Top 105 Confronting Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Confronting Quotes from famous people such as Pete Buttigieg, Tracy McMillan, James F. Byrnes, Arlen Specter, Ben Mendelsohn, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The challenge in confronting Trump is that there are ce

The challenge in confronting Trump is that there are certain things that he does that that you have to respond to, just morally. When he lies, you’ve got to correct the lie, which will keep you busy because he does it so often. When he does something wrong, you’ve got to point to it.
Pete Buttigieg
People who find that they have a lot of drama in their relationships need to allow themselves to get ‘bored’. At first, it will feel excruciating, and they may find themselves confronting a very real fear underneath all that drama: being truly close and therefore vulnerable to another human being.
Tracy McMillan
I have come to Germany to learn at first hand the problems involved in the reconstruction of Germany and to discuss with our representatives the views of the United States Government as to some of the problems confronting us.
James F. Byrnes
The American people do not care which Party solves the problems confronting our nation.
Arlen Specter
One of the things that I found very confronting in my early working life was that people thought I was some sensitive doe-eyed lovelorn boy, because they’d seen me do that a couple of times. What tends to happen is you get a run of similar roles.
Ben Mendelsohn
If something that needs to be done that we don’t feel confronting, we do it through the manager.
John Oates
America needs a new generation of leaders to address the big issues facing the country: alleviating the middle class squeeze and promoting economic opportunity, confronting the significant national security challenges threatening the safety of our people, and reforming the culture of Washington, D.C.
Ron DeSantis
As for the development of Mumbai, the problem is that most of our chief ministers are from interior Maharashtra and they are not familiar with the problems confronting the city. Only someone born here will understand the problems of the metropolis.
Raj Thackeray
A smart black guy is confronting for most people. But that’s on them, not on me.
Laurence Fishburne
My whole life has been about confronting cynicism.
Cory Booker
It was very confronting after growing up in the suburbs of Melbourne, then going to India. There’s such a different emphasis on everything: food, family, hygiene, love, marriage. It’s why it’s so exciting, why it’s so beautiful.
Greig Fraser
Indeed, the attempt to live according to the notion that the fragments are really separate is, in essence, what has led to the growing series of extremely urgent crises that is confronting us today.
David Bohm
The simple reality of life is that everyone is wrong on a regular basis. By confronting these inevitable errors, you allow yourself to make corrections before it is too late.
Barry Ritholtz
I’m perpetually interested by living in places as an artist confronting challenges I’ve never confronted before and approaching them with as much craft and humanity as I can.
George C. Wolfe
My theatre is not a conventional one. It is bold, serious, funny, confronting. It is anything but boring.
Haris Pasovic
I always wanted to create my own musical world. That takes time and must be earned, and it does mean sometimes confronting the expectations of the audience.
Steven Wilson
For those of us in the opposition movement under dictatorships, part of our job is confronting police and spending time in prison. So, a dissident not only needs to learn how to oppose oppression but also how to face the crackdowns and time in prison.
Liu Xiaobo
We must do everything we can to be more aggressive in confronting Syria about what they are doing in Iraq.
Sam Brownback
Republicans need to get honest about confronting climate, but Democrats need to get honest about energy.
John Fetterman
Brain research is the ultimate problem confronting man.
John Eccles
Conservatives used to believe in confronting hard truths, not succumbing to comforting fairy tales. Some still do.
Fareed Zakaria
Justice is a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in the circumstances confronting him.
Thomas Aquinas
I have deep respect for people’s individual faith, but when faith gets connected to the machinery of state, or the machinery of hate, I find it very confronting.
Andrew Denton
Talking about darker stuff from my life was definitely very cathartic and at times confronting.
Mae Martin
You meet folks who are funny and really smart and persistent and loving that are confronting this thing we call poverty, which is just a shorthand for this way of life that holds you underwater. And you just wonder what our country would be if we allowed these people to flourish and reach their full potential.
Matthew Desmond
One of the things I said was that I had been in great hopes that I would become a better person as a result of confronting my own mortality, but it actually never happened. I didn’t become a better person.
