Top 115 Prejudices Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Prejudices Quotes from famous people such as Irving Langmuir, Pico Iyer, Randall Kennedy, Colson Whitehead, David Cameron, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Science, almost from its beginnings, has been truly int

Science, almost from its beginnings, has been truly international in character. National prejudices disappear completely in the scientist’s search for truth.
Irving Langmuir
It’s only by taking myself away from clutter and distraction that I can begin to hear something out of earshot and recall that listening is much more invigorating than giving voice to all the thoughts and prejudices that anyway keep me company twenty-four hours a day.
Pico Iyer
The idea of the mulatto has been a gathering point for a wide variety of racial prejudices, fears, myths, and speculations.
Randall Kennedy
If the world’s nations can set aside their petty bickering over religion, politics, and territory, certainly I can ‘get that Olympic Spirit’ and rise above my prejudices.
Colson Whitehead
It is so important for European countries, post-Second World War, to prove that they can be successful multiethnic and multiracial democracies. I think we in Britain have had great success in avoiding the hatreds and prejudices of the past.
David Cameron
I’m glad if people can listen to some music and maybe fix some prejudices of their own, just by thinking.
Nellie McKay
Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices.
Laurence J. Peter
What people think is their individual nature is just a bundle of thoughts, emotions, ideas, opinions, and prejudices. The world can do without this individuality.
Jaggi Vasudev
Now they’re attracted to one another, but repelled by their ethnic origins, so that there was something to overcome. They had to overcome their own prejudices, which had been imposed by the culture – their own shame at being Mexican and Italian.
Robert Towne
Ignoring all prejudices of caste, creed, class, color, sex, or race, a swami follows the precepts of human brotherhood. His goal is absolute unity with Spirit.
Paramahansa Yogananda
When I start writing these novels, I go into them with a spirit of inquiry rather than to substantiate prejudices I had in the beginning. If you don’t do that, you can’t write good characters.
Ruth Ozeki
When I first posted pictures of me braless, there were so many different reactions. I could have been frightened and hide, but I didn’t. I wanted people’s prejudices to disappear.
It’s not so much that art is difficult to make; it’s that the structures and the kind of prejudices that the art world constructs make it seem like creating art is this insurmountable task.
Fab Moretti
In the age of millennials, women’s rights, and female empowerment, I hope my voice helps to encourage the next generation of great female athletes and golfers to possibly stop social injustices and prejudices from creeping into the game that I fell in love with at such a young age.
Paige Spiranac
The design of Rhetoric is to remove those Prejudices that lie in the way of Truth, to Reduce the Passions to the Government of Reasons; to place our Subject in a Right Light, and excite our Hearers to a due consideration of it.
Mary Astell
When you buy into the cultural idea of what’s acceptable and unacceptable, you reinforce negative stereotypes and prejudices. That wouldn’t work for me. I don’t love to give advice to anyone, because we all have to make our own choices, but I’d want to live my life in truth.
Kerry Washington
Isn’t it strange that religious prejudices – beliefs none possess, not even the saints, so they have lamented – divide brothers and sons from their fathers. You see, I except mothers and sisters; the female is not a religious animal. If she were, the world would have ceased long ago.
George A. Moore
We all have our prejudices, and we may or may not be aware of them. Sometimes people walk by me and give me a wider berth. It happens. I wear hoodies all the time because my head gets cold. Something innocuous can be misunderstood.
Sterling K. Brown
Prejudices are the chains forged by ignorance to keep men apart.
Marguerite Gardiner
When I was writing about the Republican primaries, it was as though the Bible was a black box that people reached into to pull out edicts and prejudices and rules and opinions, and I wish they had fact-checked it! Especially Rick Santorum.
Walter Kirn
I can only tell you that when long soul-searching and a combination of circumstances delivered me of my last prejudices, there was an exalted sense of liberation. It was not the Negro who became free, but I.
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
William James
President Trump not only lies with astonishing temerity and abandon, but those lies connect into equally false narratives that gin up the worst fears and prejudices of his base.
Michiko Kakutani
The junior senator from Wisconsin, by his reckless charges, has so preyed upon the fears and hatreds and prejudices of the American people that he has started a prairie fire which neither he nor anyone else may be able to control.
J. William Fulbright
We are addicted to our egotism, our likes and dislikes and prejudices, and depend upon them for our own sense of identity.
Karen Armstrong
I am opposed to the laying down of rules or conditions to be observed in the construction of bridges lest the progress of improvement tomorrow might be embarrassed or shackled by recording or registering as law the prejudices or errors of today.
Isambard K. Brunel
If a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party, there can be no evasion and no games. They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry. This party does not prey on people’s prejudices.
Paul Ryan
I had some prejudices and preconceptions about American culture and trash culture, but the artisan food there is not all hot dog stands.
