Top 150 Blog Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Blog Quotes from famous people such as Seanan McGuire, Simon Sinek, Amitabh Bachchan, Brad Feld, Ree Drummond, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When I was first writing 'Feed' - which was the first b

When I was first writing ‘Feed’ – which was the first book I published as Mira – I talked about it very openly on my blog, on Twitter, that I was writing this book, and it wasn’t until after it was sold that I said ‘Mira Grant’ wrote this book. And the reason there was really purely marketing-based.
Seanan McGuire
In this age of omniconnectedness, words like ‘network,’ ‘community’ and even ‘friends’ no longer mean what they used to. Networks don’t exist on LinkedIn. A community is not something that happens on a blog or on Twitter. And a friend is more than someone whose online status you check.
Simon Sinek
When I wrote my first blog, I got one response. Now, I sometimes get as many as 400 responses for my posts.
Amitabh Bachchan
My initial desire to blog came from something that’s always been my approach to investing – I’m a nerd, and I love to play with the technology, and part of my approach has really been to understand things both at a user level and at a reasonably deep tentacle level.
Brad Feld
In many ways, our marriage is anything but traditional. When I started my blog in 2006, Ladd was the only one that really understood what I was doing, probably before I even understood what I was doing. He wasn’t tech-savvy, but he just got it and was totally on board with it.
Ree Drummond
I’ve made sure to always update my web properties constantly – Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, my Hypebeast blog… making sure I divided content across all of them to keep each outlet fresh to keep people coming back.
Theophilus London
As a general rule, when you comment on a blog, make it knowledgeable or witty and, most of all, relevant to that post – then, simply sign it with your name and your book title. Resist the urge to brag or sell your book.
M. J. Rose
Anonymous blog comments, vapid video pranks and lightweight mash-ups may seem trivial and harmless, but as a whole, this widespread practice of fragmentary, impersonal communication has demeaned personal interaction.
Jaron Lanier
I bought a Cartier nail bracelet to celebrate the fifth anniversary of my blog. It’s an investment piece, but it’s simple enough to wear every day, and it’s something that will last forever.
Chiara Ferragni
If producing a regular column is living out loud, then keeping a daily blog is living at the top of your lungs. For a couple of months there, I was shrieking like a banshee.
Ayelet Waldman
Here is what I am not going to do: I am not going to go to a restaurant, take pictures of my food, download them, and call that a blog. That is beyond the pale. The Internet is such a bazaar of self-indulgences that I don’t know why that particular one should bug me so much. But it really does.
Jonathan Dee
Literally, I don’t have a television. So I don’t really know what’s happening pop-culturally. I read the ‘New York Times.’ And there’s one worldwide cabin blog that I look at.
Cary Fukunaga
I have a slightly crap blog where I opine on anything that occurs to me and run the occasional silly competition.
Mark Lawrence
With my upbringing and where I grew up, people slagged people. If you slagged them, they’d slag you back… I know it pales in comparison to genuine issues that people have got, but I’ve had people slagging my stuff off on my blog and my website for years.
If there was a blog with five listeners or viewers, I had to be on it. Now I have to be on fewer media, but more substantive media.
Darrell Issa
While I’ve never asked my publisher to pull one of my books off the shelves, I have deleted tweets or blog posts that have drawn criticism.
Andrew Shaffer
I only started uploading on YouTube because I was having trouble one day uploading a video on my blog.
Forget about someone’s resume or how they present themselves at a party. Can they blog or not? The blog doesn’t lie.
Nick Denton
Watch ‘Dog with a Blog’ to get a good laugh, to see me, of course, and to see an awesome, awesome talking dog who is the cleverest, most awesome dude in the world. He’s really, really adorable and cute, and it’s really cool seeing what kind of tricks he has up his sleeve.
Blake Michael
I had one girl send me an e-mail saying she wants to go out with me, but it’s like a two-pronged deal because she wants to blog the date. And I’m like, No! I don’t want to be on a reality show.
Judah Friedlander
Being behind the lens gives me a completely different perspective, and because of my blog, I get to do projects and attend shows lending me another angle.
Hanneli Mustaparta
If somebody crafts an interesting tweet that’ll lead me to their blog, I’m going to their blog.
Anthony Bourdain
I love jotting down ideas for my blog, so I doodle or take notes on all kinds of stuff that inspires me: the people I meet, boutiques I visit, a florist that just gave me a great idea for an interior-design project, things like that.
