Top 115 Sticks Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sticks Quotes from famous people such as Eliot Sumner, Stephanie Herseth, Michelle Dean, Fred Willard, Alan Tudyk, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

As a kid, I loved to dress up as Ian Dury and run aroun

As a kid, I loved to dress up as Ian Dury and run around hitting people with drumsticks. Members of my family, neighbours, friends, kids at school – no one was safe from my rhythm sticks.
Eliot Sumner
While Congress can’t overturn the Supreme Court, we can provide carrots and sticks to prevent local governments from unfairly taking property from landowners.
Stephanie Herseth
Mass market paperback thrillers are a dime a dozen. The trick is to find something that actually sticks to the ribs.
Michelle Dean
I used to collect autographs outside of the old Cleveland Stadium. I can still remember everyone who took the time and spent a few minutes to make your day. That sticks with you.
Fred Willard
If something makes me laugh really hard, it sticks in my head or my heart or somewhere inside me.
Alan Tudyk
I’m a big fan of Springsteen. Obviously, his social commentary is very powerful for me. I like his album ‘The Rising.’ It’s not a new one, but it sticks in my mind because of what it says to me.
Enda Kenny
The audience simply don’t find a heroine picking a fight with 10 guys as convincing as a hero. So the industry always sticks to psychological thrillers and ghost movies for heroine-oriented projects and this can sustain only for a short time.
There’s nowhere like home for me, but there has been something so interesting about most of the places I’ve visited. One that sticks out in my mind is traveling around South America. It’s a huge continent, and I only got to see a small portion of it, but I’ve always liked going there.
Brittany Bowe
I grew up in a house of no love or emotion – it kind of sticks with you.
Billy Corgan
You don’t forget any time you play for a championship and you don’t win it. It’s just something that sticks with you.
Devin McCourty
I see it all the time in politics. If a candidate gets caught in a lie, he quickly tries to change the subject by throwing more mud at his opponent. The mud keeps flying until some of the slanderous material sticks.
Joe Scarborough
I have learned not to overlook the advantages of being me. From when I was a softball player, and I held the stolen bases record. I would slide into second with my prostheses, and the girl on the base could either step aside or meet two wooden sticks.
Aimee Mullins
Of all the songs I’ve recorded, ‘Amarillo By Morning’ always sticks out in my mind.
George Strait
Talent sticks out like a sore thumb.
Anu Malik
Getting a great idea with song writing is a lot like love. You don’t know why this one is different, but it is. You don’t know why this one is better, but it is. It sticks in your head, and you can’t stop thinking about it.
Taylor Swift
My preference is that, that day when someone sticks a tripod in front of you with a camera on the top, it is not day one.
Daniel Day-Lewis
The packaging of Led Zeppelin’s IV doesn’t have the name of the band, doesn’t have the name of the album: It’s got a guy on the cover with a load of sticks on his back. This record didn’t quite get to No. 1 in the United States – it went to No. 2 – but stayed on the charts for years and years and years.
David Hepworth
If an individual sticks up a bank and walks off with $25,000, there are consequences. If someone who really could have had an insurance policy consumes $25,000 worth of health care, everyone else pays for that.
Ron Williams
When a team sticks together and plays for each other, it all usually works out in the end.
Jared Dudley
When I was younger, I was always willing to tell a joke and play out a scene. I would get sticks and pretend they were light sabers. I think it was just at a young age, I was so willing to jump up and perform a little play at the family picnic.
Sufe Bradshaw
I’ll post a video, and it might get 10,000 comments, and I’ll scroll through and they’ll all be lovely and nice – but then they’ll be one saying, ‘I hate you; I’m unsubscribing’ and that’s the one that sticks out and stays on your mind all day.
Zoe Sugg
The person who I admire most in business is Warren Buffett. He is a long-term investor and has brilliant ideas, and he sticks to them.
Bernard Arnault
If you play a gay role, it sticks more than it does if an actor were to play a murderer or a psychopath.
Harry Hamlin
I enjoy a character who sticks to her guns, who’s always challenging herself. That’s something I can relate to.
Yvonne Strahovski
Grown-ups and children are not readily encouraged to unearth the power of words. Adults are repeatedly assured a picture is worth a thousand of them, while the playground response to almost any verbal taunt is ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’ I don’t beg so much as command to differ.
Inga Muscio
Sometimes you get ensnared by an idea, and it’s what I call ‘the sticky burr’: You go hiking, and a burr sticks to you, and that’s the film you’re going to make.
Debra Granik
The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job.
Napoleon Hill
I just enjoyed bar mitzvahs as a kid, and there was this company in the Detroit area where I grew up, and I think they recruited me as a party dancer – you know, like, you dance around and pass out glow sticks. I quickly rose in the ranks and, within a year, became an emcee, which was kind of unheard of.
