Top 101 November Quotes

Words matter. These are the best November Quotes from famous people such as John Sununu, Sean Hannity, Cory Gardner, F. Sionil Jose, Steve Hanke, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The voters are going to decide in November who is going

The voters are going to decide in November who is going to fix their personal family dismay over not having jobs in America. They are going to pick Mitt Romney.
John Sununu
I have liberal friends. They are misguided, they are wrong. I disagree with them. I don’t want them to vote. I want them to go on vacation in November.
Sean Hannity
Now, President Obama has to make a decision. He can either propose a nominee who can win over the majority in the Senate or defer his choice to the voters, who in November will elect a new President and a new Senate, which will be responsible for confirming a nominee who will provide balance to the Supreme Court.
Cory Gardner
November is auspicious in so many parts of the country: the rice harvest is already in, the weather starts to cool, and the festive glow which precedes Christmas has began to brighten the landscape.
F. Sionil Jose
In January 2013, one could buy a Bitcoin for about $13. By late November, one Bitcoin would have set a buyer back over $1100.
Steve Hanke
We will host the Asean summit in November this year. It will be an occasion to reflect on our achievements collectively and to look at how Asean can maintain its leading role in regional and international cooperation.
Hassanal Bolkiah
A bold reform agenda is our moral obligation. If we make the case effectively and win this November, then we will have the moral authority to enact the kind of fundamental reforms America has not seen since Ronald Reagan’s first year.
Paul Ryan
The soldiers did go away and their towns were torn down; and in the Moon of Falling Leaves (November), they made a treaty with Red Cloud that said our country would be ours as long as grass should grow and water flow.
Black Elk
It is obviously always nice to start in a strong way, but it’s also very important to keep that strength during the year – the season is quite long, from March to November.
Nico Hulkenberg
Barkley was the first of many American skyjackers whose primary interest was money; by 1972, the majority of the nation’s hijackings would involve demands for ransom. Barkley himself was declared incompetent to stand trial in November 1971, at which point he was committed to a psychiatric hospital in Georgia.
Brendan I. Koerner
A few weeks after my mom passed in November of 2013, I came back from an injury and entered the Egg Bowl in the second half against Ole Miss. I’ll never forget the feeling when I walked back out on the field. As I walked into the Egg Bowl, the crowd stood up and clapped like they were enveloping me in a giant hug.
Dak Prescott
When you start lifting weights in the offseason in like November, you’re like, ‘Ah, I’m going to get this thing up so I can get to the World Series.’
Gerrit Cole
A win in November is as important as a win in May.
Nikola Jokic
Though many in the media do their best to conceal the achievements of President Trump on behalf of women, we are confident that women nationwide have taken notice and will use the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage to reelect President Trump on November 3, 2020.
Kayleigh McEnany
You know what I’m doing starting 1st November? Jesus Christ Superstar.
Sebastian Bach
November is Jewish book month, so Jewish Community Centers all around the country have book fairs where they invite authors and sell books in advance of the holidays.
Anita Diament
Because of an adulterous affair I shall leave office in November.
James McGreevey
If we want to defeat Hillary Clinton and have a chance to change the trajectory of our country, we need to unite behind the Republican ticket this November.
Ron DeSantis
Some historians trace the start of the War on Terror to November 4, 1979, the day the hostages were taken in Tehran.
Stephen Rodrick
More than’ is the tagline of the company LeBron and I started in November 2014 called Uninterrupted. ‘More Than’ is Uninterrupted’s ‘Just Do It’ or ‘Think Different.’
Maverick Carter
Though I had come into the world on 16 November 1922, my official documents show that I was born two days later, on the 18th. It was thanks to this petty fraud that my family escaped from paying the fine for not having registered my birth at the proper legal time.
Jose Saramago
In November 2007, the White House issued a Declaration of Principles demanding that U.S. forces must remain indefinitely in Iraq and committing Iraq to privilege American investors.
Noam Chomsky
Since joining the U.S. House of Representatives in November of 2006, I have strongly supported Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I have the utmost respect for her, and I believe the Democrats were able to accomplish a great deal under her leadership.
Albio Sires
If Romney explains why where we are with Obama is unacceptable, why whither we are tending is even worse – and why his own alternative path forward is superior – then we trust the American people to make the right choice in November.
Bill Kristol
I founded my label last November called Icy, and once my foundation is laid, I’d love to go back and help other artists and give them the opportunity that I wasn’t given at a younger age.
October, November, December is a huge selling season globally for Nintendo.
