Top 144 Arrested Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Arrested Quotes from famous people such as Paul Rust, Curt Siodmak, Brad Renfro, Margarita Simonyan, Kajol, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I wrote on the fourth season of 'Arrested Development.'

I wrote on the fourth season of ‘Arrested Development.’
Paul Rust
It’s good for you to see your friends arrested. It hardens you. There’s no place in our New Order for sentimentalists.
Curt Siodmak
I don’t go out and get arrested anymore. The most extravagant thing I do these days is play golf. I’m like an old man.
Brad Renfro
The American Justice Department has left us with no choice. Our lawyers say that if we don’t register as a foreign agent, the director of our company in America could be arrested, and the accounts of the company could be seized.
Margarita Simonyan
I feel like I am doing a lot, but if someone asks me what exactly I have accomplished, I don’t know… putting my son to sleep, feeding him, taking care of things in the house amount to a lot of work. But, yes, I haven’t arrested 14 criminals in one day or saved the world or anything of that sort!
You know, back in the 1950s and ’60s, when J. Edgar Hoover was making the FBI the respected organization it used to be, oftentimes they would find a fugitive and basically have his house surrounded, and then put out a press release saying he was on the top 10 most wanted list. And 10 minutes later, he’d be arrested.
Howie Carr
There were 15 people in the village, including five of us. If my father arrested somebody in the winter, he’d have to wait until the thaw to turn him in.
Leslie Nielsen
With ‘Arrested Development,’ we tried showing the deep disdain that connects a family. We wanted to hold up a mirror to American society. And, just as predicted, America looked away.
Mitchell Hurwitz
You step over the threshold of your parents’ home, and you’re instantly transported back to your childhood. It’s like time travel. You revert at once to a place of arrested development.
Tamsin Greig
I wasn’t ever a bad guy, and I was never arrested or anything like that, but I was a wild boy in many respects.
David Cassidy
I love ‘Arrested Development’ and ‘Veep’ and I love Louis C.K. – I love the ‘Louie’ show, it’s great.
Kelly Rohrbach
The nature of Homeland Security is that no news is good news. And no news sometimes means somebody got interdicted at the border, somebody got interdicted before they could get on an airplane, somebody was arrested providing material support to terrorism. Homeland Security means very often something you never hear about.
Jeh Johnson
I don’t believe I’ll be in the new ‘Arrested Development’ unless they ask me, in which case, okay! That’s how easy I am to get.
Simon Helberg
Prosecution I have managed to avoid; but I have been arrested, charged in a police court, have refused to be bound over, and thereupon have been unconditionally released – to my great regret; for I have always wanted to know what going to prison was like.
Laurence Housman
If you are foolish enough to defend your own home against burglary, expect to be arrested, fingerprinted, DNA-swabbed, and probably charged.
Peter Hitchens
When you live the life of a comedian, it’s such a state of arrested development. I can’t deal with anything very maturely. I’m still really bad at paying bills or doing anything that would be considered semi-adult. I’m really bad at it. It’s weird I can create and run a TV show, but I can’t pay my phone bill.
Nick Swardson
I have led an unusual life. I have buried a father killed at age 50 and two brothers killed in the prime of their lives. I raised my children as a single mother when my husband was arrested and held for eight years without a conviction – a hostage to my political career.
Benazir Bhutto
Here in Britain, black people are disproportionately targeted, arrested and imprisoned for drug offences, while organised and violent crime are granted a massive source of revenue.
Owen Jones
Well, I’m not saying that we’re solving every problem or arresting every person that ought to be arrested and deported, but we’re doing a better job than has been done in the past.
Thad Cochran
I was arrested when I was 19 for inciting a riot.
Wyatt Cenac
Acting is great therapy – you get to do things you’d normally get arrested for.
Ian McShane
Undocumented people get arrested all the time. I get arrested, and it’s front-page news. I feel guilt.
Jose Antonio Vargas
In Russia, writers with serious grievances are arrested, while in America they are merely featured on television talk shows, where all that is arrested is their development.
