Top 101 Psyche Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Psyche Quotes from famous people such as Paul Auster, Konkona Sen Sharma, Richard Brake, Richard Linklater, Conor McPherson, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I really, truly believe that writing comes out of the b

I really, truly believe that writing comes out of the body; of course, the mind is working as well, but it’s a double thing and that doubleness is united. I mean, you can’t separate persona from psyche; you just can’t do it.
Paul Auster
Stars are a part of our emotional psyche, but audiences should also support a good indie film which may not have a big star.
Konkona Sen Sharma
Obviously, the Night’s King is clearly a symbol of something very unpleasant in our psyche, and he even raises wights from the dead, which is probably everybody’s worst fear, being actually used after we’re dead.
Richard Brake
The best thing for your psyche as you try to accomplish anything, really, is to just concentrate on all the little things. And not just as a means to an end, but truly enjoy them.
Richard Linklater
I have a theory about Ireland, being at the edge of Europe. For 1,000 years, people didn’t know what was beyond. But we thought about it – a lot. And that ‘beyond’ became internalized in our psyche.
Conor McPherson
Fear comes from your past observations. That fear settles inside you. It becomes your psyche. Something triggers it and it fuels that subconscious. There is no logic to it.
Asking the proper questions is the central action of transformation. Questions are the key that causes the secret doors of the psyche to swing open.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
I don’t see why, if you look at how the Australian culture and psyche is, that we can’t be amongst the most generous, from the grassroots up, nations in the world.
Andrew Forrest
Between yellow ribbon magnets, patriotic anthems at sports games and corporate marketing campaigns, the rhetoric that those in uniform are protecting freedom is hammered into the psyche of Americans at every turn.
Abby Martin
I’ve always been a huge fan of thrillers like David Fincher’s ‘Se7en.’ I am fascinated by the disturbing, dark underbelly of life. I find such films deeply engrossing. They delve deep into the human psyche, and that’s a place worth exploring.
Emraan Hashmi
Hometown Aerosmith fans are different from other Aerosmith fans, and that mainly has to do with Joe Perry. It’s tough to overstate his strange grip on the local psyche. Tyler is a star who belongs to the whole world, but Perry, that dude belongs to Boston.
Rob Sheffield
Is it possible that the collective global psyche of the world is like an overloaded modem and can no longer meaningfully communicate, comprehend, or listen to anything or anyone else?
Mark Goulston
Western ghosts are evil, but Korean ghosts are about making peace. That is part of our Korean psyche.
Min-sik Choi
You know when you throw a party, you think people will show up and no one will like each other. It’s like that with music – parts of your musical psyche have never met other parts. You wonder if you should get them together.
Tom Waits
Just as the body goes into shock after a physical trauma, so does the human psyche go into shock after the impact of a major loss.
Anne Grant
I just think that it’s very helpful to have a map of your psyche, because when you have a map, you know where to go.
There’s a call to adventure. It’s something in the inner psyche of humanity, particularly males.
Gary Gygax
The entire political system is contrary to everything a feminine heart stands for. It lacks inclusion. It lacks tenderness toward children. It lacks honor for relationships. It lacks reverence for the earth. It lacks love. And without those things, the feminine psyche disconnects.
Marianne Williamson
Given that his rousing speeches play on a perpetual loop somewhere in the back of the national psyche, and the bulk of the country is unshakable in its view of Churchill as the greatest of British heroes, how can the historian see him with any clarity?
David Olusoga
Although technical discussions are interesting to composers, I suspect that the truly magical and spiritual powers of music arise from deeper levels of our psyche.
George Crumb
I use my film-making to work through my deep questions and my deep problems. I think I could watch each film and tell you exactly which part of my psyche I’m trying to work out.
George Clooney
I’ve been in a lot of big fights, so I can’t psyche myself out, like, ‘Oh, this is a big fight.’
Danny Garcia
I like clothes. I really do. I like going through colors, in a way. I go, ‘Greens, man. Greens. Oh, yellow. This yellow feels good.’ So it shapes your psyche in a way. But I don’t think about it too much, even though I’m interested in it.
Devendra Banhart
I don’t watch horror films, because I don’t want those images in my psyche, and I resent having them forced on me before a movie of my choosing.
Rebecca Serle
If Obama came by his liberalism in the faculty lounge, then sure, he can see it hasn’t worked, and he can modify it. But if Obama got his formative ideas when he was very young, and if they are the result of his traumatic relationship with his father, then they are built into his psyche.
