Top 120 Moderate Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Moderate Quotes from famous people such as Douglas Leone, Charles Michel, Mohamed ElBaradei, Steven Crowder, Simon Sebag Montefiore, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

There's a number of companies clearly that we wish we h

There’s a number of companies clearly that we wish we had invested in either at the early or at the moderate stage.
Douglas Leone
I am a rational person. I am moderate. I am humble.
Charles Michel
The sooner we put Egypt on the right track, the sooner we would be able to have an Egypt that is modern, that is moderate, and that is acting as a beacon for freedom and liberty across the Arab world.
Mohamed ElBaradei
You can be a namby-pamby leftie, a gun-toting neo-con, or a soft, indecisive moderate. I really don’t care. Just don’t lie to me.
Steven Crowder
Believe it or not, some Western analysts in the 1930s insisted that Stalin was a ‘moderate,’ controlled by extremists like the secret police chief Nikolai Yezhov.
Simon Sebag Montefiore
The slogan of the moderate Republican Party is this: we are rich, and we are not going to take it any more.
Richard Neal
I think we have to acknowledge that the way to get back into the majority into the Congress and pick up seats is to make sure we are a big-tent party and reaching out to people that are moderate and not just push to the left.
Dan Lipinski
I would rather have a competent extremist than an incompetent moderate.
Leon Jaworski
We represent the moderate teachings and principles of Islam.
Mohammad bin Salman
With regard to the more moderates, I have spent 20 years as a United States Marine. I’m a little more realistic when it comes to some of these foreign policy, defense policy issues, some of the things we do overseas. And so I really feel like I can connect to the more moderates.
Amy McGrath
I consider my voice to be a centrist moderate voice among the nine Democratic candidates.
Bob Graham
The Islamic State is a threat to both the moderate Islam headed by Mr. Saad al-Hariri and, of course, for Hezbollah. There is a convergence, an anxiety of a common enemy… which is good.
Walid Jumblatt
Moderates shouldn’t be nervous about Newt because he has a vision, he’s laid it forward. He’s fundamentally leading us in the way that middle class Americans want to go.
Pete du Pont
Prose on certain occasions can bear a great deal of poetry; on the other hand, poetry sinks and swoons under a moderate weight of prose.
Walter Savage Landor
You might think that modern chiropractors restrict themselves to treating back problems, but in fact they still possess some quite wacky ideas. The fundamentalists argue that they can cure anything. And even the more moderate chiropractors have ideas above their station.
Simon Singh
I don’t believe there is such a thing as ‘moderate Islam.’ I think it’s better to talk about degrees of belief and degrees of practice.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
You can’t really be passionately moderate. It’s like wearing an ‘Extra Medium’ – it doesn’t exist.
Stephen Colbert
When I got my success, I became decadent for a while. This was 2003 to 2008. I fell for tiramisu really hard. I’ve become more moderate since, because African-Americans are prone to diabetes.
Jill Scott
Catholics are every bit as diverse as any other sort of voters out there, with conservative Democrats and moderates.
Bob Casey, Jr.
Few Conservatives MPs have taken any pleasure from the witch-hunt against moderate Labour MPs by the hard-Left Momentum group.
Anna Soubry
Be moderate in everything, including moderation.
Horace Porter
Shifting loyalties in the Middle East make it difficult to vet supposed moderate groups.
Jeff Fortenberry
Russia is not engaged in a fight against Daesh in Syria. On the contrary, they are actually targeting moderate opposition.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
The Republican party does have a lot of work to do. But changing our principles is not a winning strategy. We need to modernize, not moderate.
Bobby Jindal
Craft brewers are committed to promoting the safe and moderate consumption of their beverage, and work closely with their communities to prevent underage drinking and alcohol abuse.
Sherwood Boehlert
Obviously, there’s always a battle over philosophical leanings and persuasions, but the bottom line here is that Americans need to understand that this is an ideology in jihadist terrorism that is dangerous beyond words, and we need the moderate Muslim voices to be heard here if this is to be diminished in Islam itself.
