Words matter. These are the best Dollars Quotes from famous people such as Bill Gates, Steven Crowder, Charlie Pierce, Mike Crapo, Nelson Bunker Hunt, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
Well-spent aid money is saving lives for a few thousand dollars per life saved.
Hollywood, we get it. The Christian faith just doesn’t work for you ‘in the long run.’ However, for a large percentage of this country (the same country that makes your movies millions of dollars), it does. So please, for all of our sakes, keep your ‘beliefs to yourself’ and just ‘stop the hate.’
There are few colonial nations anymore. Instead, we are colonized by financial institutions beyond our political control. We are colonized with pens and papers and millions of little digital bursts transferring billions of dollars all over the globe in the blink of an eye.
While our nation faces many challenges that must be met regarding homeland security and our military readiness, it is imperative that we live within our means and wisely spend taxpayer dollars.
A billion dollars isn’t what it used to be.
Al Gore had no problem taking hundreds of millions of dollars from the government of Qatar to sell his Current TV to Al Jazeera America.
Under the Timber and Stone Act of 1878, which might well have been called the ‘Dust and Ashes Act,’ any citizen of the United States could take up one hundred and sixty acres of timber land and, by paying two dollars and a half an acre for it, obtain title.
There are billions of dollars spent every year on traditional media. The majority of people are spending more time every day on the Internet, especially on mobile. You’re starting to see a shift of that spend go to mobile, especially to things like ‘Instagram’.
If you write a hit song for Britney Spears, it’s worth several million dollars. Just one song! And it might have taken you two hours to do it. It’s like mining for gold. It takes a lot of skill and a lot of technique.
We never had a billionaire brand in music; the closest thing we had was Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson sold 750 million records. I think we’re gonna set the tone for other youngsters to make more money and see that a billion dollars can be accomplished.
Hollywood is a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.
I think it would help tremendously to have a senator that knows where jobs come from, that knows how to create them, that knows how to bring them back and, importantly, knows what it means to manage billions of dollars’ worth of expenses and cut billions of dollars’ worth of expenses.
People are trading distance for dollars.
The best thing I ever did was when I was offered a million dollars to go play in South Africa and didn’t take it. I was 21 years old, and part of it was like, ‘Well, if they’re offering me this obscene amount of money just to play one match, there must be something really wrong.’
The whole thing of clothes is insane. You can spend a dollar on a jacket in a thrift store. And you can spend a thousand dollars on a jacket in a shop. And if you saw those two jackets walking down the street, you probably wouldn’t know which was which.
Everyone needs a theme song! It should make you feel like a million dollars.
I don’t think you can measure wealth in dollars and cents. I really don’t believe that at all because there are some things that money cannot buy. One of them is health. And the other is security in your relationships and friends.
The Koch brothers, through the expenditure of billions of dollars and the creation and support of dozens of extreme right organizations, have taken fringe extremist ideas and made them mainstream within the Republican Party.
It’s completely reasonable, even if some Bitcoin currency purists wouldn’t like it, to have credit and debit card payments denominated in Bitcoin rather than dollars, and net settled on Bitcoin instead of on Fedwire.
Life can’t be all bad when for ten dollars you can buy all the Beethoven sonatas and listen to them for ten years.
When you hear in the tape recordings Nixon’s own voice saying, We have to stonewall, We have to lie to the Grand Jury, We have to pay burglars a million dollars, it’s all too clear the horror of what went on.
It would astonish if not amuse the older citizens to learn that I (a strange, friendless, uneducated, penniless boy, working at ten dollars per month) have been put down as the candidate of pride, wealth, and aristocratic family distinction.
So when I look at spending more dollars, I look at the fact, do I really want my kids and your kids and everybody else’s kids in this country to have to pay that bill?
In terms of job creation, every billion dollars invested in the physical infrastructure creates 47,000 new jobs.
In the old days, money controlled politics. Today, information controls politics. So I think with the advent of the Internet, the power of wealth has been diminished. Look up all the people you know who spent millions and millions of dollars and fell short.
I’d earned over a million dollars by the time I was old enough to vote.
I don’t think Donald Trump is a conservative. I think his line on China for example, that he’s going to talk tough to China. China didn’t create Social Security, Medicare. China isn’t spending a fifth of a billion dollars every hour that it doesn’t have.
Money is not everything. We don’t need billions and trillions of dollars.
