Top 155 Origin Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Origin Quotes from famous people such as T. J. Miller, Alan Stern, Paul Davies, Peter Maurer, Chen-Ning Yang, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When I was in high school, I was doing all the plays. M

When I was in high school, I was doing all the plays. My drama teacher, Melody Duggan, was the one one who first made me do stand-up. She’s the origin of the whole thing; it’s all her. In high school in Denver, that was kind of the beginning of it all.
T. J. Miller
The New Horizons Pluto mission will be the first mission to a binary object and will help us understand everything from the origin of Earth’s moon to the physics of mass transfer between binary stars.
Alan Stern
The way life manages information involves a logical structure that differs fundamentally from mere complex chemistry. Therefore chemistry alone will not explain life’s origin, any more than a study of silicon, copper and plastic will explain how a computer can execute a program.
Paul Davies
What the hell is happening to the world when those who were at the origin of… international humanitarian law start questioning in public debates whether it has any relevance or should be respected?
Peter Maurer
I should like to say that I am as proud of my Chinese heritage and background as I am devoted to modern science, a part of human civilization of Western origin, to which I have dedicated and I shall continue to dedicate my work.
Chen-Ning Yang
Blue Origin’s successful capsule escape demonstration represents a material step toward a fully re-usable sub-orbital vehicle.
Bruce Pittman
The origin of all revolutions and corruption, and the spur and source of all base morals are just two sayings: The First Saying: ‘So long as I’m full, what is it to me if others die of hunger?’ The Second Saying: ‘You suffer hardship so that I can live in ease; you work so that I can eat.’
Said Nursi
The United States gave me opportunities that my country of origin could not: freedom of the press and complete freedom of expression.
Jorge Ramos
Comics have years to explain this stuff, and in a movie, you have to focus on one thing. So it’s about kind of streamlining, I think. Some of the most successful origin films actually have a narrower focus.
Edgar Wright
My husband John Lennon was a very special man. A man of humble origin, he brought light and hope to the whole world with his words and music.
Yoko Ono
The fun thing about doing origin stories is you are introducing the audience to characters.
Damon Lindelof
Class does not mean huge possession of money. Mother Teresa was a classy woman. So is Manjula Bhargava, a great mathematician of Indian origin. The concept that you automatically gain class by acquiring money is an outdated thought process.
Sudha Murty
As far as I am concerned, virtually all psychological diseases have their origin in our conscious minds. And that is not what we are taught.
M. Scott Peck
Don’t become a mere recorder of facts, but try to penetrate the mystery of their origin.
Ivan Pavlov
The origin of galaxies is one of the fundamental questions of astronomy, and that’s what I’ve been studying.
Sandra Faber
It’s one of the big mysteries about Venus: How did it get so different from Earth when it seems likely to have started so similarly? The question becomes richer when you consider astrobiology, the possibility that Venus and Earth were very similar during the time of the origin of life on Earth.
David Grinspoon
I don’t know all the future steps, but I know one of them: we need to build a low-cost, highly operable, reusable launch vehicle. No matter which path we take, it has to include that gate, and so that’s why that’s Blue Origin’s mission.
Jeff Bezos
Even a polemic has some justification if one considers that my own first poetic experiments began during a dictatorship and mark the origin of the Hermetic movement.
Salvatore Quasimodo
No one’s of Pakistani origin in any British show. That’s why every actor of color is here working in the States. It’s true.
Riz Ahmed
Obscure as still remains the origin of that ‘genre’ of romance to which the tales before us belong, there is little doubt that their models, if not their originals, were once extant at Constantinople.
Joseph Jacobs
Continents may break up, continents may emerge, but the human race is immortal in its origin and in its growth, and there is nothing to be afraid of, even if the foundations of the earth be moved.
Annie Besant
It’s easier to play a dim character, for me, because I have a natural bent for comedy. It’s not intrinsic for me to be crafty, so I would have to go outside for a source of origin. I think of myself as pretty dim.
Stephen Root
We are African in origin and American in birth.
Timothy Thomas Fortune
I see people all the time today, and they really don’t care if their doctor is of Pakistani origin; what they care about is that they are getting a good service, and these are people that they do really see as British. I do think society has changed very positively like that.
Sajid Javid
My surname, Buttigieg (Boot-edge-edge), is very common in my father’s country of origin, the tiny island of Malta, and nowhere else.