Reggie Fils-Aime
The period that I could consider the most important in my literary work came about beginning with the Revolution, and in a certain way, developed as a consequence of the Revolution. But it was also a result of the counterrevolutionary coup of November 1975.
Jose Saramago
In Britain, the major public holiday used to be Guy Fawkes Day… that was celebrated on November 5th with things like bonfires and fireworks… I think that made Halloween seem preferable. The idea of having pumpkins and costumes and parties seemed much more appealing than burning down your neighborhood.
Lisa Morton
Seventy years ago this November, Vladimir Lenin created the modern totalitarian state, transforming simpler forms of tyranny into history’s most sophisticated apparatus of rule by terror.
Michael Johns
Typically, you’ll see that zones work better in November than in February. As the season goes on, teams get better and better at attacking zones, and it becomes harder to become an effective zone defense as the season progresses. But early on, it can be can good at times.
Ben Howland
To political technocrats, 2008 marks the maturation of ‘microtargeting’ – a technique that, if things are as close in November as expected, may well affect who takes the White House.
Steven Levy
From November through December, 'tis the season for 'Ho

From November through December, ’tis the season for ‘Home Alone!’
Catherine O’Hara
My grandmother, who passed away at the beginning of November, had a core adage in her life that ‘life is not about what happens to you but about what you do with what happens to you.’ She recently had been cajoling me and challenging me to do more with my life. To lead more of a purposefully public life.
Chelsea Clinton
The Jewish people remember the dramatic vote in the U.N. Assembly on November 29, 1947, when representatives of the nations recognized our right to national revival in our historic homeland.
Ariel Sharon
We were the best of friends. We monkeyed around recording sketches and jingles in George’s bedroom. On November 5, 1979, I phoned George and said ‘It’s now or never.’ Then we formed our first band.
Andrew Ridgeley
This is the America that I love. This is a great people. We can do anything. We can achieve anything. We’ve got a government that has gotten in the way of the American people. We’re going to change that in November.
Mitt Romney
The Swedish winters and summers hold the most enduring memories for me. Now, when I am back in Stockholm in November, it is difficult to imagine being able to ski to school. I think that is a tragedy.
Johan Eliasch
Thirteen years after the end of the Soviet Union, the American press establishment seemed eager to turn Ukraine’s protested presidential election on November 21 into a new cold war with Russia.
Stephen Cohen
God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on. God had been taken out of our schools and lives, a nation had turned its back on God.
Mike Lindell
I finished my Ph.D. at Berkeley in November 1987 and took a position as an independent fellow at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in January 1988.
Carol W. Greider
Until as recently as November of 1966, I had complete faith in the Warren Report. Of course, my faith in the Report was grounded in ignorance, since I had never read it.
Jim Garrison
I got fired – November 8, 1979. And all of a sudden, I got a call, two weeks later, about doing a game on ESPN. And I truly said – Scotty Connal, the head of ESPN production at the time, was the guy that called me – I said, ‘Man, ESPN sounds like a disease. What is ESPN? I know nothing about it, never heard of it.’
Dick Vitale
Brexit is really a good forerunner of what’s going to happen here in November, I think. The same angst that drove that vote is driving the American election.
Paul Manafort
As transparency campaigner for more than 10 years, I have long had a sense that something was not quite right about the E.U. referendum. I warned back in November 2017 that the leave campaign seemed to be awash with dark money that may have circumvented rules designed to uphold the integrity of our democratic process.
Gina Miller
November is Hip-Hop History Month, where we give celebration to what hip hop has done to bring together people of the world, people of all nationalities, young people, all the political systems and politicians on the planet.
Afrika Bambaataa
November is Native American Heritage month, and a good time to honor the legacy of our ancestors, but every day we should stop to think about our country’s beginning and that the United States would not exist if not for a great deal of sacrifice, blood, and tears by Indian Tribes across the country.
Deb Haaland
Acting had been a hobby that turned into a career, the directing was a hobby that turned into a career, and music just really allowed me to find another way to express myself. I started playing bass in November 1996, and by June 1998 I was doing my first live show.
Malcolm-Jamal Warner
I detest ‘Jingle Bells,’ ‘White Christmas,’ ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,’ and the obscene spending bonanza that nowadays seems to occupy not just December, but November and much of October, too.
Richard Dawkins
Some of my favorite songs are slow songs, like Guns N’ Roses’ ‘November Rain.’
Chad Gilbert
When I retired from my music November 1997, it had been 37 years.
