Top 122 Angela Merkel Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Angela Merkel Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

There is no doubt the NATO-Russia Act should remain val

There is no doubt the NATO-Russia Act should remain valid.
Angela Merkel
Especially in a very secular world, we should always stress what is common in the Christian religion.
Angela Merkel
The euro is our common fate, and Europe is our common future.
Angela Merkel
India needs jobs, Germany needs people, and collaboration is crucial to meet the demographic needs of both countries.
Angela Merkel
Ukraine must be permitted to bring their own relief supplies safely to areas in the east of the country that are controlled by the separatists.
Angela Merkel
Personally, I think that for example the chemical directive in its present form does too much damage to the chemical industry – especially the medium sized businesses – and will hurt our worldwide competitiveness.
Angela Merkel
There are achievements of European integration that cannot be haggled over: for example the principle of free movement and the principle of non-discrimination.
Angela Merkel
I always used the free room that the G.D.R. allowed me… There was no shadow over my childhood.
Angela Merkel
There are 1600 German companies active in India, and some of them are more than 100 years old. Our companies value India as a location for manufacturing and as a market.
Angela Merkel
The G7 – and earlier, the G8 – were a group of countries that shared the same values with regard to freedom and democracy, and through the annexation of Crimea, Russia made it clear at a certain point that these values of keeping the peace, integrity of the borders of a country were not being respected.
Angela Merkel
If we look at where relations between the Soviet Union and Germany were in 1945 and where we stand now, then we have achieved so much.
Angela Merkel
This multicultural approach, saying that we simply live side by side and live happily with each other has failed. Utterly failed.
Angela Merkel
We have a duty as the state to protect our economy… We are for the protection of intellectual property.
Angela Merkel
Let me say this on a personal note. Without the United States of America, I would in all probably not be able to stand here before you today.
Angela Merkel
The willingness to learn new skills is very high.
Angela Merkel
The question is not whether we are able to change but whether we are changing fast enough.
Angela Merkel
It’s my damn duty and obligation to do everything possible for Europe to find a united path.
Angela Merkel
Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a ‘life lie.’
Angela Merkel
The West was a wonderful world to me. I decided then that if this is the way they did things, then I wanted to be part of it.
Angela Merkel
When it comes to human dignity, we cannot make compromises.
Angela Merkel
Climate change knows no borders. It will not stop before the Pacific islands and the whole of the international community here has to shoulder a responsibility to bring about a sustainable development.
Angela Merkel
I have just explained my idea of how a constructive period of reflection, one that would send a clear message to the citizens of Europe: You should now what our priorities are. For Germany this means: Unemployment is one of one of our biggest problems.
Angela Merkel
During the course of 1989, more and more East Germans lost their fears of the state’s repression and chicanery and went out on the streets. There was no turning back then. It is thanks to their courage the Wall was opened.
Angela Merkel
The majority of decisions in Europe are done by unanimity. That’s why it is important to be to have good relations with all parts.
Angela Merkel
Greece wishes to be part of the eurozone, but it must, of course, go through with the necessary reforms to make this happen.
Angela Merkel
You can much better have an influence on the debate when you sit at the bargaining table and you can give input.
Angela Merkel
In the German football team players from different clubs need to get on with each other both on and off the pitch. In the grand coalition Christian Democrats and Social Democrats sit in the same boat and need to pull in the same direction.
Angela Merkel
Politicians have to be committed to people in equal measures.
Angela Merkel
Germany’s strength lies largely in the fact that the Federal Republic is a center of industry and that it’s an export nation.
Angela Merkel
We abide by our responsibility as Germany for the Shoah.
Angela Merkel
We will have to accept a certain degree of legal immigration; that’s globalisation… In the era of the smartphone, we cannot shut ourselves away… people know full well how we live in Europe.
Angela Merkel
Thus, the focus on this main political goal must become

Thus, the focus on this main political goal must become more visible in EU politics and to achieve this, we need a political impulse. It must be clear what the priorities on the agenda are.
