Top 115 Undermine Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Undermine Quotes from famous people such as Charles Duhigg, Carol Ann Duffy, Jerry Falwell, Jr., George W. Bush, Mike Quigley, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Typically, when there are corporate habits that undermi

Typically, when there are corporate habits that undermine individuals, it has emerged without any sort of central planning. Nobody sits down and says, ‘I’m going to create an evil habit for this corporation.’
Charles Duhigg
Christmas is taken very seriously in this household. I believe in Father Christmas, and there’s no way I’d do anything to undermine that belief.
Carol Ann Duffy
Liberty University will not lend its name or financial support to undermine marriage or to promote abortion.
Jerry Falwell, Jr.
The financial crisis should not become an excuse to raise taxes, which would only undermine the economic growth required to regain our strength.
George W. Bush
The fact that Russia has shown a willingness to disrupt elections and undermine institutions should come as no surprise. Just ask our allies across Europe, particularly in places like Georgia and Ukraine.
Mike Quigley
The BDS movement attempts to undermine and destabilize Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East.
Lee Zeldin
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to empower individuals and communities, as it creates new opportunities for economic, social, and personal development. But it also could lead to the marginalization of some groups, exacerbate inequality, create new security risks, and undermine human relationships.
Klaus Schwab
Changing much-cherished bank secrecy laws is worth the effort. Corruption, tax evasion, and the capture of natural resource revenues undermine the rule of law, weaken the social fabric, erode citizens’ trust in institutions, fuel conflict and insecurity, and hamper job creation.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Maybe it’s the spy novelist in me looking for a future plot, but I hope the U.S. and its allies are thinking how to operate ‘unconventionally’ in Iraq and Syria in ways that undermine the Islamic State.
David Ignatius
Well we are hoping that the power of the community of free nations is such that our sovereignty our rights are not going to be challenged by anybody who’s going try to undermine the freedom, the openness of our societies and our security.
Douglas Feith
Those parts of history that would undermine the vision of the Left – which prevails in our education system from elementary school to postgraduate study – are not likely to get much attention.
Thomas Sowell
No one can undermine national unity.
Ivica Dacic
If you’ve never lived outside London, and if you’ve always had a car, it’s difficult to understand how dire bus services undermine your standard of living: from being able to get to work, meet friends in the pub, get the weekly shop or take the kids on a day out.
Owen Jones
Who thought it would be a good idea to undermine art in the school curriculum? Who thought studying the history of our visual culture was a waste of time? Who thought that only private schools should have that privilege? Was it someone who said we don’t need experts?
Cornelia Parker
Trade wars in which countries are then obliged to retaliate by raising their own tariffs against the initiator undermine growth and hurt consumers. Far from being expressions of strength they highlight the failure of the initiating country’s economic sector to compete in the global market place.
Dominic Grieve
I have no right, by anything I do or say, to demean a human being in his own eyes. What matters is not what I think of him; it is what he thinks of himself. To undermine a man’s self-respect is a sin.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Reproductive health decisions should be made by a woman and her doctor. Any efforts to undermine women’s reproductive rights must stop.
Jan Schakowsky
We must level with the people and explain to them that Social Security will first face funding problems in 2042 that can be fixed now with changes that do not undermine and ultimately drain from the entire program.
Grace Napolitano
I’ve had it with those women – women! – who seek to undermine the serious work of women in Israeli politics by describing them as ‘attractive and elegant’ but utterly vacant.
Ayelet Shaked
Despite its enormous power and wealth, China’s ruling elite remains absolutely petrified that the free flow of information will undermine its political legitimacy, particularly among China’s younger generation.
Tom Lantos
Not only does neoliberalism undermine both civic education and public values and confuse education with training, it also treats knowledge as a product, promoting a neoliberal logic that views schools as malls, students as consumers, and faculty as entrepreneurs.
Henry Giroux
People always think the coach is the strongest person at a club, the boss, but in truth, he’s the weakest link. We’re there, vulnerable, undermined by those who don’t play, by the media, by the fans. They all have the same objective: to undermine the manager.
Pep Guardiola
Under Vladimir Putin, Russia has embarked on a systematic challenge to the West. The goal is to weaken the bonds between Europe and the United States and among E.U. members, undermine NATO’s solidarity, and strengthen Russia’s strategic position in its immediate neighborhood and beyond.
Ivo Daalder
It is possible to set your standards too high, which can undermine a man’s confidence and ability to perform. Instead of reaching for the stars and settling for the moon, there is considerable evidence that man is better served reaching for a blade of grass and settling for an under-the-table handshake deal.
Jason Whitlock
It is still fashionable to believe that how you organize yourself religiously in this life may matter for eternity. Unless we can erode the prestige of that kind of thinking, we’re not going to be able to undermine these divisions in our world.
