Top 120 Quote Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Quote Quotes from famous people such as Cameron Monaghan, Aaron Sorkin, Eric Massa, Megan Phelps-Roper, Angie Harmon, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I can quote every single line in 'The Big Lebowski' fro

I can quote every single line in ‘The Big Lebowski’ from start to finish. That’s what happens when you see a movie two dozen times.
Cameron Monaghan
When a movie is being rolled out, the studio publicists and all our individual publicists get together and come up with bullet points and talking points – ‘Make sure you stay away from this,’ and ‘Don’t say that quite that way, because that quote can be taken out of context,’ and that kind of thing.
Aaron Sorkin
My very good friend, Rahm Emanuel, made it very clear to me on several occasions that I was, quote, unquote, not a team player; that I was not – that I didn’t not have a future.
Eric Massa
Westboro would quote this passage from the book of Leviticus that, for them, shows that the definition of ‘love thy neighbor’ is to rebuke your neighbor when you see him sinning. And if you don’t do that, then you hate your neighbor in your heart.
Megan Phelps-Roper
After I quote unquote came out as a Republican, one of my dearest gay friends said to me, ‘You’ve got to go on a T.V. show and tell everyone you like gay people.’ I was like, ‘Why?’ He was like, ‘Because you’re a Republican.’ I was like, ‘I’m sorry who’s stereotyping who?’
Angie Harmon
So you can say whatever you want and quote me however you want about politics and make the next payday, and that’s fine because I’m making that deal with you, but just mention the movie along the way, OK?
James Woods
I got none. I mean, I have no religion. I like the quote unquote ‘Virgin Mary,’ but no Catholicism.
Melissa Leo
You take the quote from Sam Jackson about how he’ll never work with a rapper, and I can understand where he’s coming from because he says rappers can’t act.
Anthony Anderson
There are people who are bound journalistically to a code of ethics that means they can’t quote something that isn’t sourced, whereas what I do is entirely unsourced. I effectively fictionalise history and yet somehow aim at a greater truth.
Peter Morgan
It’s embarrassing to quote Gandhi or something, but being the change you want to see in the world is pretty powerful.
Devendra Banhart
The interviews have gotten much longer with ‘Humans of New York.’ When I was first starting, I was just photographing people. And then I went to just kind of including a quote or two. Now when I’m approaching somebody on the street, I’m spending about 30 to 45 minutes with them often.
Brandon Stanton
I don’t talk, I quote. I can’t help it. It’s better to be quotable than honest.
Sebastian Horsley
I can’t quote stats from another decade. I’ve got friends that can do that. But I am a huge sports fan. In fact, I enjoy all sports, and when I enjoy a game for five minutes, I’m in it for the whole thing. Plus, I do have some teams I loyally follow.
Rob Riggle
I was an altar boy. I could probably quote the Bible from beginning to end.
John McAfee
I look at the quarterback and the receivers. You look at the quarterback, the formation. I focus on the passing game and react on the running game. You look at it over and over, then sooner or later, it becomes like a movie. You ever notice how you quote movies? That’s all film watching is.
Ed Reed
I cannot speak for Jesus, but I can quote his teachings, and he said, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’… How would he react to me playing Jesus? He wouldn’t judge it. He wouldn’t judge his own enemy… Playing this part highlights his teaching in a very nice way.
Haaz Sleiman
There’s an African proverb that I always quote as I think it’s incredible which is, ‘if the children are not initiated into the village, then they’ll burn it down just to feel its warmth.’
Wunmi Mosaku
One of my favorite comedies is ‘Three Amigos!’ Oh my gosh, me and my brother quote that all the time.
Jason Dolley
No doubt one may quote history to support any cause, as the devil quotes scripture.
Learned Hand
The human race survived the Inquisition. We can survive. It’s like the Anne Frank quote: ‘In spite of everything, I still believe that people are basically good at heart.’ Given what happened to her, it’s one of the miracles of the world that she said that.