Dave Myers
I believe you have to start with yourself, think about your bad habits and prejudices, not only in your profession but generally in life. Why do I assume that a doctor is a man? Something is indoctrinated from very early on.
Max Martin
Indeed, there are so many prejudices against everyday middle-class values on college campuses, and serving in the military and being pro-American just seems to be one of them.
Jack Kingston
There’s obviously a lot of controversy around the issue of hunting as there is around gambling, and I like these stories where there is a moral dimension, stories that force you to think about your prejudices about a subject and explore the extent to which they are justified.
Louis Theroux
The true barbarian is he who thinks everything barbarou

The true barbarian is he who thinks everything barbarous but his own tastes and prejudices.
William Hazlitt
Almost every sect of Christianity is a perversion of its essence, to accommodate it to the prejudices of the world.
William Hazlitt
I certainly know about the oppression and prejudices of being black and a woman and from the South.
Clarice Taylor
From their experience or from the recorded experience of others (history), men learn only what their passions and their metaphysical prejudices allow them to learn.
Aldous Huxley
People’s ideas and fears can make them small but they cannot make you small. People’s prejudices can diminish them but they cannot diminish you. Small-minded people can think they determine your worth. But only you can determine your worth.
Carly Fiorina
Prejudices are what fools use for reason.
American prejudices about Europe rarely surface in headlines, but they are real, pervasive, and ingrained.
Linda Colley
But truth is most likely to be exhibited by the general sense of contemporaries, when the feelings of the heart can be expressed without suffering itself to be disguised by the prejudices of man.
Mercy Otis Warren
There is nothing respecting which a man may be so long unconscious as of the extent and strength of his prejudices.
Francis Jeffrey
We all have our likes and our dislikes. But… when we’re doing news – when we’re doing the front-page news, not the back page, not the op-ed pages, but when we’re doing the daily news, covering politics – it is our duty to be sure that we do not permit our prejudices to show. That is simply basic journalism.
Walter Cronkite
There is no reason against woman’s elevation, but prejudices.
Ernestine Rose
It’s hard to get the downtrodden working-class wifey sometimes because ‘You don’t look like it’. Well, that’s weird because I grew up on a scheme in Paisley. But everyone’s got a viewpoint about what you should look like, and it’s tainted by prejudices and assumptions.
Neve McIntosh
There are a lot of people who like to think they don’t have prejudices and that they’re open people, and yet, we all have that in ourselves, oftentimes against people of our own race or our own gender or whatever.
Jim McKay
My childhood began, as everybody’s childhood begins, with prejudices. Man finds prejudices beside his cradle, puts them from him a little in the course of his career, and often, alas! takes to them again in his old age.
Victor Hugo
I am not a performing seal. In your writing, you are tapping into the part that is ‘the best’ in you. But what you are also filters through in your writing your prejudices, your bitterness. I am not a pretentious person.
Twinkle Khanna
More than 150 heads of state attended the UN Summit, giving New Yorkers a chance to get in touch with prejudices they didn’t even know they had.
Jon Stewart
We would be the worst of fools if we would ever lose this extraordinary capacity to go beyond the limits of past thought and past prejudices.
Maryanne Wolf
Some of the world’s most appalling abuses have been justified by religion because it is possible for people to find vindication in their scriptures for any of their prejudices.
Zac Goldsmith
In cyberspace, people with different skin colors, nationalities, cultures and languages should be equally entitled to participation, free speech and development. We should abandon prejudices, respect differences, and be tolerant and open.
Lu Wei
No one likes to admit they are racist or bear prejudices. Nor do they even like to be open and honest when they witness racist behaviour.
Martin Jacques
Clearly, the Obama presidency hasn’t wiped out racial prejudices.
Ron Fournier
For decades, scholars have studied the ways in which implicit biases affect how we perceive other people in this multiethnic society of ours. The data consistently shows that about 90 percent of us possess some implicit prejudices – and, unsurprisingly, people typically favor their own group.
J. D. Vance
The prejudices of ignorance are more easily removed than the prejudices of interest; the first are all blindly adopted, the second willfully preferred.
George Bancroft
I am trained, and I did do ‘The Nutcracker’ in its right form, but at the time, they told me I was black and I’d never be in ‘Swan Lake.’ I went through all those prejudices in the ballet community, and I still emerged wonderfully trained and found my way to Alvin Ailey where there were familiar faces.
Laurieann Gibson
I’m trying to break a lot of prejudices with my every film.
Taapsee Pannu
Whenever you tell a group of people that they can’t use bathrooms, or they can’t access spaces that other people use, that is dehumanizing. It is discriminatory, and it reinforces the stigma and the prejudices that the transgender community already faces.
