Top 122 Matt Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Matt Quotes from famous people such as Diego Sanchez, Taylor Goldsmith, Cody Rhodes, Scott Bakula, Madi Diaz, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

It's been my dream to fight Matt Hughes for the champio

It’s been my dream to fight Matt Hughes for the championship.
Diego Sanchez
We let the lyrics be the focus of the song. Which is not what you hear with some of the zeitgeisty bands, like the War on Drugs, who I love, their lyrics are usually buried and The National, one of my favorite bands, Matt Berninger writes in fragments, in a very impressionistic way.
Taylor Goldsmith
I had one of the best matches of my career with Matt Cross, and I’d never met him before, until that day. Wrestling will always be in my heart.
Cody Rhodes
‘Behind The Candelabra’ is an HBO movie. It’s the Liberace story. Michael Douglass and Matt Damon. I play a small part in it. I play a choreographer who introduces, brings Matt Damon to Las Vegas for the first time.
Scott Bakula
I could never ever say enough about Matt Amato. He has an indescribable presence; this warm, loving, serene calm with intense interest and excitement bubbling beneath his exterior.
Madi Diaz
I looked up and saw the shape of a heart made by the silhouette of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon kissing.
Sarah Silverman
By all working together, we can beat Matt Bevin and actually create more good-paying jobs, boost wages for workers, expand access to health care, and improve our public schools.
Andy Beshear
Me and Matt love to argue, but in general our sense of humor is pretty much alike.
Trey Parker
We want the best actor, and that’s why Matt Damon worked so well in this role, because he’s a great actor.
Bobby Farrelly
Oh my God, if you’re talking terrible theme songs, you have to mention Matt Hardy. I can’t understand what they’re even saying. There’s a point in Matt Hardy’s song where it sounds like they say ‘I want to meet the cheese.’ I’m always like, ‘Meet the cheese?’ Just goofy stuff.
Mark Henry
Matt Damon’s anti-fracking diatribe was funded by the royal family of the United Arab Emirates.
Ben Shapiro
If – you know, it seems to me that if we see Matt Cooper being carted off to jail today, a lot of people may find that, you know, a very upsetting thing.
Michael Isikoff
Did you know there is a war on women? Yes, it’s true. Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Matt Taibbi, and Ed Schultz have been waging it for years with their misogynist outbursts.
Kirsten Powers
It wasn’t love at first sight with Matt – we were friends at the beginning, and our friendship developed.
Emma Willis
And if you’re a golfer and you watch a golf film and Matt Damon swing, and it’s not great, then you’re not going to believe in the golf story, you’re not going to believe in the rest of the film. That’s the whole movie, so if that swing looks like crap, the movie’s crap.
Shia LaBeouf
It’s ridiculous that Claire Foy got paid less than Matt Smith on ‘The Crown.’ That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Jessie Buckley
I have so much fun with Matt LeBlanc that whether I love it or not really makes no difference to me because I just really have that much fun with him and playing with him. Being onstage with him is great.
Drea De Matteo
Matt Rosendale doesn’t know what the hell is going on in Montana. That’s why he doesn’t talk about the issues he believes in, because he doesn’t know them.
Jon Tester
I’m good friends with Matt Morrison.
Lindsay Mendez
The great thing about it is, in Hollywood, certain people are very good at keeping their lives and who they are very private. I’ve never met anybody as down to earth and cool in Hollywood than Matt Damon.
Anthony Mackie
I think the least stereotypical gay character on television is probably Matt LeBlanc on ‘Episodes.’ He just plays it so straight-faced. They never talk about the fact that he’s such a huge gay person.
Adam Pally
Elektra met Matt, and she fell in love with him. And I think he brought some good out of her at some point in her life, and maybe she wants to figure out, by coming back to him, who she really is. She comes back because she misses him, and she’s alone, and the only person she’s ever loved is Matt.
Elodie Yung
Matt Weiner is very perceptive; there’s something about the rhythms and the way people speak that is very authentic to the actor. But there are qualities that are dissimilar. The characters on ‘Mad Men’ are struggling with pretty profound unhappiness, but I can tell you this is a happy bunch.
Aaron Staton
I love artists whose work feels animated! Matt Cummings, Ian McGinty, Jake Myler, Arielle Jovellanos, Drew Rausch, Zachary Sterling, Troy Little – I feel like most of the artists I’ve worked with have a lot of movement and life in their work.