Dinesh D’Souza
I had always thought my fantasy career would be making indie films and doing my own thing. But then ‘Superbad’ came along, and it totally changed everything. It was so hilarious and smart and extreme; you could probably do a psychoanalysis term paper on the male sexual psyche going on there.
Greg Mottola
In the States everyone aspires to be middle class. It’s so engrained into the American psyche: As long as you work hard you’re going to be rich some day. The history of Britain is that if you’re born working class, you’re going to stay there, although that is changing.
Nigel Cole
There are some great shows that come and go really fast, either because the network doesn’t give them a chance or they just don’t grab on to the psyche of the country quickly enough.
Lisa Edelstein
Kafka is not interested in documenting the manners and mores of any particular place; he is not interested in probing the psyche of individual characters.
John Kessel
I’ve always used poetry to explain myself to myself. These things just sat in my psyche and then came out.
Jonathan Galassi
I can’t get into the underlying psyche of someone like Robin Williams, but he was at that level of fame where he was somewhat self-protective.
Alan Menken
The work that must be done for each woman to reconnect

The work that must be done for each woman to reconnect with her psyche and to give herself a chance to live her own life is essentially the same. The realization of the equality of all races, the equality of all beings is essential.
Betty Buckley
The speed of change today is faster than the human psyche seems able to handle, and it’s increasingly difficult to reconcile the rhythms of our personal lives with the rapidity of a twenty-four-hour news cycle.
Marianne Williamson
I love boating – not flash, ‘noisy go fast’ nonsense, but the general relaxation of it. My wife and I love to get in our little Wellcraft and go as far out to sea as we can, hopefully beyond land. That is the best thing you can ever do. It clears your psyche.
John Lydon
I want to turn my attention to movies about love relationships. Exploring the female psyche – there ought to be some interesting discoveries there. Love stories. If you do it right, people want to hear romantic dialog.
Sylvester Stallone
If I hadn’t been an actress, I was thinking seriously about going into psychology. It’s just really what I’m interested in: the human psyche and how we process information.
Claire Danes
Being charitable provides a boost to your psyche that is tough to replicate in any other way. But note that although any charity will happily take your money, you can give in other ways and still reap the same happiness reward. Volunteering and donating your old or unused belongings have the same result.
Jean Chatzky
The process of playing a character as dark as Omar Saeed Sheikh is disturbing. So you have to mentally also be in that psyche, that state of mind. So, it was not easy. I was trying to cultivate a lot of anger and hatred in me while portraying him, because that’s what I read and heard about him.
Rajkummar Rao
I’d like to write about whatever is going on with me at that point of time or situations I’m – which I’m sure a lot of people can relate with. I mean, I’m a deep person. I’d like to dig deep into the psyche, but at the same time, you make things that are gonna lift everyone up.
William Singe
I would say being in that institution – that psyche ward, or whatever it was. That was really creepy because it was a real place from like the early 1900s.
Jay Hernandez
We, America, elected Trump. Putin didn’t do it, nor the trolls in St. Petersburg with their zillions of busy bots. They may well have plucked certain strings in the national psyche – played us like a dimestore ukulele – but we were keen to be plucked.
Ben Fountain
The soles of Neil Armstrong’s boots on the moon made permanent impressions on our souls and in our national psyche. Ann and I watched those steps together on her parent’s sofa. Like all Americans we went to bed that night knowing we lived in the greatest country in the history of the world. God bless Neil Armstrong.
Mitt Romney
We’re seeing more of the female psyche on screen than we used to.
Asher Keddie
Heroes are a way to remove yourself from what may be difficult concepts to talk about in your life. They’re a way to get some distance and have an experience in a theater where you’re confronting those issues in a way that’s safer for your psyche.
Joe Russo
I think I’m blessed with a pretty tough psyche.
Harry Dean Stanton
To have a little recognition, that is very nice, you dig. It is good for the ego, for the psyche.
Dexter Gordon
Whole Foods is a wonderland molded to accommodate the psyche of the socially-responsible, guilt-ridden liberal – the crunchy Kucinich capitalist.
Andrew Breitbart
For the liespotter who knows how to listen well, the random words, sounds, and phrases in a person’s speech are never as random as they seem. They offer a clear sightline into the liar’s psyche.
Pamela Meyer
It’s hard to constantly delve into your psyche and unearth these deep and often painful feelings and hold them out in front of people and say, ‘Here’s the most vulnerable part of me.’
Alison Sudol
‘Breaking Bad’ is great at blurring the line between good and evil. It makes you feel compassion for Walter White so you’re with him throughout this descent into the darker parts of his psyche. The bad that we’re capable of is all circumstantial.
Jesse Plemons
I used to psyche myself out. Only, back then, we didn’t know the word ‘psyche.’
