Top 125 Inability Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Inability Quotes from famous people such as Robert Falcon Scott, Brad Thor, Thiruvalluvar, Deeyah Khan, Charlie Sykes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The dog is almost human in its demand for living intere

The dog is almost human in its demand for living interest, yet fatally less than human in its inability to foresee.
Robert Falcon Scott
Most Americans are unaware that Thomas Jefferson was the first American president to go to war against radical Islam. Jefferson was very concerned with Islam’s war-like doctrine and its inability to separate mosque and state.
Brad Thor
The poverty of a man of benevolence is not to be considered as poverty but only as his temporary inability to exercise his inherent duty.
Extremist movements are driven by their inability to tolerate the basic human fact of pluralism. They refuse to accept the natural cultural and religious diversity of our world, seeking to impose their own beliefs and behaviours as a universal pattern for humanity.
Deeyah Khan
The dumbing down of elementary and secondary education has made its way to the collegiate level; too many unprepared students are admitted despite their inability to do college-level work.
Charlie Sykes
My Blackness, my queerness, my gayness, my inability to shut the hell up – these are all things that have really worked for me.
Bob the Drag Queen
Umpires, like players, are expected to show constant improvement each season and at each level. Inconsistent plate work and the inability to handle situations are probably the two biggest problems that minor league umpires face.
Jim Evans
I had the inability to ask for help when I needed it. People offered to help me, but I refused. They’d ask ‘How are you?’ and I’d answer, ‘Better than you.’
Scott Hall
Since Sandy Hook, I have sat back as a father and been mesmerized by the inability of the federal government to do anything substantively on gun safety.
Gavin Newsom
What I never seem to understand about feminist-bashing conservative women is their inability to see how ironic it is that they attend political rallies, share their opinions, and cast their ballots when the America they’re nostalgic about wouldn’t allow them to do any of those things.
Ana Kasparian
I have the inability to stop thinking and switch off from work at night, which causes a lot of sleeplessness.
Jon Hopkins
Everyone in the tech business, from Kleiner Perkins venture capitalist John Doerr on down, says that the ruination of the industry, if not the entire country, will come from the inability to hire more brainiacs from countries like China and India.
Steven Levy
The biggest fragility in a project is often just the inability to be able to explain to people why you are doing it, and when you’re going to do it, and what’s going to happen.
Sebastian Coe
I recognise why I have such a strong inability to forgive certain people who betray me. It’s chiselled in, like a name on a tomb stone.
Amy Tan
I once gave a character in a novel my inability to get past the same point in any work of philosophy: that moment when seeing is suddenly occluded and you know you can go no further.
Howard Jacobson
Because of a massive backlog of asylum cases and an inability to quickly adjudicate and enforce them, more migrants are making the journey to our border.
Dan Crenshaw
The causes for my eating disorder ran along the usual lines: depression, an inability to express my rage, a desire to exert control, a desire to feel less, a desire to have my body express the things my voice could not. That, and I had gotten in the habit of believing it was better to take up less space.
Zoe Kazan
As a child, I was awkward, fidgety, and shy, with a total inability to concentrate, and in that regard, I’m exactly the same as an adult.
Sue Perkins
Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.
Sigmund Freud
What has truly impeded ESPN from overcoming its financial mistakes and inability to adapt to technological advances? The decadelong culture war ESPN lost to Deadspin, a snarky, politically progressive sports blog launched by Gawker’s Nick Denton in 2005.
Jason Whitlock
Relationships survive on trust, and if that is broken at any point, it’s pretty much the end of the relationship. Besides, inability to communicate leads to problems.
Yuvraj Singh
Many people in the world today are not starving because there is an inherent inability to produce food, they are starving because they are caught in the middle of political fights and blockades that have been used as weapons.
Ralph Merkle
It was the business that made Pop go away, not our inability to create.
Jeffrey Katzenberg
My problem was my inability to spend much time at home. I thought my family was secure, so I went running around everyplace else. I guess I had more of an effect on other people’s kids than I did my own.