Barbara Mandrell
Obama’s victory in November 2008 was a historic political accomplishment.
John Podhoretz
Donald Trump will become president even after losing the popular vote in our November elections by a wide margin. To govern effectively, he must appeal to a broader base than what he campaigned on and avoid the divisive rhetoric that alienated so many Americans.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
Black Fergusonians have shown that they will vote when they have something to vote for and know that their vote will count. Seventy-six percent of them turned out in November 2012, when Missouri was a key swing state for Barack Obama’s reelection.
Rick Perlstein
The Stamp Act was to go into operation on the first day of November. On the previous morning, the ‘New Hampshire Gazette’ appeared with a deep black border and all the typographical emblems of affliction, for was not Liberty dead?
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The grass roots are energized because the absolutely highest priority in the country in November is to defeat Barack Obama. I have spoken with literally thousands and thousands of tea-party activists – I have yet to meet a single tea-party leader that is not going to vote for Mitt Romney.
Ted Cruz
I go to Japan every November on vacation, and the one thing I never return home without is yuba, which is the thin skin that forms atop boiling soy milk. You skim it off and either eat it fresh or dry it.
Hanya Yanagihara
But now, today, we don’t know if Over the River is truly the next project to be realized, because something very nice happened to our life in November in New York.
My brother, a cardiologist, was among thousands of Muslims visited by the FBI in November 2001 and forced to submit to special registration fingerprinting, his photo and information forever in Homeland Security’s files.
Mona Eltahawy
John F. Kennedy went to bed at 3:30 in the morning on November 9, 1960, uncertain whether he had defeated Richard Nixon for the presidency. He thought he had won, but six states hung in the balance, and after months of exhaustive campaigning, he was too tired to stay awake any longer.
Robert Dallek
I have serious challenges with Donald Trump and his messaging that is going to make it more difficult for us to bring in minorities, Hispanics, into the party and into our voting base in November. I would be concerned about him carrying the banner for the Republican Party.
Asa Hutchinson
When I opened Milk Bar in November 2008, I was quite adamant about making sure the bakery was an honest reflection of life and food through my eyes. I had no intention beyond that.
Christina Tosi
The United States, a signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention, destroyed the last of its stocks of VX and other chemical agents on the Johnston Atoll, 825 miles southwest of Hawaii, in November 2000.
Barton Gellman
President Bush offers the American people an optimistic

President Bush offers the American people an optimistic vision and a clear choice in November. The President has provided steady leadership in remarkably changing times. He knows exactly where he wants to lead this country, and he has complete confidence in the American people.
Henry Bonilla
Even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned, according to the Times correspondent in Berlin, something like a third of the real property in the Reich.
Arthur Bryant
In November, 1964 when I was a patient at the Mayo Clinic I though seriously about killing myself.
Jerry Kramer
The Tea Party isolated Mitt Romney from mainstream voters, linking him to a rabid ideology that he could not shake as he desperately tried to move to the middle in the closing weeks of the campaign. Lesson: The loudest voices don’t often command the votes needed to win in November.
Eliot Spitzer
The best times to visit the Gobi and Three Camel Lodge are June, and September through October. By the beginning of November, it is ferociously cold, while October can swing surreally between warm days and clear, chilly nights and frosty mornings dusted with snow – perfect.
Lawrence Osborne
1992 became known as the ‘Year of the Woman’ because so many of us were elected to public office that November, including a record six to the United States Senate.
Dee Dee Myers
With Iran, we negotiated privately in 2012-2013 from a position of strength, not a position of weakness. The secret negotiations in Oman. This ultimately led to the Joint Plan of Action of November 2013.
Tom Cotton
If you’re an independent voter, I’m willing to bet that you were not too happy at the prospect of hitting the polls on November 8, 2016. But let me guess – you did it anyway because after all, it’s your civic duty, right?
Fabrizio Moreira
To those like Mitt Romney who want to take us backwards, let’s send a strong message in November: as we say in Brooklyn, ‘Fuhgeddaboutit.’
Chuck Schumer
Lombardi, a certain magic still lingers in the very name. It speaks of duels in the snow and November mud… He remains for many the heart of pro football, pumping hard right now.
Steve Sabol
November 11, 1802, I arrived at Judge Patterson’s at Lisle. This respectable family treated me with every mark of distinction and friendship, and likewise all the people did the same. I really want for words to express my gratitude.