Molly Ivins
Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia have been profound ethical issues confronting doctors since the birth of Western medicine, more than 2,000 years ago.
Ezekiel Emanuel
Horror serves a cathartic role in human society, all throughout the world. It is a way of confronting the darkness, both within and without.
Nancy A. Collins
Now a Protestant confronting a Catholic ghost is exactly Shakespeare’s way of grappling with what was not simply a general social problem but one lived out in his own life.
Stephen Greenblatt
One of the things that I found very confronting in my early working life was that people thought I was some sensitive doe-eyed lovelorn boy, because they’d seen me do that a couple of times. What tends to happen is you get a run of similar roles.
Ben Mendelsohn
I find the whole situation of confronting an audience terrifying.
Sam Shepard
Military confrontation is not a suitable alternative in

Military confrontation is not a suitable alternative in confronting terror and current security threats.
Jalal Talabani
Our culture is being shaped by trolls and the Holocaust deniers are a very extreme example of the trolls. Ignoring them has not worked. It doesn’t mean that confronting them will work completely but I think it’s a debate we have to have.
David Baddiel
Beyonce may be a gifted entertainer, but no one should really care what she thinks about any serious issue confronting our nation.
Peter T. King
Confronting Republicans can definitely mobilize a disaffected Democratic base.
Ari Melber
A woman confronting men is a proper subject, it is inexhaustible.
Claude Chabrol
Confronting a stadium audience, you can’t see the whites of their eyes. It’s just an amorphous mass of noise and, of course, you can’t see the alleged billions watching at home either, so the degree to which you are intimidated is quite low.
Rowan Atkinson
Telling the truth, and confronting the challenge, is what politics is about.
Johann Lamont
There was one thing more than any other that turned this New York, liberal, Jewish, Columbia University graduate student away from modern liberalism: its use of moral equivalence to avoid confronting evil during the Cold War.
Dennis Prager
Confronting a dangerous pandemic requires containing spread wherever it is reasonably possible. Sensible measures such as universal masking, testing and widespread and rapid contact tracing can help. The best way to protect the vulnerable is to try to protect everyone.
Scott Gottlieb
I suppose that the media and their portrayal of Islam and the almost tribal separations and divisions of the Muslims are the greatest issues confronting Muslims in the United Kingdom.
Cat Stevens
If something that needs to be done that we don’t feel confronting, we do it through the manager.
John Oates
The U.S. military is not war weary. Our military draws strength from confronting our enemies when clear policy objectives are set and we are fully resourced for the fight.
Jim Mattis
A woman confronting men is a proper subject, it is inexhaustible.
Claude Chabrol
Defense contractors are able to reap tremendous profits while rarely confronting the risks for which those profits are supposed to be the reward.
James Surowiecki
Limiting Covid’s impact requires us to think differently about confronting respiratory pathogens in the winter.
Scott Gottlieb
The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t. Quests to faraway places or shopping sprees are no longer necessary. All you have to do is eliminate what you don’t need by confronting each of your possessions properly.
Marie Kondo
America needs a new generation of leaders to address the big issues facing the country: alleviating the middle class squeeze and promoting economic opportunity, confronting the significant national security challenges threatening the safety of our people, and reforming the culture of Washington, D.C.
Ron DeSantis
My childhood overseas instilled in me an appreciation for foreign languages and cultures, but also a deep understanding of the vital role of American leadership in confronting aggression abroad.
Gina Haspel
When confronting most crises, whether historic or contemporary, aid agencies generally muddle along on a case-by-case basis. They weigh insufficient information, extrapolate somewhat blindly about long-term pros and cons, and reluctantly arrive at decisions meant to do the most good and the least harm.
Samantha Power
The ultimate problem confronting me all my life has been the senseless injury to and neglect of my sister.
Philip K. Dick
One new reality is global interconnectivity and the fact that all challenges must be addressed on the basis of ‘togetherness.’ Thus the most crucial factor in accepting the new reality and confronting its opportunities and risks is our willingness to develop shared norms on all levels.