Jake LaMotta
I do think Australians as a rule have a very good sensibility to them, and I think most people, if they were given the option, wouldn’t choose to rip off a filmmaker or an artist – I don’t think its part of the Australian psyche.
John Polson
It’s very important for feminism for us to tell our daughters that they should be strong. But to tell our sons that they can be vulnerable, to have these characters on screen that are not perfectly masculine cowboys that never fail, for our boys to change their psyche as well, that’s equally important for feminism.
Chloe Zhao
If the widespread attempts to block Brexit gave us a glimpse into how fragile our commitment to democracy had become – reduced to a technocratic in-name-only veneer – reactions to Covid are a stark reminder that freedom cannot be assumed as a social norm that’s deeply embedded into our institutions and our psyche.
Claire Fox
Remember that our Spanish conquerors, for their own benefit, deliberately created an oppressed underclass whose collective psyche became rooted in passivity and underachievement.
Lionel Sosa
I think if you’re in this business, like any high-stakes business, the highs and lows can make you a manic-depressive person, if you weren’t that way to start with. ‘Cause it’s just so crazy on your psyche. A lot of it has to do with people thinking they’re greater than someone else.
Joan Cusack
What I was reading was already part of my psyche, but finally someone else was saying it’s okay to walk alone.
Charlie Trotter
My faith in God is unshakeable, even though till date, I have not experienced any miraculous incident that makes me feel the presence of a higher power. But the trust in God has been engrained into my psyche since my childhood.
Emraan Hashmi
Guns are part of the American psyche, aren’t they? This is collateral damage for having a Wild West mentality. It’s intrinsic to the American psyche. It’s never going to change.
Nick Cave
Technical knowledge has now become an integral aspect of the Iranian psyche.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
It’s not easy trying to get into the psyche and behaviour patterns, which are far removed from one’s own personality. Some intense characters linger long after it’s over on screen.
Abhimanyu Singh
The human psyche creates structure. We all go through our lives like, ‘Oh! And then I moved here.’ We’re pattern-seeking, structure-producing machines.
Richard Linklater
There's an inclination to get on the inside of Jesus' p

There’s an inclination to get on the inside of Jesus’ psyche, and I think that’s a deep mistake because it assumes that what you have here is someone analogous to us.
Stanley Hauerwas
In several short years, Obama has fundamentally shifted the balance away from the individual and toward government, and has altered the national psyche from self-reliance to ever-growing reliance on government.
Monica Crowley
Every statement that comes out of Washington that is not respectful and is trying to intimidate the Iranian people – is trying to put pressure on the Iranian people – strikes that very, very sensitive chord in the Iranian psyche, and they immediately react.
Mohammad Javad Zarif
The whole ‘starting with stories, ending with novels’ thing, it’s probably too ingrained in the industry and the psyche to change it.
Stephen Graham Jones
When I met Miller, for me it wasn’t a question of wanting to meet him because it was Arthur Miller; it was a kind of astonishment that I could meet someone who was so deeply embedded in the psyche of my artistic development.
Simon McBurney
I respect knowledge of the psyche. I would be a therapist if I weren’t an entertainer.
Jessica Simpson
When you set these high expectations and goals, and they are demolished so early in the season, that has an effect on the psyche. It wears you down.
Ara Parseghian
You cannot simplify human intelligence, emotion, and growth. To watch the frills and furbelows of a human psyche is fascinating.
Peter Graves
Self-care is the number one solution to helping somebody else. If you are being good to yourself and your body and your psyche, that that serves other people better because you will grow strong enough to life someone else up.
Mary Lambert
I think if you write about human relationships, you’re always exploring the psyche and the soul. I don’t separate certain – perhaps more extreme – things that people do from others.
Sadie Jones
I think it’s something to do with the nurturing side of the psyche; tying up a sunflower or whatever and helping it grow, it is just some kind of core human experience.
Joe Lycett
When the faith is strong enough, it is sufficient just to be. It’s a journey towards simplicity, towards quietness, towards a kind of joy that is not in time. It’s a journey that has taken us from primary identification with our body and our psyche, on to an identification with God, and ultimately beyond identification.
Ram Dass
The psyche of the individual is commensurate with the totality of creative energy. This requires a most radical revision of Western psychology.
Stanislav Grof
Becoming the character you are playing might work for some, but for me, it doesn’t. I always maintain a gap between myself and my character because if I will go so deep into it, it will get difficult for me to come back. You should work towards understanding the psyche of your character and then play it.
