Top 131 Contain Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Contain Quotes from famous people such as Amy Sherald, Mortimer Adler, Daniel Negreanu, Rabindranath Tagore, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The people I choose as models have a quality that seems

The people I choose as models have a quality that seems to contain the past, the present, and the future all at once. It’s hard to explain. I can look at 100 people in a room but only find it in one person.
Amy Sherald
The telephone book is full of facts, but it doesn’t contain a single idea.
Mortimer Adler
The danger of paired flops is directly related to how high the pair is: there’s less risk in a flop like 2-2-7 than Q-Q-8. Why? Because most players will fold a hand that contains a deuce but will play hands that contain a queen like A-Q, K-Q, Q-J, or Q-10.
Daniel Negreanu
Love is not a mere impulse, it must contain truth, which is law.
Rabindranath Tagore
Poetry is a sword of lightning, ever unsheathed, which consumes the scabbard that would contain it.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
In our struggle to restrain the violence and contain the damage, we tend to forget that the human capacity for aggression is more than a monstrous defect, that it is also a crucial survival tool.
Katherine Dunn
I ended up in college by accident. Everything in my life, I ended up in by accident. I was down south in this high school doing whatever. It could just not contain me. I quit school and took off and traveled around. Nobody knew where I was I just couldn’t handle it anymore. It was a big scandal, I was gone. I left.
Pauley Perrette
We must never throw away a bushel of truth because it happens to contain a few grains of chaff.
Dean Stanley
Art historians agree that Da Vinci’s paintings contain hidden levels of meaning that go well beneath the surface of the paint. Many scholars believe his work intentionally provides clues to a powerful secret… a secret that remains protected to this day by a clandestine brotherhood of which Da Vinci was a member.
Dan Brown
The best of artists has no conception that the marble alone does not contain within itself.
Depending on the season, between 20 and 30 percent of my collections contain some sort of eco or sustainable element, whether it’s a beautiful organic fabric or a natural dye. And obviously I don’t use animal skins or fur of any kind.
Stella McCartney
I think the ‘Lethal Weapon’ movies contain my favorite performances. It sounds really crummy, I know, but although the work doesn’t look hard, it’s difficult to create ‘effortless’ on screen.
Mel Gibson
Some versions of crab cakes are mostly crabmeat lightly bound with egg, but I’m a firm believer that a crab cake should contain bread crumbs.
Tom Douglas
Love is not weakness. It is strong. Only the sacrament of marriage can contain it.
Boris Pasternak
Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, and is present in most e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes also contain cancer-causing nitrosamines and diethylene glycol, a toxic chemical found in anti-freeze.
Margaret Cuomo
Fortified plant-based milks are delicious and contain all the calcium, protein, and vitamin D of dairy products but with none of the cholesterol, lactose, hormones, or cruelty found in cow’s milk.
Ingrid Newkirk
Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.
William Strunk, Jr.
If you are a woman and an actor, it does not mean that you have to contain or limit yourself to just being that.
Dia Mirza
John Paul II, above all, managed to contain the huge mass of frustration, of hate that had accumulated in that region, in favour of a peaceful transition. This was, without doubt, something that changed European history.
Rocco Buttiglione
Everyone is going to binge on a diet, for instance, so plan for it, schedule it, and contain the damage.
Tim Ferriss
If we don’t stop somewhere, if we don’t accept an unhappy compromise, unhappy for both sides, if we don’t learn how to unhappily coexist and contain our burned sense of injustice – if we don’t learn how to do that, we end up in a doomed state.
Amos Oz
Beauty is not all there is of poetry. It must contain the truth. It is not simply an oak, rude and grand, neither is it simply a vine. It is both. Around the oak of truth runs the vine of beauty.
Robert Green Ingersoll
What is terrifying is the ability, through mass brainwashing or propaganda, to change normal human instinct, which does not necessarily contain very much hatred.
Antony Beevor
Lionel Messi is very difficult to contain.
Manuel Pellegrini
I never accepted why there should be some invisible, wavy cutoff line separating Great Fiction from phosphorescent beauties and dollhouse miniatures, novels that contain a whole world in a snow globe.
James Wolcott
If you knew the user, you’d let them in. But, the content could contain a lot of dangerous stuff, even if you know the person using that content, you have to check what’s inside there. That’s where Fortinet started, trying to go deep inside of content, or inside an application to make sure those were secure.
