Top 144 Superman Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Superman Quotes from famous people such as Danny Garcia, Richard Donner, Mark Waid, Amanda Foreman, Michael Sorrentino, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

People are acting like Keith Thurman has a cape like Su

People are acting like Keith Thurman has a cape like Superman and can fly.
Danny Garcia
It was 1978 when Superman came out, and I kept thinking, Why don’t they do something about it? They’ve done all these crappy attempts at comic book film adaptations. What can we do different? Why don’t we just re-release this thing?
Richard Donner
In Marvel Comics, the worst thing was always that your loved ones could be attacked, or you could be horribly beaten in a knock-down, drag-out fight, but in the Superman comics, you would be run out of town with people throwing rotten vegetables at you and waving a sign that said, ‘Superman, Who Needs You?’
Mark Waid
When I read the news that Wonder Woman was going to be resurrected for a blockbuster movie in 2016, ‘Batman vs. Superman’, it made me excited – and anxious. Would the producers give her a role as fierce as her origins – and maybe some shoulder straps – or would she just be cartoon eye candy?
Amanda Foreman
It is a part of my personality, but not the full circle. That character that you see is ‘The Situation.’ It’s not Michael Sorrentino. You’re seeing ‘The Situation,’ almost like Clark Kent and Superman.
Michael Sorrentino
It is true that from a behavioral economics perspective we are fallible, easily confused, not that smart, and often irrational. We are more like Homer Simpson than Superman. So from this perspective it is rather depressing. But at the same time there is also a silver lining. There are free lunches!
Dan Ariely
Women’s strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.
William Moulton Marston
I really kind of always wondered, if I did Superman, what I would do, and what I would be able to do, because it’s a little harder for me, being kind of a realistic guy, to imagine doing a character who almost has no limits to his powers.
Neal Adams
On the outskirts of the desert in Yemen, there was a cafe with a jukebox that had ‘Sunshine Superman’ on it. I loved that.
Anyone can be a Superman, but nobody can be Jackie Chan.
Jackie Chan
You can see how he changed on the surface. But at the core of it all, I think Superman has remained the same – a character with incredible powers but almost superhuman humility and restraint.
Jim Lee
Batman’s got this whole cloaked ‘man of mystery’ thing around him and represents a wish fulfillment. He’s more driven than Superman yet is also very human.
Paul Dini
The first time I drew a Superman story was ‘For Tomorrow’ with Brian Azzarello in 2004. It didn’t really hit me how important it was until I drew a scene early-on in the book that featured Superman crossing paths with a giant, intergalactic space armada.
Jim Lee
I love working on ‘Superman’ and ‘Batman’ dearly.
Scott Snyder
At home, I’m daddy and a husband. There’s no Superman’s cape. I’m changing diapers, giving my kids baths, and coloring ‘Angry Birds’ and playing games with them.
John Carter was also one of our first recognizable superhumans and there is little doubt that his extraordinary physical feats inspired Superman’s creators. Remember: before Superman could fly or turn back time, he was nothing less than an earthbound crime-fighting John Carter in tights.
Junot Diaz
I don’t think I ever thought of myself as Superman. But there were people who thought of me that way, and maybe I believed them a little.
I really wasn’t even aware that Batman and Superman had this kind of grudging friendship.
Mark Valley
I read Superman comics when I was a kid.
Robert Vaughn
‘Superman’ had nothing to do with the superhero or physical power. It’s a reference to the book ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra,’ by Friedrich Nietzsche, who wrote about the evolution of consciousness to reach a higher superman state.
‘Man and Superman,’ first performed in 1905, is by common consent one of George Bernard Shaw’s greatest and most significant plays, yet hardly anybody performs it today, for the understandable reason that an uncut performance runs for about five hours.
Terry Teachout
I’m a Batman fan from Day 1. My daughter’s favorite is Wonder Woman, and my son loves The Flash, Cyborg, and Superman.
Jason Momoa
I have a beautiful wooden Superman statue with a removable cape – I really love that piece.