Maria Sharapova
I think all technology should be plug and play. I would say it’s easier to set up a blog than it is to change channels on your telly.
Graham Linehan
Flickr was designed partly to market itself. There are a lot features, in place early on, that let people take their photo, upload it to Flickr and post them elsewhere, on their own Web site or their blog, which meant a lot of incoming links.
Stewart Butterfield
It’s not easy for an entrepreneur to find the time to blog. But for those who do it, it is a great tool to communicate with the various stakeholders in their business and build a reputation for thought leadership.
Fred Wilson
I will not let my sales figures dictate what I say on the blog, because the blog is what I want to say.
John Scalzi
Too many companies think they want to do a video blog to sell merchandise, but if you turn your site into QVC, you lose. I have an audience that trusts me. It’s about building a global brand – not selling four more bottles of Pinot Grigio.
Gary Vaynerchuk
A daily blog would just about finish me off completely.
Robert Plant
We need to accept that the commandments of God aren’t just a long list of good ideas. They aren’t ‘life hacks’ from an Internet blog or motivational quotes from a Pinterest board.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
As a congressman, why should I be forced to peruse cable stations and blog sites for information on the discussions and then be asked to vote for the deal when I have no input and no time to know even what’s in it?
John Fleming
I must be the last person online to have been struck wi

I must be the last person online to have been struck with this realization, but it’s amazing how the Internet has empowered hundreds of ordinary people, turning them into little Diane Sawyers and Anderson Coopers as they snap and blog away.
Bryan Burrough
When I started my blog, I wanted it to be like my house – my own little place that anyone could come to.
Chiara Ferragni
My job, originally, was to write blog posts for their ‘HubSpot’ blog. They have a business model built on content. Then I was writing e-books for them, and after I came back from L.A., they had this new plan to launch a podcast.
Daniel Lyons
No matter how much we tweet, blog and post, nothing in business is as powerful as actual face time with prospective business partners and customers.
Jay Samit
If you put up a blog, people can cut out the middle man and get material to you. Which is really helpful because a lot of time there’s really cool stuff out there that we just don’t see. Because, y’know, the agent is acting in our best interest, but it does sometimes prevent some of the good stuff from getting through.
Zach Galligan
A guy wrote a blog, way back when the Internet first started; the comments were so negative that it actually stopped me doing music for some time – about two, three years. It was after this one hip-hop project – Redfoo and Dr’Kroon. I wasn’t used to it. I didn’t like it. It lowered my self-esteem.
I definitely feel like my blog is going edgy to broad and boring.
Joichi Ito
That’s the worst way you can hear about comedy material: from a third person’s blog story that they wrote when they were upset.
Anthony Jeselnik
I’m always amazed by people who blog all the time and tweet all the time, and still get things done. I don’t know how they do it.
Jarvis Cocker
I wanted to learn how to blog, so I was playing around with WordPress and Typepad and Blogger, starting all these different blogs just to learn how these things work. I had a fake Sergey Brin blog, an anonymous, fake Ph.D kind of blog. I did it for, like, I don’t know, six weeks, and the Steve Jobs one just caught on.
Daniel Lyons
We all need to focus on our writing. Because the millions of readers out there don’t care about your blog.
J. A. Konrath
This may sound a little bit idealistic, but when I go to my blog, my Facebook page, my Twitter account, I talk to different people from all over the world, and you see how it’s easy to establish a dialogue.
Paulo Coelho
As my blog editor knows all too well, I wasn’t all that keen to enter the blogosphere world.
Warren Bennis
By having a blog, you can make yourself very accessible to your target audience. You can leave comments open on your blog so you can learn exactly what your audience likes about what you’re doing with your business and about what they think you should change.
Fabrizio Moreira
I’m hugely affected by what people think. It could be a million people saying, ‘Great.’ And then one person writes, ‘What the hell is this kid doing?’ and starts slagging me off, for some reason, and then I have to join in the blog and sign in under a different name and go,’Why don’t you like him?’
Jason Bonham
I never really thought I would make a blog myself.
Sofia Richie
Speaking of Twitter, I don’t even know if I composed a blog entry in 2009, as I was too busy parceling my every thought into cute 140-character sound bites. I used to only worry about being pithy for a living; now some of my best lines are wasted on a free app!