Jackie Robinson
Boys with a ‘failure to launch’ are invisible to most girls. With poor social skills, the boys feel anger at their fear of being rejected and self-loathing at their inability to compete.
Warren Farrell
There are two types of people in this world: people who can be on time and Nigerians. I am in the latter group, and I confess to my inability to arrive anywhere punctually.
Luvvie Ajayi
I think my dyslexia was a vital part of my development because my inability to read and write meant that I had to find knowledge elsewhere so I looked to the cinema.
Joe Wright
I do atypical work for a white person, which is that I lead primarily white audiences in discussions on race every day, in workshops all over the country. That has allowed me to observe very predictable patterns. And one of those patterns is this inability to tolerate any kind of challenge to our racial reality.
Robin DiAngelo
My mother tried to teach me when I was a small child to sing but failed because of my inability to carry a tune.
Heber J. Grant
Science may provide the most useful way to organize empirical, reproducible data, but its power to do so is predicated on its inability to grasp the most central aspects of human life: hope, fear, love, hate, beauty, envy, honor, weakness, striving, suffering, virtue.
Paul Kalanithi
When I moved to Manchester, to work as a runner for Granada, I shared with a researcher called Vicky who took pity on my inability to cook and made me meals for three years. Put in charge of cookery on a live kids’ show I’d buy cookies from a shop to show as ‘ones we made earlier.’
Zoe Ball
What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is

What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their inability to act according to their beliefs.
John Stuart Mill
I have an inability after matches are over to sort of switch off and relax completely.
Milos Raonic
The inability of those in power to still the voices of their own consciences is the great force leading to change.
Kenneth Kaunda
I have an inability to relax. I try to make every day a work day. I get pleasure from work… I try to think of sketch ideas, stand-up pieces. I am incapable of leisure and leisure time.
Fred Armisen
You can only punish your body so long before you’re stuck with a horrendous inability to do things you’d previously been able to do.
Burt Shavitz
The scenarios of biological or chemical warfare painted in detail by the American media during the months after September 11 only betray the inability of the government to determine the magnitude of the danger.
Jurgen Habermas
A running theme in my life is my inability to say no to anything.
David Pogue
I sometimes wonder if the inability to find oneself makes one seek oneself in other people, in characters.
John Cazale
The current concept of prom just seems so empty. Teenagers get dressed up to go to a dance at a fancy location. It encourages social inclusion or exclusion based on your ability or inability to snag a date.
Adora Svitak
Sometimes, an inability to believe in Satan reflects a larger inability to believe in a spiritual plane at all.
John Ortberg
Golf appeals to the idiot in us and the child. Just how childlike golf players become is proven by their frequent inability to count past five.
John Updike
I am a lifelong Mississippian. I remember Jim Crow, ‘colored’ and ‘white’ water fountains, and my mother’s inability to try on a dress in a store because no white woman would buy it if she put it back.
Mike Espy
All human evil comes from a single cause, man’s inability to sit still in a room.
Blaise Pascal
Of course there are people who are unable to work and it’s right that they are given the support they need. Frustratingly, though, for many it’s a lack of opportunity, not an inability or lack of will to get a job, that keeps them trapped in unemployment.
Damian Green
A character, their ability or inability to laugh at themselves should always be a very, very conscious choice. It’s a very big key to the nature of a human being.
Grant Bowler
Our present time is indeed a criticizing and critical time, hovering between the wish, and the inability to believe. Our complaints are like arrows shot up into the air at no target: and with no purpose they only fall back upon our own heads and destroy ourselves.
William Temple
An inability to handle language is not the same thing as stupidity.
David Hare
I always think about what’s the difference between being tenacious and having an inability to learn from failures. The difference between the homeless guy who wanted to be a great painter and the guy who is a great painter could be anything.
Neil Burger
The inability of middle-class people to receive loans in developing countries has had a stifling effect on economic growth and prosperity around the globe.
Joe Lonsdale
I’m always suspicious when a guy takes his date on a walk, because it reeks of poverty and an inability to plan.