Tim Daly
I just know that if you make a Superman movie you can’t take kids to, you’ve done something wrong.
Greg Rucka
I think that we want to believe in Superman.
Neal Adams
I was tweaked by the idea of Superman immediately.
Richard Donner
My character in ‘Batman v Superman’ isn’t supposed to be Japanese, but director Zack Snyder said he’d seen me in ‘Wolverine’ and had to get me in the film somehow. Hearing that was like music to my ears.
Tao Okamoto
I’m no superman.
Michael Irvin
It’s not like I walk around being Superman in real life. But when you read the script and put yourself in the position that Superman is in – I mean, he’s always saving the planet, for God’s sake. When you realize that, it’s not difficult to take the gravitas of the situation and make your voice do what it needs to do.
Tim Daly
I grew up watching Wonder Woman; I grew up watching Batman. I grew up watching George Reeves as Superman.
Diane Lane
I think Superman’s journey is to become comfortable on earth. Of course he’s got his role as earth’s greatest protector but he also wants to be as happy as he can and if that happens to be with Lois then he’s going to find a way.
Brandon Routh
I think Eric Bana would be a good Superman. He's got th

I think Eric Bana would be a good Superman. He’s got that look. I think he’d be a great Superman.
Lou Ferrigno
Our plans for ‘Superman?’ I can’t say. This is the most super secret thing ever. It’s like working for the government, like I’m on a covert mission.
Zack Snyder
As a kid, I loved the whimsical Superman and Batman stuff, and as a teenager, Marvel was more angsty, and that appealed to me. Marvel dealt with more stuff I could relate to as a teenager.
Jim Lee
I am, in fact, Superman. Every morning I wake up and go into a telephone booth and change my costume, and then go to work.
Stephen Daldry
Growing up, I always liked Catwoman and Superman; they inspired me.
Chiara Ferragni
‘Sunshine Superman’ was a pioneering work that for the first time presented a fusion of Celtic, jazz, folk, rock, and Indian music as well as poetry.
The accident was a horrible thing – but that horrible thing made Chris, at the end of his life, Superman. It’s a happy irony if there is such a thing. I’m proud to have known him.
Morgan Freeman
I always loved Batman, the Michael Keaton ‘Batman.’ I loved those films, and Superman, but I was never a real comic book geek.
Matt Ryan
I don’t think of myself as Superman, but if a genie came up to me now and granted me a wish to take my legs back, for sure I would take them – but it would take some time to accept.
Alex Zanardi
As a child, I was always drawn to heroic characters. I decided I wanted to act when I realised that Superman and all those gangsters and Indians were just real people in costume.
Orlando Bloom
Whereas Superman is a godlike guy from another planet and Batman is this mysterious, unknowable billionaire, everyone in ‘Spider-Man’ is human and flawed.
Rhys Ifans
What’s special about Superman is that he will always make the right choice.
Max Landis
I think that Curt Swan, when he did Superman for the longest time, became the definitive Superman artist, and everybody got it. That made him very, very special in the annals of comic books.
Neal Adams
I’ve always been a fan of Five For Fighting’s song ‘Superman.’ It’s like an anthem, and I love it.
Jaime Camil
The red ‘Baywatch’ swimsuit is iconic. When I had my first fitting I guess it felt a bit like Superman putting on his cape for the first time.
Kelly Rohrbach
Graphic novels are all about fantasies. Superman and Batman started it. It’s like a reaction to environment around you. You desire to do things in comic books or films what you can’t do in real life.
Vikramaditya Motwane
What Christopher Nolan and I have done with ‘Superman’ is try to bring the same naturalistic approach that we adopted for the ‘Batman’ trilogy. We always had a naturalistic approach; we want our stories to be rooted in reality, like they could happen in the same world we live in.
David S. Goyer
Prior to ‘Action’ and ‘Justice League 1,’ there was no label ‘superhero’ for a superpowered being. It’s really the emergence of Superman and the Justice League that gets the public comfortable with the idea of people amongst us who have extraordinary power and that they’ve agreed to be our champions.