Pete Buttigieg
I’m a huge comic book collector. When I was a kid, I had both Marvel and DC. I was my own librarian. I made card files. I had origin stories of all the characters, and cross-referenced when they appeared in other comic books. I was full on.
James Mangold
Whatever its origin, I’d like to see a cure for the Incredibly Shrinking Actress phenomena.
Julia Stiles
A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
Marcus Garvey
Fantasy, abandoned by reason, produces impossible monsters; united with it, she is the mother of the arts and the origin of marvels.
Francisco Goya
All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small.
Lao Tzu
A voyage to Europe in the summer of 1921 gave me the first opportunity of observing the wonderful blue opalescence of the Mediterranean Sea. It seemed not unlikely that the phenomenon owed its origin to the scattering of sunlight by the molecules of the water.
C. V. Raman
You don't like to be lied to, by your friends or in you

You don’t like to be lied to, by your friends or in your business dealings. So why would you want to be lied to when it comes to the origin of life or the fate of the planet?
Steven Pinker
Nagini should be played by an Asian. Scriptwriter J.K. Rowling probably searched for an Asian actress because she researched the origin of Nagini.
Claudia Kim
Virgin Galactic, which will be operating SpaceShipTwo, will be only one of several spacelines. The competitors for Virgin include the Russians, Bezos’s Blue Origin, and possibly Rocketplane Kistler. And likely a couple of others who are smart enough not to tell people what they are doing!
Burt Rutan
To pass to the deluge, and beyond it, and to come to close quarters with our proper division, the origin of Romance itself is a very debatable subject, or rather it is a subject which the wiser mind will hardly care to debate much.
George Saintsbury
The origin of each of us stems from codes of genetic inheritance.
John Eccles
So is man’s heart. The desire to perform a work which will endure, which will survive him, is the origin of his superiority over all other living creatures here below. It is this which has established his dominion, and this it is which justifies it, over all the world.
Jules Verne
While I don’t face the same barriers as so many people in our country, I have seen love that transcends borders, race, and country of origin.
Cary Kennedy
Tel Aviv was established in 1909 by a group of secular Jewish families; Judaism’s origin story is about 2,000 years older.
Bari Weiss
Most of the names in my books have secondary meaning. Sometimes they foreshadow; sometimes they tell you about the character’s origin or back story.
Gail Carriger
When scientists are asked what they are working on, their response is seldom ‘Finding the origin of the universe’ or ‘Seeking to cure cancer.’ Usually, they will claim to be tackling a very specific problem – a small piece of the jigsaw that builds up the big picture.
Martin Rees
Most gravity has no known origin. Is it some exotic particle? Nobody knows. Is dark energy responsible for expansion of the universe? Nobody knows.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I am not making spiteful assertions now but merely stating the facts-that, for instance, among Hungarian generals there is such a considerable percentage of men of German origin, who of course had, in most cases, to alter their names if they wanted to get anywhere.
Heinrich Himmler
Those who came to France came to find France, not to turn it into their country of origin. If that’s what they wanted, they should’ve stayed in their country.
Marine Le Pen
Give us detailed, testable, mechanistic accounts for the origin of life, the origin of the genetic code, the origin of ubiquitous bio macromolecules and assemblages like the ribosome, and the origin of molecular machines like the bacterial flagellum, and intelligent design will die a quick and painless death.
William A. Dembski
I came from such a simple origin, without any great privilege, and I would say I also wanted to make a mark. It wasn’t until I was about 15 that I appeared in a race.
Roger Bannister
On what can we now place our hopes of solving the many riddles which still exist as to the origin and composition of cosmic rays? It must be emphasized here above all that to attain really decisive progress greater funds must be made available.
Victor Francis Hess
I am sure my fellow-scientists will agree with me if I say that whatever we were able to achieve in our later years had its origin in the experiences of our youth and in the hopes and wishes which were formed before and during our time as students.
Felix Bloch
One of the great issues in biology is the origin of altruism – of why you would do something for someone else that could hurt you – and Darwin posited that it might be rooted in maternal instinct, in sacrificing yourself for your children.
Isabella Rossellini
I am first and foremost an actress of Indian origin.