If you have a sense that your money is somehow, even indirectly, contributing to a cause that you find morally problematic, then it seems somewhere between reasonable and obligatory for you to vote with your dollars.
Land on Mars, a round-trip ticket – half a million dollars. It can be done.
I’ve stood around bogs wearing half a million dollars’ worth of jewelry, up to my knees in the rot, thinking how much more or less the place smelled like a sewer than it did the day before.
Some things I won’t do for any amount of money. Like for instance, there’s a couple of CEOs of very large corporations that offered me lots of money to do special pictures for them. And I just refused to do that. Even if it was a million dollars I wouldn’t do it.
At any time, somebody can blow themselves up and take Americans with them. They can blow up an airplane; they can crash an airplane. That’s something we have to worry about every day – we spend 40 billion dollars yearly on homeland security. That has nothing to do with Crusades or any of that other nonsense.
I play Texas Hold’em on my Blackberry. I have amassed a fortune on that. I have almost 30 million dollars from playing. It is unreal.
The issue of remittances where we have millions of Mexicans working in the United States sending back dollars. He said they send back 10 billion dollars a year.
My first year on ‘SNL’, I made $90,000 dollars. And I bought a red Corvette for $45,000 dollars. I’m thinking, ‘I’ve got 45 grand left!’ Taxes didn’t even come into my equation. At the end of the first year of making 90 grand I was 25, 30 in the hole. We live in this baller, spend-money culture.
If the small government concept grows, we have fewer dollars leaving our pockets, we have more folks motivated to make a profit.
I wrote and produced millions and millions of selling records, so my publishing company alone was worth millions of dollars. I didn’t have to work anymore in life because when the rappers started sampling… I’m the most sampled artist in history.
When one may pay out over two million dollars to presidential and Congressional campaigns, the U.S. government is virtually up for sale.
A picture is worth a thousand words. A satellite image is worth a million dollars.
Medicare’s top officials said in 2006 that they had reduced the number of fraudulent and improper claims paid by the agency, keeping billions of dollars out of the hands of people trying to game the system.
If the question is, ‘Do I wish I made thirty million dollars a year,’ the answer is, ‘You bet.’ If the question is, ‘Do I wish I could write like Tom Clancy,’ the answer must remain, ‘No.’
Like many other banks and finance companies, Green Tree used a process called securitization to resell its home loans to outside investors. Green Tree grouped thousands of these small loans into a pool worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
If I could find a white man who had the Negro sound and the Negro feel, I could make a billion dollars.
Enterprise Systems, I mean. And not just a little bit, either. Orders of magnitude wrong. Billions and billions of dollars worth of wrong. Hang-our-heads-in-shame wrong. It’s time to stop the madness.
Did you ever spell a word so bad that your spell check has absolutely no clue what you’re trying to spell? What do you end up getting, you end up getting, like, a question mark. You got a million dollars of technology just looking back at you like, ‘You got me, buddy. Which is pretty amazing because I have all the words.’
Here we were talking about economic development, about investing billions of dollars in various programs, and I could see it wasn’t billions of dollars people needed right away.
A lot of rappers say ‘I’m talking about stuff that goes on, what I grew up in, that I know about.’ And these journalists say, ‘Yeah, but you’re making 80 million dollars, that stuff’s not about you.’ Look how long he’s been making 80 million. He grew up poor in an urban city and the things he’s experienced and knows.
No 27-year-old has the experience to run a company that does a quarter of a billion dollars a year in sales.
I’ll go to an event wearing some designer gown and tens of thousands of dollars in jewels that were lent to me for the night, and I’ll walk around and meet people who I always thought were such a big deal.
In health care today, we spend most of the dollars – in terms of treating disease – in the last two years of a person’s life.
If Wal-Mart invests a billion dollars and others invest $100 million, Wal-Mart is going to grow more.
I get so tired listening to one million dollars here, one million dollars there, it’s so petty.
Back in the 1960s, I got a superb education for very little money. The bill for my first year at Harpur College in New York was a few hundred dollars.
My taxes alone keep eight lawyers busy, and when I finally get my money, it’s only one-third of what I earn. With the kids in school and my other responsibilities, I get no change back from the first million dollars. The money flows out like water.
If you learn to sell, it’s worth more than a degree. It’s worth more than the heavyweight championship of the world. It’s even more important than having a million dollars in the bank. Learn to sell, and you’ll never starve.