Trent Franks
Richard Nixon was a very complex man. I don’t think he was a conservative, nor liberal, not even a moderate. He was a pragmatic politician. He loved politics.
Edward Brooke
As a result of that, America desires a moderate Islam; an Islam that America can control; an Islam that America can give direction to and give orders to its leaders.
Louis Farrakhan
My view on Democrats is that they’re fascists disguised as liberals, or liberal moderates. You’re not allowed to say anything they don’t agree with. You’re not allowed to do anything.
Glenn Danzig
I received endorsements from Tea Party to moderates alike. And I think that’s unique, and that’s something I’m proud of.
George P. Bush
Moderates tend more than ideologues to be other-directed types who respond to external pressure.
Timothy Noah
It was remarkable to see from space how predictable peo

It was remarkable to see from space how predictable people are. Our homes and towns are almost all in places with moderate temperatures, and they generally have the same shape – a thinly occupied outer blob of suburb surrounding a densely populated core, all based around a ready source of water.
Chris Hadfield
I love chocolate cake. I’m French. I also love cheese and bread, so I could just live on that. But I can’t do that to myself, so I have to moderate.
Maryse Mizanin
I come from a democratic world. My world is moderate Democrats, Reagan-type Democrats if you want, the blues or whatever you call them, the Blue Dogs. That’s been my world, historically.
Carl Paladino
The West has been calling for years for the forces of moderate Islam to stand up to the very small percentage but very large number of radical Muslims all around the world. When countries – the U.A.E. or Egypt or Jordan – do that, we need to highlight it, we need to celebrate it, and we need to continue to encourage it.
Tom Cotton
Integrating in the society is a fundamental scriptural Christian trait. This integration is a must – moderate constructive integration. All of us, as Egyptians, have to participate.
Pope Theodoros II
Be moderate in prosperity, prudent in adversity.
Existence of an excited state is not a prerequisite for the production of inhibition; inhibition can exist apart from excitation no less than, when called forth against an excitation already in progress, it can suppress or moderate it.
Charles Scott Sherrington
New ideas rarely come from the moderate parties in The Hague or Washington, in Brussels or Westminster. The world’s political centres are not the breeding ground for true change, but rather where it comes home to roost.
Rutger Bregman
I feel like moderate Republicans, who would support sensible gun violence legislation, are pushed aside by those folks who are absolutely beholden to the NRA.
Tammy Duckworth
If the quickness of the mind and the fluency of the tongue are too punctilious and sharp, moderate them in your activity and rest.
Xun Kuang
We have to defeat them on the battlefield and in the marketplace of ideals. And PBS, I believe, owed the nation the chance to hear the moderate Muslim voices who decry terrorism and Jihadism, and they didn’t give them that chance, and that’s a terrible thing.
Trent Franks
In order for President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden to be moderates, they just have to present themselves between the extremes of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s isolationism and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s hawkishness – the difference between living in a cave or conducting ourselves so that we’re in need of one.
Donna Brazile
Independence doesn’t – doesn’t equate to moderates. Millions of independents are pro-life. Millions of independents believe marriage is between a man and a woman.
Gary Bauer
I’m an extremist. I don’t do things in halves. I don’t moderate anything. That can be with work or with good things as well. But often, I take it a bit too far.
Eliot Sumner
How is it that labels like ‘centrist’ and ‘moderate,’ which common sense tells us should reflect the views of a majority of Americans, have come to be applied to those who represent minority interests and opinions?
Mehdi Hasan
So moderate is insisting that North Korea should open door to outside.
Kim Dae Jung
Walking at a moderate pace for an hour a day is considered a moderately intense level of exercise.
Michael Greger
What I really – and I would like to clarify my position, to topple Hamas. And I think it’s possible to bring reasonable people, moderate people to take power in Gaza Strip.
Avigdor Lieberman
Americans are probably more in line than ever before. We’re more moderate than we are liberal or conservative.