James Wolk
I remember cream cheese in celery, with a sprinkling of paprika, served at my dad and stepmum’s ‘soirees’ in the 70s, where people danced to Slade in long tartan dresses. I’d go down and eat the cheese cubes left over from cheese and pineapple on sticks, because guests would only eat the pineapple.
Zoe Ball
When I had long hair, I used to tie it back, so the guys would say I would look like the ‘Gypsy.’ I used to hate that, but the less you like a nickname, the more it sticks.
Junior dos Santos
I grew up under the sticks and stones rule. I didn’t put my hands on you so why should you put your hands on me or my family.
Tim Hardaway
I was thrilled one year when I was younger when not onl

I was thrilled one year when I was younger when not only did my brothers get hockey sticks for Christmas – but I did too!
Nancy Kerrigan
The process of making an independent film is like building a mini Eiffel Tower with popsicle sticks – it doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s not easy.
William Fichtner
The great thing about ‘Coco’ is that for anybody who hears it, it just sticks.
O. T. Genasis
I think who you are in school really sticks with you. I don’t ever feel like the cool kid at the party, ever. It’s like, ‘Smile and be nice to everybody, because you were not invited to be here.’
Taylor Swift
We really believe in our music, and it’s still heartening to know that it’s appreciated, and that’s what sticks.
Ted Dwane
I’ve met lots of interesting people, but Lucian Freud is the one who sticks out because I spent so much time with him. He taught me discipline, which I hadn’t been taught properly before. If I was, like, two seconds, late, he would kick off. Once, I was three minutes late, and he went absolutely berserk.
Kate Moss
My drum sticks are in the ‘Hall of Fame.’ I know that.
Jimmy Carl Black
If you have a setback, and you’re not doing well and then you overcome it somehow, it always sticks with you. You know it could happen again.
Sam Donaldson
I think I’m the last generation that remembers life before the smartphone. I’m going to be one of them old geezers going, ‘You know, when I was a kid, we used to play with sticks.’
Sam Fender
I think what’s universal is the idea of auditioning. It’s something that you do in every kind of job market. You audition every time you go on a date, you audition at a job interview, and it’s always about trying to put the best version of yourself forward and seeing what sticks and what doesn’t.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
The thing about the 2008 season which sticks out for so many people was we were coming off the 18-1 year where we went to the Super Bowl and lost in dramatic fashion with the catch and everything else that happened.
Matt Cassel
To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks.
A. A. Milne
It’s funny, but no matter how good an artist is, it’s not until he stands on his own two feet and sticks to his guns that things are going to come together.
Keith Whitley
The Hell in a Cell match that always sticks in my mind is the original Michaels versus Undertaker match. It was really something. The bout itself was so good, while Kane’s debut made it even more memorable. That takes the cake in terms of Hell in a Cell matches.
Kevin Owens
I had a lil’ chub-chub moment from ages 7 to 11. If somebody was teasing, they’d go straight to my fat. I was so insecure, I kept my shirt on in the pool, which is the worst because it sticks to your stomach anyway.
Jason Derulo
We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Music seems hard-wired into our very being. It moves us, stirs us to action, sets us in motion, sticks in our memories and minds.
Floyd Skloot
When I was young, I used to expect Parisians to wear little black berets, to bicycle about with strings of onions around their necks, and to brandish long sticks of bread, just like they used to do in school textbooks.
Craig Brown
I seen an interview with Kobe; he said what separated him from a lot of people was everyone thought 30 points was a lot. He said he never set himself a limit, and that always sticks in my head. He said he’d score 100 if he could. So he never had a limit, I don’t put a limit on anything.
Devin Booker
I’m like this wiry freak they pulled out of a bar two months ago and said, ‘Let’s throw it on the wall and see if it sticks.’
Paget Brewster
That’s life. Whichever way you turn, fate sticks out a foot to trip you.
Martin Goldsmith
I find no sweeter fat than sticks to my own bones.
Walt Whitman
I am a person who sticks to her word.
Steffi Graf
I just think that as much as we say sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me – words do hurt.
Camille Kostek
One of my first days shooting on ‘Game of Thrones’ was possibly the coldest day I’ve ever experienced in my life, and that sticks out especially because I’d never, ever done anything before.
Isaac Hempstead Wright
Usually when you’re doing concepts for a character, you just try a couple different things to see what sticks.
Joe Madureira
I grew up in Manhattan. For Manhattanites, Brooklyn was the sticks, a second-rate civilization. My friends and I, we were so snobby. Living in the Bronx or Brooklyn was incredible… for me, that was like a foreign country.