I think there’s been a decline in the public’s access to what’s being done with their tax dollars, what’s being done in their name. I hope that that will be repaired.
I’ll promise to go easier on drinking and to get to bed earlier, but not for you, fifty thousand dollars, or two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars will I give up women. They’re too much fun.
I wouldn’t eat a hamburger for 40,000 dollars.
You spend a couple million dollars running for Congress, people get tired of seeing your face.
At my lemonade stand I used to give the first glass away free and charge five dollars for the second glass. The refill contained the antidote.
Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.
Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) has called for an audit of the Pentagon, so that we finally have some transparency and accountability in how DOD spends taxpayer dollars.
Let’s face it: so much of what we consume is not driven by knowledge but by basic craving and impulse. The process of what we eat starts in our heads. And no one is more in our heads than a food industry that spends billions of dollars in marketing its message in every means possible.
The American Dream is still alive out there, and hard work will get you there. You don’t necessarily need to have an Ivy League education or to have millions of dollars startup money. It can be done with an idea, hard work and determination.
My recommendation for SEO is very simple. It’s Write Good Stuff. In my mind, Google is in the business of finding good stuff. It has thousands of the smartest people in the world, spending billions of dollars to find the good stuff. All you have to do is write the good stuff; you don’t need to trick it.
I would rather have a million friends than a million dollars.
People want to see more diversity. That’s why you have the Kevin Hart making $17 million dollars on a holiday weekend.
We can no longer afford the war in Iraq. Our financial costs have already passed a third of a trillion dollars; the lifetime costs for this war, in both human and economic terms, will be borne by Americans for generations to come.
When I lost my rifle, the Army charged me 85 dollars. That is why in the Navy the Captain goes down with the ship.
If I could make millions of dollars being a softball player, I would quit acting in a second.
In the simplest terms, inflation occurs when there’s too much money in the system. On the flip side, deflation occurs when there are too few dollars in circulation.
My luck at the gambling table was varied; sometimes I was fifty to a hundred dollars ahead, and at other times I had to borrow money from my fellow workmen to settle my room rent and pay for my meals.
Hollywood is strange in and of itself. People dress up and pretend to be other people, and you can either make millions of dollars, or no money. It’s odd.
Life should not be estimated exclusively by the standard of dollars and cents.
Economists report that a college education adds many thousands of dollars to a man’s lifetime income – which he then spends sending his son to college.
You have to struggle a bit, hustle a little, and be willing to go bankrupt. Once you’re willing to do that, everything opens up and you get the freedom. My joke is that next year, I’ll make the first film that costs zero dollars.
If you can count your money, you don’t have a billion dollars.
Fashion has this youth mania. But 70-year-old ladies don’t have 18-year-old bodies, and 18-year-olds don’t have a 70-year-old’s dollars.
If you’re Burberry or Gucci, you’re not going to run a banner ad. To get brand ad dollars to move to digital, you need to create a beautiful experience.
Pressure is playing for ten dollars when you don’t have a dime in your pocket.
Of course I gamble, to make the games interesting. But five hundred dollars a game, tops. Or sometimes a thousand. No heart attack bets.
Anybody who has stood on the prairie in North Dakota has felt the force of the wind and knows that our state has an inexhaustible supply of wind power. The potential here to create jobs and draw millions of dollars in new investment to North Dakota is enormous.
People pay a million dollars to be recognized, but nobody cares about them. They cared about me because I did things other men were afraid to do. That’s why my fans identified with me.
It’s really much more than the plastic of album covers and record sales and dollars and cents. Music is just everybody’s mother. Music is the power of you.
I must tell you, to get started today must be very difficult ’cause whatever it takes today is very tough. They have to invest a million dollars in a video just to see if you have a hit record.
No matter where you are on the political spectrum, libraries make sense. It’s such a small investment. Every dollar supporting a library system returns five dollars to the community.
Wealth – any income that is at least one hundred dollars more a year than the income of one’s wife’s sister’s husband.
Tax dollars intended for science education must not be used to teach creationism as any sort of real explanation of nature, because any observation or process of inference about our origin and the nature of the universe disproves creationism in every respect.
Many people think that being a graphic designer means going to an expensive art school and buying expensive software that will cost you thousands of dollars. This is so far from the truth. There are hundreds of online education centers that offer top-notch graphic design training.
