Top 141 Lady Gaga Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Lady Gaga Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

As soon as I go out into the world, I belong, in a way,

As soon as I go out into the world, I belong, in a way, to everyone else. It’s legal to follow me. It’s legal to stalk me at the beach. And I can’t call the police or ask them to leave.
Lady Gaga
Fashion is that thing that saved me from being sad.
Lady Gaga
If I can be a leader, I will.
Lady Gaga
It’s honestly true that money means nothing to me.
Lady Gaga
You shouldn’t have to have money to have a luxury fragrance.
Lady Gaga
The instrument that I never learned how to play was my fans. You know, they are the part of the story that nobody teaches you. I just want to do the right thing; I want to be a voice with them, among them.
Lady Gaga
I live halfway between reality and theater at all times. And I was born this way.
Lady Gaga
At the end of the day, who I really and truly am is a little girl who loved to play the piano.
Lady Gaga
I am not some goddess that dropped down from the sky to sing pop music; I am not some extra-incredible human person that needs to be told how wonderful they are all day and kissed.
Lady Gaga
I guess you could say it’s always been my destiny to be a performer.
Lady Gaga
I was performing in New York and my friends started to call me Gaga, they said I was very theatrical and they said, ‘You’re Gaga’.
Lady Gaga
No matter how much you rehearse on that stage, once you add 30,000 screaming people with flashing cameras into the equation, it’s pretty intense.
Lady Gaga
You think I’m going to ask these sweet 14 year olds to ask their parents to buy a $100 ticket then run around in latex and lip sync? No way.
Lady Gaga
Fame is ultimately about the cycles of desire and how to do away with them or manage them well.
Lady Gaga
I work all day, do research, sketch my ideas, prepare for performances.
Lady Gaga
None of the records I make are ever a deliberate construction – they’re always an expression of who I am at the time and where I am in my life.
Lady Gaga
I don’t see myself in terms of artifice. I see myself as a real person who chooses to live my life in an open way – artistically.
Lady Gaga
I don’t like talking to celebrities.
Lady Gaga
My father opened a restaurant. It’s so amazing… it’s so freaking delicious, but I’m telling you I gain five pounds every time I go in there.
Lady Gaga
I was very depressed when I was 19… I would go back to my apartment every day and I would just sit there. It was quiet and it was lonely. It was still. It was just my piano and myself. I had a television and I would leave it on all the time just to feel like somebody was hanging out with me.
Lady Gaga
If you don’t feel safe as a child, you can’t learn.
Lady Gaga
I’m an inventor.
Lady Gaga
In terms of my involvement in ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ and marriage equality and anti-bullying and social emotional learning in schools – these are all things that arise out of my relationship with the world and with my fans.
Lady Gaga
I never intended for the Monster Ball to be a religious experience, it just became one.
Lady Gaga
My next baby will be my new record.
Lady Gaga
I want my fans to love themselves. It’s almost like I want to hypnotize them so when they hear my music they love themselves instantly.
Lady Gaga
When there’s justice and change, you start to see the cleansing of the soul, and that is what I want for people, and I hope it’s okay for me to say those things.
Lady Gaga
I just genuinely feel that that’s what you do when you’re an artist: You stick up for the people around you.
Lady Gaga
I’m definitely a Polaroid camera girl. For me, what I’m really excited about is bringing back the artistry and the nature of Polaroid.
Lady Gaga
I was called really horrible, profane names very loudly in front of huge crowds of people, and my schoolwork suffered at one point.
Lady Gaga
Because the sweeter the cake, the more bitter the jelly can be.
Lady Gaga
I am the center of attention in my job every single day