Sam Harris
Failure in Afghanistan would have profound consequences for our national security. It would undermine the NATO alliance structure that has been the bedrock of Britain’s defence for the last 60 years… I will not allow this to happen on my watch.
Bob Ainsworth
Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don’t let them take you ALIVE.
Sid Vicious
Significant consequences can begin very inconsequentially. That’s one thing that fascinates me. The other thing that fascinates me is how accident can undermine something that’s unfolding, something that might have played out differently otherwise.
Guy Gavriel Kay
When political and business leaders tell the public – any public – ‘We don’t trust you to make the right decision’ – they prejudice that electorate against the very proposals they want it to accept and undermine public confidence in themselves.
Preston Manning
I think that many things that go on in an art school have a tendency to undermine confidence, and that shouldn’t be part of the ballgame, ever.
Lewis Black
Judges who take the law into their own hands, who make up constitutional ‘rights’ in order to strike down laws they oppose, undermine the people’s right to have their values shape public policy and define the culture.
Orrin Hatch
Judge Afiuni has suffered enough. She has been subject

Judge Afiuni has suffered enough. She has been subject to acts of violence and humiliations to undermine her human dignity. I am convinced that she must be set free.
Noam Chomsky
There is a deliberate effort to undermine food culture to sell us processed food. The family meal is a challenge if you’re General Mills or Kellogg or one of these companies, or McDonald’s, because the family meal is usually one thing shared.
Michael Pollan
I will fight with all my power against the divisions that undermine us and which are tearing us apart.
Emmanuel Macron
What the right-wing in the United States tries to do is undermine the press.
Stephen Colbert
Restoring our shared humanity isn’t easy, not least because powerful interests – from media outlets to politicians – relentlessly seek to undermine it. But it is the only hope for a troubled world.
Owen Jones
The idea that women compete or don’t like each other or undermine each other or sabotage each other, that’s a big miss. That is not true at all. At all. My women connect with each other instantly and help each other.
Patricia Riggen
I think placing preconditions before negotiations is the quickest way to undermine peace.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Now Speaker Gingrich says interesting and insightful things. He can explain them well. On many occasions he also says outrageous things that come from nowhere and he has a tendency to say them at exactly the time when they most undermine the conservative agenda.
Jim Talent
I do believe that our ability to jam the Trump brand is somewhat limited. I think we can chip away at it, but ultimately, the way to undermine the Trump brand is a better product in the political marketplace, if you’ll forgive the capitalist metaphor.
Naomi Klein
There are plenty of organisations making a real difference to the lives of gay people around the country that do need our help, so why undermine the wonder of ‘Strictly’ by politicising it?
Robert Rinder
Torture can destroy the social fabric of communities, degrade a society’s institutions, and undermine the integrity of its political systems.
Peter Maurer
Many Communist government officials have a rigid, dictatorial power, but they live in constant suspicion and fear of anything that might undermine the power they have.
Thich Nhat Hanh
I would never undermine a person’s interpretation of a creative work.
Our democracy depends on a free and independent press. When politicians call reporting they don’t like ‘fake news,’ they undermine trust in our civic organizations for their own political gain.
Tina Smith
The Social Security trust fund is in pretty good shape today and we should not embark upon risky, dangerous schemes which will, in fact, undermine Social Security, such as privatization.
Max Baucus
If you undermine people’s confidence, they turn up at the contest trying to get second place.
Dorian Yates
I guess the verdict is in – I am not a sociopath. It’s not effective or productive not to be nice. It would undermine the goals I want to achieve on any given day.
Whitney Cummings
A good ground rule for writing in any genre is, start with a form, then undermine its confidence in itself. Ask what it’s afraid of, what it’s trying to hide – then write that.
M. John Harrison
Now, a big part of Donald Trump’s campaign strategy has been to try and undermine the legitimacy of the election. Then, if he loses, he can just dismiss the whole thing as corrupt and claim victory anyway.
Sam Seder
Allowing a handful of broadband carriers to determine what people see and do online would fundamentally undermine the features that have made the Internet such a success, and could permanently compromise the Internet as a platform for the free exchange of information, commerce, and ideas.
Vint Cerf
When the sun is sending more energy to earth in one hour than the entire world consumes in a year, any political play to undermine our ability to harness this energy effectively and efficiently is clearly not economical but it’s also unethical.
Deb Haaland
Only a minority of science fiction dystopias attempt to plumb the real existential roots of oppression, the flaws in humanity’s nature that undermine our best attempts at organizing ourselves into social units.
Paul Di Filippo
Do you know how many companies have wanted me to do an energy drink for them because I named my book ‘Crush It!’? It might be fun one day, but right now I think it would undermine the personal brand I’ve built.
