Top 15 Traditional Values Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Traditional Values Quotes from famous people such as Hassanal Bolkiah, Christopher Lasch, Rajnath Singh, Charlie Kirk, Ma Yansong, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

There is no conflict between favouring Islamic and trad

There is no conflict between favouring Islamic and traditional values and being more open and international.
Hassanal Bolkiah
Conservatives unwittingly side with the social forces that contribute to the destruction of traditional values.
Christopher Lasch
When knowledge is cut off from traditional values, it becomes disastrous.
Rajnath Singh
Conservatives are branded bigots and we are falsely accused of hate speech when we express traditional values and ideas that have made America the greatest country on Earth.
Charlie Kirk
I think where traditional values are concerned, Chinese people see nature as very symbolic. It’s a form of culture.
Ma Yansong
Traditional values are big in my life.
Jennifer Hudson
We desecrated the traditional values, but new values didn’t come along.
Rocco Buttiglione
There’s nobility in hard work, traditional values.
D. B. Sweeney
It takes a strong effort on the part of each American Indian not to become Europeanized. The strength for this effort can only come from the traditional ways, the traditional values that our elders retain.
Russell Means
Throughout history, we have only moved forward when society has distinguished between traditional values and valueless traditions.
Jared Polis
We need a Congress that understands the sanctity of life, the sanctity of traditional values, the sanctity of traditional marriage.
Thom Tillis
We define a metrosexual as someone who really takes care of themselves in terms of grooming and style. There is nothing wrong with that. But I think you need to have some other values. It’s cool to incorporate some traditional values into metrosexuality. Then it becomes a good lifestyle.
Frank Vincent
Conservatives have no understanding of modern capitalism. They have a distorted understanding of the traditional values they claim to defend.
Christopher Lasch
In terms of Republicans, we have got to get to our cohorts in the Republican Party to get them to understand if we are going to get this country to its traditional values… we’re going to have to control our borders and manage this huge change in our culture that’s occurring.
John Fleming
We are becoming a society where traditional values and free speech are being diminished and the religious are viewed as having a backward mentality.
Mercedes Schlapp