Kate Leth
I will say this: Boy, did I get lucky to work with Matt Drudge and Arianna Huffington.
Andrew Breitbart
I believe sports minister Nigel Huddleston, Secretary of State Oliver Dowden and Health Minister Matt Hancock all recognise the importance of kids playing recreational sport.
Robbie Savage
Unlike the LeBrons and A-Rods of the world, anointed as special from pre-K, Matt Leinart exudes an approachability rarely seen in superstars. It’s why kids on the autograph line chat him up like a buddy with whom they could stay up late playing Xbox.
Stephen Rodrick
When I tell my friends, ‘I’m in the ‘Bourne’ movie,’ they’re like, ‘Congratulations! Wait… is Matt Damon coming back?’ I go, ‘Yeah.’ And they’re like, ‘Yo! Matt Damon! Matty D!’ Everyone pretends they know Matt Damon. It’s exciting.
Ato Essandoh
Matt Bomer and I went to Carnegie Mellon for drama together.
Joe Manganiello
As a community, we’re fighting for Asians to play Asian roles. And then there’s the other battle, which is Asian Americans playing roles that aren’t written for Asians, and I think that’s something that completely should happen; Why can’t an Asian American male just play a leading cop figure… or the Matt Damon roles?
Ross Butler
I was called Matt Dillon’s brother my whole career basically until ‘Entourage’ broke me free of that and now people call me Johnny Drama instead.
Kevin Dillon
I was sitting in the nosebleeds eating hot dogs and wat

I was sitting in the nosebleeds eating hot dogs and watching Georges St. Pierre win the world title from Matt Hughes. Like never in my wildest dreams if someone would have tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘Hey, seven years from now you’re going to be down there doing the same thing’ would I have believed them.
Joseph Benavidez
Rumors about me? Calista Flockhart, Pam Anderson, and Matt Damon. That’s who I’m dating.
Ben Affleck
‘Toast of London’ is a must-watch. Matt Berry’s off-the-wall humour is slightly surreal and a little bit deviant. That’s why I also love ‘House of Fools.’
Maxine Peake
It’s ridiculous that Claire Foy got paid less than Matt Smith on ‘The Crown.’ That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Jessie Buckley
Someone like Brian Cage, he’s a gigantic man who is trying to wrestle like me. That’s his mistake because I clearly hold the top card in someone who is wrestling like Matt Sydal.
Matt Sydal
I never want to be like somebody but be my own person, but follow along those lines like a Matt Millen, Michael Strahan. There’s so many players that have transitioned to being an anchor or a broadcaster, and it kind of just goes hand-in-hand.
Saquon Barkley
While Matt Bevin insults teachers and bullies our neighbors, I’m focused on restoring decency and bringing people together to get real results for our families in Eastern Kentucky.
Andy Beshear
While Matt Bevin only helps his special interest donors, I care about expanding access to affordable health care for our families and making sure workers have the training and skills they need to get good-paying jobs.
Andy Beshear
And I know the risks of changing captaincy midway through a season. At Derby, it was a great compliment when Paul Jewell handed me the armband, and I was made captain of my fourth Premier League club, but it was awkward for Matt Oakley, who had it taken away from him.
Robbie Savage
The Soft Pack’s self-titled full-length debut is straighter than black coffee, and twice as bitter: Frontman Matt Lamkin isn’t afraid to fly his philosophical flag and face hard realities.
Anthony Fantano
My father was a really sharp cartoonist and filmmaker. He used to tape-record the family surreptitiously, either while we were driving around or at dinner, and in 1963 he and I made up a story about a brother and a sister, Lisa and Matt, having an adventure out in the woods with animals.
Matt Groening
A dream acting role would be Matt Damon in the Bourne series. I would love to do something like that!
Taylor Lautner
Matt Bevin has made it clear: he cares more about out-of-state CEOs than Kentucky’s working families.
Andy Beshear
Listen I’m not going into a fight with Matt Hughes thinking that this guy is done. There’s a reason the guy is going to be a Hall of Famer.
Matt Serra
When we were trying to come up with a concept for our music video for ‘The Stage’ we basically run through a lot of different ideas, and ultimately, I sat and studied the lyrics that Matt had written – and they really resonated with me.
Zacky Vengeance
I finished the recordings I had started with Eleven. Matt Cameron joined for the rest of those sessions.