Angela Merkel
In many regions, war and terror prevail. States disintegrate. For many years, we have read about this. We have heard about it. We have seen it on TV. But we had not yet sufficiently understood that what happens in Aleppo and Mosul can affect Essen or Stuttgart. We have to face that now.
Angela Merkel
IT companies in Bangalore are a reliable engine of development for India.
Angela Merkel
At German unification, we were lucky to get so much help from West Germany. Now, we have the good fortune of being able to help each other in Europe.
Angela Merkel
Very early, it became clear to me that East Germany could not function.
Angela Merkel
For me, it is always important that I go through all the possible options for a decision.
Angela Merkel
Germany has become a country that many people abroad associate with hope.
Angela Merkel
Today’s Russia is not to be compared with the Soviet Union of back then.
Angela Merkel
I’m someone who is very supportive of us eliminating all discrimination.
Angela Merkel
I can say that we are very clear in our mind about the responsibility of the national soldiers for the break with civilisation that was the Shoah. We are firmly convinced that this is something that will have to be handed over to generations to come… so we don’t see any reason to change our view of history.
Angela Merkel
At the beginning of the 60’s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country. We kidded ourselves a while, we said: ‘They won’t stay, sometime they will be gone.’ But this isn’t reality.
Angela Merkel
I see nothing that points to a recession in Germany. But I see considerable long-term tasks ahead of us that have to do with markets regaining confidence in Europe and that have a lot to do with reducing debt.
Angela Merkel
It is a fact that, if I single out Germany, our rate of growth is too low and we have very high unemployment.
Angela Merkel
If you wish to have free access to the single market, then you have to accept the fundamental rights as well as obligation that come from it.
Angela Merkel
Controversial disputes are a part of democratic culture.
Angela Merkel
Spying among friends is never acceptable.
Angela Merkel
Russia has nothing: no successful politics or economy.
Angela Merkel
The goal of our actions is and will remain a sovereign and territorially intact Ukraine that can decide its own future.
Angela Merkel
Whenever you have political conflict, such as the one that we have now between Russia and Ukraine, but also in many other conflicts around the world, it has always proved to be right to try again and again to solve such a conflict.
Angela Merkel
Let us answer the terrorists by living our values with courage.
Angela Merkel
I don’t carry any early childhood trauma around with me, if that’s what you’re hinting at. The story of the bicycles – and there were three of them which were stolen from me – I’ve dealt with it well.
Angela Merkel
Hatred, racism, and extremism have no place in this country.
Angela Merkel
I see nothing that points to a recession in Germany. But I see considerable long-term tasks ahead of us that have to do with markets regaining confidence in Europe and that have a lot to do with reducing debt.
Angela Merkel
If you wish to have free access to the single market, then you have to accept the fundamental rights as well as obligation that come from it.
Angela Merkel
We feel bound to the Christian image of humanity – that is what defines us. Those who do not accept this are in the wrong place here.
Angela Merkel
That is why everyone in politics, and we do it, must make sure that they do not depend on one single interest group. A good compromise is one where everybody makes a contribution.
Angela Merkel
Ukraine must be permitted to bring their own relief supplies safely to areas in the east of the country that are controlled by the separatists.
Angela Merkel
Climate change knows no borders. It will not stop before the Pacific islands and the whole of the international community here has to shoulder a responsibility to bring about a sustainable development.
Angela Merkel
I am for registered civil partnerships.
Angela Merkel
Having led many negotiations with countries outside the E.U. in the past, we would never enter the same compromises and reach the same good outcomes with states that don’t shoulder the responsibilities and costs of the common market.
Angela Merkel
That is why everyone in politics, and we do it, must make sure that they do not depend on one single interest group. A good compromise is one where everybody makes a contribution.
Angela Merkel
For me, it is always important that I go through all th

For me, it is always important that I go through all the possible options for a decision.
Angela Merkel
The way I lived my life, I truly wasn’t an active resistance fighter.
Angela Merkel
The way I lived my life, I truly wasn’t an active resistance fighter.
Angela Merkel
The only thing the East German system taught us was that we should never do it that way again.