High-frequency traders are firms all around the world. They’re massive investments. And there is an incredible race for speed now. People are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to shave milliseconds off.
The Westoxified Pakistanis have been selling their souls and killing their own people for a few million dollars.
In the area we’re discussing, leadership begins on Madison Avenue, on the desks and in the offices of people who spend hundreds of millions of dollars buying what will get them ratings.
Just because there are celebrities in a movie, it doesn’t mean anything. I don’t think The Ant Bully did all that well the first week at the box office. Compare the movies that have a lot of celebrities with the Jimmy Neutron movie, which had no celebrity voices and grossed almost one hundred million dollars.
If we ensure access to health care and ‘best practice’ asthma treatment for children, especially those at high risk, there is the potential to save the health care system billions of dollars.
Never dress down for the poor. They won’t respect you for it. They want their First Lady to look like a million dollars.
If you look at history we’ve had since I’ve been in office, in an environment where we haven’t had earmarks, we’ve still been able to get tens of millions of dollars for McLennan County.
People work hard for their money, and they expect services for the dollars they put into the city.
I was walking down fifth avenue today and I found a wallet, and I was gonna keep it, rather than return it, but I thought: well, if I lost a hundred and fifty dollars, how would I feel? And I realized I would want to be taught a lesson.
When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover. And the damage that your polluters and deniers are doing doesn’t just hit Oklahoma and Alabama and Texas. It hits Rhode Island with floods and storms.
The American multinational companies made millions and millions of dollars from globalization.
If you are born poor, whether white or black, you are going to be in a bad neighborhood and go to a bad school. If you are making three million dollars a year, a couple hundred thousand in taxes ain’t gonna kill you.
I’m tired of hearing sin called sickness and alcoholism a disease. It is the only disease I know of that we’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year to spread.
Republicans spend too much time on defense. We have to be on offense. We have to point out the truth. President Obama stole seven hundred million dollars from Medicare. Republicans want to preserve Medicare. Obamacare robs from Medicare.
Planned Parenthood has amassed a Third Reich-style death count completely legally and while pocketing half a billion dollars a year to do so.
Lost dollars are simply harder to replace than gained dollars are to lose.
They all want you to make a movie for under a million dollars, which I don’t want to. I don’t want to be a faux radical film-maker at 70. I did that. I don’t need to do it again.
We are becoming so accustomed to millions and billions of dollars that ‘thousands’ has almost passed out of the dictionary.
Anyone that makes me a quarter of a billion dollars, I like.
When you cut a half-a-trillion dollars from the defense budget, it affects almost every area in the defense budget.
Federal law must be followed where federal dollars are in play.
President Obama’s call for nearly a half-trillion dollars in more government stimulus when America has more than $14 trillion in debt is guided by his mistaken belief that we can spend our way to prosperity.
If you want to be a Millionaire, start with a billion dollars and launch a new airline.
Shell has poured billions of dollars into offshore Arctic drilling, but no matter how much it spends, it cannot make the effort anything but a terrifying gamble. And if Shell, the most profitable company on Earth, can’t buy its way to safety in Alaska, nobody can.
George W. Bush has shown himself to be a decent guy, not exploiting his former office to make top dollars giving speeches.
I’d marry again if I found a man who had fifteen million dollars, would sign over half to me, and guarantee that he’d be dead within a year.
John McCain has taken tens of millions of dollars from special interests and lobbyists in his senate and presidential campaigns. Now, we have to wonder if he will be able to remain objective on national security matters, as millions pour into his ‘charity’ from oppressive foreign governments.
Economy is a savings-bank, into which men drop pennies, and get dollars in return.
I’ve had money thrown onstage, dollars, couple of five-dollar bills. I took the money, but it wasn’t much.
You could go out and give a million dollars to a charity tomorrow to help the homeless. You could argue that it is just wasted. They are not putting anything back into the community.
Evidence of defendants’ lavish lifestyles is often used to provide a motive for fraud. Jurors sometimes wonder why an executive making tens of millions of dollars would cheat to make even more. Evidence of habitual gluttony helps provide the answer.
We are here simply to decide whether Congress should take the taxpayer dollars of millions of pro-life Americans and use them to fund the destruction of human embryos for research.
If I’m a busboy in Philadelphia, then I have to be careful about what I say. But if I’m a public tycoon like Jerry Seinfeld, and I got a billion dollars in my pocket, he’s got to be nuts to wonder or worry about what people are going to think.