William Klein
What I want to do is produce really delicious food. I want it to look nice, because when you see food you should want to eat it. You shouldn’t be saying, ‘Oh my goodness, isn’t the chef clever, he can weave the Eiffel Tower out of carrot sticks.’
Prue Leith
Arsenic sticks around and today it’s easily found after death if somebody thinks of looking for it, because the problem with arsenic, it isn’t looked for in the common tests for drugs.
Michael Baden
I’m from so far back in the sticks that they had to pump the light in there.
Glen Campbell
I remember my mom wearing CoverGirl. And, no joke, the first lipstick I got was CoverGirl. It was this pearly pink shimmer that was not the color for me, but it sticks in your mind.
Ayesha Curry
What sticks in my mind from seeing the Teletubbies is T

What sticks in my mind from seeing the Teletubbies is Tinky Winky’s handbag and Tubby Custard. I always remember wanting to have a glass of Tubby Custard and some Tubby Toast in the morning.
Daniel Rigby
At this camp I had the unique experience of showing all these seasoned Westerners that it was possible to make a fire by the friction of two sticks. This has long been a specialty of mine; I use a thong and a bow as the simplest way.
Ernest Thompson Seton
If you don’t want fries with your Happy Meal, you can switch it for a fruit bag or a portion of carrot sticks. I think that is the sign of a progressive business.
Steve Easterbrook
Well, what I try to do is throw as much mud on the wall as I possibly can and just see what sticks, what shines as quirky or more interesting that the others, and I try to cling onto that one, somehow join a link from there to there.
Guy Ritchie
I’m not just offensive, I’m very smart about the way that I do it, and that takes a lot of time. People say that young comics shouldn’t be trying these things. That’s ridiculous. You should try everything and see what sticks.
Anthony Jeselnik
Duct tape is like that. It’s a building block. You can make a rope out of it, you can make a cloth out of it. And because it sticks to stuff it’s even more powerful. It’s like an uber-material because of the versatility of a sticky fiber.
Jamie Hyneman
There’s something really cool about taking oily coloured paste and pushing it around with these hairy sticks and making something that looks like you. That’s the magic of painting.
Kehinde Wiley
I was only listening to rock music, burning joss sticks in my bedroom, wanting only to be a disc jockey, and watching six hours of television a night – the worst kind of teenage alienation.
Stephen Hough
I try not to brand myself ‘weird’ any more because it sticks.
Paloma Faith
Winning and losing, it sticks with you forever.
Brad Marchand
CD stores have the disadvantage of an expensive inventory, but digital bookshops would need no such thing: they could write copies at the time of sale on to memory sticks, and sell you one if you forgot your own.
Richard Stallman
You never forget the feeling of not getting to the World Series. Yes, it sticks with you.
Ryne Sandberg
I am fine-tuning certain aspects of my game. Beforehand, I was guilty of doing a lot of my best work away from the goal. But now I am getting in between the sticks and putting the ball in the back of the net.
Dominic Calvert-Lewin
I grew up with lacrosse in my life because my dad played lacrosse all throughout college, so I grew up with the gear in my house – like the sticks, the helmet.
Tyler Posey
I don’t like my hockey sticks touching other sticks, and I don’t like them crossing one another, and I kind of have them hidden in the corner. I put baby powder on the ends. I think it’s essentially a matter of taking care of what takes care of you.
Wayne Gretzky
Everything I do, it sticks. I move on to a different hobby, but I don’t forget about them. I don’t drop anything.
Rory MacDonald
When you’re on, like, NBC, or – I don’t want to call out any names. But when you’re on bigger networks, they just want to find something that sticks and aren’t really necessarily trying to develop anything. On TV Land, they’ve developed ‘The Exes.’
Donald Faison
I paint on the ground. I paint with sticks, with big paint cans, and whatever else falls in it. Basically, what I’m doing is capturing unbridled emotion and putting it on canvas. It’s like capturing lightning in a bottle.
Richard Grieco
The things I learned early on from my granddad, the things he instilled in me, are still to this day a huge part and a huge priority of my own life. Even the little stuff like my granddad always telling me to tuck in my shirt at church. It sticks with you.
Jason Witten
Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.
Arthur Miller
There was never any butter in our home. Just margarine. My parents acted like butter was lethal. I don’t think I ever saw either one have a piece of butter. I would go over to friends’ houses and down sticks of butter.
Bruce Eric Kaplan
My parents were vegetarians. I’d show up at school, this giant black kid, with none of the cool clothes and a tofu sandwich and celery sticks.
Aisha Tyler
We don’t do spaghetti and Bolognese sauce together in Italy. That is technically wrong because when you lift up the spaghetti the sauce will just run down. The way to do it is to use pasta like fettuccine or tagliatelle so the sauce sticks to it.