Jack Irons
Shoot, me, if I was going to go to war and you told me I could have Keith Lee, I’ll sign up on that one. And you told me I could have the freaking UFC madman Matt Riddle – he’s like the new Goldberg – I’ll sign up on that one too. I love the guys.
Tommaso Ciampa
Matt Weiner is very perceptive; there’s something about the rhythms and the way people speak that is very authentic to the actor. But there are qualities that are dissimilar. The characters on ‘Mad Men’ are struggling with pretty profound unhappiness, but I can tell you this is a happy bunch.
Aaron Staton
I basically drew my own family. My father’s name is Homer. My mother’s name is Margaret. I have a sister Lisa and another sister Maggie, so I drew all of them. I was going to name the main character Matt, but I didn’t think it would go over well in a pitch meeting, so I changed the name to Bart.
Matt Groening
I decided to work really hard in 1987. I hired Matt Doyle, a former pro player, and he helped me with my physical training. Lendl was the first to focus on that. He used to be weak, physically and mentally.
Mats Wilander
In 2005, not long after I met Matt, MTV decided not to renew my contract. It meant that I didn’t have a job or any money. We lived together and he supported me because I had nothing.
Emma Willis
I wholeheartedly believe that Andy Biggs is the right man to take up the legacy that Matt Salmon is leaving behind. I have worked with Andy for a number of years, and I have been impressed by his commitment to the Constitution and the principles of conservatism.
Trent Franks
I am obsessed with Matt Healy.
Olly Alexander
Obviously, I am a huge Matt Morrison fan, and I am a big Lea Michele fan because I know those guys from way back.
Aaron Lazar
When I tell my friends, ‘I’m in the ‘Bourne’ movie,’ they’re like, ‘Congratulations! Wait… is Matt Damon coming back?’ I go, ‘Yeah.’ And they’re like, ‘Yo! Matt Damon! Matty D!’ Everyone pretends they know Matt Damon. It’s exciting.
Ato Essandoh
When we were trying to come up with a concept for our music video for ‘The Stage’ we basically run through a lot of different ideas, and ultimately, I sat and studied the lyrics that Matt had written – and they really resonated with me.
Zacky Vengeance
People always ask me, ‘Hey, what’s Matt Damon like?’ He’s just a dude, just a really good person and one hell of an actor.
Michael Kelly
When you are dealing with Broken Matt Hardy, and the Brother Nero, and the Broken Hardyz, anything is possible. Anything.
Matt Hardy
Like so many Kentuckians, I have been disgusted by the bullying and self-enrichment from Matt Bevin.
Andy Beshear
I’m a big fan of Katt Williams, Jim Gaffigan, Louie CK, Margaret Cho, Kathy Griffin, Rich Vas, Joey Vega and Matt Claybrooks.
Chris Rock
I look up to Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon. I’m a huge fan of their work. I also like actors who really transform themselves, like Joaquin Phoenix. And I loved Robin Williams growing up. He does comedy and drama so brilliantly.
Will Poulter
I went to work with a guy named Matt Fuller, who was a

I went to work with a guy named Matt Fuller, who was a Mothers fan, and low and behold, Arthur was working for him also. We worked together for about six months and decided to strike out on our own.
Jimmy Carl Black
We want the best actor, and that’s why Matt Damon worked so well in this role, because he’s a great actor.
Bobby Farrelly
I’ve always bragged that I fought some guys in the Hall of Fame, legends like B.J. Penn and Matt Hughes and they always knew they were in a fight, but now I’m in there, so I can’t even use that line.
Matt Serra
My best man was my best friend of almost 20 years, Matt Ryan. He actually plays John Constantine on the new NBC show ‘Constantine,’ but we’ve been friends since we were teenagers.
Joseph Morgan
I was doing one of my first plays at the Royal Court, and Matt LeBlanc came to see the play. He came backstage afterwards, and I couldn’t speak. I kept trying to, but no words came out. I just kept thinking, ‘That’s Joey from ‘Friends.’ That’s actual Joey from ‘Friends!” It was so embarrassing!
Bel Powley
I can’t say enough good things about Matt Hardy.
Adam Cole
Obviously, I am a huge Matt Morrison fan, and I am a big Lea Michele fan because I know those guys from way back.
Aaron Lazar
I love Matt LeBlanc in ‘Episodes’ – he’s very good. And the ‘Modern Family’ cast just cracks me up.