Julie Klausner
Inability to make decisions is one of the principal reasons executives fail. Deficiency in decision-making ranks much higher than lack of specific knowledge or technical know-how as an indicator of leadership failure.
John C. Maxwell
I identify with this guy’s frustration and inability to control his fury at moments. I even identify with the way that this guy covers up a lot with humour. So yeah, it’s interesting.
Bradley Whitford
Old people love to give good advice; it compensates them for their inability to set a bad example.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Trump’s inability to face the truth of his loss to Biden might explain why he has barely faced reporters at all in the closing weeks of his presidency. Even more remarkably, he rarely ever called into his favorite TV shows.
Brian Stelter
I had this chronic hyperactivity and an inability to focus, so I was forever being moved to another class, with a much smaller group of children – some of them about 18. If I was asked to read a paragraph, this white wall would go up in my head. Still now, I read very slowly and can rarely work out a tip.
Justin Theroux
It’s a great excuse and luxury, having a job and blaming it for your inability to do your own art. When you don’t have to work, you are left with the horror of facing your own lack of imagination and your own emptiness. A devastating possibility when finally time is your own.
Julian Schnabel
The inability or unwillingness of citizens to differentiate between fake and authentic news is undermining a fundamental assumption of democracy: the informed voter.
Richard Edelman
Anyone can become a game show host. It simply requires a giant, narcissistic ego and an inability to do anything else. The closest thing to school I did was looking in the mirror one hundred times a day and repeating, ‘People should listen to you talk.’
Kurt Braunohler
Old men are fond of giving good advice to console themselves for their inability to give bad examples.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
I am consistently amazed at Sean Hannity’s inability to host his own show. He’s a dear, dear man – a very nice person… these liberals who aren’t even that smart just come in and absolutely bulldoze him like a child.
Steven Crowder
With all the chaos, pain and suffering in the world, the fact that my adoption of a child from who was living in an orphanage, you know, was the number one story for a week in the world. To me, that says more about our inability to focus on the real problems.
Madonna Ciccone
Our inability to govern ourselves at home, to deal with

Our inability to govern ourselves at home, to deal with everything from infrastructure to our debt to tax policy, is reducing the appeal of the American model.
Richard N. Haass
The inability to pass reasonable gun safety laws after the Newtown massacre is something that weighs heavily on my mind.
Eric Holder
In the world of creativity, laziness translates into an inability to be rigorous enough to create fearlessly. It makes us plagiarise or water our creativity down to make it more acceptable to the public.
Shah Rukh Khan
My inability to follow recipes as written – without obeying the devil on my shoulder telling me to replace ingredients or change the temperature – is well documented.
Samin Nosrat
If we’re not doing better, it’s almost always our own inability to execute, not because someone else is stealing our market share or something.
Evan Sharp
An inability to stay quiet is one of the conspicuous failings of mankind.
Walter Bagehot
Our most tragic error may have been our inability to establish a rapport and a confidence with the press and television with the communication media. I don’t think the press has understood me.
Lyndon B. Johnson
In the final analysis, poverty is a condition of helplessness – of inability to cope with the conditions of existence in our complex society.
Robert Kennedy
If you ask my wife, the biggest fault is my inability around the house. She says the only thing handy about me is that I’m close by. And, I have a terrible memory. I’m bad at saying no. I often double-book. There are a lot of things.
Hugh Jackman
Trump’s behavior is conscienceless, showing utter disregard for the safety of others, consistent irresponsibility, callousness, cynicism and disrespect of other human beings. Contempt for truth and honesty, and for norms, rules and laws. A complete inability to feel remorse, or guilt.
George T. Conway III
In our time, the curse is monetary illiteracy, just as inability to read plain print was the curse of earlier centuries.
Ezra Pound
At the heart of the failure of most plays is the inability to carry on a thoughtful conversation about your work with yourself.
Marsha Norman
I know people said I wasn’t selling out in America, but that was entirely untrue. We sold out all over the world, and every night I looked out into the fans and those front rows that you’re talking about, the tears, the honesty, the inability to not be completely overjoyed because they felt accepted.