Ken Xie
It doesn’t matter which era you play in. Wickets are the only way you can contain. Restricting the batsmen to six runs in the first over may look okay but in the next over they will hammer the other bowler. Giving ten runs and taking a wicket – I’ll take that any day.
Wasim Akram
Life needs a membrane to contain itself so it can replicate and mutate.
Frans Lanting
I apprehend light – I make events that shape or contain light.
James Turrell
I don’t even read positive reviews unless they are absolutely certified by eight different people to not contain one thing that could upset me.
Jonathan Franzen
Do not worry about the incarnation of ideas. If you are a poet, your works will contain them without your knowledge’they will be both moral and national if you follow your inspiration freely.
Vissarion Belinsky
I don't feel there's a difference between the real worl

I don’t feel there’s a difference between the real world and the fairy-tale world. They contain psychological truths and, I guess, projections of what the culture that tells them thinks about various things: men, women, aging, dying – the most basic aspects of being human.
Helen Oyeyemi
A real possibility exists that we will be forced to confront, contain, and ultimately defeat radicalism and al-Qaeda alone, or at least with far fewer allies in the region than we had before.
Pete Hoekstra
I think that the ideal space must contain elements of magic, serenity, sorcery and mystery.
Luis Barragan
Many MIDI files contain entire musical compositions. Because MIDI supports only 16 channels, however, no more than 16 different instruments can play at any time, and one of those is the key-based percussion instrument.
Charles Petzold
Soccer may not explain the world or even contain the world. But it makes the world a slightly happier place.
Pamela Druckerman
I know terrorism is real. And I know fear of it distorts public judgment. Terrorism is like a chronic illness. We have to learn to contain it and live with it.
Yochai Benkler
Our intonations contain our philosophy of life, what each of us is constantly telling himself about things.
Marcel Proust
Bodies which contain a greater proportion of water than is necessary to balance the other elements, are speedily corrupted, and lose their virtues and properties.
My parents never told me about Papa’s lung cancer or the desperate nature of the operations he was about to undergo, which were a last-ditch effort to contain the spread of his cancer.
Beverly Sills
Because my hair is colored, I always make sure to find shampoos and conditioners that don’t contain sulfates.
Bethany Mota
Samurai films, like westerns, need not be familiar genre stories. They can expand to contain stories of ethical challenges and human tragedy.
Roger Ebert
The overwhelming majority of theories are rejected because they contain bad explanations, not because they fail experimental tests.
David Deutsch
Every single person in the profession has an engine as a helper now. The engines contain six or seven million games, searchable by opening move, player, country, time control. That makes it possible to really research your opponent.
Judit Polgar
Most sets of values would give rise to universes that, although they might be very beautiful, would contain no one able to wonder at that beauty.
Stephen Hawking
In the 500-channel universe, which may, of course, contain many more channels than 500, the fun never stops – fun at such a fever pitch as to sometimes seem threatening, numbing, even agonizing.
Tom Shales
Whatever we take from a film – personal, public, private, subconscious – a list can only contain moments that are often a key to the recognition of something more complex.
Lynne Ramsay
Our purpose is not to contain China, to hold it back, to keep it down. It is to uphold this rules-based order that China is posing a challenge to. Anyone who poses a challenge to that order, we’re going to stand up and – and defend it.
Antony Blinken
One of the problems I have with the administration is that they’re not tough enough. They are waiting for BP to say, ‘Oh, we’ve got a new plan to stop the oil leak.’ They need to stop it, contain it, clean it up.
Valerie Jarrett
Incentives and infrastructure should encourage development and that development needs to contain the right types of housing in the right places.
Grant Shapps
The ‘Patriot Act,’ ‘Enhancing domestic security,’ and ‘Protect America’ all sound great – until you realize that they’re catch phrases for programs that contain roving wire taps without a warrant and the collection and sale of your personal information to the U.S. government.
Brandon Webb
The brains of humans contain a mechanism that is designed to give priority to bad news.
Daniel Kahneman
Some scholars argue that although the brain might contain neural subsystems, or modules, specialized for tasks like recognizing faces and understanding language, it also contains a part that constitutes a person, a self: the chief executive of all the subsystems.
Paul Bloom
There are two kinds of games in economics. One is the game where people use only legal moves. Then there is the true game, the one like real life, where the strategies and moves people make, some of them contain illegal gains.