Gino D’Acampo
Sometimes, I have played something that psychologically sticks with me, that’s opposite of where I am. I guess I have a lot of anger in me.
W. Earl Brown
If you take suede leather and put it on a piece of steel, and put moisture on it, it actually sticks.
Nik Wallenda
Words are really powerful. I don’t believe that axiom at all – words can absolutely hurt you. Words can wound. They can do a lot of damage. I think they can do way more damage than sticks and stones. I’ll take sticks and stones.
Mary-Louise Parker
I’ve been traveling in Guatemala in the rainforest, and here all these houses are made of sticks. It seems so easy to make one.
Led Zeppelin was pretty much what made me pick up drum sticks.
Jon Fishman
I’m forbidden fruit. Once you go to certain households, mommy doesn’t want you to see that dirty man who sticks his tongue out and spits out blood and all that stuff.
Gene Simmons
People in America and Hollywood are very good at pronouncing my name, to begin with. Socially, they’re very adept at listening to somebody’s name and repeating it, cleverly in the first couple of sentences so the name sticks to begin with.
Ioan Gruffudd
My darling father gave me some decent getaway sticks – my legs are OK.
Julie Bowen
I was very fascinated by the time when firearms went fr

I was very fascinated by the time when firearms went from being fire sticks to being something people could use to hunt and to survive.
Joe Perry
Guardiola has a way of playing; he has a system, and he sticks to that.
Peter Schmeichel
If people really liked to work, we’d still be plowing the land with sticks and transporting goods on our backs.
William Feather
If I have to get into a bikini, then I eat carrot sticks for three days.
Margot Robbie
I want to write a story for people where they finish it, and it sticks with them.
Sylvia Day
I always seem to get inspiration and renewed vitality by contact with this great novel land of yours which sticks up out of the Atlantic.
Winston Churchill
When you’re so busy shooting 12 hours a day, you just eat what someone sticks in front of you.
Abby Lee Miller
One of the lyrics from Bono that always sticks with me is ‘Where the Streets Have No Name.’ Just the name of the song, that sort of oneness, and there isn’t any division in yourself, and your just at peace and fired up at the same time.
Ed Kowalczyk
During my childhood, I was surrounded by actors, and all I remember is they were fun to be around. That kind of sticks.
Jack Davenport
It takes minutes to play, but ‘Unmanned’ sticks with you for long after the credits roll. As a part of a two-man team for an unarmed drone, you experience one day in the life of this man who’s tired of staring through the camera of a drone flying around the Middle East and keeping his finger on the trigger.
Rob Manuel
The thing that really sticks – and when you talk to entrepreneurs, they say the same – is just thinking about the next day, the next week.
Ana Patricia Botin
Having an Olympic medal validates that you can be a successful freeskier… It’s like a credential that sticks with you the rest of your life.
Gus Kenworthy
I’m always writing at night – things I would change, things I would do differently. When I write a note, it sticks in my head differently.
Don Mattingly
Premo is one of those producers that I’ve always had a lot of respect for. I’ve always thought that he’s just extremely talented. More importantly, he’s one of those dudes that just sticks to his formula, like if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Big Daddy Kane
We left ‘Byker Grove,’ had a short recording career and suddenly it finished. The invites to premieres dried up and overnight things stopped. We realised very quickly how fickle this business is. Thinking you’ve lost it all makes you appreciate it a lot more and it sticks with you.
Ant McPartlin
I got into incense the first time I visited Japan with Simple Minds in the 80s, now I stock up every time I go back. There’s an otherworldliness about these little cedar wood sticks – which Samurai warriors used to cleanse the spirit – that just helps you ‘escape.’
Jim Kerr
Not everything is so bad… Whichever way you look at it, we feel that we can face the future when the liberal, democracy-based world sticks together. We have great trust that it will.
Kersti Kaljulaid
For some reason or another, ‘Richard Diamond, Private Eye,’ still sticks out in my mind. I don’t think I particularly liked that show, but for some reason, he sticks in my mind.
Dennis Farina
Whereas Hillary is continually reinventing herself and her campaign, throwing things against the wall to see what sticks, Sanders appears to be driven by core values. He’s running because he wants to upend a broken system. She’s running because she thinks it’s her turn.
Kirsten Powers
The only thing I’d say about Darrell Hair is that he is a very good umpire. He’s very firm and he obviously sticks to his guns. I wouldn’t have any qualms about him coming back into Test cricket.
Andrew Strauss
I wrote ‘Time of the Dark’ in 1978 and ‘The Silent Tower’ in 1984, so the thing that sticks out for me is how totally technology has changed. I suppose that’s the great peril for real-world crossovers.
Barbara Hambly
My parents said sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you. But I always felt a sense of exhilaration after a fight; it was the names that really hurt me.
Michael Franti