Gary Vaynerchuk
Democracy for people who are not used to it can undermine stability, resulting in war.
Mahathir Mohamad
Notice of leaving the E.U. under Article 50, for which most of us voted, provides a mechanism for extending the negotiating period by agreement if this is necessary. It is not to undermine Brexit to insist it is carried out correctly.
Dominic Grieve
I’m not the one who was elected. I would never do anything to undermine my husband’s point of view.
Laura Bush
I intend to be the president of all citizens of Macedonia, regardless of their ethnic or religious background, regardless of their political standing. I shall not allow ethnic hatred and intolerance to undermine Macedonia’s stability.
Boris Trajkovski
And so in my warnings, I was pointing to a number of incidents around the communion that could undermine our growing sense of communion – of becoming a global communion. So that’s why I pointed to New Westminster in Canada, to incidents in the United States, and Sydney itself.
George Carey
Debt is the fatal disease of republics, the first thing and the mightiest to undermine governments and corrupt the people.
Wendell Phillips
The United States is a constitutional republic, and the Founding Fathers fought to ensure that the mob couldn’t undermine it.
Kayleigh McEnany
The president’s dream of a worldwide liberal utopia is going to undermine the security of the United States.
Peter T. King
When you're expected to win and you have the press sayi

When you’re expected to win and you have the press saying that you are going to win the Olympic gold medal, and you’re the only sure thing in the Olympics, it can undermine your confidence.
Scott Hamilton
We will not let terrorists change our way of life; we will not live in fear; and we will not undermine the civil liberties that characterize our Democracy.
Adam Schiff
Everyone who is critical of Israeli policy is deluged by crazed messages intended to flood their email system or, more insidiously, passwords are accessed and messages sent out under their name! I’m sure it’s illegal. It’s also an effort to undermine free speech.
Noam Chomsky
There’s a lot of ways that white women undermine women of color, and black women in particular.
Robin DiAngelo
When you rely on incentives, you undermine virtues. Then when you discover that you actually need people who want to do the right thing, those people don’t exist because you’ve crushed anyone’s desire to do the right thing with all these incentives.
Barry Schwartz
The fight against Ebola cannot undermine the fight against poverty.
Mo Ibrahim
If the United States were to cut and run from Iraq, we would send a message of weakness that would embolden our terrorist enemies across the globe. A failed Iraq would destabilize the entire region and undermine U.S. national security for decades to come.
Dennis Cardoza
The most important aspect of my signing with the WFL was not to demean or undermine the National Football League, but rather to make professional football a form of employment where management recognizes its workers as individuals capable of communicating on an intelligent level.
John Matuszak
In my first year as governor, we solved some of the problems that had begun to undermine the Open Records Act. We gave the act teeth by providing criminal penalties for knowing violations.
Roy Barnes
Regardless of President Trump’s involvement, the unredacted portions of Mueller’s report make it clear – Russia carried out a coordinated campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election and undermine our democracy.
Lucy McBath
There are those who profess to support law enforcement but who have attempted to undermine the efforts of hard-working officers who make difficult decisions.
Janet Reno
This country cannot tolerate the fact that someone worked with Russia to undermine our democracy.
Maxine Waters
To sustain your belief through situations that completely undermine it is quite something.
Ben Okri
As long as I’m in government, as long as I’m in politics, I will do everything in my power to fight back against those who seek to undermine Israel.
Sajid Javid
Mr. Trump knows that banning travel to the United States from a half dozen Muslim-majority countries would do nothing to enhance our security – and everything to undermine it.
Antony Blinken
No matter what a woman’s appearance may be, it will be used to undermine what she is saying and taken to individualize – as her personal problem – observations she makes about the beauty myth in society.
Naomi Wolf
If you care about other people, you might try to organize to undermine power and authority. That’s not going to happen if you care only about yourself.
Noam Chomsky
Senator Kerry voted to undermine the troops in the field, and that is not only inexcusable, it is reprehensible.
John Ensign
Tiger parenting is all about raising independent, creative, courageous kids. In America today, there’s a dangerous tendency to romanticize creativity in a way that may undermine it.
Amy Chua
We in the press, by our power, can actually undermine leadership.
Christiane Amanpour
It was only with the rise of capitalism and the need for workers to be freer, more mobile, and prosperous, that societies were able to undermine pagan morality and the ancient institution of slavery.
Michael Shellenberger
At every juncture as Oklahoma’s attorney general, Scott Pruitt has consistently chosen to undermine and attack environmental safeguards – not to defend them.
Amber Valletta
The president of the United States has a serious job with deadly serious responsibilities. Rash and impulsive decisions by him can lead to negative outcomes and distractions that undermine the strength of our nation.