Neil Postman
Women tell me they are different since 21 May – the day I was arrested – it’s a positive change, they believe now.
Manal al-Sharif
Halliburton is not a ‘company’ doing business in Iraq. It is a war profiteer, bilking millions from the pockets of average Americans. In past wars, they would have been arrested – or worse.
Michael Moore
The addiction to sports, therefore, in a peculiar degree marks an arrested development in man’s moral nature.
Thorstein Veblen
Mozart was very much an arrested adolescent.
Tim Curry
I was in college and got arrested. It was a real scare for me/wake-up call/’Man, you better do something with your life ’cause you don’t wanna be a bum’ call. That’s really why I took music serious.
Lil Yachty
The only time I’ve been arrested was in opposing the Marble Hill nuclear power plant in Indiana. That was in 1979.
Wendell Berry
Arrested Development opened a lot of doors for me.
Will Arnett
So, if I were arrested or if I were killed, then after me the issues that American fears about me wouldn’t exist anymore – and I couldn’t tell you what those issues are.
Muqtada al Sadr
Activism doesn't always mean laying in the streets and

Activism doesn’t always mean laying in the streets and getting arrested and shouting ‘hell no, we won’t go’ at the top of your lungs.
Bob the Drag Queen
I’d like to see an arrested growth of development. You can’t stop it, but it’s important we do something about the developers having the upper hand.
John Murray
In 14 months, my government, the Philippine 2 government, has filed 11 cases. I posted bail eight times, I’ve been arrested twice in five weeks, detained once, and the only thing I’ve done, my only crime is to be a journalist, to speak truth to power.
Maria Ressa
Great art is an instant arrested in eternity.
James Huneker
People like me who were engaging in brinkmanship with the party economic bosses and the open dissidents who were being arrested were pursuing a common goal in different ways.
Vaclav Klaus
I don’t think American family sitcoms are mean. I guess I really love ‘Arrested Development.’ I guess they are quite mean in that, but that is also a very silly, surreal, absurd show as well, and it has got a heart as well.
Simon Bird
When my parents were arrested, I was a year old. And like so many children with incarcerated parents, I experienced a range of traumas connected to the separation. I was angry. I was ashamed. I had developmental delays, behavioral problems.
Chesa Boudin
Our top story tonight: Famous TV dolphin flipper was arrested today on prostitution ring charges. He allegedly was seen transporting two 16 year olds across state line for immoral porpoises.
Colin Mochrie
And then we’ve got Blades of Glory, and we’ve got Brothers Solomon, and I’ve got a script in development with this guy Chuck Martin who used to write on Arrested, and, you know, we have a few things in various stages of development.
Will Arnett
For everything I do, I think about a 6-year-old girl and her mom that I saw at my concert last night. I think about what those two individuals would think if I were at a club last night. I never want to be arrested, and I never want to get a DUI, those are my moral values.
Taylor Swift
Once you start to look at the gospels one by one, you realize that followers of Jesus were trying to understand what had happened after he was arrested and killed. They knew Judas had handed him over to the people who arrested him.
Elaine Pagels
Don’t carry a gun. It’s nice to have them close by, but don’t carry them. You might get arrested.
John Gotti
In England and, later, the United Kingdom, Habeas Corpus is a right of great antiquity: Anyone who is arrested must be brought before a court, but this does not apply in continental countries.
Jacob Rees-Mogg
I played a lawyer in a movie, so, many times I think I am a lawyer. And clearly I’m not a lawyer, because I got arrested.
Reese Witherspoon
In Vietnam we have no political prisoners. No one is arrested or jailed for his or her speech or point of view. They are put in jail because they violated the law.
Nong Duc Manh
We used to watch my father, who was a civil-rights activist, get arrested on TV sometimes, and we never knew if he was going to be home for dinner.
Maya Wiley
The suffragettes realized the power of getting arrested and going to prison and harassing politicians and making a nuisance of themselves. It got them a lot of attention. What they never did was set out to endanger human life except for sacrificing themselves.
Sarah Gavron
I feel very lucky ‘Arrested Development’ was so successful because I never really got too much attention, and I was able to evolve instead of only being seen as one character.