Lady Gaga
There is a real problem in terms of the refugee flow, the ability of ISIS to infiltrate those refugee flows, our inability to track them.
Ron Johnson
The gradual decline of a society is often a self-induced process of trying to meet ever-expanding appetites, rather than a physical inability to produce past levels of food and fuel, or to maintain adequate defense.
Victor Davis Hanson
Politicians are nauseating by definition… They can produce nothing, neither a loaf of bread nor a table nor a picture; and this inability to create value, this total inferiority, makes them jealous, vengeful, insolent and a menace to life and limb.
Gerhard Richter
Nationalized industries are notorious for their inability to operate at a profit.
J. Paul Getty
I am very up front about about my inability to pronounce things correctly.
Gillian Jacobs
A weaker currency is a national tariff. After we get a weaker currency, we have to take advantage of that. Or else, we will waste it once more in inflation and in the inability to raise competitiveness.
Uday Kotak
When I became more aware and educated on the state of youth sports and the inability for so many who want to participate, I knew I wanted to be involved.
Jesse Palmer
Our inability to relate to one another is very, very, very important. When we don’t have it, we get situations like Bosnia.
Edward James Olmos
But the most important thing about that story, which is not often told, is that as a result after the Cuban missile crisis, immediate steps were taken to correct our inability to collect on the movement of nuclear material out of the Soviet Union to other places.
David Kay
My purity manifests itself in countless ways, including an utter inability to sit idly when exposed to attacks on truth, reason, logic, and/or individual dignity.
Gad Saad
I just have an inability to lie.
Paloma Faith
I have an inability to enjoy things, but that’s why we’re in comedy. If we were happy, we wouldn’t be funny, I guess.
Paul Feig
I have a problem with sweets. I have an inability to eat a just little bit. It’s almost like I can’t even enjoy chocolate anymore – I have to stuff it into my brain, cram it into my ears.
Fred Armisen
The inability to trace DNA to actual diseases has serious consequences. As does the opposite problem – not being able to trace diseases back to DNA.
Sam Kean
While I remain troubled by the Corps’ inability to fully justify the Model they used for their commercial traffic predictions, America clearly has an aging lock and dam infrastructure on the Mississippi.
Ron Kind
Singing has been a cherished gift, and my inability to sing has been a devastating blow.
Julie Andrews
I would like to think that I curse expertly – it’s not something that I do without considering it. I never curse without intending to; it’s not something I resort to because of inability to articulate or find the correct word.
Adam Mansbach
The single most powerful element of youth is our inability to know what’s impossible.
Adam Braun
I'm always drawn to stories about characters who are so

I’m always drawn to stories about characters who are somewhat isolated inside themselves by their inability to communicate in some way. That’s what interested me about ‘Children of a Lesser God.’
Randa Haines
Within loyalism and the UVF, there are clearly people who are not just aggravated by the issue around flags or parades. They’re aggravated by me and Sinn Fein being in government. They’re opposed to the political institutions – there’s an inability of a minority within loyalism to accept the concept of equality.
Martin McGuinness
One of my biggest drawbacks is my inability to maintain my physique. I put on weight for ‘Soodhu Kavvum’ and never managed to shed it. Luckily, that look suited a few films, including ‘Orange Mittai.’
Vijay Sethupathi
My music was my life, and it played a large part in my inability to sustain relationships.
Kenny Rogers
Fundamental systemic crises are often associated with the decline of the dominant imperial power and its increasing inability to sustain the system over which it had previously presided. The profound instability of the interwar period owed much to Britain’s inability to maintain its role.
Martin Jacques
President Obama’s assault on the free-enterprise market and venture capitalists is anti-American and shows his greatest insecurity: his lack of private sector experience and his inability to understand the economy and help businesses thrive in these uncertain economic times.
Mercedes Schlapp
Autism is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by social withdrawal, by repetitive behaviors and by some kind of focal attention in its classic form. Basically, it’s an inability to relate to others.