Steve Earle
I am old enough to think the word ‘journalist’ is not all that noble a designation. Journalist – that record keeper, quote taker and processor of press releases – was, in the world of letters I grew up in, a lower-down job. To be a writer – once the ambition of every journalist – was to be the greater truth teller.
Michael Wolff
The French suffered such catastrophic losses in the First World War. It really was the end of them as a great world power, although they, quote, ‘won.’
Edward Herrmann
I think that probably the – I don’t give quotes to studios. They have to get those out of the paper or from television. So they wouldn’t have had my quote opening day.
Roger Ebert
My parents wanted me to protect myself and have something to fall back on. I even remember reading a quote from Razor Ramon in WWF magazine where he talked about the importance of getting an education if you wanted to pursue a career in pro wrestling.
Beth Phoenix
In other places, especially in Boston, it’s like a place where comedy gestates. People come out of there that are fantastic, but you have to come to New York or L.A. to quote unquote ‘make it.’
Baron Vaughn
Some people stay in the academic world just to avoid becoming self-aware. You can quote me on that.
Michael McKean
The quote that helped me the most with my life was: It only gets better when you get better. That woke me up.
Momina Mustehsan
You know, I always when people ask me, like, what is my most favorite song, I quote Duke Ellington, when they would ask him, what’s his favorite composition? And I say, I haven’t written it yet. Because, you know, there are different songs for different occasions.
Stevie Wonder
I don’t think I live the lifestyle that’s expected of a quote unquote R&B artist. I’m just not that dude.
I’ve always lived by a quote, ‘Your talent will make room for you.’ Whatever it is in life. I don’t care who you are. If you get an opportunity, your talent will make room for you.
Booger McFarland
I have a strange relationship with influences because mine are mostly literary or painters or poets, who I’ll even quote. I don’t do tributes to cinema.
Xavier Dolan
I never said, 'Lady Gaga is a poor imitation of me.' Th

I never said, ‘Lady Gaga is a poor imitation of me.’ That was a completely made-up quote.
Roisin Murphy
Some companies out there quote a start of production that is substantially in advance of when customers get their cars.
Elon Musk
Lazy journalists, they’ll read stuff and get a quote then ask the same question again hoping I’ll say a similar thing; it’s very tiresome.
Rufus Sewell
I do not quote my own movies. I think I would be pretty insufferable if I did.
Diablo Cody
Not Going Out’ is a pretty neutral sitcom – to quote the ‘Seinfeld’ thing, it’s not really about anything.
Lee Mack
I regard Christian and Jewish fundamentalism, and all other forms of fundamentalism, as the enemies of God – and I hope you’ll quote me on that.
Arthur Hertzberg
To make an absolutely gross generalization, I think a lot of people feel like if you’re mixed, more often than not you’re quote unquote white. So if you’re mixed, you embrace the mainstream culture more than the African-American culture.
Keegan-Michael Key
I often quote Ronald Reagan, who is pretty close to my favorite President ever, I will have to say that, but one of my favorite remarks he ever made was that when you look at Federal programs, there is nothing so close to eternal life on Earth as a Federal Government program.
Marsha Blackburn
If I would use anything from ‘The Little Prince,’ even some little quote, it’s all copyrighted in France. Like Walt Disney in this country, it’s a national treasure.
Peter Sis
I couldn’t buy my way – I had to work my way. What a great quote: ‘I couldn’t buy my way into success, I had to work my way into success.’
Stewart Rahr
Anyone who faults Romney or Obama or any public figure for demanding quote approval is missing the point. The journalists were no abused weaklings here. They made a bargain for access to these newsworthy figures that they thought was in their favor – they’re only complaining because they got caught.
Ryan Holiday
Poetry seems to sink into us the way prose doesn’t. I can still quote verses I learned when I was very young, but I have trouble remembering one line of a novel I just finished reading.
Jack Prelutsky
In the fast-changing, information-filled world of the Internet, you never know what you might find. Maybe you’ll discover a great price on an airline ticket, or maybe you’ll come across that quote you’ve been racking your brain for.