Leonid Hurwicz
E-cigarettes contain many harmful chemicals that tobacco cigarettes do not contain such as formaldehyde, benzene, propylene glycol, and metals like cadmium, nickel, and tin.
Margaret Cuomo
When I’m writing books, something weird happens; and the result is the books contain a large amount of what you could call ‘supernaturalism.’ As a writer, I find I need that to explain the world I’m writing about.
Salman Rushdie
The off spinner’s job is to contain; for me, leg spinners need to have a bigger heart than anyone else because it is easy to blame them.
Imran Tahir
How do we take the bad out of fracking? How do you contain the water? How do we make a profit out of that? Get there early.
Mario Gabelli
Windows will grow smaller again and houses will contain much less glass – not only because of the high energy costs of glass but because it’s thermally inefficient.
Lucy Worsley
Bearing in mind that homeopathic remedies are generally so diluted that they contain no active remedy, it seems obvious they can be nothing more than placebos.
Simon Singh
Well that’s true, and what is actually happening now is that there are accusations that those records contain conspiratorial information that has been concealed from the American people and that is a dangerous situation that just cannot be tolerated.
Louis Stokes
Diet sodas contain a chemical sweetener called Aspartame, which is a potent neurotoxin and endocrine disrupter. Another key ingredient of soft drinks is phosphoric acid, which is added to give it ‘bite.’ Phosphoric acid is well known to cause tooth rot, bone loss, osteoporosis and gastro intestinal distress.
Prashant Bhushan
The fact is that most crime novels contain a good many

The fact is that most crime novels contain a good many punchlines. They are just rather darker than the ones you might hear in a comedy club.
Mark Billingham
When you vaccinate someone, or when you get infected, the microbe is presenting itself to the immune system in a way that the immune system recognizes the important elements of the microbe and makes an immune response, both an antibody response and a cellular response, to ultimately contain the microbe.
Anthony Fauci
Before we made films about gangsters, everything was about the royal families. They contain so much drama.
Mads Mikkelsen
Contaminated water is not a problem limited to Flint. Think of New Jersey, where school fountains were found to contain unsafe levels of lead. Or the EPA’s 33,000 superfund sites, which are highly-polluted areas that require long-term clean-up operations. The problem is so large that it feels insurmountable.
Erin Brockovich
I love it when novels contain a broad cast of characters, including queer ones.
Emma Donoghue
If the polymer chain assumes a helicoidal conformation in the crystalline state, and if it does not contain asymmetric carbon atoms, it can be expected that either helices of the same sense, or, in equal ratio, helices of opposite sense are represented in the lattice.
Giulio Natta
A family is too frail a vessel to contain the risks of all the warring impulses expressed when such a group meets on common ground.
Pat Conroy
The buildings that I build very often have a dreamlike reality. I don’t mean by that they have a fantasy quality at all, in fact quite the reverse. They contain in some degree the ingredients that give dreams their power… stuff that’s very close to us.
Christopher Alexander
The reason bubbles are spherical is that a sphere is the smallest, most economical form possible to contain a given volume.
Tom Noddy
The truly privileged theories are not the ones referring to any particular scale of size or complexity, nor the ones situated at any particular level of the predictive hierarchy, but the ones that contain the deepest explanations.
David Deutsch
You know, ‘Cheers,’ you didn’t have to leave the bar because what they were saying in the bar was important. ‘All In The Family’ is the same rule. On ‘The Golden Girls’ they didn’t have to leave the table. And ‘Friends’ – the coffee shop. You can contain it if it’s interesting.
Jerrod Carmichael
I’m on the road a lot, but I eat healthy whenever I can with foods that don’t contain pesticides.
Gretchen Bleiler
Raw leafy greens contain only about 100 calories per pound and are packed with nutrients.
Joel Fuhrman
Everybody thinks performance capture is about thrashing around and doing a lots of movement, but it’s actually about being able to contain and think and be believed in a close-up, as much as anything else.
Andy Serkis
Almost all our desires, when examined, contain something too shameful to reveal.
Victor Hugo
My food villain is salt. I’d love to be have the odd ready meal as a lazy treat, but some contain 33% of your salt intake! i just cant do it to myself!
Sara Cox
The international order established at the end of World War II could certainly have been worse. However, this order did contain certain factors which bore within them the seeds of instability.