Deborah Sampson
So March 2010, we launched Pinterest, and we were at 3,000 accounts. And that wouldn’t be so bad if we hadn’t started building Pinterest actually in November 2009. And that alone wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t left my job to start a company in May 2008.
Ben Silbermann
On November 28, 2016, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an 18-year-old legal resident of the United States whose family was originally from Somalia, used a car to mow down a group of people at the Ohio State University.
Peter Bergen
America was magnificently characterized in November of 2008 when we elected, for the first time, an African-American President of the United States.
David Scott
In November 2008, the day of the presidential election, Israeli military forces invaded Gaza and killed half a dozen Hamas militants. Well, that was followed by a missile exchange for a couple of weeks in both directions.
Noam Chomsky
I think everybody knows that on November 7th more people voted for Al Gore than George Bush, a fact that has been documented time and time again.
Corrine Brown
If months were marked by colors, November in New England would be colored gray.
Madeleine M. Kunin
My birthday is in November, so I think I’m a Scorpio? I’m not even sure!
Ryan Hurd
On November 13, 2005, as I was flying into Moscow from a weekend away, I was stopped at Sheremetyevo airport, detained for 15 hours, deported, and declared a threat to national security.
Bill Browder
Oye Lucky!’ released in November 2008 and in mid 2010, I was signed for ‘Gangs of Wasseypur.’ For me, the gap wasn’t so much – just a year-and-a-half.
Richa Chadha
I believe history will come to view 9/11 as an event on par with November 22, 1963, the date on which John F. Kennedy was murdered, cutting short a presidency that was growing ever more promising. Dreams died that day in Dallas; it is easy to imagine the 1960s turning out rather differently had President Kennedy lived.
Jon Meacham
Russia’s actions in Syria are not the only reasons to distrust Mr. Putin. Moscow has opposed attempts by the U.N. in November 2011 to increase sanctions against Iran for its illicit nuclear program.
John Barrasso
My goal is people associate November with COPD awareness month as much as they notice October with breast cancer and pink. That’d be a great thing if it happened. The fact that COPD kills more people than breast cancer and diabetes put together should raise some red flags.
Danica Patrick
I was working for Martin Finnegan. He was my best mate in racing. I went to his wedding in November 2007. No-one else from the racing world was invited apart from me and my girlfriend. The funeral was the following May.
Guy Martin
On November 15th, 2008, in over 300 cities, 4,000 children were adopted in one day.
Nia Vardalos
One of the most difficult times in my life was when I escaped from Romania in November of 1989.
Nadia Comaneci
‘Somebody That I Used to Know,’ like a lot of the record, was a bit of a struggle to finish. It was written fairly quickly – I wrote it in November 2010 – but it took six months to find Kimbra and really realize she was the right vocalist to make the female part come to life. There were constant hurdles.
I had been in so many towns and cities in America with John Kennedy, but I was not with him in Dallas, Texas, on November 21, 1963.
Pierre Salinger
I took a while to fall in love with Val d’Isere. It was November 1985 and, keen to delay getting a ‘serious job’ after university, I had signed up for a season as a chalet girl. What struck me first back then, as I rolled into town on the Bladon Lines bus, was the sheer ugliness of the place.
Mary Nightingale
‘The Book of Air and Shadows’ was born during a conference with an intellectual property lawyer on a particular afternoon in November of 2003.
Michael Gruber
While I was in London it was completely upside-down. I got a whole new life and it was a challenge to keep in touch with my life in Ireland, but it was great fun. Now though, I’ve been back home since November and gradually all connections with my HP life have been fading.
Evanna Lynch
There comes a time when people get tired of being pushe

There comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life’s July and left standing amid the piercing chill of an alpine November.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The candidate out front on Labor Day has historically been the one who stayed ahead in November.
Peter Jennings
League titles do not get claimed in November or December.
Klaas-Jan Huntelaar
I’m often in Venice in November and December, when it’s foggy and wintry, and the decorations in the shops and the lights in the churches make the place feel both Christmassy and melancholic.
Juergen Teller
I did not in late November start the plethora of linking my private life with public events again.
David Blunkett
I was born in Vienna on November 7, 1929, eleven years after the multiethnic Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart following its defeat in World War I.
Eric Kandel
Today I am announcing that I will not seek a tenth term in the United States Congress this November.
Lincoln Diaz-Balart
The reason it takes us from November the second to December the sixth to certify is because we have a very tedious, very comprehensive process where we audit by precinct, across the state, every vote that was cast to make sure that every vote that was legally cast is counted.
Kenneth Blackwell