Ted Lieu
I promise to fight against any attempts to undermine Roe v. Wade in the Senate.
Sara Gideon
Beginning in 1981, when government policies began to undermine the liberal consensus of the previous generation, wealth began to diverge. It is more unevenly distributed than ever before.
Heather Cox Richardson
Women compete, compare, undermine, and undercut one another – at least, that is the prevailing notion of how we interact.
Emily V. Gordon
The Trump administration has been quietly moving to systematically undermine health care putting lives at risk and offering no alternative solution.
Krystal Ball
Whether I’m reading a national publication or one of my local Chicago newspapers, I don’t need to turn too many pages before I stumble upon another scandal. Not only do ethics violations deteriorate the public trust, but they also disrupt and undermine legitimate debate and policy.
Mike Quigley
Let me be clear: Those who seek to undermine our democratic institutions, indiscriminately destroy our businesses and attack our law enforcement officers and fellow citizens are a threat to the homeland.
Chad Wolf
I’m trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief.
Philip Pullman
However, the Administration’s plan to privatize Social Security will undermine retirement security for all Americans by cutting guaranteed benefits by more than 40 percent, and risky private accounts won’t make up for the loss of benefits for millions of Americans.
Ruben Hinojosa
Criticism and pessimism destroy families, undermine ins

Criticism and pessimism destroy families, undermine institutions of all kinds, defeat nearly everyone, and spread a shroud of gloom over entire nations.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Tax avoidance and evasion by the rich undermine democracy by starving social programs and public services. They also send a message to ordinary citizens that the rules of the economic game are rigged against them.
Jagmeet Singh
Attempts to restrict encryption at the state or local levels would only serve to undermine security and economic competitiveness for the entire nation.
Ted Lieu
As elected representatives, MLAs are accountable to the people and I will not allow anyone to undermine their importance.
Amarinder Singh
I’m concerned about the insidious influence of the media’s bad messages that undermine the lessons parents try to instill in their sons and daughters.
John Ratzenberger
Christians can have doubts and they can have questions, and the unhealthy way to deal with that is to keep them inside where they fester and grow and can undermine our faith. The healthy way to deal with it is to talk about it and be honest about it.
Lee Strobel
India belongs to Indians of all kinds. Efforts to undermine this fact will only take our country backwards and destroy our hard-fought freedom. We must not let that happen.
Pinarayi Vijayan
We have a history of gender and racial bias on our court that continues to undermine the system. Excluding individuals based on race is antagonistic to the pursuit of justice.
Anita Hill
I see people who talk about America, and then undermine it by not paying attention to its soul, to its poetry. I see polarization, reductionism and superficiality.
Azar Nafisi
Governments can help support European music by promoting public awareness that when people take music that doesn’t belong to them, they undermine the future of those very artists whose work they enjoy.
Jean-Michel Jarre
The African Union has to act in order to put an end to armed conflicts that undermine the continent, to fight against the devastation caused by AIDS and other contagious diseases, to promote sustainable development of its member states.
Omar Bongo
Our adversaries are trying to undermine our country on a persistent and regular basis, whether it’s election season or not.
Christopher A. Wray
We will not stand idly by while any entity – be it a foreign power or corporation – seeks to criminally or unfairly undermine our country’s place in the world.
Christopher A. Wray
Both casual, unthinking discrimination and deliberate, malicious homophobia erode self-confidence and undermine mental health. Both are far too common, not just in our schoolyards or online but in sporting clubs, in the outer and even in our national parliament.
Bill Shorten
Fashion data was used to build AI models to help Steve Bannon build his insurgency and build the alt-right. We used weaponized algorithms. We used weaponized cultural narratives to undermine people and undermine the perception of reality. And fashion played a big part in that.
Christopher Wylie
The devil’s main purpose is not to scare us, in a horror-movie way; when we’re scared of him, we’re alert to him, and that might undermine his plans. Instead, he wants to quietly, subtly lure us into stepping away from God.
Frederica Mathewes-Green
The effort to try to present the Social Security program as if it’s a major problem, that’s just a hidden way of trying to undermine and destroy it.
Noam Chomsky
Technologies tend to undermine community and encourage individualism.
Henry Mintzberg
No one wants to trivialise the gigantic challenge of battling terrorism or undermine the sacrifice of our soldiers and policemen.
Barkha Dutt
I argue that experiments have no special ability to produce more credible knowledge than other methods, and that actual experiments are frequently subject to practical problems that undermine any claims to statistical or epistemic superiority.
Angus Deaton
In this time the enemy began to undermine our fort, which was situated sixty yards from Kentucky River.
Daniel Boone
Russia engages in a malign influence campaign all over the world. I would expect that they would try to undermine democracy here just that they – as they have in other places.
Matt Gaetz