Alia Shawkat
In a few days an officer came to our camp, under a flag of truce, and informed Hamilton, then a captain of artillery, but afterwards the aid of General Washington, that Captain Hale had been arrested within the British lines condemned as a spy, and executed that morning.
William Hull
It never hurt Lenny Bruce’s career to get arrested for swearing. It did back in the time, but he broke those doors down by doing the stuff that he believed in.
Joe Rogan
Last year, at the beginning of the year, we couldn’t get arrested, so I’ll take this. Feast versus famine.
Josh Schwartz
I’ve been arrested many times for illegal high wire walking and illegal street performing.
Philippe Petit
Mexico scares me. There’s no law, there’s wild dogs and people driving their ATVs down the street. I like to know I can walk down the street and not be arrested for something dumb and have to pay to get my way out.
Wayne Static
Walking down the street with a portrait of the Dalai Lama will get one immediately arrested in most parts of China. Tiny medallions are routinely confiscated and destroyed.
Barbara Demick
You can be arrested and not charged. You can be arrested and have no right to counsel.
Harry Belafonte
In Irish law, busking is considered vagrancy – you can be arrested for it. It’s risky asking people for money in public. So it’s not like it’s a high-art job. And people who do it as a high-art job make very little money.
Glen Hansard
I was falsely arrested twice, slandered and defamed.
Foxy Brown
My mom used to get arrested for being with my dad. She would get fined. She would spend weekends in jail.
Trevor Noah
When men are arrested without any legal basis and for political reasons, it’s merely a routine, everyday occurrence in Russia, and hardly anyone has any sympathy.
Alexei Navalny
After spending three or four years interacting with the Bush administration, I realized they were not taking any actions to deal with climate change. So, I decided to give one talk, and then it snowballed into another talk and eventually to even protesting and getting arrested.
James Hansen
I was arrested twice in demonstrations in front of the Obama White House in the push for DACA.
Luis Gutierrez
Growing up, I think I was arrested 20-odd times by the

Growing up, I think I was arrested 20-odd times by the Boston police. The good news is that I’ve been able to use those experiences in a lot of my roles, and that has been a blessing.
Mark Wahlberg
In 1985, I was arrested, along with my mother and brother, Martin III, in a protest against apartheid at the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Bernice King
My freshman and sophomore years in high school, I spent a lot of time trying to get back on the right track. I was arrested multiple times by the time I was 16, so I had a little harder time trying to adjust like a lot of us do in high school.
Dwayne Johnson
It’s dangerous to write people off just because they’ve been arrested.
Raymond Kelly
When I served in the state Senate, I led the charge with then-Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries to end the stop-and-frisk database, which kept the personal information of everyone stopped and frisked by the NYPD, even if they weren’t arrested or issued a summons.
Eric Adams
As a left-wing campaigner for 35 years, I’ve been arrested on picket lines, led anti-imperialist demonstrations and spoken at anti-deportation protests outside police stations. I’ve made speeches at street rallies, in prisons and universities and at pubs.
Claire Fox
When my father was arrested, we didn’t know where they had him. My mother found him at the house of torture. It was called Villa Triste.
Oriana Fallaci
The rule is, you can protest all you want. Make all the noise you want. Carry all the signs you want. The minute you throw a rock, you get arrested. The minute you break a window, you get arrested. The minute you break into a store, you get arrested.
Rudy Giuliani
Every New Year comes with a list of predictions. Self-predictions, world predictions, how many times Lindsay Lohan will get arrested predictions, etc. I reserve the annual trend for people with genuine psychic ability and/or bloggers.
Amanda Seales
I’m such a huge ‘Arrested Development’ fan.
Adam DeVine
I’ve never been arrested. I’ve been stopped, searched and had a gun put to my head by the Chicago cops.
Tim Meadows
We all know my image of the last decade, look I can’t take it back. I am who I am, I’ve done what I’ve done. I’ve had problems off court, I’ve been arrested and stuff, but that’s that.