Dick Durbin
When I give talks, I often quote from a button I received at a Google event: Always Be Creative. I use it to illustrate how important creativity is in technology and business.
Harper Reed
Bob Hope said: ‘You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.’ And while this quote is generally amusing, it is even more amusing when you know he said that when he was old.
Gyles Brandreth
It started with ‘A League of Their Own.’ I mean, to me, if you played softball or baseball as a girl growing up, that is the staple movie, like, where girls are portrayed as athletes, and real, like, different, from Madonna, you know, to Geena Davis. I mean, I could quote that movie, every single line.
Jessica Mendoza
Record labels collude with some of the radio stations, and the radio stations have their play lists, dependent upon what they call the, quote, ‘hits.’ What’s commercially viable gets recycled, endlessly repeated, and as a result of that, the progressive music can’t break in.
Michael Eric Dyson
What we need to do is replace the entire tax code. I do not think it makes sense to say, ‘Let’s just grab money from, quote, the wealthy’… The issue is the tax code’s rotten and we should start truly over with a simple code that is fair and transparent.
Barry Diller
Please don’t quote me.
Mike Piazza
My first quote was, I don’t want to hurt God’s people. Jim Bakker’s quote was, I was set up by a female.
Jessica Hahn
I never really liked Italy. ‘Lots of cement’ is my long-standing quote.
Louise Wilson
My wife will automatically quote and compare the price of diesel at every petrol station we drive by, like she’s got oil-based Tourette’s.
Ian Watson
For very few people is there a time when you, quote unquote, make it.
Carol Kane
I have never seen any such quote anyplace, anywhere.
Sean Hannity
I was influenced by a lot of stand-up comedians… Eddie Murphy back when he was doing ‘Raw.’ I watched that so many times as a kid, I can probably still quote the entire thing to this day. Chris Rock. Dave Chappelle. George Carlin. A lot of the guys who were sort of edgy for their time.
Ray William Johnson
I remember when I was in school I had this teacher give me this E.L. Doctorow quote: They asked him how much historical research he does for his books and he said, ‘As little as possible.’ So I try and adhere to that.
Scott Snyder
Ted Cruz ,when he was running for president, was a huge ‘Princess Bride’ fan. He would quote the lines and, you know, trying to win families and everything.
Mandy Patinkin
The right quote can inspire people to change their ways.
Zig Ziglar
Circumstantial evidence is occasionally very convincing, as when you find a trout in the milk, to quote Thoreau’s example.
Arthur Conan Doyle
We’ve very steadily and single-mindedly been building the bureau so that we can do the work that, quote, Congress required us to do and that the American people have every reason to expect, and deserve, that we will do.
Richard Cordray
We had literary references, so we knew what we were talking about. We could quote things, talk about books we’d read; you can say something, you don’t have to explain it.
Kevin Ayers
We did not go to war in Afghanistan or in Iraq to, quot

We did not go to war in Afghanistan or in Iraq to, quote, ‘impose democracy.’ We went to war in both places because we saw those regimes as a threat to the United States.
Paul Wolfowitz
I have the utmost respect for Charles Barkley. He was a heck of a ballplayer… When it comes to basketball, please quote Charles Barkley. But when it comes to race in America? Please don’t quote Charles Barkley.
Shannon Sharpe
I eat everything and some days I eat too much, but I read this quote, ‘if you cant control what you eat, you cant control anything in life.’ It keeps playing in my head and then I exercise a lot.
Tejaswi Madivada
We need to have the social investments by which to quote unquote distribute some of that wealth.
Mike Lowry
It’s not that I’m a ‘Let’s hug and be joyful all the time’ boss. Or that I don’t, quote, ‘own my own power.’ I just never want to be that big, swingin’, rule-by-fear person.
Megyn Kelly
Some for renown, on scraps of learning dote, And think they grow immortal as they quote.