Emilio Estevez
With moderate physical training, you can control anything in your body. You don’t have to be an athlete to do it, and this isn’t just about people with disabilities – it’s about everyone. You just have to have the willpower, the mindset, and the desire to want to better yourself.
RJ Mitte
In Tunisia, the so-called Yasmin revolution has led to the installation of a relatively moderate Islamic government. Whether or not that means democracy will, however, only be put to the test if and when the time comes for another election, which the opposition may win.
Martin Van Creveld
Many people around the President have sizeable egos before entering government, some with good reason. Their new positions will do little to moderate their egos.
Donald Rumsfeld
When Ronald Reagan chose George H.W. Bush in 1980, it was a clear signal that he was running an inclusive campaign; that he welcomed the moderate and even liberal wings of the GOP – there was a liberal wing back then – into his campaign.
Jeff Greenfield
Games don’t cause racism. But the real-time chat makes nasty comments hard to moderate and easy to spread.
Naomi Alderman
Anybody that lives in America and has parents with a moderate amount of wealth can be spoiled. I see it every day – kids who are just running their parents over to get what they want because kids are smart, and they know they can manipulate their parents.
Wyatt Russell
We strongly believe that the Philippines has huge potential in the tourism industry, given our beautiful islands, moderate weather conditions, good cuisine, and the flair of Filipinos for hospitality and entertainment.
Henry Sy
I eat everything, but I moderate; I try to be semiconscious. I don’t eat pasta every day, although people who follow my Instagram think I do.
Zac Posen
I’m personally a moderate and a registered independent, so I’m not strongly Democratic or strongly Republican.
Elon Musk
The road to economic well-being is to reward productive economic activity and to provide a moderate and predictable growth of money to finance real economic growth without reigniting the fires of inflation.
Paul Craig Roberts
The only way Democrats can govern in this country is by making common cause with moderates and independents.
Evan Bayh
Northeastern conservatism is moderate, accepts the modern welfare state, and dislikes mixing religion with politics. Western conservatism is hawkish, hates government, and embraces individual freedom. Southern conservatism is populist, draws on evangelical Christianity, and plays upon racial resentments.
Jacob Weisberg
I'm quite moderate.

I’m quite moderate.
Alan Colmes
The struggle you see in the Republican Party today is the country club Republican versus the bowling alley Republican. Colin Powell brings us back to the country club image. He’s an insider. He’s a moderate.
Pete du Pont
I don’t do detoxes or cleanses – they don’t really work for me. I have a really moderate, simple routine. I like to do yoga, Pilates, dance, and things like that.
Taylor Schilling
The only thing that I can say with any degree of commitment is a reason to he happy is… moderate weather. But then even that gets boring and I find myself wanting a storm.
Tom Burke
Obama and the Democrats are not focused on the moderates. They’re focused on getting their base out, and they’re trying to expand that base by forming sympathetic, empathetic alliances with the downtrodden, and there are a lot of downtrodden because Obama has made them that way via his policies.
Rush Limbaugh
I believe in sensible, moderate exercise. I try to do something every day, at least 20 minutes per day. I don’t think it’s realistic to ask people to work out 90 minutes a day.
Denise Austin
Moderates want their faith respected. They don’t want faith itself criticized, and yet faith itself is what is bringing us all this – this lunacy.
Sam Harris
I don’t say ‘Tis impossible for an impudent man not to rise in the world, but a moderate merit with a large share of impudence is more probable to be advanced than the greatest qualifications without it.
Mary Wortley Montagu
The inconvenient truth that our lazy media elites do so much to ignore is that Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, and Warren are much closer in their views to the vast majority of ordinary Americans than the Bloombergs or the Bidens. They are the true centrists, the real moderates; they represent the actual political middle.
Mehdi Hasan
When the phonies are expelled from their leadership roles and the Republican Party backs a moderate gubernatorial candidate acceptable to the rank and file with proper financing and the intestinal fortitude to fight the good fight, the rank and file will rejoin the fold.
Carl Paladino
I always thought of myself as a moderate liberal, a fighter for peace and justice. I never thought of myself as being all that far out.