You don’t leave behind box office scores or how many dollars changed hands.
When I started Go Daddy, I tried many things – like building networks and selling education – and none of it panned out. I lost millions of dollars the first couple of years. I made a lot of wrong turns, but that’s the process of being successful in business.
A lot of people think it takes millions of dollars to give back or inspire, but just you showing up means a lot.
It’s time to update traditional public schools, charter schools, home schools, online schools and parochial schools. Let the dollars follow the child instead of forcing the child to follow the dollars, so that every child has the opportunity to attain an education.
In one week, I went from being a girl who owed a guy thousands of dollars – my manager Anthony was paying for my outfits, paying for my food; I was sleeping in his parents’ basement – to taking meetings with every major label in America. The next morning, I had a record deal and wrote him a cheque to pay back all that money.
Legacy is really important to me. It’s more important than dollars to me. So with that said, I try to find the fights that would solidify my legacy.
Google is a fierce competitor. I wish I was worth a bazillion dollars; that would be really nice. They’re a fierce competitor, and they’re very good in search. They’re very good with their global map thing.
Federal dollars and resources come with so much red tape that state and local experts can’t use that funding for initiatives that are working the best or are most needed.
The man who could go to Africa and rob her of her children, and then sell them into interminable bondage, with no other motive than that which is furnished by dollars and cents, is so much worse than the most depraved murderer that he can never receive pardon at my hand.
If people are going to give, they’re going to give. And it doesn’t matter if you give a dollar or five dollars or a hundred dollars or a million dollars; it’s all according to your ability.
When I was about 12, I had my first paying gig – 8 dollars to play rhythm guitar in a polka band. Pretty soon, I ended up playing in all the bars within driving distance of Abbott, Texas.
To make money, it may be important to win the Academy Award, for it might mean another ten million dollars at the box office.
America is not better off than it was $1.8 trillion dollars ago.
The medium of response in America is fame; that’s how a person that bounces a ball can make millions of dollars, and a school teacher with no fame makes $35,000.
They’re making so few movies that you really just have to make it. It’s going to be the only way you end up getting work. I don’t believe anyone’s going to really go out on a limb and just throw millions of dollars on someone that’s not been proven. They’re going to have to show somebody something at some point.
To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.
I’m going to Malaysia to try and win a million dollars… how exciting is that?
Innovation has nothing to do with how many R & D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R & D. It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get it.
Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollar, we wouldn’t have any innocent bystanders.
The ongoing strife in Iraq, and the billions of dollars that the President is seeking to continue that war, give me little comfort that this Administration has learned from its mistakes in Iraq.
I was lucky enough to see with my own eyes the recent stock-market crash, where they lost several million dollars, a rabble of dead money that went sliding off into the sea.
If someone offered me a hundred million dollars to make a movie? I would first remind him that there are 850 million people in the world who don’t have enough to eat.
Pressure is when you play for five dollars a hole with only two in your pocket.
If someone’s dumb enough to offer me a million dollars to make a picture, I’m certainly not dumb enough to turn it down.
Ferdinand was a gold trader. He was a lawyer for mining companies. When he entered politics in l949, he had tons and tons of gold. When Bill Gates was a college dropout, Ferdinand already possessed billions of dollars and tons of gold. It wasn’t stolen.
UTC Aerospace Systems has a couple of million dollars of content on every single aircraft that gets delivered. That’s the chutes, the electric system, rotors, etc.
Congress has funded numerous programs to provide care and compensation to 9/11 victims, spending several billion dollars on extraordinary and unprecedented efforts.
I don’t think it’s any sort of stretch of the imagination to say that, very, very realistically, each single bitcoin, if bitcoin becomes popular, will have to be worth at least tens of thousands of dollars.
Robert M. Morgenthau, the Manhattan district attorney, has seen a few financial schemes in his time. As the lead local prosecutor in the world’s financial capital, he has battled frauds like the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, which stole billions of dollars from investors worldwide.
Delayed energy projects and regulatory hurdles to domestic oil production not only cost the United States economy billions of dollars and millions of jobs, but they also stand in the way of an elusive goal: true American energy security.
A man has one hundred dollars and you leave him with two dollars, that’s subtraction.
You can’t look at the dollar and say, ‘I’m not what I dreamed of being unless I do this type of movie and it’s a blockbuster that gives me this amount of dollars.’ That’s not good.