Words matter. These are the best Magazine Cover Quotes from famous people such as Tori Amos, George Lois, Gisele Bundchen, Scott Kelby, Carrie Underwood, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
When you’re in your 20s, there’s maybe a little room for you to not be at the top of your artistic game, if you look good on a magazine cover. When you’re not on the cover of the magazines anymore, then you realize that the work has to be great.
A truly great magazine cover surprises, even shocks, and connects in a nano-second.
I’ll never forget the day when a woman came up to me and said, ‘No, you could never be on a magazine cover. Your face features don’t work; your eyes are small, you have a small face but a big nose.’ I was only 14 and I had never noticed any of that stuff, you know?
My belief is that every single major magazine cover is retouched. I don’t know how they couldn’t be.
My very first magazine cover was the National Enquirer.
I can only speak from my own personal experience, being behind the camera and in front of it, but every magazine cover you see is completely airbrushed.
I just read that Time magazine cover story with all this information about how you have to have your kids by the time you’re 12 or it’s all over. Please.
These days, no celebrity on a magazine cover, including Brad Pitt, Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, or Leonardo DiCaprio, could possibly match the visual punch of Alfred E. Neuman, the gap-toothed, grinning boy, goofily peeking out at us on the newsstand.
Every video I’m in, every magazine cover, they stretch you; they make you perfect. It’s not real life.
I came up in a time when Springsteen, the Stones, Dylan, and the Beatles were still dominant. For every magazine cover with a new band, there were five covers with one of those guys.
I had – in my early 20s and late teens, I had adopted this idea that I was the future face. And that was in large part due to this Time Magazine cover from 1993 that proclaimed the future face of America.
If a guy is going to get paid and will be covered on a magazine cover for revealing his relationship status, then girls toh definitely should get featured in two magazine covers and many more things to reveal the relationship status!