Diablo Cody
I don’t go to events to have my picture taken. I don’t really care if my name is mentioned on a blog. It’s not my thing.
Michelle Beadle
I think my blog is fairly circumspect and elliptical. I’ve written personal essays, but they are short and to the point: in and out, and that’s that.
Kate Christensen
Be the authority on your product/company. You should know more about your product than anyone else alive if you’re writing a blog about it.
Robert Scoble
In terms of being a ‘sneakerhead,’ there was one point where I was obsessively following every sneaker blog. That’s the beauty of Twitter: To get the heads up on what’s coming out.
Every person on Twitter is a critic. Every person who watches a movie will write a blog or a review. You can’t go out trying to impress these people.
Farah Khan
I’ve tried in the past to blog about ghostwriting and have failed. I have a lot of opinions on the whole issue, and I’m constantly censoring myself to make sure I don’t just sound like a bitter writer.
Rebecca Serle
At Shutterstock, we’ve been offering tutorials to customers and contributors on our blog for many years. Our audience already viewed us as thought leaders on the latest digital and creative skills; we felt it so natural for us to launch Skillfeed, which is an online marketplace for professional learning.
Jon Oringer
No matter what I do, I always come home to my blog.
Matt Mullenweg
You won’t be exiled to permanent unemployment just because there’s a picture somewhere of you holding a red Solo cup and looking underage. But, your Google results tell a story: Have you been in the news? Authored articles or blog posts? What types of topics do you frequently tweet about?
Kathryn Minshew
My blog is not about repelling men, it’s about good fashion.
Leandra Medine
Blogs are amazing, and I’m so grateful to mine for giving me such a great platform to explore other ideas, but it’s just not practical to scroll through 30 pages of blog to find a dinner recipe.
Ella Woodward
During the day, I don’t read too much of the blog traffic, but then at night, I read transcripts of all of the network packages, and then I watch the wires and some of the political blogs.
Nicolle Wallace
One of my favorite things about playing Avery Jennings on ‘Dog With a Blog’ is that I get to play a real teenager who deals with everyday issues.
G. Hannelius
I don’t watch any television, hardly ever because I’m so busy. I always obviously watch my shows because I blog about it and talk about it, but no, I can watch the news in the morning and that’s it.
Lisa Vanderpump
Even if you're walking through the airport or going to

Even if you’re walking through the airport or going to pick up your mail, if you meet a fan and they have a camera, they will take a picture of you and millions could potentially see that picture – if it’s picked up by a blog or whatever.
Keri Hilson
When someone calls me a blogger, I think, ‘That’s one of the things I used to do.’ I’m a creative director for my shoe brand; I’m the editor-in-chief of ‘The Blonde Salad,’ which is a website and not just a blog anymore.
Chiara Ferragni
Think both big and small. Loving to bake doesn’t only mean becoming a baker. It could mean starting a blog, becoming a food photographer, or going into organic chemistry.
Taylor Jenkins Reid
If a stranger is writing something completely fictitious, or insulting me on a blog or a tabloid, I don’t take it personally.
Dasha Zhukova
I’m not sure blogs are necessarily the best place to get a pulse on anything. People want to blog for a variety of reasons, and that may or may not be representative.
Steve Ballmer
There will be four ancillary shows on the MyMusic channel, and we’ll be updating an entire blog with up-to-the-minute music news. You can visit it like BuzzFeed or Pitchfork and get album reviews. It’s all as part of the sitcom experience, written by the characters.
Benny Fine
I was doing some YouTube covers, and I had a decently popular blog on Tumblr.
We have lost the idea that something can be secret because it is valuable, not because it’s shameful. If you share everything with everybody, what have you got for yourself? I tweet and I blog, but I save a lot for myself. Not because I am ashamed.
Patrick Ness
Sometimes, reading a blog, which I do infrequently, I see that generations of Americans have been wilfully crippled, and can no longer spell or write a sentence.
Alice Walker
One reason I encourage people to blog is that the act of doing it stretches your available vocabulary and hones a new voice.
Seth Godin
My website, my email magazine, my blog, my books, my corporate seminars, and my public seminars all create the ability for social media to work and all build reputation and ranking.
Jeffrey Gitomer
Franchesca and Sharkey, my French bulldogs, have their own blog. And they are brilliant at it.
Martha Stewart
I want to start a blog.