Sarah McBride
It’s just amazing that there are so many prejudices even now.
Ione Skye
But alas, they are all sadly deficient, because they leave us under the domination of political and religious prejudices; and they are as inefficient as the sleepy dose of an ordinary sermon.
Adam Weishaupt
My conclusion about Mr. Trump’s unsuitability for office is based on his disregard for the precept of treating others with respect, an idea that should transcend politics. Instead, he opts to mock the vulnerable and inflame prejudices by attacking ethnic and religious minorities.
Susan Collins
The tendency of the casual mind is to pick out or stumble upon a sample which supports or defies its prejudices, and then to make it the representative of a whole class.
Walter Lippmann
The presidents and the founding fathers and all of the people we sort of raise up as false idols, we don’t wrestle with the fact that many of these were brilliant men, but they were also men with deep prejudices against people of color, against indigenous people, against women.
Clint Smith
I hang onto my prejudices, they are the testicles of my

I hang onto my prejudices, they are the testicles of my mind.
Eric Hoffer
When you’re a kid, you’re not as corrupted by the world at large. You’re not corrupted by prejudices. You’re much more open-minded. Much more interested in the world around you. ‘Sweet Tooth’ is about the world returning to that kind of place.
Jeff Lemire
He who never leaves his country is full of prejudices.
Carlo Goldoni
Some one has said that most of us don’t think, we just occasionally rearrange our prejudices.
Frank Knox
As an actor, you have to face the public all the time. It is a job that people fantasies, but it also creates prejudices; these prejudices are the scariest things. People judge a personal life or your image, and it can affect the characters I play. Therefore, I try not to showcase my personal life too much.
Gong Yoo
Why is our own participation in scapegoating so difficult to perceive and the participation of others so easy? To us, our fears and prejudices never appear as such because they determine our vision of people we despise, we fear, and against whom we discriminate.
Rene Girard
You can’t learn to write in college. It’s a very bad place for writers because the teachers always think they know more than you do – and they don’t. They have prejudices. They may like Henry James, but what if you don’t want to write like Henry James? They may like John Irving, for instance, who’s the bore of all time.
Ray Bradbury
The greatest and noblest pleasure which we have in this world is to discover new truths, and the next is to shake off old prejudices.
Frederick the Great
Education is the process of driving a set of prejudices down your throat.
Martin H. Fischer
Our prejudices are our mistresses; reason is at best our wife, very often heard indeed, but seldom minded.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
Europe has to avoid old prejudices and new ones. That means north versus south, rich versus poor.
Mario Monti
Again and again, I find something eerie in many Irish occasions – the unrelenting whiteness, the emotional tribal attachments, the violent prejudices lurking beneath apparently pleasant social surfaces, the cosy smugness of belonging.
Tom Paulin
Survival requires us to leave our prejudices at home. It’s about doing whatever it takes – and ultimately those with the biggest heart will win.
Bear Grylls
Whenever black folks speak candidly about the horrors of police brutality, the default reaction in the United States isn’t to start disrupting and dismantling the system of prejudices that enables the abuse of black people, but to demand silence and, sometimes, outright obedience.
Jemele Hill
For those who do not think, it is best at least to rearrange their prejudices once in a while.
Luther Burbank
Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow firm there, firm as weeds among stones.
Charlotte Bronte
We are – each and every one of us – unlearning misogyny. It’s going to take some time. But be aware and active of your prejudices. Notice when they kick in and resist. Fight to stay soft and open. Step back and squint hard.
Glennon Doyle Melton
There are weapons that are simply thoughts. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy.
Rod Serling
So long as classical education and classical prejudices prevailed, educated Englishmen inevitably saw ancient Britain as an alien land.
Norman Davies
I’m a doer and I just want to do it. Whatever attitudes, prejudices, stereotypical ideas that are in front of me, I will break them. But the only way I can break them is by getting a job, and if I need to start in the gutter, I will start in the gutter and work my way up. Money isn’t an issue.
Sol Campbell
Prejudices are not easily got rid of as an old coat which is no longer thought of.
Nicolas Malebranche
One of the virtues of ‘The X-Men’ was that it managed to transcend the expectations and prejudices of the medium. It appealed to a vaster audience than anyone had ever anticipated from any superhero book, much less ‘X-Men.’
Chris Claremont
I don’t think it is so difficult to solve the problems between Cuba and the United States; it all depends on whether there is a dialogue, a discussion, or if the prejudices and hatred of people like the extremists and terrorists from the Cuban community, who try to impose their policies, prevail.
Fidel Castro
Speaking of honesty, if you’re like me you turn on the news to get information – a set of facts. If you want opinion, you come to shows like mine, where our prejudices and biases and opinions are made known; there’s no false pretenses that you’re getting pure objectivity.