Angela Merkel
This multicultural approach, saying that we simply live side by side and live happily with each other has failed. Utterly failed.
Angela Merkel
In Europe it is particularly important that we build good relations to everyone who holds political responsibility because Europe can only be build together.
Angela Merkel
Whoever decides to dedicate their life to politics knows that earning money isn’t the top priority.
Angela Merkel
I think it has been a tremendous feat on the part of East Germans since 1990 to adapt to everything changing.
Angela Merkel
We needed 40 years to overcome East Germany. Sometimes in history, one has to be prepared for the long haul and not ask after four months if it still makes sense to keep up our demands.
Angela Merkel
It is always the case that when something emerges – which, of course, from the perspective of the former West Germany looks very different – then people say, ‘She hasn’t told us this yet’ and ‘She hasn’t told us that yet.’ I don’t know – maybe there are other things I didn’t talk about because no one ever asked me.
Angela Merkel
In the German football team players from different clubs need to get on with each other both on and off the pitch. In the grand coalition Christian Democrats and Social Democrats sit in the same boat and need to pull in the same direction.
Angela Merkel
Germany wants peaceful coexistence of Muslims and members of other religions.
Angela Merkel
I said, yet again, for Germany, Europe is not only indispensable, it is part and parcel of our identity. We’ve always said German unity, European unity and integration, that’s two parts of one and the same coin. But we want, obviously, to boost our competitiveness.
Angela Merkel
So Europe needs to be competitive and we also need to be competitive if we wish to remain an interesting economic partner for the United States. This has to be done on the basis of strength, of competitiveness.
Angela Merkel
Germany wants peaceful coexistence of Muslims and members of other religions.
Angela Merkel
We believe that from both a German and a Polish perspective, it is desirable for Great Britain to remain in the European Union.
Angela Merkel
It will not be possible to solve the current crisis with euro bonds.
Angela Merkel
I am for our not having any discrimination in tax legislation.
Angela Merkel
We are a country based on democracy, tolerance, and openness to the world.
Angela Merkel
Nobody in Europe will be abandoned. Nobody in Europe will be excluded. Europe only succeeds if we work together.
Angela Merkel
We’ve stated very clearly that no negotiating chapters between the European Union and Turkey will be concluded before the Ankara Protocol is complied with: that’s to say before Turkey grants all E.U. member states, including Cyprus, access to its ports.
Angela Merkel
India needs jobs, Germany needs people, and collaboration is crucial to meet the demographic needs of both countries.
Angela Merkel
More reforms will give more impetus to German industries to invest in India. German companies want to be treated on par with Indian companies, and creation of an equitable market is crucial for investments.
Angela Merkel
For me, personally, marriage is a man and a woman living together.
Angela Merkel
For a few years, more people have been leaving our country than entering it. Wherever it is possible, we must lower the entry hurdles for those who bring the country forward.
Angela Merkel
Industrialised countries must take the responsibility of helping poorer countries in the climate change action plan.
Angela Merkel
We’ve always had this experience that things take long, but I’m 100% convinced that our principles will in the end prevail. No one knew how the Cold War would end at the time, but it did end. This is within our living experience… I’m surprised at how fainthearted we sometimes are and how quickly we lose courage.
Angela Merkel
Sometimes I can’t stop myself from buying things just because I see them – even when I don’t really need them.
Angela Merkel
Former president Wulff said Islam belongs to Germany. That is true. I also hold this opinion.
Angela Merkel
Let us answer the terrorists by living our values with courage.
Angela Merkel
I’ve learned that even the word ‘jubilee’ used in connection with the Reformation can give rise to discussions.
Angela Merkel
At this time - we're in a dramatic crisis - euro bonds

At this time – we’re in a dramatic crisis – euro bonds are precisely the wrong answer. They lead us into a debt union, not a stability union. Each country has to take its own steps to reduce its debt.
Angela Merkel
The West was a wonderful world to me. I decided then that if this is the way they did things, then I wanted to be part of it.