Navya Nair
I guess to long story short it, I was really just working day jobs when I moved to New York and trying to pay the bills, working in restaurants and as a receptionist, and at one of those reception jobs, I just got so bored, I started a blog, honing my writing skills a little bit.
Randy Rainbow
Studios might not be able to figure out my leanings, but anyone who visits my blog or reads my Twitter feed or meets me in person will realize right away that I am a huge superhero fan and a fanatic about Superman in particular.
Chris Roberson
If you want to fight the evil you see in finance and industry, get to work reading the corporate filings, see if there has been fraud, and where you find it, report it to the SEC or write about it or blog about it.
Ben Stein
When I was writing ‘You Suck,’ in 2006, I constructed the diction of the book’s narrator, perky Goth girl Abby Normal, from what I read on Goth blog sites.
Christopher Moore
I still blog, but I do think blogging will become obsolete, as there are more ways of interacting on the Web with low barriers to entry for people to engage and participate.
Biz Stone
Some people have a blog that’s, like, ‘Today I brushed my teeth.’ Well, who cares? Who cares that you brushed your teeth. Okay – you brushed your teeth! That’s so massively egocentric, it’s just ridiculous.
Zach Galligan
I had a blog and was documenting my life as a college student in an art school. I had a few comments left by a few girls asking if I could do a tutorial on how I did my makeup. I didn’t think my makeup was all that special, but I try my best to share whatever I can with my viewers.
Michelle Phan
It’s incorrect to assume you can be a fashion editor because you blog, if you don’t have experience to look at fashion in a professional way.
Andre Leon Talley
One thing that we learned that we published on our blog post is that uniformly, men lie about their height by almost exactly two inches. So if you look at a plot of census bureau data on the distribution of men’s heights in the U.S. and you plot men’s heights on OKCupid, it is exactly shifted two inches to the left.
Sam Yagan
Today you can start a blog, build an audience, and give the advertising slots to AdBrite or Google AdSense.
Jason Calacanis
I was a bit of an accident really – I certainly didn’t set out to write a cookbook or three. I didn’t have a plan. I was unemployed, writing a blog about local politics and a few recipes, and it was more successful than I could ever have imagined it to be.
Jack Monroe
I think there’s plenty of room for blogs that exist to pay the blogger, or blogs that exist to turn a profit. That’s just not the kind of blog I’m writing, and I’m not the kind of blogger that could do that.
Seth Godin
I haven’t heard of any cases of anti-American blog posts being censored or bloggers encountering consequences for anti-American speech on the web in China.
Rebecca MacKinnon
I have, for a few years, been writing comedy prose – short pieces for my blog – because I found it to be a good way to write while I was on a TV show. It was different enough from my scripts that it felt like a break, but it still was comedy and very fun. I like to do comedy!
Megan Amram
The digital native doesn’t send a letter to the editor anymore. She goes online and starts a blog.
Rupert Murdoch
Blogging is a great way to show your talents and interests to prospective employers, while adding an edge to your resume. If you blog consistently it shows your dedication, passions and creativity – all of which are key attributes employers look for in job candidates.
Lauren Conrad
You know, some of the good part of blog theory was that blogs would be like diaries that the world could read. They would be spontaneous, whatever pops into your mind, as a diary would be.
Gregg Easterbrook
You can’t hold up a blog; you can hold up a magazine.
Nancy Gibbs
If I see something dubious, say on a blog or a Web site

If I see something dubious, say on a blog or a Web site, and I don’t see it anywhere else, I’ll just go right to the source and check it out.
Al Michaels
Put your blog out into the world and hope that your talent will speak for itself.
Diablo Cody
It’s actually difficult to know what anyone wants these days. Tastes seem to change so quickly nowadays depending on the latest blog. The latest Facebook page. Twitter is somewhat important in telling you what you should want.
Michael Gross
I started working at Bravo in 2005, when I was offered a job by Lauren Zalaznick, the network’s chairman. She encouraged me to start a blog. I wrote behind-the-scenes gossip about ‘Battle of the Network Reality Stars,’ the first show I took on as head of current programming.
Andy Cohen
I try to be careful about wording. One of the things I’ve tried to combat in my blog is the notion that journalists are arrogant and unconcerned with the readership.
Nicholas Kristof
The digital component is enormous in not only wrestling but all of entertainment. Every day, you read a new blog or article on Netflix, Hulu, this program and that program. It’s where everything is heading.