Klaus Schwab
The administration must act promptly to ensure that the central premise of the Affordable Care Act is executable and, rather than dismissing criticism, should examine it in good faith and work to serve the needs of the people. President Obama must approach this problem like a CEO confronting a very bad product launch.
John Delaney
This is why we have racism, really: because people are confronting the unknown, and they don’t like that.
Holly Hunter
We must do everything we can to be more aggressive in confronting Syria about what they are doing in Iraq.
Sam Brownback
I have deep respect for people’s individual faith, but when faith gets connected to the machinery of state, or the machinery of hate, I find it very confronting.
Andrew Denton
One of the uncertain pleasures of adulthood, for me, has really been about confronting how little I know about the world and how much completely baffles me about the world and human behavior.
Karyn Kusama
When you see the violence of Hollywood movies, there is a tendency that the hero is combating and confronting many people, without much harm to himself. But in my films, the hero takes a lot of hits so the very act of the hero being the one on the receiving end, makes the audience cheer and connect with him.
Takashi Miike
Conservatives used to believe in confronting hard truths, not succumbing to comforting fairy tales. Some still do.
Fareed Zakaria
Higher education is confronting challenges, like the economy is, about the need for a higher number of more adequately trained, more highly educated citizenry.
Margaret Spellings
The question confronting the Church today is not any longer whether the man in the street can grasp a religious message, but how to employ the communications media so as to let him have the full impact of the Gospel message.
Pope John Paul II
Up until now, the prospect of parole has kept us from confronting our captors with any real determination.
George Jackson
When confronting most crises, whether historic or conte

When confronting most crises, whether historic or contemporary, aid agencies generally muddle along on a case-by-case basis. They weigh insufficient information, extrapolate somewhat blindly about long-term pros and cons, and reluctantly arrive at decisions meant to do the most good and the least harm.
Samantha Power
As soon as we step beyond the established boundaries of pure thermodynamic theory, we enter a trackless region confronting us with obstacles which even the most astute of us are almost at a loss to tackle.
Wilhelm Wien
As British people, we don’t often face what our role in history is. We’re only just beginning to do that. Storytellers have an incredibly important role in confronting that and continuing the conversation.
Rege-Jean Page
If you have something that you know is important to you and vital to you… then this will perhaps help people understand the importance of confronting it and being brave about it.
Tom Wilkinson
I have come to Germany to learn at first hand the problems involved in the reconstruction of Germany and to discuss with our representatives the views of the United States Government as to some of the problems confronting us.
James F. Byrnes
Valor’ is a word we don’t commonly hear. People can show courage and bravery confronting many different challenges in life. But ‘valor’ connotes willingly putting oneself in mortal danger to protect others.
William Barr
Just about every therapist or counselor or social worker is practiced in dealing with people going through failing relationships, ending them, and confronting issues of custody and support.
Laura Wasser
Justice is a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in the circumstances confronting him.
Thomas Aquinas
The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t. Quests to faraway places or shopping sprees are no longer necessary. All you have to do is eliminate what you don’t need by confronting each of your possessions properly.
Marie Kondo
Confronting a stadium audience, you can’t see the whites of their eyes. It’s just an amorphous mass of noise and, of course, you can’t see the alleged billions watching at home either, so the degree to which you are intimidated is quite low.
Rowan Atkinson
There is in my opinion a great similarity between the problems provided by the mysterious behavior of the atom and those provided by the present economic paradoxes confronting the world.
Paul Dirac
For many Mexican human rights defenders, confronting the military does not end so well.
Kerry Kennedy
The first sign of whether Obama is serious about confronting the climate crisis will be revealed by how he organizes the White House.
Jeff Goodell
I was always a courageous woman, capable of confronting governments but not men.
Jane Fonda
My theatre is not a conventional one. It is bold, serious, funny, confronting. It is anything but boring.
Haris Pasovic
As Governor, it’s my job to work on behalf of everyone in Connecticut and to reach across the aisle to find commonsense, bipartisan solutions to the challenges confronting our state.
Ned Lamont
Confronting and undermining the narratives and ideas of extremism must therefore be one of our key tasks. To do this, we must retain the courage of our convictions in the face of extremism.