Bernard Tomic
It is not legitimate that an American citizen feels that they are more likely to be arrested or held to account or stopped and searched than someone else simply because of the color of their skin.
Jeff Sessions
My phone and email have been hacked, I’ve been arrested by the police and followed by the pro-China people or the photographers from the pro-China newspapers.
Joshua Wong
When I booked ‘Arrested Development,’ which was a fantastic job, and I was working with an amazing cast and some of the best writing I’ve ever done, I still found myself looking for the next thing.
Tony Hale
I was never jailed. The fact is that I was arrested, but I went into a diversion programme, and by that time I’d already begun working in what was called anger management. It was a painful and awful moment.
David Soul
The story of Americans is the story of arrested metamorphoses. Those who achieve success come to a halt and accept themselves as they are. Those who fail become resigned and accept themselves as they are.
Harold Rosenberg
I’ve been in, like, kids’ clubs… I’ve been in the Boom Boom Room in New York, and the kids are going, ‘Oh my God, you produced ‘Arrested Development?” They aren’t talking about ‘A Beautiful Mind’ or ’24.’ It’s like the only thing in my whole career was ‘Arrested Development,’ literally.
Brian Grazer
Now that I think about it, I was arrested in 1992. Some people may think of that as a bad thing, but I feel good about it. I chained myself to the gate of a phone book factory, a GTE factory in Los Angeles. They were using thousand-year-old trees to make phone books. I think that’s a total waste of a tree.
Winona LaDuke
There was only one investigation where some of the cases were not prosecuted. And that resulted from a disagreement between a police department and a prosecutor’s office. The reality is some of the people who were in the investigation were arrested in similar stings later.
Chris Hansen
There is the possibility to be suddenly arrested for hacking.
Alexandra Elbakyan
You tell people that all the time, ‘Jail’s the worst place ever and you don’t want to go there,’ which is true but at the same time you see it’s filled with a bunch of people like guy is drinking on a porch somewhere and he gets arrested for public intoxication. He’s going to miss work. He’s not a bad guy per se.
Stephen Glover
In February 2016, Russia arrested seven alleged ISIS militants who were plotting attacks in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The group included Russians and Central Asians and a ringleader who had come from Turkey.
Peter Bergen
After ‘Arrested Development,’ I didn’t know for sure if I wanted to be an actor. I was hitting this wall, where I was the ‘ethnic best friend’ or the ‘sassy teenager.’ It felt like the same note, and I didn’t feel like I was growing.
Alia Shawkat
Here are the facts: In 2007, I led Prince William County in adopting a policy of (1) inquiring into the immigration status of every person arrested for a crime; and (2) implementing the federal 287(g) program, which deputizes County Jail officers to determine the immigration status of every inmate.
Corey Stewart
Starting in my late 20s, I would go on one fishing trip a year to an exotic location. I went to India and caught what was essentially a giant carp. I went to Thailand and got myself arrested as a suspected spy. I went to the Congo and got malaria. But even the bad stuff is material.
Jeremy Wade
Individual rights always go along with the interests of the society. I want to add that in Vietnam we have no political prisoners. No one is arrested or jailed for his or her speech or point of view. They are put in jail because they violated the law.
Nong Duc Manh
A couple of websites I’ve come across credit the ‘New York Times’ for reporting that 12,000 women a year are arrested for breastfeeding in public. I could not confirm that number with a quick search, but even 1,200 would be too many – or even 12.
David Horsey
People are told their rights when they’re arrested. Consumers getting collection letters are entitled to the same courtesy.
Gary Weiss
Wyclef is a musician that tried to unite as many musicians at once as possible. I am trying to be successful at that. The greatest challenge is that, I just got arrested for protesting in NYC for cutting the school budgets… And I think that it’s important to stand up. Schools are important.
Wyclef Jean
I’ve been arrested for ‘stealing’ my own car, only to be released.
Jamaal Bowman
When I was fourteen years old, I got arrested for batte

When I was fourteen years old, I got arrested for battering an officer and resisting arrest with violence. I was beat up by the cops and they charged me with that. There was no original arresting charge.
Laura Jane Grace
This may surprise you, but I was arrested in high school.