George McGovern
Obviously, people with low or even moderate incomes could not afford such savings rates, and even diligent savings from their low wages would not be enough to pay for either retirement or healthcare.
William Greider
Romney, like Sen. John McCain and Bob Dole before him, were meant to mollify moderates, attract Independents, and ‘rebrand’ the party in a way that mostly fits the ideal of media types who would never vote Republican anyhow. Each of them lost.
Kellyanne Conway
Muslim moderates, wherever they are, must be given every tool necessary to win a war of ideas with their co-religionists. Otherwise, we will have to win some very terrible wars in the future.
Sam Harris
The greatest hypocrisy on the planet right now is for those who defend capitalism to not be in favor of radical transparency, for all of us to know who owns everything. And that is my militant, radical, moderate, pro-capitalist, pro-Enlightenment, ferocious stand.
David Brin
Man’s greed to obtain something for nothing has never yet been able to content itself with a moderate profit.
Will C. Barnes
When I arrived in the Senate, the moderate so-called Rockefeller Republicans held the balance of power.
Edward Brooke
We want a state wise in its contemplation – just in its actions – and moderate in the reach of government into our lives.
Sonny Perdue
There are things that tend to moderate with age. Schizophrenia is somewhat like that.
John Forbes Nash, Jr.
Let us recollect that peace or war will not always be left to our option; that however moderate or unambitious we may be, we cannot count upon the moderation, or hope to extinguish the ambition of others.
Alexander Hamilton
I would not like to see a person who is sober, moderate, chaste and just say that there is no God. They would speak disinterestedly at least, but such a person is not to be found.
Jean de la Bruyere
Manifold subsequent experience has led to a truer appreciation and a more moderate estimate of the importance of the dependence of one living being upon another.
Richard Owen
It’s clear to me now that we’ve got to reach out to the Arab Sunni community in particular in an effort to cause some moderate political activity to take place so they join the future of Iraq.
John Abizaid
Once the religious right got their beachhead in the Republican Party in 1980, they expanded it. Even Barry Goldwater was extremely hostile to the religious right, but Reagan catered to them. The religious right then expanded their base and that drove the moderates out.
Richard Painter
Making recess appointments when the Senate isn’t in recess is neither rational nor moderate. It’s a raw misuse of executive power by a president whose love of government is his most vulnerable spot with the electorate.
John Podhoretz
It’s important that we work very closely with moderate Muslim forces locally, nationally and internationally.
Gijs de Vries
When you make a movie outside the system and it’s successful critically or a moderate financial success, you usually have to go back into the system and make a big hit.
Brian De Palma
Does the imam have a legal right to build the mosque at Ground Zero? The answer is yes. But is it the right thing to do? The answer is no. And most Americans, and most moderate Muslims, join with me in that call.
K. A. Paul
At a moderate calculation, among a million of persons inhabiting the metropolis, there are, at least, twenty-five thousand children who attend these schools, and cost their parents as many pounds sterling, per annum.
Joseph Lancaster
Running on the cloud gives us scale. It also allows us to moderate, watch the chat, keep Roblox family-friendly and safe, and it allows just everyone to kind of push their creations and immediately scale infinitely.
David Baszucki
The weather was fine and moderate. The hunters all returned, having killed during their absence three elk, four deer, two porcupines, a fox and a hare.
Meriwether Lewis
Islam is, to be sure, a big tent, and the one and a hal

Islam is, to be sure, a big tent, and the one and a half billion Muslims in the world run the gamut from mystical, moderate, pacific Sufis to Salafists.
Peter Bergen
I would expect the fundamentalists to agree with me that democracy is incompatible with fundamentalist Islam. Moderate Muslims have to decide which side of the argument they are on.
Gerard Batten
I’m kind of naturally thin, so if I were to completely crash diet, I’d almost be too skinny, and for the VS show, you want to look strong and muscular and fit. Leading up to the show, I eat everything that I normally do, but I moderate it.