S.E. Cupp
It is never too late to give up our prejudices.
Henry David Thoreau
It is well for people who think to change their minds occasionally in order to keep them clean. For those who do not think, it is best at least to rearrange their prejudices once in a while.
Luther Burbank
As a sexually fluid deaf man, I know that embracing all our identities is the way to thrive and to overcome the limitations and prejudices that surround us.
Nyle DiMarco
In the past, kids didn’t tell their parents they were gay, so there were never the bust-ups. Some parents react so strongly to the news that their children are gay that the reaction is, ‘Get out of our house.’ There’s a residue of old prejudices that are going to die hard.
Ian Mckellen
What I find very interesting is, we’re not enthralled by the ancient world, and we’ve escaped all kinds of ancient preconceptions and assumptions and prejudices. But, nevertheless, we still make that connection between authoritative speech and male speech.
Mary Beard
Among leaders in Europe there are those who have prejudices against Turkey, like France and Germany.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
If I’m going to go out to be a solo artist, it’s because I want to do something different without having to wait on someone else’s schedule or hobbies or be limited by other people’s prejudices. I’d be kind of stupid not to exercise that.
Chris Cornell
Bad company is as instructive as licentiousness. One ma

Bad company is as instructive as licentiousness. One makes up for the loss of one’s innocence with the loss of one’s prejudices.
Denis Diderot
Aversion toward the blind exists for the same reason that most prejudices exist: lack of knowledge. Ignorance is a powerful generator of fear. And fear slides easily into aggression and contempt.
Rosemary Mahoney
Men need knowledge in order to overpower their passions and master their prejudices.
Dorothea Dix
I did not believe that the public was sophisticated enough to understand that a newsman could wear several hats and that we had the ability to turn off – nearly, you can’t say perfectly, but nearly – all of our prejudices and biases.
Walter Cronkite
Some readers allow their prejudices to blind them. A good reader knows how to disregard inappropriate responses.
John Barton
Only as you do know yourself can your brain serve you as a sharp and efficient tool. Know your own failings, passions, and prejudices so you can separate them from what you see.
Bernard Baruch
I know that I’m not perfect. While we all have our prejudices and bigotries, we have to learn that it’s an issue that we have to control, that it’s part of my responsibility as an entrepreneur to try to solve it, not just to kick the problem down the road.
Mark Cuban
Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.
Albert Einstein
I think it’s a natural human tendency, when you read something, you tend to read a lot of your prejudices into it. And neuroscience is like a lot of disciplines – it has fashions; things change.
Sam Kean
It’s good to remember that in crises, natural crises, human beings forget for awhile their ignorances, their biases, their prejudices. For a little while, neighbors help neighbors and strangers help strangers.
Maya Angelou
My children have no prejudices at all. My own brother-in-law is Jewish!
Dorothy Kilgallen
Miscegenation is not an idea that we would have in the Caribbean. It wouldn’t come up because anybody could marry anybody, you know. I’m not saying that there aren’t prejudices in the Caribbean, but the idea of the word ‘miscegenation’ is not something that we think of.
Derek Walcott
It is hard to put aside partisanship. It is hard to give up the easy wisecracking jeer that divides and destroys. It is hard – very hard – to have worked sincerely and wholeheartedly for a cause and to have lost. Most of all, it is hard to put aside personal prejudices. And yet we must put these things aside.
Stephen Vincent Benet
Keeping the Union together, freeing slaves and being assassinated all added up to creating ‘Lincoln the myth.’ He overcame a lot of his own prejudices and became what many would consider the first black man’s president.
Henry Louis Gates
There are many cultural prejudices. For instance, even though fresh fish is a regional staple, Catalans don’t like sashimi.
Ferran Adria
Around a third of parents still worry that they will look like a bad mother or father if their child has a mental health problem. Parenting is hard enough without letting prejudices stop us from asking for the help we need for ourselves and our children.
Kate Middleton
Everyone is a prisoner of his own experiences. No one can eliminate prejudices – just recognize them.
Edward R. Murrow
Women have talent and intelligence but, due to social constraints and prejudices, it is still a long distance away from the goal of gender equality.
Pratibha Patil
It is, therefore, essential that we guard our own thinking and not be among those who cry out against prejudices applicable to themselves, while busy spawning intolerances for others.
Wendell Willkie
They who gain applause and power by pandering to the mistakes, the prejudices and passions of the multitude are the enemies of liberty.
Robert Green Ingersoll
Trans justice calls on us to combat the blend of prejudices that demean the lives and diminish the autonomy of another person.
Sarah McBride
In the past, I’ve tried to show the human side of people involved in stigmatised or misunderstood lifestyles. I’ve tried to resist easy judgments and not pander to prejudices.
Louis Theroux