Edward Young
If someone appears on television and makes a comment, and we quote that comment, we are being accurate. But are we actually being sensible if we don’t know if that comment is based on any facts whatsoever? It is something that journalists have to be much more aware of.
Gavin Esler
I’m getting used to this as a coach because it’s a little jealousy from a lot of these coaches around the country. I do understand that, because we are NBA players trying to come back, and we didn’t have any experience as college coaches. So we didn’t, quote, unquote, ‘Pay our dues.’
Penny Hardaway
If you were a medieval scholar reading a book, you knew that there was a reasonable likelihood you’d never see that particular text again, and so a high premium was placed on remembering what you read. You couldn’t just pull a book off the shelf to consult it for a quote or an idea.
Joshua Foer
No one individual vote, no one individual quote or no one individual statement defines me, my beliefs, or my record.
Chuck Hagel
I like Nietzsche. I quote him in many of my books. He was born 100 years before me.
Reinhold Messner
I would not consider myself to be a quote unquote real New York rapper. I don’t even like New York rappers.
ASAP Rocky
One of the difficulties of a job in the, quote, ‘real world’ is you don’t really get time to shut yourself off in a room and think.
Raghuram Rajan
I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.
George Bernard Shaw
I eventually just imagined being a little boy who was quote unquote ‘normal’: who could learn like all the kids around me that I felt excluded from. And I imagined myself into one of these and into someone who could read.
Philip Schultz
There is nothing as fun as making a cultural splash with a movie. Sometimes the splash happens, like with ‘Swingers,’ where it sort of slowly ripples out, yet everybody could quote it. Or it could be something like ‘Elf,’ where you just make a big splash right off the bat when the movie comes out.
Jon Favreau
Journalists immediately think of me as a resource for a quote or comment because they know that I will be available to offer fresh insight and meet their deadlines.
Marc Benioff
My great aunt raised me for about four or five years. Something I took from her was a quote: ‘Fear of suffering is far worse than suffering itself.’ I actually have that tattooed on the back of my arm.
Brandon Ingram
What is the first thing we did when we took control of Iraq? Protect the oil fields. Remember the administration quote about how the oil would pay for the war.
Peter Schuyler
I was always trying to be a quote, unquote, film composer.
Henry Mancini
Sometimes I wish my first word was ‘quote,’ so that on my death bed, my last words could be ‘end quote.’
Steven Wright
I read a quote to the effect that we are always writing about ourselves no matter what we’re doing. That may be so.
Emil Ferris
The greatest men, you can quote for everything.
John Dalberg-Acton
It’s very corny, ‘never give up’ – but it’s just a great quote that I always follow.
Noah Schnapp
We use the Heidelberg Catechism in our worship. Sometimes we read it responsively. Other times I’ll work it into my communion liturgy. I’ll quote it in my sermons from time to time. I’ve seen the Catechism used effectively as Sunday school material.
Kevin DeYoung
I, I am my own woman. I have not been, quote, ‘bred’ to look the other way. I look at that man back there in the green room straight on, eyes wide open, and I look at him with an open heart.
Maria Shriver
You know the famous quote, sometimes you have to be ready so you don’t have to get ready. I do a lot of things that, it’s like, off the camera, that a lot of people don’t see me do.
Gerald Green
It wouldn’t be fair to cast aspersions on an entire cultural movement based on the actions of a few. To quote my grandfather, ‘One bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch.’
Mos Def
It’s totally my dream job. I grew up watching ‘Saturday Night Live.’ We’d watch it at sleepover parties and quote it.
Vanessa Bayer
There is a misleading, unwritten rule that states if a quote giving advice comes from someone famous, very old, or Greek, then it must be good advice.
Bo Bennett
As I get older I think, contrary to modern assumption but in line with the old Lerner and Lowe song, that it would actually benefit both them and society if – to quote Professor Higgins – a woman could be more like a man.