Jonas Gahr Store
Limiting Covid’s impact requires us to think differently about confronting respiratory pathogens in the winter.
Scott Gottlieb
For those of us in the opposition movement under dictatorships, part of our job is confronting police and spending time in prison. So, a dissident not only needs to learn how to oppose oppression but also how to face the crackdowns and time in prison.
Liu Xiaobo
I still value the adventurous side, confronting the mountain on its terms, more than I value actual success in terms of getting to the top. That has very little meaning to me.
Jeff Lowe
Incumbency adds a layer of advantage on top of this party dominance. But rather than foster an environment in which members of Congress feel free to buck popular sentiment and wrestle seriously with the problems confronting the country, it reinforces the ideological divide between the parties.
Thomas E. Mann
If you have something that you know is important to you and vital to you… then this will perhaps help people understand the importance of confronting it and being brave about it.
Tom Wilkinson
It is one of the sternest judgments confronting a human being after death that insofar as he is himself evil, he can see only what resembles himself because he can reproduce in his own being only the physiognomy of other evil people.
Rudolf Steiner
The myths underlying our culture and underlying our common sense have not taught us to feel identical with the universe, but only parts of it, only in it, only confronting it – aliens.
Alan Watts
While confronting the problems of the present, I often find myself thinking back to the world of books as it was experienced by the Founding Fathers and the philosophers of the Enlightenment.
Robert Darnton
The most confronting thing you can do is talk about your feelings and open yourself up.
Ashleigh Barty
Being an artist and a human in this world always means confronting people who make you feel like you have to act according to their rules.
Alice Merton
The war in Afghanistan is too important to be reduced to a political football. We are fighting there to protect our national security. We are confronting the Taliban-led insurgency to prevent terrorists returning to that country.
Bob Ainsworth
Some have argued that confronting the threat from Iraq could detract from the war against terror. To the contrary, confronting the threat posed by Iraq is crucial to winning the war on terror.
George W. Bush
The U.S. military is not war weary. Our military draws strength from confronting our enemies when clear policy objectives are set and we are fully resourced for the fight.
Jim Mattis
Britain’s end-of-life and palliative care services are a national travesty. That a public debate on this crisis is so sorely lacking has much to do with our fear of confronting dying and death.
Owen Jones
It is one of the sternest judgments confronting a human

It is one of the sternest judgments confronting a human being after death that insofar as he is himself evil, he can see only what resembles himself because he can reproduce in his own being only the physiognomy of other evil people.
Rudolf Steiner
A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.
Marie Curie
As British people, we don’t often face what our role in history is. We’re only just beginning to do that. Storytellers have an incredibly important role in confronting that and continuing the conversation.
Rege-Jean Page
As so often happened during the dot-com bubble days, the revenues that AOL and PurchasePro were counting on did not materialize. And instead of confronting that harsh reality, AOL and PurchasePro cooked up a scheme to inflate PurchasePro’s revenues.
James Comey
Valor’ is a word we don’t commonly hear. People can show courage and bravery confronting many different challenges in life. But ‘valor’ connotes willingly putting oneself in mortal danger to protect others.
William Barr
Brain research is the ultimate problem confronting man.
John Eccles
Higher education is confronting challenges, like the economy is, about the need for a higher number of more adequately trained, more highly educated citizenry.
Margaret Spellings
Being an artist and a human in this world always means confronting people who make you feel like you have to act according to their rules.
Alice Merton
Most Russians actually were living much better by the end of the 1990s than by the beginning of the 1990s. Most Russians were no longer confronting food shortages.
Masha Gessen
There is in my opinion a great similarity between the problems provided by the mysterious behavior of the atom and those provided by the present economic paradoxes confronting the world.
Paul Dirac
The challenge in confronting Trump is that there are certain things that he does that that you have to respond to, just morally. When he lies, you’ve got to correct the lie, which will keep you busy because he does it so often. When he does something wrong, you’ve got to point to it.
Pete Buttigieg
The ultimate problem confronting me all my life has been the senseless injury to and neglect of my sister.
Philip K. Dick