Devon Windsor
We have several million Muslims in France who are mostly moderates or non-practicing. If they feel that it is the only subject in public debate, they won’t feel at home and will be tempted to withdraw to their communities.
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
In fact, despite the fact that he’s somehow managed to brand himself as a moderate choice, Michael Bloomberg’s record is actually that of an authoritarian nightmare.
Kat Timpf
Half the vices which the world condemns most loudly have seeds of good in them and require moderate use rather than total abstinence.
Samuel Butler
There’s a lot of things we can do to balance out what Obama’s done and going forward show the American people the Republican Party can govern. I want a coalition of tea party people, independents, moderate Democrats trying to find a way to move this country forward before we become Greece.
Lindsey Graham
I’m have one of the most, if not the most, moderate voting records in Congress in the Florida delegation.
Joe Garcia
The short English miles are delightful for walking. You are always pleased to find, every now and then, in how short a time you have walked a mile, though, no doubt, a mile is everywhere a mile, I walk but a moderate pace, and can accomplish four English miles in an hour.
Karl Philipp Moritz
I am not a moderate. I am a conservative. I’m a fix-it conservative.
Kay Bailey Hutchison
It’s not that we have two different kinds of Islam. I acknowledge the fact that we have two kinds of people. There are moderate Muslims and non-moderate Muslims. But there is really only one Islam, and this is the Islam of the life of Muhammad, of the Quran, of the Hadiths, of the Sunnah.
Geert Wilders
Men’s most superficial feelings lead them to prefer cruel laws. Nevertheless, when they are subjected to them themselves, it is in each man’s interest that they be moderate, because the fear of being injured is greater than the desire to injure.
Cesare Beccaria
The vast majority of Muslims are moderates working for a better future and seeking a peaceful life.
Ahmed Zewail
Islam, the third in historical sequence of the ethical monotheistic religions of the Near East, was very successful in establishing its monotheism, but had only very moderate success in spreading its version of Jewish and Christian ethics to the Arabs.
Carroll Quigley
The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as effective in treating mild to moderate depression.
Andrew Weil
The notion of a neutral, mainstream national media gained dominance only in World War II and in its aftermath, when what turned out to be a temporary moderate consensus came to govern the country.
Howard Fineman
There are few things more amusing in the world of politics than watching moderate Republicans charging to the right in pursuit of greater glory.
Mario Cuomo
We tried two moderate Republican candidates, McCain and Romney, and we lost both times.
Jeff Duncan
I should do something about the cigarettes; I quite accept that it’s bad for your health, but you know a moderate tipple is positively beneficial and, at certain times, absolutely essential.
Charles Kennedy
The political system loves the extremes, it doesn’t so much show a lot love for the moderates.
Claire McCaskill
What the voters told us in the 2010 election was that they wanted a change. And I believe a moderate approach with a dedication to working across the aisle, something I know is important to both me and Congressman Shuler, is the best way forward.
Joe Donnelly
The roots of Nixon’s political descent lay at least as far back as May 1970, when the shooting of four young Americans at Kent State University began to turn the president’s moderate supporters against him.
Heather Cox Richardson
I consider myself a moderate Republican. I have very, very moderate social views, and I’m pretty strong on, on defense matters.
Colin Powell
Fiscally, I’m very conservative… others say that I’m socially moderate. As a former judge, I listen to all the facts, and I make a decision as to what I believe is in the best interest of the state.
Brian Sandoval
One thing that I feel very, very strongly is that we talk about Islamic countries, Islamic people, Islamic leaders, as either moderates or extremists. It’s almost like there are only two categories of Muslims. And actually, that doesn’t show respect. It shows lack of understanding of the diversity of Muslim thought.
David Miliband
What farmers require is, that the prices should be moderate, and the markets steady; and for this reason I did, in 1826, 1827, and 1828, take the course which I would now recommend to the House.
Joseph Hume
Moderate doesn’t mean that you’re a wimp – far from it. It means that you’ve chosen a path because you believe that’s the only way for global harmony and peace.
Najib Razak