I am the center of attention in my job every single day; the thought of a wedding to me is exhausting. Why would I put myself through that?
Lady Gaga
I don’t think that women need to smell interesting.
Lady Gaga
My apartment is my stage, and my bedroom is my stage – they’re just not stages you’re allowed to see.
Lady Gaga
I’m not interested in people positioning me next to other artists.
Lady Gaga
I believe that if you have revolutionary potential, you must make the world a better place and use it.
Lady Gaga
I want kids. I want a soccer team, and I want a husband.
Lady Gaga
The reason that I’m here at all is because of my relationship with my family and their encouragement of me to be a musician and to work hard. As long as I stay there in that space, I can do anything. That’s my truth.
Lady Gaga
Hair is about when you’re younger. I am my hair.
Lady Gaga
I don’t like Los Angeles. The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I’m from New York. I will kill to get what I need.
Lady Gaga
It sometimes makes people feel better about themselves, you know, to put other people down, or make fun of them, or maybe make mockery of their work and that doesn’t make me feel good at all.
Lady Gaga
I don’t think I could think of a single thing that’s more isolating than being famous.
Lady Gaga
Don’t say I hate institutionalised religion – rather than saying I hate those things, which I do not, what I’m saying is that perhaps there is a way of opening more doors, rather than closing so many.
Lady Gaga
I’m terrified of therapy because I don’t want it to mess with my creativity.
Lady Gaga
No press, no television. If my mom calls and says, ‘Did you hear about?’ I don’t want to know nothing about anything that is going on in relation to music. I shut it all off.
Lady Gaga
I believe in the spirit of equality and the spirit of this country as one of love and compassion and kindness.
Lady Gaga
In the book of Gaga, fame is in your heart, fame is there to comfort you, to bring you self-confidence and worth whenever you need it.
Lady Gaga
I believe in a passion for inclusion.
Lady Gaga
I just want to keep writing music.
Lady Gaga
This thing that I do with caring about the message in my music, it’s not separate from my work as a commercial artist; they’re totally one and the same. I’m always going to be thinking about what my voice means.
Lady Gaga
Art is going to make a bigger comeback than ever. That’s the upside to things getting challenging.
Lady Gaga
The dieting wars have got to stop.
Lady Gaga
The kindness that’s been shown to me, by doctors as well as my family and my friends, it’s really saved my life.
Lady Gaga
I don’t keep people around me that aren’t family. You don’t get to stay. Unless you’re eating at the table with us, you’re not part. We eat together, we cry together, we live together, we die together. Everything that we do is for each other, and we care for another.
Lady Gaga
I know people said I wasn’t selling out in America, but that was entirely untrue. We sold out all over the world, and every night I looked out into the fans and those front rows that you’re talking about, the tears, the honesty, the inability to not be completely overjoyed because they felt accepted.
Lady Gaga
I want to – more than anything – to create a moment that people will never forget. Not for me, but for themselves. That’s what I remember about great Super Bowl performances in the past, when you really get lost in the moment with your family.
Lady Gaga
Some artists are working to buy the mansion or whatever the element of fame must bear, but I spend all my money on my show.
Lady Gaga
I don’t like celebrities; I don’t hang out with them; I don’t relate to that life.
Lady Gaga
I like black because it is a vacant space.
Lady Gaga
I play a lot of instruments. I write all my own music. I spend hours and hours a day in the studio. I’m a producer. I’m a writer.
Lady Gaga
It’s hard knowing who to trust with your personal life. When you cry in your room at night, you don’t always know who to call. So I am very close to my family.
Lady Gaga
I don’t want to make niche-oriented music.
Lady Gaga
I've had grand pianos that are more expensive than, lik

I’ve had grand pianos that are more expensive than, like, a year’s worth of rent.
Lady Gaga
I don’t know if it’s changing already with ‘Joanne,’ but my intention is to bring people together that don’t know each other and that would maybe feel awkward, but somehow be brought together by the music. That’s what I wanted to do. Because that is pure and authentic to my family history and what I stand for.
Lady Gaga
I’m definitely a Polaroid camera girl. For me, what I’m really excited about is bringing back the artistry and the nature of Polaroid.
Lady Gaga
I wanted to only create a great perfume, not any perfume that would sell, but a great artistic one that the fans would not feel cheated by.
Lady Gaga
If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don’t really know me at all.
Lady Gaga
Music is one of the most powerful things the world has to offer. No matter what race or religion or nationality or sexual orientation or gender that you are, it has the power to unite us.
Lady Gaga
I allow myself to fail. I allow myself to break. I’m not afraid of my flaws.
Lady Gaga
I don’t want to make money; I want to make a difference.
Lady Gaga
I’m not a supermodel. That’s not what I do. What I do is music. I want my fans to feel the way I do, to know what they have to offer is just as important, more important, than what’s happening on the outside.
Lady Gaga
My mother always wanted to give back.
Lady Gaga
I think it’s OK to be confident in yourself.
Lady Gaga
So there’s nothing more provocative than taking a genre that everybody who’s cool hates – and then making it cool.
Lady Gaga
When I wake up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year-old girl.
Lady Gaga
I don’t know that my schooling was conducive to wild ideas and creativity, but it gave me discipline, drive. They taught me how to think. I really know how to think.
Lady Gaga
I do yoga, I do Bikram and I run, and I eat really healthy.
Lady Gaga
I’m a wandering gypsy.
Lady Gaga
I really wanted to break the mold of what modern touring is right now.
Lady Gaga