Jim Lee
As a kid, when most of my friends were into Superman and Batman, there was only one superhero who held my interest – The Green Hornet.
Gavin O’Connor
Christopher Nolan’s astounding third Batman feature, ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ represents the true maturation of the superhero movie – and provides the key to understanding the bottomless craving moviegoers have for these films, 34 years after the Christopher Reeve Superman gave birth to the genre.
John Podhoretz
I could finally quit my job as a bartender and stop dreaming that I might be Superman and know that I was. Then I started thinking about how cool it was.
Brandon Routh
When you feel sad, it’s okay. It’s not the end of the world. Everyone has those days when you doubt yourself, and when you feel like everything you do sucks, but then there’s those days when you feel like Superman. It’s just the balance of the world. I just write to feel better.
Mac Miller
When I was cast in ‘Batman v Superman,’ I was sent a huge stack of comics. They provided a ton of information about Cyborg and how he has evolved as a character over the years.
Ray Fisher
When I got the job with ‘Superman,’ it felt like somebody threw me into the ocean. I was just trying to figure it out, to figure out how to tread water. Lucky for me, I’m part of a great team.
Gene Luen Yang
Linda’s in all the songs. ‘Sunshine Superman,’ ‘Hampstead Incident,’ ‘Young Girl Blues’… Linda’s the muse.
I have a Superman tattoo on my right arm.
Ronan Keating
I know it’s hard to blame the time, but there’s a bit of an expectation for a summer movie. I think that ‘Superman Returns’ was a bit nostalgic and romantic, and I don’t think that was what people were expecting, especially in the summer.
Bryan Singer
The thing I liked most about ‘Lois & Clark,’ we were a fun show. Some of the later ‘Superman’ stuff is so dark, but I prefer ‘Superman’ to be a character of light and hope. I prefer the lighter romance and humor.
Dean Cain
Basically, I come from other planet. Like Superman, from Krypton. I don’t show my power because I want to play basketball.
Boban Marjanovic
As much as everyone says that Superman is good, a lot of other people might say that that’s why they find him boring… A lot of Batman fans might say that.
Henry Cavill
I knew very early on that there would be quite a bit of attention: Superman is known all over the place.
Brandon Routh
I vividly remember my first 'Superman' comic, which my

I vividly remember my first ‘Superman’ comic, which my granddad bought me when I was about 7. From that point on, all I wanted to do is draw comics. And specifically, superhero and science fiction comics. Basically I used to copy comic books, and draw my own comics on scrap paper.
Dave Gibbons
At the end of the day, I know I’m not Superman.
Aljamain Sterling
Every son’s first superhero is his father, and it was the same for me. For me, he was Superman and Batman combined.
Tiger Shroff
If the Americans have Superman, we have Panday.
Coco Martin
So many heroes are driven by destiny. Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, they were all chosen and born to heroism. Even with Batman, it doesn’t feel like Bruce could do anything else. His whole life was leading him to become the Dark Knight.
Andrew Kreisberg
Batman and Superman are probably my favorite superheroes – apart from Constantine.
Matt Ryan
The ‘Superman vs. Muhammad Ali’ book was printed in every free country in the world, OK? Now, it’s so good in its way that we can go in and make fun of it and feel good about it.
Neal Adams
Han Solo is more interesting than Superman because he’s flawed. Superman’s flaw is kryptonite, and that’s it. He can make time go backwards, for God’s sake, but with Han Solo or Indiana Jones, there’s a bit of humanity there.
Rupert Friend
I think Wonder Woman is a very difficult character to crack. More difficult than Superman, who is also more difficult than Batman. Also, a lot of people in Hollywood believe that it’s hard to do a big action movie with a female lead. I happen to disagree with that.
David S. Goyer
I’m not going to try and sit here and be Superman.
Paul George
They fired director Richard Donner because they didn’t want to pay him, and he’s the reason the franchise became so successful in the first place. There’s a big part of Superman II that he did that no one has ever seen.