Harvey V. Fineberg
It is tempting to think of this form of insomnia, the inability to fall asleep, as a disease of agency and control: the inability to relinquish high self-reflexive consciousness for the vulnerable, ignorant regions of slumber in which we know not what we do.
Siri Hustvedt
Americans from all walks of life have voiced their deep frustration with Washington’s seeming inability to get anything constructive done. For decades, they have watched politicians talk a good game while failing to deliver.
Thom Tillis
What are the physical sensations you associate with hunger? For most people, these sensations include stomach grumbling, headaches, light-headedness, irritability, fatigue and inability to focus.
Joel Fuhrman
My problem happens to be near-sightedness – inability to see distance. And this is pretty tough on a golfer.
Arnold Palmer
By the 1970s, Western sanctions had hollowed out the Soviet economy. Ultimately, however, what brought down the Soviets was their inability to repair the catastrophic damage that began with the meeting of Igor Gouzenko and the RCMP.
Erin O’Toole
To believe that the United States is post-racial requires an almost incomprehensible inability or unwillingness to stare truth in the face.
Tim Wise
I think my generation’s inability to speak in absolute terms when it comes to politics is a very positive thing; it’s made us more nuanced, made us more complex.
Hisham Matar
All of our unhappiness comes from our inability to be alone.
Jean de la Bruyere
The scripts that I take should be solid in terms of content; only then will my inability as an actor not show up on the screen.
Vijay Antony
Being tall is very good for reaching high shelves and seeing in a crowd. Sadly, it has also given me the inability to dance. There’s too much of me to look neat, which is most disappointing.
Miranda Hart
I am conscious of my inability to grasp, in all its details and positive developments, any very large portion of human knowledge.
Mikhail Bakunin
Depression is the inability to construct a future.
Rollo May
Academics lack perspective. In a debate on whether the world is round, they would argue, ‘No,’ because it’s an oblate spheroid. They suffer from ‘the curse of knowledge’: the inability to imagine what it’s like not to know something that they know.
Steven Pinker
The police force has repeatedly demonstrated an inability and unwillingness to carry out its fundamental mandate: to serve and protect the people of Hong Kong. It has been reduced to a mere instrument of repression subservient to the political agenda of Beijing’s regime in Hong Kong.
Joshua Wong
The inability to delegate is one of the biggest problems I see with managers at all levels.
Eli Broad
Maybe this whole obsession about colouring our hair is about our inability to grow up. To let go of the fact we aren’t children any more, and the whole thing about changing our faces and looking young, and 60 being the new 40, is maybe we don’t want to let go of our childhood.
Tamsin Greig
We’re criminalizing economic inability to stay out of the system. Women get penalized more than men for the same crime; blacks get penalized more than whites for the same crime. We need to bring out more into the light, because it’s not fair… I applaud Colin Kaepernick for speaking out.
Martina Navratilova
I mean, I have moments of huge frustration because of my inability to express myself linguistically as clearly as I would like to.
David Gilmour
Congressmember Weiner has shown just a pattern of reckless behavior, an inability to tell the truth, and what New Yorkers deserve is a mayor with a record of delivering for them, of vision, and a level of maturity and responsibility.
Christine Quinn
I felt that I was fooling myself eating meat considering my inability to kill an animal, so I just thought I’d better be honest to myself and stop eating meat.
Patrik Baboumian
I think President Trump is trying to distract the country away from the failures he’s had – the inability to get a health care bill that both sides could come together on.
John Hickenlooper
It’s the inability to handle the pressure that makes a big difference between the Italian players and the England players when it comes to the World Cup stage.
Gianluca Vialli
The essence of my character is an inability to get used to things. This, in fact, is the one thing I have grown accustomed to: an inability to get used to things.
Geoff Dyer
This trend of reporting process over substance is unfortunate, if omnipresent. Even worse is the media’s inability – or unwillingness – to fact-check Republicans who are angry about the Democrats trying to debate and vote on Iraq policy.
Eric Alterman
Well, I think everybody is frustrated by the finances o

Well, I think everybody is frustrated by the finances of the U.N. and the inability to solve problems of war and peace.
George H. W. Bush