Pat Boone
My friends and family in Turkey could be arrested just for talking to me.
Enes Kanter
When President Hassan Rouhani was elected in Iran in 2013, he welcomed back the far-flung children of Iran. But one by one, they have been arrested and imprisoned upon their return, a fate that has made me increasingly reluctant to risk going back to a homeland I’ve not seen since 1992.
Nazanin Boniadi
Years ago, I couldn’t get arrested in commercials because of my look: ‘Is he Jewish, Hispanic, or African-American?’ I ended up doing voiceover work, which has been great. Honestly, I can’t complain.
Brian Stokes Mitchell
I legally can punch someone in the face and not get arrested for it, which most human beings can’t do.
Scott Steiner
I helped write the expunction code in the State of Texas to give people the opportunity to have their names cleared when they have been mistakenly arrested.
Marc Veasey
I was a huge fan of ‘Arrested Development,’ and there’s just something it tickles in me and it’s bright and it’s hilarious.
Keri Russell
This whole thing about winning and losing is muddy waters. But I can remember, as a young actor, just walking around this city and not being able to get arrested.
Jeffrey Tambor
When I was 16, I was working on ‘Arrested Development.’ My memories of being 16 were just trying to keep up with school while doing the show and trying to be around all those people on the show, as much as I could.
Michael Cera
I fail to understand why the #MeToo campaign in India didn’t gain momentum when Malayalam actor Dileep was arrested after an actress was abducted and assaulted or when Telugu actress Sri Reddy was banned for talking about sexual harassment. These instances were more deserving of the #MeToo movement than anything else.
Payal Rohatgi
Journalism constructs momentarily arrested equilibriums and gives disorder an implied order. That is already two steps from reality.
Thomas Griffith
For me, ‘Arrested Development’ is the cornerstone of recent television comedy. It’s so incredibly flawless and perfect.
John Krasinski
I reached the point where I was getting arrested all the time in London. I couldn’t walk down the street. London becomes a very small village, eventually. You run out of places. It was inescapable.
Pete Doherty
Every conceivable cruel method of blackmail was used against me to obtain by force and at all costs confessions and statements both about comrades who had been arrested, and about political activities.
Ernst Thalmann
You look at ‘Arrested Development’ or ‘Community,’ we’re constantly either deconstructing genre or tone. We like to say it’s like being a mad scientist: you get to play in a laboratory and experiment with directions to take narrative in.
Joe Russo
I was very surprised to get a reading for ‘Arrested Development’ because it really seemed to be the opposite of that which I was known for doing.
Jason Bateman
We’ve grown accustomed to injustice in Russia. People are constantly being arrested unlawfully.
Alexei Navalny
The truth of why I used to listen to Arrested Development on my Walkman was because if I didn’t, it would take me 20 minutes to walk to school. If I did, it took me 15. That’s the reason I loved it. I just had more of a kick in my step, more of a bounce, so I’d walk quicker.
James Corden
I was arrested in 1965 for opposing the war in Vietnam. There were 39 of us arrested that day. But thousands opposed us. And the majority of the people in the country supported the war then.
Bill Ayers
Don’t blame America for the thousands of Cubans who have been arrested, detained, and imprisoned by Castro for peacefully protesting the regime.
Bob Menendez
During the 1942 Quit India Movement, I was a student at Gwalior High School. I was arrested by the British for participating in the movement. My parents then sent me off to my village where, again, I jumped into the movement.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
The Musharraf government has declared martial law to settle scores with lawyers and judges. Hundreds of innocent Pakistanis have been rounded up. Human rights activists, including women and senior citizens, have been beaten by police. Judges have been arrested and lawyers battered in their offices and the streets.
Asma Jahangir
There are no ‘political prisoners’ as such in Bahrain. People are not arrested because they express their views, we only have criminals.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
I’m usually late to the game on shows and watch them after they’ve aired. But I love ‘House of Cards,’ ‘The Killing,’ ‘Orange Is the New Black,’ loved ‘True Detective,’ and ‘Arrested Development’ when it was on. Also ‘The Wire,’ though I was way late to the game on that.