Jaideep Ahlawat
Racism is a very insidious thing. It’s dangerous to the psyche, to mind and body. It erodes the self-confidence. And I don’t know how we get through it.
Ruby Dee
The brain is an immensely complex organ, and many mysteries remain. Exactly how brain and mind or soma and psyche are related is one of them.
Siri Hustvedt
I go through ups and downs in the psyche all the time, and then once you start moving again, it’s amazing how you can always bounce back. You get, like, in a low rut, and you think, ‘This is it; my life is a train wreck.’ And then you bounce back again.
Kurt Vile
A street is a story in asphalt – so it’s a paradox that the streets are the one place where the movies play fast and loose with continuity, something to which L.A. streets lend themselves as naturally as does the city’s psyche.
Steve Erickson
Repression in the human psyche is tightly bundled. When it has been pulled out of the sprung package so often it is perhaps difficult to push it back in the box.
Graham Joyce
The underbelly of the human psyche, what is often referred to as our dark side, is the origin of every act of self-sabotage. Birthed out of shame, fear, and denial, it misdirects our good intentions and drives us to unthinkable acts of self-destruction and not-so-unbelievable acts of self-sabotage.
Debbie Ford
What the Internet offers is this completely unfiltered transmission of thought to thought, of psyche to psyche, and whatever you’re feeling, you can just sort of put it down and send it out there, and you can do it all in the confines of your room, without any actual contact.
James Lasdun
Hope in the future is deeply rooted in our national psyche. It is part of the soul of our nation.
Blase J. Cupich
To be a great artist, you need to know yourself as best as you possibly can. I live my life and delve into my own psyche. It’s more about exploring how I feel rather than making pale imitations of something that came before. We are unique beings, and the way we look at things is our own.
Bat for Lashes
If you normally go quiet when you get angry, you may not relate to a character that reacts very differently. But if you see someone internalising the anger like you do, you will immediately identify with him or her. It’s these small things that penetrate your psyche and make you relate at a deeper level.
Jaideep Ahlawat
I did ‘Animal House’ in 1978, then ‘Local Hero’ in 1983, and then in ’88, ‘Crossing Delancey.’ And I realized that every three to five years, you need a big role to put you into the national psyche.
Peter Riegert
The shock of any trauma, I think changes your life. It’s more acute in the beginning and after a little time you settle back to what you were. However it leaves an indelible mark on your psyche.
Alex Lifeson
To start telling people that you’re beautiful, or just feel beautiful, just start acting like you are the most beautiful woman in the world. And it really improves everything! Because your sort of psyche responds to it – like this is truthful!
Margaret Cho
Being a good actor is sort of understanding the complexity of the human psyche and also knowing that we are none of us perfect.
Paula Malcomson
Watching everyone root through their psyche, it just delights me. Especially R. Crumb’s stuff.
Alison Bechdel
I have been working with people on an individual basis for years to help them break habits and deal with anxiety. I’ve helped people with everything from fears, phobias, and stress right the way through to eczema – anything that is governed by our psyche and inner psychology.
Keith Barry
I rewatched a lot of ‘Star Wars’ when I did ‘Rogue One,’ and the thing I learned was that as a young person, consuming ‘Star Wars’ at the level that I consumed ‘Star Wars,’ it kind of molds your visual psyche, so you see the world in ‘Star Wars’-ian fashion.
Greig Fraser
The idea of future or past, either way, is a core part

The idea of future or past, either way, is a core part of entertainment. It’s something we’ve always loved as humans. Its part of our psyche, I think.
Mark Sheppard
In the midst of applying for American citizenship, of finally attempting to get my presidents in a row, I felt it incumbent upon myself to explore the national psyche in every way.
Hamish Bowles
I’ve never been driven by fame or money or anything like that. It’s never been part of my psyche.
Richard O’Brien
Most men somewhere in their psyche are still dragging women around by their hair. It’s terrible. I have two daughters, but even before my kids were born I always thought that it was terrible.
Danny DeVito
Well, thank you and that’s for them, but for me, I want to look back at a body of work where when you do the research and you explore the psyche of a character, where she’s been, where she is and where she’s going.
Pam Grier
People still get shocked when they see me eat a whole box of chocolates. I don’t psyche myself out – I know how to balance my meals even when I am not on a strict diet.
Hrithik Roshan
When you’re doing a film, narrative is your most important tool, but it’s a tool to create a cinematographic experience, to create those moments that are beyond narrative, that are almost an abstraction of that moment that hits your psyche.
Alfonso Cuaron
Ancient eschatological texts are actually maps of the inner territories of the psyche that seem to transcend race and culture and originate in the collective unconscious.
Stanislav Grof