Margot Kidder
I liked the fact that Lois was one person with Clark and another with Superman. I think that, as women, we do that a lot when we fall in love.
Margot Kidder
Superheroes have always been my thing. I’ve always loved their great allure, whether it’s your traditional superhero like Batman or Superman, or even Greek Mythology, heroes like Zeus.
Cedric Alexander
The ‘S’ is because my freaks realized they weren’t with a normal man but a Superman. That’s why they called me the ‘Big Bad Booty Daddy.’
Scott Steiner
It’s just a great, legendary comic book hero and it’s one that has never been kind of been brought back to life after Lynda Carter. I mean, it’s a reinvention. When Tim Burton reinvented Batman after Adam West, and when Donner reinvented Superman after George Reeves, it’s time to do that with Wonder Woman.
Joel Silver
Superman has evolved continually in the comic books over the course of 75 years. He couldn’t even fly for years in the original comic books. Kryptonite wasn’t added until the ’60s. All sorts of things like this. If a character is going to remain vital, he does have to change with the times.
David S. Goyer
Superman don’t need no seat belt.
Muhammad Ali
If we go back to the birth of ‘Superman’ and ‘Batman’ in America in the ’30s, they were created because of events like the Great Depression, crime and Al Capone, among others. Everybody was corrupt back then, and if you can’t have a hero in real life, it helps to have one in your fantasies.
Vikramaditya Motwane
I wasn’t a Superman guy – I didn’t like the invincible superhero who always wins. Who can get behind someone like that?
I was able to accomplish pretty much everything I set out to do with my run on Superman, and I’m really proud of how it turned out. I hope that readers enjoyed it, too!
Chris Roberson
The thing that’s been exciting about ‘Superman’ is to see how the character has developed through generations.
Grant Morrison
A lot of people ask me when I do a stunt, ‘Jackie, are you scared?’ Of course I’m scared. I’m not Superman.
Jackie Chan
Superman is such an old character. He’s an old character with this huge legacy behind him. And one of the awesome things about the fact that he’s been around for these decades is that he’s gone through these different phases.
Gene Luen Yang
I’d like to rescue people in trouble, like Superman.
Sheridan Smith
Someone told me that there’s a connection to Superman, that in an early edition of the Green Lantern comics, Tomar Re was the envoy to Krypton. That was fascinating to me.
Geoffrey Rush
People have called me Superman my whole life. In various sports, that seems to be the common theme. My favorite superhero is actually the Incredible Hulk. He’s the only superhero that can’t die.
Robert Griffin III
I’m not a prophet or a stone aged man, just a mortal with potential of a superman. I’m living on.
David Bowie
The beauty of Captain America is that you didn’t have to come from a distant planet, like Superman, or he didn’t have to be born into a family of billionaires like Bruce Wayne. He happened to be in the right place at the right time, and someone gave him a magic potion, and he grew muscles and became a superhero.
Mark Waid
Superman walks around with an ‘S’ on his chest. I walk around with a ‘P’ on my chest, and that P stands for Passion.
Bruce Buffer
When you grow up looking at Superman, Batman, and all those superheroes, you take it for granted that is what superheroes are supposed to be. So then, when I see art books at the library, and I’m seeing Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo and Rembrandt, I think that’s what artists look like.
Kerry James Marshall
For me, Batman is the one that can most clearly be taken seriously. He’s not from another planet, or filled with radioactive gunk. I mean, Superman is essentially a god, but Batman is more like Hercules: he’s a human being, very flawed, and bridges the divide.
Christopher Nolan
I loved Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, but I was always

I loved Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, but I was always keenly aware that people who looked like me could not look like that.
Simu Liu
I am always a sucker for the underdogs. I love Batman and Superman, but when it comes to the guys who don’t stand in the front of the line, Aquaman is one of the key guys for me. He’s so much fun to work on.