Jeff Jarrett
What was so comforting was that the more I started being honest on my blog, the more people responded.
Caroline Calloway
I was the first model to get a blog and talk about anything in modeling.
Coco Rocha
I work out most days, normally first thing, and then I just see where the day takes me. I recipe test most days, do lots of social media and emails, but nothing else is constant. Some days, I film YouTube videos; other days, I have lots of meetings, work on blog posts, brainstorm ideas, and work on upcoming projects.
Ella Woodward
As a senior editor at Tor Books and the manager of our science fiction and fantasy line, I rarely blog to promote specific projects I’m involved with, for reasons that probably don’t need a lot of explanation.
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
It’s long been my dream to have myself declared incompetent so I could just practice all day, and blog, and not have to take care of any normal life things.
Jeremy Denk
When I’m writing my blog, I think of myself at 13 years old, back in St. Louis, daydreaming about Hollywood.
Jenna Fischer
If you take a print magazine with a million person circulation, and a blog with a devout readership of 1 million, for the purpose of selling anything that can be sold online, the blog is infinitely more powerful, because it’s only a click away.
Tim Ferriss
Stock photos are used everywhere on the Net. Chances are, the website you are on right now uses stock photos somewhere – maybe as the featured image of the blog post. This also means that there will always be a large market for stock photographers.
Fabrizio Moreira
I wish more LPs would blog to help VCs and entrepreneurs understand them better.
Brad Feld
The process of making a movie has expanded in terms of effort and time for the director, doing commentaries for the DVD for example, finishing deleted scenes so they could be on the DVD, and doing things like a web blog.
David Cronenberg
I tend to approach giving interviews with the same sense of circumspection and restraint as I approach my writing. That is to say, virtually none. When asked what I made of blogs like my own, blogs written by parents about their children, I said, ‘A blog like this is narcissism in its most obscene flowering.’
Ayelet Waldman
My blog is a celebration of the unexpected, settled, happy life I find myself living in Portland, Maine, at the ripe old age of fifty with someone I deeply love and am very happy with. That’s part of why I started the blog.
Kate Christensen
There’s a lot I’ve yet to say about ‘American Idol,’ so I am excited about teaming up with ‘Idol Go Home’ and starting my blog.
Brian Dunkleman
I need to get a wife. But it’s hard, you know, it’s hard to find a girl you can trust. Some of these girls, they want to go out with you so they can blog about you.
Judah Friedlander
Each piece of content you create should lead your readers further down the path to purchase. Typically, sales and leads won’t happen until a prospect has had multiple points of contact with you, so don’t expect sales after a single blog post.
John Rampton
People used to ask me questions on my blog about how to break into the acting industry. You often have to start out in parts where you have very few words, but you still have to try to make an impact.
Stephen Amell
The first inkling my husband had that I was thinking about suicide was when he checked my blog.
Ayelet Waldman
I receive the flak via nasty blog posts, letters, usually coming from very religious people who cannot reconcile how I could share spiritual message and at the same time teach about money.
Bo Sanchez
I have my website, The Ruckus, which is an Internet site, similar to the Funny or Die format, where people post funny videos. I get a chance to rate their videos; they get a chance to blog and kick it with me.
J. B. Smoove
Too often black people are confronted with an assumption that there is only one way to be black, and that anyone who doesn’t conform is a ‘coconut’ an ‘Uncle Tom’ (or as Ms Dent Coad stated in her blog, a ‘token’). It implies we are too stupid to understand what it means to be conservative, or are race traitors.
Kemi Badenoch
People assume that because I’m a girl and my blog is hot pink that my readership is 90% women, but it’s not. It’s probably only about 65%. When I do tours, it’s pretty much the same thing: it’s about one-third guys.
Jenny Lawson
I got my first trademark in 2005: ‘EcoGeek.’ It was the name of a blog that had become my job. I had a dream of turning it into a big business. After spending a huge amount of time and money attempting to ‘protect’ that trademark, I let it lapse. It was still 2005.
Hank Green
The Guardian’s ‘Word of Mouth’ blog bridges the gap between blogging and serious food journalism.
Yotam Ottolenghi
Never blog just to put something out there. I would post only things that excite me.
Hanneli Mustaparta
Like, radio is closer to a Tumblr, or a blog, or Twitter, than it is to television, I think.
