Top 133 Clint Eastwood Quotes

I think everybody has something that they’ve been obsessed about in their lifetime.
Clint Eastwood
In past generations, people would try to play younger than they really are. My trick is, I don’t try to play younger than I really am.
Clint Eastwood
President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.
Clint Eastwood
I am a good listener. I think that came from my schooling.
Clint Eastwood
There are a lot of conservative people, a lot of moderate people, Republicans, Democrats, in Hollywood. It is just that the conservative people by the nature of the word itself play closer to the vest. They do not go around hot dogging it.
Clint Eastwood
Plagiarism is always the biggest thing in Hollywood.
Clint Eastwood
I’m not a reality-TV kind of guy. But it’s almost like we’re living in a reality show. Every day in this country, everybody keeps worrying about the deterioration of America, and it’s like a big reality show.
Clint Eastwood
I don’t mind telling a dark side.
Clint Eastwood
It’s always fun to talk about jazz.
Clint Eastwood
When I did ‘Bird,’ it was a surprise to some people, first because I wasn’t in it and second because most of the films I’d been doing were cop movies or westerns or adventure films, so to be doing one about Charlie Parker, who was a great influence on American music, was a great thrill for me.
Clint Eastwood
I tend to believe that audiences are relatively well-balanced people.
Clint Eastwood
I read every book there was on jazz, about the original players – King Oliver, Buddy Bolden and all those groups. At one time I was fairly well schooled in that… I could tell you who played where and when, historically, way before my time.
Clint Eastwood
I’ve always been fascinated with the stealing of innocence. It’s the most heinous crime, and certainly a capital crime if there ever was one.
Clint Eastwood
I do believe in self-help.
Clint Eastwood
I love big business!

I love big business!
Clint Eastwood
There’s a rebel lying deep in my soul.
Clint Eastwood
I just don’t like killing creatures.
Clint Eastwood
Let’s put it this way: there wouldn’t be much point in me attending a high-school reunion now because there wouldn’t be anybody there. We’d struggle to raise a quorum.
Clint Eastwood
Man becomes his most creative during war.
Clint Eastwood
I have worked ever since I was 13.
Clint Eastwood
People love westerns worldwide. There’s something fantasy-like about an individual fighting the elements. Or even bad guys and the elements. It’s a simpler time. There’s no organized laws and stuff.
Clint Eastwood
I just make the pictures and where they fall is where they fall. If somebody likes them, that’s always nice. And if they don’t like them, then too bad.
Clint Eastwood
Politicians love regulating. That’s part of the whole power structure.
Clint Eastwood
I keep working because I learn something new all the time.
Clint Eastwood
I like Italian movies. I was frequently there in the ’60s, in Rome and the vicinity. It was a great period in life. I was very influenced by their stuff.
Clint Eastwood
God gave you a brain. Do the best you can with it. And you don’t have to be Einstein, but Einstein was mentally tough. He believed what he believed. And he worked out things. And he argued with people who disagreed with him. But I’m sure he didn’t call everybody jerks.
Clint Eastwood
I am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama.
Clint Eastwood
I tried being reasonable, I didn’t like it.
Clint Eastwood
Comedy isn’t necessarily all dialogue. Think of Buster Keaton: the poker face and all this chaos going on all around him. Sometimes it’s a question of timing, of the proper rhythm.
Clint Eastwood
A war is a horrible thing, but it’s also a unifier of countries.
Clint Eastwood
I’m not really conservative. I’m conservative on certain things. I believe in less government. I believe in fiscal responsibility and all those things that maybe Republicans used to believe in but don’t any more.
Clint Eastwood
I think Pebble Beach is kind of a unique place on the planet.
Clint Eastwood
I’ve always been very liberal when it comes to people thinking for themselves.
Clint Eastwood
I love stories about women.
Clint Eastwood
I will never win an Oscar, and do you know why? First of all, because I’m not Jewish. Secondly, I make too much money for all those old farts in the Academy.
Clint Eastwood
Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.
Clint Eastwood
The U.S. military was segregated ’til the Korean War, and the blacks in World War Two were totally segregated.
Clint Eastwood
My uncle played rugby, and my dad played football, and they used to argue which game was the roughest – and everybody agreed rugby was. It’s a great team sport, and to be successful, every person has to play in the same level.
Clint Eastwood
I’m not a New Age person, but I do believe in meditation, and for that reason I’ve always liked the Buddhist religion. When I’ve been to Japan, I’ve been to Buddhist temples and meditated, and I found that rewarding.
Clint Eastwood
Hoover was a patriot in his heart, but he definitely exceeded his power.
Clint Eastwood
I’ve had moments when I’ve thought about somebody, picked up the phone to call them and they are on the line already, and I think that maybe there’s some vibration, some connection.
Clint Eastwood
Of course we all know Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party. Kind of a grin with a body behind it.
Clint Eastwood
There was a stool there, and some fella kept asking me if I wanted to sit down. When I saw the stool sitting there, it gave me the idea. I’ll just put the stool out there and I’ll talk to Mr. Obama and ask him why he didn’t keep all of the promises he made to everybody.
Clint Eastwood
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.
Clint Eastwood
Other than obvious errors like forgetting a line, often I can’t see any difference between take one and take 20.
Clint Eastwood
It's much more fun to play something you're nothing lik

It’s much more fun to play something you’re nothing like than what you are… It’s much easier to hide yourself in a character.
Clint Eastwood
As much as I love the Western genre, I figured if I kept doing those, I’d eventually run out of steam on that, and that would’ve been the end of it.
Clint Eastwood
There’s only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I’ll get married again.
Clint Eastwood
My mother always told me it wasn’t polite to ask what people make.
Clint Eastwood
I guess maybe when you get past 70, other people start asking you how you feel.
Clint Eastwood
You know when you’re young and you see a play in high school, and the guys all have gray in their hair and they’re trying to be old men and they have no idea what that’s like? It’s just that stupid the other way around.
Clint Eastwood
You are always hoping that movie audiences are interested in characters and interested in story values rather than just mindless special effects. But you never know.
Clint Eastwood
You hear about actors being late and all that sort of stuff, but you never find that with an actor who’s directed, because an actor who’s directed understands all the problems your production is going through.
Clint Eastwood
We boil at different degrees.
Clint Eastwood