Geoff Johns
I wouldn’t want to be Superman. Batman would be cool. But the one I’ve always wanted to play is the Joker. There is a maniacal and dangerous side to me.
T. J. Miller
Well, ‘aerospace’ was really not a name in my young life. Flying airplanes was. And I got my first try at flying – just pure flying – by flying my ‘Superman’ cape off my daddy’s barn when I was about 5 years old.
Wally Funk
When I was in middle school, some of my so-called friends found a catalog ad I did for Superman pajamas. They made as many copies as they could and pasted them up all over school.
Jensen Ackles
On a purely personal level, it’s very strange, because as a kid, Superman informed my personality. Now I’ve been given the job of forming Superman’s personality and, in some ways, drawing on my own background.
J. Michael Straczynski
Superman has been my favorite character since I was six years old, and I have more comics featuring Superman than any other single character.
Chris Roberson
A big part of the fun of working on Superman has been coming up with new characters and concepts to toss in, helping to design their costumes, things like that. And I spent ages coming up with the name ‘Fortress of Solidarity,’ so I want to get as much use out of it as I can!
Chris Roberson
My version of Superman is essentially of a guy who has spent his whole life alone.
Henry Cavill
Who doesn’t want to draw Batman or Superman? Everyone would like to be able to draw them. I’ve been really lucky when it comes to the characters that I get to illustrate.
Lee Bermejo
I’m not a superman with a cape, I’m only a basketball player for the Celtics. But if I can make one child smile, I’ve done my job.
Marcus Smart
Let’s be realistic – 90% of superheroes are male. Personally, I prefer Superman, Batman and Spider-Man to Wonder Woman. Not that I don’t like female superheroes, but watching male superheroes gives me a high.
Studios might not be able to figure out my leanings, but anyone who visits my blog or reads my Twitter feed or meets me in person will realize right away that I am a huge superhero fan and a fanatic about Superman in particular.
Chris Roberson
I never said I was a robot or a superman or a super being.
Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.
Danger Mouse’ is James Bond essentially. A rodent James Bond. Oh and slightly Batman too I suppose. And let’s chuck in a little bit Superman while we’re there. He’s an old-fashion swashbuckling hero.
Alexander Armstrong
What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and the maturity to use the power wisely. From an acting point of view, that’s how I approached the part.
Christopher Reeve
I think every guy and girl would love to get to play Superman at some point in their life.
Matt Bomer
Certainly as a kid, I grew up with Batman, Superman, whoever – they didn’t need to be black for me to relate to them. But when a character like Cyborg came along, I got excited, because he looked a little bit more like me; his experiences were a little bit more like mine.
John Ridley
I read some Marvel, but I was more of a DC guy. Particularly the Flash, Barry Allen. I latched on to him because I felt like him. You thought to yourself, ‘Well, you can’t really be Superman.’ You couldn’t really be Batman – Batman was a really dark figure. I identified with Barry Allen’s hopefulness.
Greg Berlanti
People like Superman, The Flash – they just feel limited in who they are and what you can do with them because everyone knows who they are and what they do. Someone like Animal Man feels very open to interpretation.
Jeff Lemire
I was singing in a mall, and I picked a girl to come up onstage with me. As I was grabbing her hand, I fell off the stage. It felt like I was in the air forever, flying like Superman.
Aaron Carter
My father worked in Chrysler’s drafting department and used to bring home tracing paper, No. 2 pencils, and masking tape from the office. With these, I used to trace off drawings from the ‘Superman’ and ‘Batman’ comics and put them up on my bedroom walls.
Jim Starlin
Sure, it is true that none of us is Superman. But when we stand together, we can achieve anything.
Fabio Cannavaro
When I was a kid, I liked Superman. When I got a little older, I liked Wolverine. And then I found girls.
Jeremy Sisto
In South Africa, we’ve been watching these movies all our lives – ‘Batman,’ ‘Superman,’ ‘Captain America’ – and every time the mask comes off it’s a white man.