Ira Glass
When I did stand-up at U.C.B., and I had a blog for a c

When I did stand-up at U.C.B., and I had a blog for a couple of years that started my writing career, ‘Totally Confident and Completely Insecure,’ it was the same kind of self-deprecating humor and stories about being out in L.A. and being treated like a loser at a hair salon because you are not famous.
Erin Foster
I will not stop my blog.
John McAfee
Through a blog, an ordinary citizen such as myself can use the Internet, this thing invented by Albert Gore, to talk from my house to the U.S. capital and to make use of my right to point out to government officials and to the media when they are wrong.
John Jay Hooker
I blog because I have something to say.
Eddie Huang was about building personal brand equity. It was a business move. Now, it was totally surrounded by a passion for wine, but I very much gave a lot of thought to doing a sports-video blog instead.
Gary Vaynerchuk
Everything related to ‘SNL,’ that was very sudden – from the time I found out I was joining the cast to the time I could read on a blog that someone watching the show thinks I’m fat, that was about 30 days. That blog part, that could’ve moved a little more slowly. But hey – it’s all material, right?
Casey Wilson
If you want to add visuals to your blog posts, presentations or whatever it is, and you’re as bad at drawing as I am, I think tracing photos is a good place to start.
Sarah Cooper
I keep everything in Notepad: shopping lists, to-do lists, recipe tasting notes, my blog content calendar, recipe inspiration, blog-post drafts.
Molly Yeh
I’m constantly obsessing about brand. I think of my books in terms of brand. I think of my blog articles in terms of branding. How does it fit my branding? I think in terms of demographics.
Mark Manson
My fans don’t feel like I hold anything back from them. They know whatever I’m going through now, they’ll hear about it on a record someday. They’ll hear the real story. There’s a little bit of lag time. It’s not as instant as going on a gossip blog. But it’s much more accurate.
Taylor Swift
I delve into cold cases by scouring the Internet for any digital crumbs authorities may have overlooked, then share my theories with the 8,000 or so mystery buffs who visit my blog regularly.
Michelle McNamara
I started my blog in 2002. That was pre-MySpace, pre-Facebook. That was back before newspapers realized they were going out of business. That was back when no one gave any credence to Internet writers.
Tucker Max
I had a blog for many years. Once you develop your readership on your blog, and you can put something out there or direct traffic or get attention – it’s like a super power.
Evan Williams
I suddenly had all of this time on my hands, so I just threw myself into the blog and then worked on photos, recipe development and networking with other bloggers, growing a following and growing it into something that could be a business.
Molly Yeh
Writing on the blog, you want to get attention and make strong claims. In academic work, that often doesn’t pay, so sometimes it’s a little bit difficult going back and forth to navigate these differences.
Alex Tabarrok
One danger, when you’re writing lots of quick, opinionated blog items about the latest developments, is that you never get around to stating fully, in one place, what you think about a particular topic.
Mickey Kaus
I generally blog between 5:30 A.M. and 7 A.M. I will from time to time add something during the day, but for the most part blogging is an early morning activity for me.
Fred Wilson
The challenges of writing a book are very different from writing a blog or tweets. I’ve been writing a blog since I was in the 6th grade, so I had this style of writing that was definitely not proper for writing a book.
I co-founded ‘bOING bOING’ magazine and the ‘Boing Boing Blog’ and was an editor at ‘Wired’ from 1993-1998.
Mark Frauenfelder
What the Internet’s value is that you have access to information but you also have access to every lunatic that’s out there that wants to throw up a blog.
George A. Romero
In 2005, I had a blog, where people discussed topics such as a sustainable economy, renewable energy, and broadband coverage.
Beppe Grillo
In 1998, I started a blog, something I could control very easily and update at my own whim.
Jami Attenberg
For some, Into The Gloss is just a blog, and that’s cool. For us, it’s the connective tissue between us and you, and that has paved the way for the creation of a very different kind of beauty brand: Glossier.
Emily Weiss
I’m terrible at posting regularly; I don’t deserve the blog success!
Ashley Madekwe
I launched Little Lights of Mine because I was a young, 23-year-old new mom. I was home at the time and looking for direction. I started the blog as a place to just share everything. It quickly turned into a food-based blog where I would share all of my favorite recipes.
Ayesha Curry
I do all my shopping on the Web. I do much of my research online. I have a blog, too. It is definitely a distraction. It is definitely a blessing. What blessing isn’t a distraction, though?
Cathleen Schine