Top 111 Whilst Quotes

‘I Met You When I Was 18’ is a collection of songs, a story about moving to New York City when I was 18 and falling in love for the first time. A story about trying to figure out your own identity whilst being deeply intertwined with someone else’s.
All men whilst they are awake are in one common world: but each of them, when he is asleep, is in a world of his own.
Amongst Western intelligentsia, to criticize if not loathe American values is viewed as progressive and liberal, whilst to support brutal and intolerant religious and political ideologies is a hallmark of being enlightened.
Gad Saad
One of the problems with ‘SNL’ is that, if you tried to adlib, the director would put you off camera and off the mic, so only you would know that you ever did it. The director always directed to the script; he wasn’t listening to what you were doing. He was calling shots whilst looking at the page.
Harry Shearer
I faced a number of challenges whilst I built Biocon. Initially, I had credibility challenges where I couldn’t get banks to fund me; I couldn’t recruit people to work for a woman boss. Even in the businesses where I had to procure raw materials, they didn’t want to deal with women.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw