Top 121 Scrutiny Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Scrutiny Quotes from famous people such as Jesse Metcalfe, Carson Wentz, Jess Phillips, Mario Monti, Miranda Otto, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The reason so many celebrities try to keep things secre

The reason so many celebrities try to keep things secret is you want the chance to get to know someone without the glare of public scrutiny.
Jesse Metcalfe
I’m one that doesn’t let the pressure or any of the outside kind of scrutiny, all those things, really get to me.
Carson Wentz
Any MP who deals with immigration a huge amount, which I do, is going to worry about giving powers to the executive to change immigration law without scrutiny.
Jess Phillips
As to the question of elected or not elected, each member of the European Commission has been appointed jointly by the governments of the 15 member states, and undergone individual scrutiny and a vote of confidence from the European Parliament.
Mario Monti
Around the time of ‘The Lord of the Rings,’ it was a shock to me just how big it is to be on that kind of media juggernaut. It was a big thing and the scrutiny was shocking.
Miranda Otto
I understand the scrutiny; it’s part of the job. And I don’t want to be famous and can’t be mates with the players.
Ed Woodward
Public scrutiny is a part of the profession. And I kind of enjoy it.
Pulkit Samrat
S.U.V.’s are under a lot of scrutiny these days, and yet the S.U.V. buyer is a very loyal lot.
William Clay Ford, Jr.
In Westminster, I make sure I maximise my ability to represent my constituents. I can do that in a variety of ways: by asking written questions or questions in the House of Commons, through the scrutiny of bills and by sitting on the environmental audit select committee every week, as well as other committees.
Jo Swinson
You just want to play. You don’t think about the money, how many followers you’ve got on Instagram. You just want to make it. You don’t understand the demands, how intense it is at times – the scrutiny you’re going to get.
Ashley Cole
If you don’t score for a few games at Juve you are immediately under scrutiny.
Filippo Inzaghi
I worry about civil-rights activists being targeted as black-identity extremists. I worry about the government saying, ‘I don’t like this progressive blogger’ and subjecting them to scrutiny.
Kevin de Leon
Since my international debut in 2014 the miles on the clock have probably crept up and Test cricket is the level where the pressure and scrutiny are greatest.
Moeen Ali
I guess because there aren’t many women working in the kind of variety of spaces that I’ve had the opportunity and privilege to kind of work in, that there is this extreme scrutiny about my career.
Karyn Kusama
Beyond providing some level of scrutiny of Kenyan MPs, we built Mzalendo to demonstrate that there is only so much bemoaning you can do about your representation.
Ory Okolloh
I certainly derived my skills as a prose writer from my scrutiny of poetry and of the individual word. But schools don’t do things like that anymore – tracking words down to their roots.
Camille Paglia
All officers of the Intelligence Community, and especially its most senior officer, must conduct themselves in a manner that earns and retains the public trust. The American people are uncomfortable with government activities that do not take place in the open, subject to public scrutiny and review.
Dennis C. Blair
When we uphold the rule of law, our counterterrorism tools are more likely to withstand the scrutiny of our courts, our allies, and the American people. And when we uphold the rule of law it provides a powerful alternative to the twisted worldview offered by al-Qa’ida.
John O. Brennan
Now my poor hometown is being castigated as the center of an IRS scandal. Humble workers at the Cincinnati office targeted Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations for special scrutiny when those groups applied for tax-exempt status. There’s no conceivable excuse for that. It was deeply, deeply wrong.
Gail Collins
If Spain goes under, Italy will come under even more scrutiny.
Mario Monti
It’s harder to do anything in the public eye now, in terms of if you’re worried about scrutiny or being judged negatively. It’s not as much of a free ride. If you’re someone who’s making film or TV or music, or any kind of art form now, there’s a billion outlets, and they all have an opinion.
Andy Samberg
Part of what dressing for yourself means requires your understanding that the scrutiny of others is frankly irrelevant.
Leandra Medine
We seek for truth in ourselves; in our neighbours, and in its essential nature. We find it first in ourselves by severe self scrutiny, then in our neighbours by compassionate indulgence, and, finally, in its essential nature by that direct vision which belongs to the pure in heart.
Saint Bernard
How many times have you opened a book, read the first few sentences and made a snap decision about whether to buy it? When it’s your book that’s coming under this casual-but-critical scrutiny, you want the reader to be instantly hooked. The way to accomplish this is to create compelling opening sentences.
Nancy Kress
Whenever I go to shows, I end up looking at what shoes the guy onstage is wearing and the jacket he’s got on. And when you know everything’s gonna be under scrutiny, it makes you feel more comfortable if you have cool stuff.
Julian Casablancas
Of course David Moyes is going to come under scrutiny because he’s taken over from a legend in Sir Alex Ferguson and they’ve made their worst start to a season in 24 years. But we mustn’t take away credit from what West Brom did. Few teams go to Old Trafford and dominate the ball and carve out chances the way they did.
Chris Kamara
Sometimes it seems as if there are more solutions than problems. On closer scrutiny, it turns out that many of today’s problems are a result of yesterday’s solutions.
Thomas Sowell
To be straight, if I play and don’t bowl 90 miles an hour it’s going to be news. If I don’t bowl 90 miles per hour for long enough it’s going to be news. If I don’t put my left sock on first, it’s going to be news. I understand that is the scrutiny of playing at this level and being in that spotlight.
Jofra Archer
I don’t think I look like the pope’s favorite Catholic – at least not under close scrutiny.
Mary Karr
Producing zines can offer an unexpected respite from the scrutiny on the Internet, which can be as oppressive as it is liberating.
Jenna Wortham
It happens so quick. You lose a game; you lose another game; it’s a World Cup; media scrutiny; public expectation, and then you almost go into sort of survival mode. We’ve all been there.
Mickey Arthur
Popular ideas about AIDS are based on a hypothesis that

Popular ideas about AIDS are based on a hypothesis that does not stand up to scientific scrutiny.
Nate Mendel
Myths about the dire effects of genetically modified foods on health and the environment abound, but they have not held up to scientific scrutiny. And, although many concerns have been expressed about the potential for unexpected consequences, the unexpected effects that have been observed so far have been benign.
Nina Fedoroff
Some of the more intensive scrutiny when I was first starting out definitely used to be tough to handle; I was only a teenager, yet was being analysed in newspapers world over, often by people who already had a strong opinion about my privilege before hearing me play.
Anoushka Shankar
It’s known as the Livingstone Formulation. It’s a cunning rhetorical device routinely deployed to shield avowedly left-wing establishment figures from any scrutiny that might expose their ‘anti-Zionist’ obsessions as redolent of a bigotry of that older and more unambiguously unsanitary type: antisemitism.
Terry Glavin
Open platforms historically undergo a lot of scrutiny, but there are a lot of advantages to having an open source platform from a security standpoint.
Sundar Pichai
Artists are definitely, like, under a sort of microscope of scrutiny more than others.
Natalia Kills
As an actor there’s a lot of scrutiny and, even when you’ve had success, it becomes about sustaining that success. A friend of mine described it as a peakless mountain. Even for De Niro there’s Pacino and for Pacino there’s De Niro.
Eddie Redmayne
The Enron scandal is worthy of the highest level of scrutiny, both because of the enormity of the crimes that may have been committed and because of what the largest bankruptcy in American history has already begun to reveal about the weaknesses in our nation’s corporate structures and regulatory oversight.
Adam Cohen
Why are people afraid to try something different? Because of the scrutiny they’re going to receive if it doesn’t work. That stops people from trying things different a lot.
Nick Nurse
When I first started, especially because I got the Critics’ Choice before I’d released an album, there was a lot of scrutiny on what my character was, what my background was, what colour my hair was. I fought quite hard for the music to overtake the personality aspect.
Florence Welch
U.S. surveillance of Pakistan extends far beyond its nuclear program. There are several references in the black budget to expanding U.S. scrutiny of chemical and biological laboratories.
Barton Gellman
Accountability and democratic choice, I deeply believe, are guaranteed by rigorous scrutiny only.
Jemima Khan
There aren’t many strong or charismatic candidates today, because many people can’t withstand the scrutiny.
Tom Ford
Every coach should be under scrutiny.
Mike D’Antoni
You are physically up for scrutiny by everyone and you hear everyone’s opinion.
Karlie Kloss
If it stands the test of public scrutiny, do it… if it doesn’t stand the test of public scrutiny then don’t do it.
Ratan Tata
Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson has been resorting to the ‘It’s racism’ dodge for years now in order to shut down scrutiny of his determined inattention to the catastrophe of Vancouver’s housing crisis.
Terry Glavin
I have been a part of stage shows, but yes, I do get cold feet when I think that every move of mine will be under scrutiny!
Amruta Khanvilkar
Yeah, ideally, I’d probably wish to be more anonymous. But scrutiny and success go together. And I want to be successful.
Paula Radcliffe
The no-secrets era of social media makes one consider the built-in risk factor of nominating high-testosterone men to positions of power at all. Everyone is under too much scrutiny now to take a chance on candidates who suddenly blow up into a comic meme, a punchline, a ribald hashtag.
Tina Brown
UCLA will always be involved with great players, and those players always draw scrutiny. That’s just the way it is.
Ben Howland
Being in the limelight has made me more fashion forward because I am under constant scrutiny. So, I have no choice but to be fashion conscious but otherwise I am not so much into it.
Soha Ali Khan
Being a pastor’s kid comes with a lot of pressure and scrutiny. A lot of my dad’s sermons were about respect. It was a beautiful way to be taught about love and two people being equal.
Nick Jonas
There’s no architect who doesn’t want to build a library – and I am no different. With so much scrutiny now attached to reading – because of technology and how we approach it as a social activity – that is a very exciting area in architecture.
Annabelle Selldorf
Black athletes are always under more scrutiny.
Edwin Moses
I needed to step back from cricket, international cricket in particular, just to get away from the scrutiny and intensity of everything. I love it but it was too much for me.
Moeen Ali
I think every program needs to stand the sunshine of righteous scrutiny. Whether it’s Social Security, whether it’s Medicaid, whether it’s Medicare.
Rick Perry
The public scrutiny element they don’t teach you in film school. So few people are ever subjected to it.
Colin Trevorrow
But I also enjoy life… the more scrutiny I am under, the more confident I become. I am who I am. I can’t do anything about it, and I love who I am.
Khloe Kardashian
All musicians start out with ideals but hanging on to them in the face of media scrutiny takes real integrity. Tougher still is to live up to the ideals of your dedicated fans.
Billy Bragg
Going public is 18-month process, while an acquisition is a 6-month process. Going public means going under so much scrutiny, regulatory approval, auditing, magnified 10 times. Having the stomach to do that isn’t necessarily in my DNA. My DNA is building a product and a service.
Brian Acton
While the West has enjoyed overwhelming global power, i

While the West has enjoyed overwhelming global power, its moral preachings have been legitimised, and in effect enforced, by that power. But as that power begins to ebb, then the morality of its actions will be the subject of growing scrutiny and challenge.
Martin Jacques
Lives that are so conspicuous have a claustrophobic feeling. Once you’re in charge of running a country, you’re under scrutiny all the time. That’s a trap.
Kathryn Harrison
I don’t think there’s any reason in journalism not to approach stories we cover with humility, empathy, compassion, and intellectual openness. I mean, I think those are just important human traits. I don’t think that precludes scrutiny, negativity, where it’s appropriate.
David Gregory
Every time I think I’d want a huge, huge career, I realize I’d go crazy under that kind of scrutiny.
Sherilyn Fenn
I think it’s a good thing that there are bloggers out there watching very closely and holding people accountable. Everyone in the news should be able to hold up to that kind of scrutiny. I’m for as much transparency in the newsgathering process as possible.
Anderson Cooper
There was no measure that required greater caution or more severe scrutiny than one to impose taxes or raise a loan, be the form what it may. I hold that government has no right to do either, except when the public service makes it imperiously necessary, and then only to the extent that it requires.
John C. Calhoun
It’s a different era. I understand what Charles Barkley was saying but you just can’t take guys out. There’s too much scrutiny. There’s too many replays and reviews, and cameras everywhere.
Danny Ainge
I haven’t got a problem with scrutiny. If it gets hot in the kitchen, don’t cook a meal. People should be able to criticise us – it’s completely appropriate.
Kerry Stokes
I just think that, you know, what young actors actors and actresses have to factor into their work is all of the social media and the pressures that come from social media and the scrutiny that they’re under and so nothing goes under the radar.
Lesley Sharp
Men are apt to mistake the strength of their feeling for the strength of their argument. The heated mind resents the chill touch and relentless scrutiny of logic.
William E. Gladstone
It is up to Labour to keep alive the belief that government should be for the whole nation and that no section of society should place itself beyond scrutiny and above the law.
Emily Thornberry
Then, girls have to deal with a degree of unfair scrutiny about their life outside sports. If we have good hair or look good, we are called glamorous and it is presumed that we are not focused on sports. Nowadays, even the sportsmen are glamorous, good-looking, but they never face such scrutiny.
Jwala Gutta
Ronda Rousey is a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, and anything that Ronda Rousey does is going to come with extreme scrutiny because she is such a pivotal figure in not only American sports but in global sports as well.
Paul Heyman
I think prime ministers, I actually think Cabinet ministers should be subject to intense scrutiny, I think that’s in the public interest, even if some of the allegations made aren’t right and so on, and they have to correct the record, it doesn’t matter.
Alexander Downer
When you’re playing for Real Madrid, even when you’re playing well, you’re under scrutiny.
Chris Coleman
Anytime you put a movie out it’s subject to such scrutiny and such criticism.
Halle Berry
I don’t really mind any scrutiny. It doesn’t bother me. I’m going to still live my life and do everything I do the same way and not lose any sleep.
Draymond Green
By the time of the ’90s boom, CEOs had become superheroes, accorded celebrity treatment and followed with a kind of slavish scrutiny that Alfred P. Sloan could never have imagined.
James Surowiecki
The problems come when your personal life and relationships come under scrutiny in the press and often very uncomplimentary things are printed about you.
Helena Bonham Carter
The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Catholic, not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false.
Thomas Aquinas
Playing in attack is difficult. You are under scrutiny, and you have to be able to deal with that.
Paul Scholes
We have got to make sure there is proper independent scrutiny and accountability for people in the press, just as there should be in any other industry where things go wrong. But let’s not try and think it is for politicians or governments to tell people what they stick in newspapers. That is deeply illiberal.
Nick Clegg
Funding for women’s healthcare must actually go to fund women’s healthcare, not to line the coffers of an organization under increased scrutiny for reprehensible, inhumane behavior.
Cory Gardner
We were under scrutiny when Stephen became rich and famous. The media were in the house, and camera leads were absolutely everywhere – it was just nightmarish.
Jane Hawking
As cricketers and professionals, with the scrutiny that is on us, we have to obviously be careful and behave ourselves.
Moeen Ali
The 24-hour news cycle is kind of insatiable. Players in the ’80s and ’90s didn’t have to deal with that scrutiny.
Chris Long
With the huge benefits of investing in renewables, energy efficiency and demand reduction becoming ever more obvious, it’s clear that there needs to be far greater scrutiny of the policy decisions that are propelling Britain towards a nuclear future.
Caroline Lucas
The ratio of celebrity divorces is probably about the same as non-celebrity divorces; it’s just that the non-celebrity divorces don’t get a lot of public scrutiny, normally.
Megan Mullally
Of all Iraq’s rocket scientists, none drew warier scrutiny abroad than Modher Sadeq-Saba Tamimi.
Barton Gellman
If someone’s criticism is completely unfounded on data, then I don’t want to hear it. It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
Tim Ferriss
The Gospel can stand up to scrutiny.
Frank Peretti
Undeniable though it is that many Indian Muslims misgui

Undeniable though it is that many Indian Muslims misguidedly consider Pakistan their haven, the immeasurably greater number who take intense pride in being Indian and who connect deeply with the country are hurt and angered at our patriotism being under scrutiny.
Naseeruddin Shah
Most people don’t really like to pose. It is difficult to get them to be present and relaxed under this kind of molecular scrutiny. I want them to understand I’m not simply painting them: I am painting them within a precise moment in time, as a shadow moves across their eyebrows. Then it is gone. The moment is over.