John Kani
I think the character of Superman may be the greatest fictional creation of modern times, and working on the book is for me a sacred trust. I’m just doing my best not to disappoint!
Chris Roberson
Jerry often says that Slam Bradley was really the forerunner of Superman, because we turned it out with no restrictions, complete freedom to do what we wanted; the only problem was that we had a deadline.
Joe Shuster
My brother is my best friend by choice and a superman.
A. J. Pritchard
There was something special and unique about the love triangle that existed between Clark Kent, Superman and Lois Lane.
Jim Lee
Neil Patrick Harris is a superman of entertainment.
John Cameron Mitchell
I understand the rules of Superman – not necessarily better than anyone else – but better than a normal filmmaker would. After doing ‘Watchmen’ and digging that deep into the why of superheroes, when Superman is presented to you, I felt like I was in a unique position to say ‘I get this guy. I know what this is.’
Zack Snyder
Superman when he goes after someone is essentially not

Superman when he goes after someone is essentially not trying to beat them, he is trying to save them from themselves… You’re looking at a God who walks amongst men!
Max Landis
I did ‘Batman v Superman’ for one or two days.
Jason Momoa
Did Superman really want to save the world, or did he just feel like he had to? Would he much rather be a farmer? Maybe. Would he much rather be hanging out with his dad and his mom and his dog? Probably.
Gerard Way
There’s an honesty to Clark, Kal-El – Kal-El’s the better way of saying it because he is both Superman and Clark – there’s an honesty to him which crosses over on both – I don’t like to use the word ‘identities,’ but I will because I can’t think of a better one. So, it is not that tough to make that swap and change.
Henry Cavill
There is a mystique about psychiatry that people think that you have some kind of a magical lens, you know, Superman’s X-ray vision into the soul. One of the reasons I left psychiatry is that I didn’t believe that.
Charles Krauthammer
I’m just disappointed the folks never took a picture of me when I was five years old jumping off the barn into a haystack with my Superman cape.
Wally Funk
My dad was Superman to me, and in my mind he always will be.
Artie Lange
Superman was created in the late 1930s, and humankind’s idea of what the future would be was very different.
Gene Luen Yang
To be able to write ‘Superman,’ to be able to work with the legendary artist who is John Romita Jr., I signed on as soon as I could.
Gene Luen Yang
Superman is pretty much the way he was – you know – what he’s always been. A lot of the Marvel characters are products of their time. I think Batman, as a character, has been able to adapt; he’s pretty malleable.
Brian Azzarello
When I was little, I think that I wanted Superman to be my boyfriend.
Pauley Perrette
If a shop has a neon Superman logo in the window, I will enter. If it has a neon Superman logo in the window, a Bat-symbol next to it, and a dragon under the eaves, I am already inside.
Robin Sloan
Batman is pretty much a self-trained guy. I think it would be fun to do a character like Superman or Captain Marvel or maybe Green Lantern, somebody who’s got a completely different resource for fighting crime and fighting villains.
Paul Dini
People in Hollywood go home to their wives and children who look like they do. If you’re in that position, your natural thought pattern is sometimes to think, ‘Superman, oh yeah he’s white.’ You can’t get mad at somebody for doing that. It’s the world they live in and for some, they only live in that bubble.
Antoine Fuqua
I loved Superman growing up. I saw a couple of those movies in the theater, and I watched ‘Superman II’ 8000 times.
Stephen Amell
My favorite of all time will always be Christopher Reeve. He’ll always be Superman in my eyes.
Dean Cain
The difference between Superman and Wonder Woman is not strength or power level or origin but the fact that she is a woman.
George Perez
The thing is, the Superman comics have been around a long time, and so have the movies. They’ve done a lot of Superman movies, as they have with Batman.
Martin Campbell
I thought I was bulletproof or Superman there for a while. I thought I’d never run out of nerve. Never.
Evel Knievel
The first Superman film took up a huge chunk of our lives, but it was a wonderful time for us. We were young, my daughter was little, we were filming in London for a year, so we became like a close family.
Margot Kidder