Jane Lynch
I first learned about kicking under pressure in 1996, my rookie year with the Patriots. I was signed as a free agent by a team that already had Matt Bahr, one of the best kickers around. To win the job, I had to show coach Bill Parcells that I could make kicks when they counted. That process started in training camp.
Adam Vinatieri
I come from one of the great coaches – Matt Hume, Brad Kertson – and my skill set is well-rounded.
Demetrious Johnson
I’d love to fight Matt Hughes again.
Matt Serra
Now let me say that Matt Busby was a great manager and Manchester United wouldn’t be where they are without him. He was a god at the club, but he wasn’t a god to me. Football is like that sometimes.
Johnny Giles
I’m not trying to be Tom Brady. I’m just trying to be Matt Cassel.
Matt Cassel
I can’t even imagine being Matt and Ross Duffer.
Joe Keery
Matt Hardy came into ROH with open arms. Matt came into ROH ready to learn.
Adam Cole
It is important that Manchester United keeps its identity. Their heritage is to produce and develop players, something that started with Sir Matt and continued with Sir Alex Ferguson.
Peter Schmeichel
My favorite actors are Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio and Will Smith – guys like that.
Liam Hemsworth
I would love to work with Matt Damon.
Idina Menzel
I am not afraid if people think Matt LeBlanc in ‘Episodes’ is who I am – my friends and family know who I am.
Matt LeBlanc
I knew Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were really talented. As actors, they were both studly young men, and they had great writers’ chops.
Robin Williams
My boyfriend – Matt Kaplan – is American, so any time I’m unsure of how to say something, I say, ‘Hey how do you say this?’ and he yells it out.
Claire Holt
I’d love to see Peter Parker and Daredevil hang out. There’s a wonderful issue of the comics where Matt Murdock has to defend Daredevil, because the public don’t know, and so he has Peter Parker put on his Daredevil outfit so that he can sit in the docks. You know, great storyline.
Charlie Cox
Yeah, I don’t know how many people are aware of it, but Scarlett and I have a bit of a past as far as wrestling goes. We were both in Ring of Honor at the same time, and our paths crossed when she was managing Matt Taven.
Tommaso Ciampa
Rumors about me? Calista Flockhart, Pam Anderson, and Matt Damon. That’s who I’m dating.
Ben Affleck
I look up to Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon. I’m a huge fan of their work. I also like actors who really transform themselves, like Joaquin Phoenix. And I loved Robin Williams growing up. He does comedy and drama so brilliantly.
Will Poulter
If I ever woke up with a dead hooker in my hotel room, Matt would be the first person I’d call.
Ben Affleck
I think the least stereotypical gay character on television is probably Matt LeBlanc on ‘Episodes.’ He just plays it so straight-faced. They never talk about the fact that he’s such a huge gay person.
Adam Pally
I’d worked with Matt Strevens on ‘Adventure in Space and Time’ and he’s a great friend of mine.
Sacha Dhawan
Some of my friends really rock out: Matt and Kim, Diplo, when RuPaul was performing. Beyonce… there’s tons of people I saw perform and was like, ‘I just want my crowd to be awesome like this!’
Big Freedia
The first TV show I worked on was with the guys from ‘Little Britian,’ Matt Lucas and David Walliams, who did a show in 1995 I directed, ‘Mash and Peas.’
Edgar Wright
No disrespect to Matt Brown, he’s a great fighter, but I think I got and have what it takes to beat him.
Stephen Thompson
I'm not trying to be Tom Brady. I'm just trying to be M

I’m not trying to be Tom Brady. I’m just trying to be Matt Cassel.
Matt Cassel
You look at Matt LaFleur and where he’s been. It seems like successful quarterback play follows him.
Sean McVay
L.A. gets a bad rap, but that’s not the case. Everybody’s like a real family out here. I think a lot of that comes from UCB Theatre, Amy Poehler, Matt Walsh, Matt Besser, and Ian Roberts. They’re really funny, but they’re also upstanding people.
Jason Nash
I couldn’t believe Wolves let Matt Doherty go. For the price Wolves let him go for, I didn’t get that one at all.
Paul Merson
Matt Damon’s anti-fracking diatribe was funded by the royal family of the United Arab Emirates.
Ben Shapiro
I’m a big fan of all the Boston guys that are acting – Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Mark Wahlberg – they made a great career out of it, and they found a way to do it and still be cool guys, so that’s kind of where I want to be.
Kenny Wormald
I can’t even imagine being Matt and Ross Duffer.
