicans always try to paint Democrats as weak on defense. This time, they can’t. After all, Mitt Romney’s idea of an overseas accomplishment is sending U.S. jobs there.
Chuck Schumer
A lot of people feel very good about Mitt Romney and I think he’s going to do a great job.
Donald Trump
Sometimes in this country, we don’t focus a lot on people’s experience and their resume. Mitt Romney would be the most experienced executive to be nominated since 1952. The fundamental task for the next president is going to be fixing things, cleaning things up, being a turnaround artist, if you will.
Artur Davis
I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.
Maya Angelou
The Romney candidacy is better than it was four years ago, but it’s not clear that it’s good. Mitt needs to get good real fast: A real speech, real plan, real responses, and real fire in the belly.
Mark Steyn
Mitt Romney is a businessman, a turnaround artist, a CEO. That is who he is. The former governor has experience in the public and private sector.
Mark McKinnon
The Tea Party isolated Mitt Romney from mainstream voters, linking him to a rabid ideology that he could not shake as he desperately tried to move to the middle in the closing weeks of the campaign. Lesson: The loudest voices don’t often command the votes needed to win in November.
Eliot Spitzer
Donald Trump, unlikely Mitt Romney, is not awkward about his money. He has absolutely no qualms about saying, ‘I’m rich.’
Ana Navarro
This week you will nominate the most experienced executive to seek the presidency in 60 years in Mitt Romney. He has no illusions about what makes America great, and he doesn’t confuse the presidency with celebrity, or loftiness with leadership.
Artur Davis
Mitt Romney saying that Barack Obama gets an F is one of the most ridiculous things that he has said in this race.
Stephanie Cutter
I wouldn’t argue that Mitt Romney is a white supremacist.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
I have had the pleasure of knowing Mitt Romney for several years now. There’s so much to appreciate about him. He fixes things. He’s results-driven. He’s taken broken companies and made them successful.
Nikki Haley
Things are not getting better. They are getting worse. We need to elect Mitt Romney to turn things around.
Rob Portman
Most of the Michelle Bachmanns and Mitt Romneys who say such terrible things about us actually is a positive force, because it allows sensible people to realize how stupid and vile their beliefs are.
Larry Kramer
My father kept me busy from dawn to dusk when I was a k

My father kept me busy from dawn to dusk when I was a kid. When I wasn’t pitching hay, hauling corn or running a tractor, I was heaving a baseball into his mitt behind the barn… If all the parents in the country followed his rule, juvenile delinquency would be cut in half in a year’s time.
Bob Feller
There are many reasons why Mitt Romney should not become president, but perhaps the most important of all is the narrowness of his experience, perspective and vision.
Chuck Schumer
Hillary is the Mitt Romney of 2016, where she has very little in common with the average person. She doesn’t drive herself anywhere, she doesn’t put on her own makeup, she doesn’t cook her own meals, and she doesn’t research her own materials. She has very little in common with the average woman.
Kellyanne Conway
The Republican ticket in 2012 was Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Whatever again you think of them, that’s not a dumbed-down ticket.
Bill Kristol
But Mitt Romney understands, like I understand, that people – not governments – create jobs.
Scott Walker
Mitt – what I speak to Mitt Romney about is jobs. What I speak to Mitt Romney about is China, because he’s got a great view on China and how they’re trying to destroy our country by taking our jobs and making our product and manipulating their currency, so that it makes it almost impossible for our companies to compete.
Donald Trump