Eisaku Sato
My suitcase must absolutely contain my iPod.
Alexander Ludwig
We all can agree we want our kids active and moving and healthy. But we also have a right to know whether the turf fields our kids are playing on contain harmful chemicals.
Julie Foudy
It is impossible for any number which is a power greater than the second to be written as a sum of two like powers. I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.
Pierre de Fermat
The States which form the northern border of the United States westward from the Great Lakes to the Pacific coast include an area several times larger than France and could contain ten Englands and still have room to spare.
John Moody
There is one thing the photograph must contain, the humanity of the moment. This kind of photography is realism. But realism is not enough – there has to be vision, and the two together can make a good photograph.
Robert Frank
It is a commonplace by now to say that the urban school systems of America contain a higher percentage of Negro children each year.
Jonathan Kozol
A house is no home unless it contain food and fire for the mind as well as for the body.
Margaret Fuller
All of civility depends on being able to contain the rage of individuals.
Joshua Lederberg
Our fifty principal cities contain 39.3 per cent of our entire German population, and 45.8 per cent of the Irish. Our ten larger cities only nine per cent of the entire population, but 23 per cent of the foreign.
Josiah Strong
Courtrooms contain every symbol of authority that a set designer could imagine. Everyone stands up when you come in. You wear a costume identifying you as, if not quite divine, someone special.
Irving R. Kaufman
I don’t think our records contain obvious humour. We’re not cracking gags.
Matt Bellamy
Typically, an historic site is considered by the National Park Service to contain a single historical feature, while generally a National Historic Park extends beyond single properties or buildings.
Rick Renzi
You see teams buy a lot of batsmen for a lot of money because they are good batsmen. But you also need good bowlers to get them out or contain the runs.
Bhuvneshwar Kumar
My own mother is very accomplished and makes things like bahar breads as though they are going out of fashion – they are like stuffed parathas and can contain anything from potatoes to poppy seeds.
Art Malik
Well into the '40s, it wasn't uncommon for big-budget H

Well into the ’40s, it wasn’t uncommon for big-budget Hollywood movies to contain little or no underscoring, and many of today’s directors, following the lead of Martin Scorsese in ‘GoodFellas,’ accompany their films with pop records, not original music.
Terry Teachout
Ribosomes contain RNA, messenger RNA provides the information, transfer RNAs brings the amino acids; so the protein-making machinery is an RNA machinery, completely.
Christian de Duve
It’s important to not marginalize any people group in fiction. A complete, authentic-feeling world should include many different elements of life and culture. For this reason, my books will almost always contain people of faith.
Rae Carson
It was one thing to contain the Soviet Union in Europe because Britain, France, and Germany were all willing to join in. But will Japan and other Asian countries be willing to join in the containment of China?
Samuel P. Huntington
Electricity transmission operates on a frequency between 49.7 Hertz and 50.2 Hertz. What I have done is petitioned the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission and squeezed this band to now 49.9 Hertz to 50.1 Hertz. This will contain volatility.
Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia
The reality is: By the time swine flu got on the radar screen of global public health, it had already spread. It was already in the States, it was in Mexico, it was in New Zealand. By the time it reaches that point, you’ve lost the ability to contain it.
Nathan Wolfe
I simply adore getting dressed up for a special occasion. I feel incredible stepping out in luxurious fabrics and a bit of bling. That’s also how I feel about special-occasion dining rooms. Because these aren’t everyday spaces, they contain all sorts of drama for that once-in-a-while ‘wow’ event.
Candice Olson
It appears that the human genome does indeed contain deserts, or large, gene-poor regions.
Craig Venter
I have a very busy head. I have inside voices that I have learned to contain.
Tom Hardy
The surest way to return to the people’s business is to listen to the people themselves: We need to drop this whole scheme of federally controlled health care, start over, and work together on real reforms at the state level that will contain costs and won’t leave America trillions of dollars deeper in debt.
Scott Brown
I think that short films often contain an originality, a creative freedom, an energy and an invention that is inspiring and entertaining. I think they are, as Shakespeare put it, a good deed in a naughty world.
Kenneth Branagh
Colorado’s collective shale deposits contain somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 trillion barrels of oil. That’s almost as much as the entire world’s proven oil reserves!