Joe Keery
The Purple Man helps Matt understand that his powers are unique, and maybe he is cut out for the hero biz after all. And Mr. Fear challenges Daredevil’s very philosophy; how does a Man Without Fear deal with a man who induces terror in everyone he meets?
Antony Johnston
Matt LeBlanc thinks his own jokes are funny which is problematic when you’re driving along – he expects you to laugh and often they’re not funny.
Chris Harris
Oh my God, if you’re talking terrible theme songs, you have to mention Matt Hardy. I can’t understand what they’re even saying. There’s a point in Matt Hardy’s song where it sounds like they say ‘I want to meet the cheese.’ I’m always like, ‘Meet the cheese?’ Just goofy stuff.
Mark Henry
Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy… I have so much respect for them.
Roddy Piper
I did ask Matt Damon for his autograph – and I got a picture, too!
Vanessa Hudgens
I was sitting in the nosebleeds eating hot dogs and watching Georges St. Pierre win the world title from Matt Hughes. Like never in my wildest dreams if someone would have tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘Hey, seven years from now you’re going to be down there doing the same thing’ would I have believed them.
Joseph Benavidez
Things that I had created or morphed into, I almost became. I felt like a broken man having to go back to plain old Matt Hardy in many ways.
Matt Hardy
It is important that Manchester United keeps its identity. Their heritage is to produce and develop players, something that started with Sir Matt and continued with Sir Alex Ferguson.
Peter Schmeichel
Everybody asks me, ‘Hey, what’s your most memorable fight?’ For me, it’s definitely the Matt Brown fight.
Stephen Thompson
In New York, I’m around a lot of the reasons I started playing music in the first place. I live right behind Matt Umanov Guitars. I live on the street that Suze Rotolo and Bob Dylan were walking down on the album cover. I recognize the history.
Steve Earle
Matt Brown did exactly what he said he was going to do. He kicked my butt. But it was a war. I would love to do it again. Matt Brown’s a good dude and a great fighter. He’s made it up to the top and man, he’s a monster.
Stephen Thompson
I am a huge, raving fan of writer Matt Fraction. His semi-indie ‘Casanova’ series is an ongoing masterpiece of 21st-century American comics – and his run on ‘Immortal Iron Fist’ with Ed Brubaker was pure, yummy martial-arts-fantasy deliciousness.
Michael Chabon
I’d like to play Matt Damon’s daddy. He’s a wonderful actor, I really admire him, and I’d like to play his dad one day.
Larry Hagman
I personally love watching greats like Matt Lauer, Scott Pelly, Howard Cossell, Bryant Gumble and others that can stimulate an intelligent, thoughtful, moving conversation or interview.
Jay Williams
I can’t say enough good things about Matt Hardy.
Adam Cole
When you’re coming up, and you have Matt Hughes, Tim Sylvia, Jens Pulver and Pat Miletich, Jeremy Horn to train with and compete with – guys that have fought in Japan, all over the world – and you see these guys every day, you just embrace the grind and get after it: you have no choice but to succeed.
Robbie Lawler
When I first saw ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy, I thought to myself, ‘Umm…’ I actually said to Jeremy Borash ‘Why is he talking like that? Is he trying to make an accent and it’s coming out really bad?’ And then it kind of grows on you and it’s just funny as hell, at least for me.
Gail Kim
I was doing one of my first plays at the Royal Court, and Matt LeBlanc came to see the play. He came backstage afterwards, and I couldn’t speak. I kept trying to, but no words came out. I just kept thinking, ‘That’s Joey from ‘Friends.’ That’s actual Joey from ‘Friends!” It was so embarrassing!
Bel Powley
It’s egregious that CPAC and Matt Schlapp have decided to bow to the leftist outrage mob and ban one of President Trump’s most prominent supporters. I am extremely offended and appalled that I’ve been banned by my own people.
Laura Loomer
When you are dealing with Broken Matt Hardy, and the Brother Nero, and the Broken Hardyz, anything is possible. Anything.
Matt Hardy
I think Matt Yglesias is wrong to declare that the world of ‘This Town’ is dying, unless he thinks publicly financed elections, strict lobbying bans and Scandinavian-style wealth distribution are imminent.
Alex Pareene
First of all, I would like to clear the air on one thing. Alison has slept with more men than Amanda; Sydney has slept with more men than Amanda; I think Matt has slept with more men than Amanda.
Heather Locklear