Angela Merkel
It is always the case that when something emerges – which, of course, from the perspective of the former West Germany looks very different – then people say, ‘She hasn’t told us this yet’ and ‘She hasn’t told us that yet.’ I don’t know – maybe there are other things I didn’t talk about because no one ever asked me.
Angela Merkel
I come from a country in which I experienced economic collapse.
Angela Merkel
The G7 – and earlier, the G8 – were a group of countries that shared the same values with regard to freedom and democracy, and through the annexation of Crimea, Russia made it clear at a certain point that these values of keeping the peace, integrity of the borders of a country were not being respected.
Angela Merkel
Whoever decides to dedicate their life to politics knows that earning money isn’t the top priority.
Angela Merkel
We’ve always had this experience that things take long, but I’m 100% convinced that our principles will in the end prevail. No one knew how the Cold War would end at the time, but it did end. This is within our living experience… I’m surprised at how fainthearted we sometimes are and how quickly we lose courage.
Angela Merkel
Eurobonds are absolutely wrong. In order to bring about common interest rates, you need similar competitiveness levels, similar budget situations. You don’t get them by collectivizing debts.
Angela Merkel
Especially in a very secular world, we should always stress what is common in the Christian religion.
Angela Merkel
For me, personally, marriage is a man and a woman living together.
Angela Merkel
Germany has become a country that many people abroad associate with hope.
Angela Merkel
The only thing the East German system taught us was that we should never do it that way again.
Angela Merkel
We are a country based on democracy, tolerance, and openness to the world.
Angela Merkel
Personally, I think that for example the chemical directive in its present form does too much damage to the chemical industry – especially the medium sized businesses – and will hurt our worldwide competitiveness.
Angela Merkel
We know that our life of freedom is stronger than terror.
Angela Merkel
Overcoming the Cold War required courage from the people of Central and Eastern Europe and what was then the German Democratic Republic, but it also required the steadfastness of Western partner over many decades when many had long lost hope of integration of the two Germanys and Europe.
Angela Merkel
It certainly is dangerous that there are only a few clubs left in Europe that can afford to pay millions. At the end of the day however, the spectators decide the rates of pay – by watching the games and consuming the goods and services advertised on sports TV programmes.
Angela Merkel
I felt really sorry for Oliver Kahn. Up to that point he had made lots of saves for the German team. Of course he could have caught the ball but it just happened. It was bad luck. In that situation, you need to be very strong psychologically to carry on.
Angela Merkel
I am for registered civil partnerships.
Angela Merkel
We have to ensure politically that what’s doable can indeed by translated into law, but what’s not doable mustn’t become European law. Otherwise, the auto industry will work somewhere with higher carbon emissions – and we can’t want that.
Angela Merkel
For somebody who comes from Europe, I can only say if we give up this principle of territorial integrity of countries, then we will not be able to maintain the peaceful order of Europe that we’ve been able to achieve.
Angela Merkel
We have shared responsibility for global climate; we have to reduce climate change below 2 degrees Celsius.
Angela Merkel
I feel sorry sometimes for these sportsmen and women who put in just as much effort as the footballers. For example, athletes train at least as hard as footballers but have to be happy if they can earn enough to finance a decent education.
Angela Merkel
I personally hope and wish that Britain will stay part and parcel of the European Union.
Angela Merkel
Whenever I was able to work with Hillary Clinton, it was a great pleasure.
Angela Merkel
Free access to the single market will be granted to a country which accepts the four fundamental freedoms of movement of people, goods, services, and capital.
Angela Merkel
Overcoming the Cold War required courage from the people of Central and Eastern Europe and what was then the German Democratic Republic, but it also required the steadfastness of Western partner over many decades when many had long lost hope of integration of the two Germanys and Europe.
Angela Merkel
Nobody in Europe will be abandoned. Nobody in Europe will be excluded. Europe only succeeds if we work together.
Angela Merkel
For those who share my view that the Jews as a people have a right to self-determination, Zionism as a national movement of the Jewish people is the embodiment of this very right, which its opponents want to deny.
Angela Merkel