Julie Burchill
If one is going to change the definition of marriage to

If one is going to change the definition of marriage to be, quote, ‘same sex,’ then there is absolutely no valid argument constitutionally or rhetorically you can make against multiple people getting married. These are radical social changes.
Gary Bauer
It’s a problem sometimes when you speak to journalists. They quote you, and then they read what they wrote, and then they even explain it. It’s dangerous.
Ehud Olmert
‘Indiana Jones’ was me growing up. I could quote lines from ‘Tango and Cash’ as much as I could quote lines from ‘The Searchers’.
Jeff Nichols
Every now and again, people on the far right take a quote from a progressive out of context and use it to attack them.
Keith Ellison
I met the Gallagher brothers, and Noel was quoting my ‘Fonejacker’ catchphrases. Hearing your heroes quote you is incredible.
Kayvan Novak
It was a show where you were given a quote out of current events and you had to identify who said it. I was reading eight newspapers a day and had compiled a file of about 300 quotes. I really had to do my research. The White House press didn’t have to bone up on any of it.
June Lockhart
I used to be seriously incognito – without wanting to be. The effect of the magazines, television, billboards – they’ve changed my whole life in terms of having to deal with being a, quote, star.
Edwin Moses
I still remember my quote from the 2007 World Cup, when I said scoring two threes was as good as hitting a six. That was me trying to justify what you couldn’t. To me, and this was before I became director of cricket, we just couldn’t do that again.
Andrew Strauss
I’ve never written a play before, and I’ll never write one again. You can quote me.
Holland Taylor
Having reached a point in which I was so bitter and exhausted from being a quote unquote public figure, I wanted to return to a more childlike relationship to writing.
David Leavitt
I need to know everything inside quote marks is true.
Mitchell Zuckoff
The sports world is an echo chamber. All it takes is one quote from a general manager and a thousand sports columns bloom.
Michael Lewis
A speech idiosyncrasy, in the same way as an air quote, is really justifiable only if it’s employed very sparingly and if the user consciously intends to be using it.
Christopher Hitchens
I was making almost minimum wage on ‘The Young and the Restless.’ But it was my first job, so I accepted my first quote. I had a great time on it, and it obviously led me to better things.
Eva Longoria
A quote is just a tattoo on the tongue.
William F. DeVault
I read ‘How to Rig an Election.’ Well, I read parts of it. I wouldn’t necessarily quote me as saying I read the whole thing.
Kristin Lehman
I love the exhilaration of feeling a pull quote come out of your mouth. The words just taste better.
Josh Tillman
My wife is pretty geeky and will occasionally quote ‘Anchorman’ at me.
Adam McKay
I don’t think of me as, quote, ‘coming out,’ because I was never ‘in.’ I rarely, if ever, spoke about my private life and remain as neutral as possible.
Elvis Duran
I’ve met so many people of my son’s generation who think a sacrifice is when their satellite or Internet is out for a day and that the country owes them something. That old J.F.K. quote about ‘what you can do for your country,’ doesn’t even seem to apply to so many people.
Steve Daines
It’s important to acknowledge the danger when we provide an academic venue for racism. It’s interesting to hear people push the, quote, ‘free speech’ narrative in this way. They deny the speech of the people who disagree.
DeRay Mckesson
My dad is too cute. Every morning, he sends me one motivational quote. I have a folder full of all his quotes.
Alia Bhatt
The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit.
W. Somerset Maugham
I think we must quote whenever we feel that the allusion is interesting or helpful or amusing.
Clifton Fadiman
You may be able to read Bernard Shaw’s plays, you may be able to quote Shakespeare or Voltaire or some new philosopher; but if you in yourself are not intelligent, if you are not creative, what is the point of this education?
Jiddu Krishnamurti
I never thought I’d be a, quote, ‘rock & roll star.’
Clarence Clemons
Find me someone who is Nigerian who is always on time for things that aren’t work-related, and I will find you a Tyrese quote that makes perfect sense. They might exist, but they sure are rare.
Luvvie Ajayi