Bob Beauprez
Western governments have generally tried to contain genocide by appeasing its architects. But the sad record of the last century shows that the walls the United States tries to build around genocidal societies almost inevitably shatter.
Samantha Power
Despite the left’s best hopes, the Manafort indictment didn’t contain a single reference to the Trump campaign and the charges he faces are completely tailored to a decade of shady business deals overseas. Collusion wasn’t the center of the charges and President Donald Trump was left out of it.
Katie Pavlich
The possibilities are infinite with new writing; every time you open a new script, there’s no limit to what it might contain.
Tom Stoppard
I have, compartmentalized in my head, one file for the NFL, one for college basketball and one for golf. They contain everything I’ve ever read, watched and learned.
Jim Nantz
As a long-time supporter of Israel, I will ensure that our alliance does not waver, and that America continues to support Israeli security, advocate for her on the international stage, and contain the threat from Iran and terrorism across the region.
Dan Crenshaw
There’s nothing more powerful than a woman who knows how to contain her power and not let it leak, standing firmly within it in mystery and silence. A woman who talks too much sheds her allure.
Marianne Williamson
Having spent half my time at university studying English literature, I know from experience that reading lists often contain more white men than Jacob Rees-Mogg’s last birthday party.
Nish Kumar
The art galleries of Paris contain the finest collection of frames I ever saw.
Humphry Davy
The blues are important primarily because they contain the cultural expression and the cultural response to blacks in America and to the situation that they find themselves in. And contained in the blues is a philosophical system at work. And as part of the oral tradition, this is a way of passing along information.
August Wilson
There are words which are worth as much as the best actions, for they contain the germ of them all.
Sophie Swetchine
I’ll tell you what I love doing more than anything: trying to pack myself in a small suitcase. I can hardly contain myself.
Tim Vine
Almonds, carrots, quinoa, soy products, vegetable oil, corn and corn oil, canola seeds used in canola oil, beets and beet sugar, sweet potatoes – these are just some of the foodstuffs which typically contain high levels of glyphosate.
Erin Brockovich
It fell to President Harry Truman to contain Soviet expansionism. He built America’s first peacetime alliances, starting in Western Europe, then in Asia.
Antony Blinken
‘Charlotte’s Web,’ which I read sitting on my mother’s lap, was the most emotional experience: that was when I made the leap from seeing how to untangle words to realizing how books both contain and convey strong feelings.
Meg Wolitzer
There is hardly a pioneer’s hut which does not contain a few odd volumes of Shakespeare. I remember reading the feudal drama of Henry V for the first time in a log cabin.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Much of the conventional wisdom associated with Vietnam was highly inaccurate. Far from an inevitable result of the imperative to contain communism, the war was only made possible through lies and deceptions aimed at the American public, Congress, and members of Lyndon Johnson’s own administration.
H. R. McMaster
Reticulocytes are terminally differentiating red blood cells that do not contain lysosome. Therefore, it was postulated that the degradation of hemoglobin in these cells is mediated by a non-lysosomal machinery.
Aaron Ciechanover
You can provide a short-format content, and it can grow, and it can spread virally across the entire Twitter system, and it can contain within it a link to something that’s much longer, that’s a long essay or that’s a video.
Biz Stone
The drama is complete poetry. The ode and the epic contain it only in germ; it contains both of them in a state of high development, and epitomizes both.
Victor Hugo
The greatest artist has no conception which a single bl

The greatest artist has no conception which a single block of white marble does not potentially contain within its mass, but only a hand obedient to the mind can penetrate to this image.
Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.
Thomas Jefferson
Scripts can be slick and structured, but do they always contain the truth?
Tobias Menzies
The undiscovered places that are interesting to me are these places that contain bits of our disappearing history, like a ghost town.
Ransom Riggs
All churches and all religions contain aspects of the truth, but only God is truth.
Pat Buckley
Ice cores, which are long cylinders scientists extract from glaciers, ice sheets or ice caps, contain gas bubbles, pollen, dust particles, or chemical isotopes that give scientists clues about what Earth’s temperature and atmosphere were like when the ice caps first formed.
Tatiana Schlossberg
The Scriptures contain many stories of people who waited years or even decades before the Lord’s promises came to pass. What modern believers can learn from the patience of biblical saints like Abraham, Joseph, David, and Paul is that waiting upon the Lord has eternal rewards.
Charles Stanley