Taylor Negron
Scrutiny has never scared me because I have had detractors all my life.
Vijender Singh
Once you have had success there are always people focusing on why it happened. Inevitably, there is a lot of scrutiny when you don’t achieve the same again.
Mike Phelan
When scrutiny is lacking, tyranny, corruption and man’s baser qualities have a better chance of entering into the public business of any government.
Jacob K. Javits
We welcome the scrutiny of the world – because what you see in America is a country that has steadily worked to address our problems and make our union more perfect.
Barack Obama
Even though I don’t agree with either Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann on virtually anything, I do think the unique scrutiny – because of their gender and highlighting the potential conflict between them is a product of the media’s desire for juicy storylines. I think it’s inappropriate.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Issuing orders and circulars without errors and in the proper way is crucial for efficient administration. This is why the Secretariat Office Manual mandates scrutiny at different levels.
Pinarayi Vijayan
I have been subjected to unwarranted and invasive scrutiny of the most intimate and private details of my being.
Caster Semenya
The sword of contempt has kept the judiciary away from searching public scrutiny, particularly within the mainstream media. The judiciary is obviously happy to live with this situation as well.
Prashant Bhushan
I was still in parliament when the Labour government passed the Freedom of Information Act. As the then shadow home secretary I queried whether in some areas it did enough to open up the work of government to public scrutiny.
Ann Widdecombe
When we uphold the rule of law, our counterterrorism tools are more likely to withstand the scrutiny of our courts, our allies, and the American people.
John O. Brennan
There can be no faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny – they should be setting the example of transparency.
Edward Snowden
As a person navigating the waters of public scrutiny, you are often unable to hold on to personal heroes or villains. Inevitably you will meet your hero, and he may turn out to be less than impressive, while your villain turns out to be the coolest cat you’ve ever met.
Rob Lowe
I’ve been a manager in the Premier League for many years and you do become conservative when you’re in that bottom section. There’s so much stress, because it is so important and there’s so much scrutiny.
Alan Pardew
We live in a society in which female weight is both fetishized and also under so much scrutiny. And so trying to shame somebody into losing weight is just such, I mean, an emotionally, psychologically and mentally traumatizing way to coach somebody.
Mary Cain
I believe that all refugees coming from Syria – a war-torn country that ISIS calls home – regardless of religion require additional scrutiny before entering the United States.
Haim Saban
My private life is always under scrutiny. Each and every action is analysed and re-analysed.
Urmila Matondkar
Venus, ancient goddess of love and beauty, is an apparently irrelevant, invented deity of the long dead. But Venus merits scrutiny. Chart her life story across 5,000 years and you chart the evolution of our conflicted relationship with sex and with the female body.
Bettany Hughes
However imperfectly, subsidies for the poor do actually reduce hunger, ease suffering and create opportunity, while subsidies for the rich result in more private jets and yachts. Would we rather subsidize opportunity or yachts? Which kind of subsidies deserve more scrutiny?
Nicholas Kristof
This is a generation weaned on Watergate, and there is no presumption of innocence and no presumption of good intentions. Instead, there is a presumption that, without relentless scrutiny, the government will misbehave.
Dee Dee Myers
But you know, it’s not easy when your husband runs for president. I mean, it’s not easy for me. I’m sure it’s not easy for her. There’s a lot of scrutiny on families that isn’t always wanted.
Laura Bush
No amount of source-level verification or scrutiny will protect you from using untrusted code.
Ken Thompson
Shining a light on issues like the gender pay gap and whether firms are imposing and meeting targets is how diversity gets pushed up the priority lists of boards. Greater transparency allows for more effective scrutiny.
Nicky Morgan
I welcome a scrutiny of my entire record.
Robert Wilkie
From my own point of view, I hope everybody would realise that people who work in Scottish football – referees included – are always under terrific scrutiny.
Walter Smith
The sanctimony that a section of the media wears like a second skin comes undone so fast when the scrutiny is on them.
Barkha Dutt
I loved the time I got to spend in Denver. My boys, Arin and Ryan, were growing up. I got to spend time with them without being pried upon. There was no public scrutiny. I was free and could take them to the supermarket or to the park without being noticed or looked at.
Madhuri Dixit