Finn Wittrock
I ran for political office in the Hamptons once in a war I was having with the village. I came in, there were four people running, and I came in around third. It was over my food market – they arrested me. I just wanted to go for office because I thought it would be an interesting to do.
Jerry Della Femina
The cinema saved me from being a delinquent. I could have been, but I didn’t get caught up. I never was going to get arrested or anything.
John Singleton
I was arrested for lip-syncing karaoke.
Steven Wright
It’s part of my life to feel like a criminal, to have eyes in my back and see if I’m being followed. It’s a feeling that comes from street juggling because I have been arrested so many times.
Philippe Petit
I’ve been arrested several times. I’ve been known to dress in ludicrous fashions. I’ve also built a career out of negative reviews.
John Waters
I’ve never been arrested in my life. Never had cuffs put on me, never been charged with a crime, never spent one day in jail.
Jesse Ventura
Those who misspent the government's money, they should

Those who misspent the government’s money, they should be arrested and locked up.
Jovenel Moise
I was always the young guy. And when you’re successful when you’re young, it leads to an arrested adolescence or something, y’know.
Jim Carroll
In a traditional TV show or movie, your hero is always where the action is. But in real life, at the end of the movie ‘Fargo,’ when Bill Macy is arrested, Marge is nowhere to be found because it’s a different jurisdiction, and she wouldn’t be there. I took that to heart.
Noah Hawley
I tried to help a shirtless man who was being arrested in Starbucks. He obviously wasn’t right in the head, but the police thought I was trying to make things worse.
Emma Healey
In West Virginia yesterday, a man was arrested for stealing several blow-up dolls. Reportedly, police didn’t have any trouble catching the man because he was completely out of breath.
Conan O’Brien
There has been no more principled opposition to racism than Jeremy Corbyn: he was getting arrested for protesting against Apartheid when the rest of them were doing deals and calling Nelson Mandela a terrorist.
Ken Loach
I used to run away from the cops and now I stand and chat with them about my art. I’m older now and it is harder to run away from them. It would be embarrassing for an older man to get arrested by someone half your age. So I gave up running.
Ben Eine
We had, like, the greatest time you could ever imagine doing ‘Arrested Development.’ And as grateful as we are for the careers we have afterwards, it was – we still miss it.
Jason Bateman
I got arrested for a dumb, dumb incident my second year in the NFL.
Pat McAfee
I studied the philosophy and the discipline of non-violence in Nashville as a student. And I staged a sitting-in in the fall of 1959 and got arrested the first time in February 1960.
John Lewis
I’ve taught in prison; I’ve counseled people… I’ve been arrested; I’ve been to the psychiatrist.
John Waters
Nobody has been arrested on Wall Street for the crash of 2008. They’re not paying their fair share of the taxes. And now with the Citizens United case of the Supreme Court, they get to buy politicians up out in the open.
Michael Moore
Nothing but a miracle of sovereign mercy could have arrested and saved me from eternal perdition. How I could have so long resisted the entreaties, the prayers, and the tears of my dear parents, and the influences of the Holy Spirit, is, to me, a wonder entirely incomprehensible.
Elijah Parish Lovejoy
I promise you, every insurgent, freedom fighter, and stray gunman in Iraq who we arrested knew the ropes, knew that the way out was to announce he had been tortured by the Americans, ill treated, or prevented from reading the Koran or eating his breakfast or watching the television.
Marcus Luttrell
I was a good little boy and a good student. I’ve never been arrested.
Michael Moore
If Mr. Bush and Mr. Forbes don’t get most of the votes, they should be arrested for wasting money.
Lamar Alexander
If a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged, a liberal is a conservative who’s been arrested.
Tom Wolfe
They are trying to lock up as many of us up as possible to put us in penitentiaries for free labor. You have the government paying private prisons to feed and clothe each inmate, turning it into a damn business. And African Americans are set up for getting arrested.
Eddie Griffin
Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.
Tommy Cooper
Sabbath – a weekly festival having its origin in the fact that God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh.
Ambrose Bierce