Freida Pinto
There’s an element to songwriting that I can’t explain, that comes from somewhere else. I can’t explain that dividing line between nothing and something that happens within a song, where you have absolutely nothing, and then suddenly you have something. It’s like the origin of the universe.
Nick Cave
Questioning the origin of music is like asking why the breeze is soothing, why you shiver in exhilaration when the spray from the waterfall hits you.
I feel very German – and who can make himself a judge over what is German and what is not – in my ideas and the ideas of my spiritual brothers of German origin.
Walter Gropius
I have always held those political opinions which point to the universal brotherhood of man, no matter in what rank of life he may have taken his origin.
Alexander Mackenzie
It does not do to use it with forms whose origin is intimately bound up with a specific material simply because no technical difficulties stand in the way.
Adolf Loos
By painting colors and lines and forms seen in quickened mood I was seeking to make this mood vibrate as a phonograph does. This was the origin of the paintings in The Frieze of Life.
Edvard Munch
Save for the wild force of Nature, nothing moves in this world that is not Greek in its origin.
John Dalberg-Acton
For my part, I hold it equally impossible for a small shellfish to be produced without generation as for a whale to have its origin from the mud.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Even though we know the origin of diseases, panic sweeps. It’s one thing that frightens us, because it’s your health and your body – it’s more like a tangible threat; it’s not like a foreign enemy you can fight. That was really what was uppermost to many of us whilst making ‘Black Death.’
Kimberley Nixon
Because I don’t play guitar any more, African harmonies and rhythms have been an inspiration to me. I love the raw origin of the sound. It complements my voice and words naturally.
Cat Stevens
Man, in spite of his fatal degradation, bears always the evident marks of his divine origin, in that every universal belief is always more or less true.
Joseph de Maistre
As Buddhism moved to the West, one of the big characteristics was the strong place of women. That didn’t exist in the countries of origin. It’s just a sign of our culture.
Pema Chodron
Artificial intelligence, in fact, is obviously an intel

Artificial intelligence, in fact, is obviously an intelligence transmitted by conscious subjects, an intelligence placed in equipment. It has a clear origin, in fact, in the intelligence of the human creators of such equipment.
Pope Benedict XVI
We show deference to the civil authorities when they respect the divine origin of their power and when they serve the people with objective reference to the law of God.
Angelo Scola
I felt ‘Quantum of Solace’ completely lost its way. We were lucky on ‘Casino Royale:’ it was the origin story of Bond. Bond had the one and only affair that meant anything to him, and affected him throughout the rest of the series.
Martin Campbell
I can’t tell people that are watching how fabulous I feel to have been picked by Blue Origin to go on this trip. I’ll love every second of it.
Wally Funk
A lot of people forget that the origin of science fiction in the U.S. was in the post-First World War period when there was a real interest to get people into technical careers.
Robert J. Sawyer
My mother born in Mexico, but was Lebanese in origin. She born 1902 the same year my father arrived to Mexico when he was 14 years old.
Carlos Slim
What sense would it make or what would it benfit a physician if he discovered the origin of the diseases but could not cure or alleviate them?
The Indo-Canadian community has been a microcosm of the people of Indian origin living abroad besides reflecting India’s diversity.
Preneet Kaur
Every film has an origin. It is made under certain circumstances, and that is a very important point that should be kept in mind during a review.
Anurag Kashyap
That means that every human being – without distinction of sex, age, race, skin color, language, religion, political view, or national or social origin – possesses an inalienable and untouchable dignity.
Hans Kung
The theory of evolution is totally inadequate to explain the origin and manifestation of the inorganic world.
John Ambrose Fleming
Origin stories are really important to me. I just like that sort of stuff and I feel like it makes a lot of sense to the guys, who they are. If you don’t have that stuff, it’s kind of a one dimensional version of it.
Zack Snyder
I think Yandex is something in between two different cultures. One originated from the old Soviet culture of the scientific institute. It was a free atmosphere of scientists, maybe too free because nobody cared about making money. Another origin is something close to what you usually see in California startups.
Arkady Volozh
For origin and development of human faculty we must look to these processes of association in lower animals.
Edward Thorndike
We use content-addressing so content can be decoupled from origin servers and, instead, can be stored permanently. This means content can be stored and served very close to the user, perhaps even from a computer in the same room.
Juan Benet
There is nothing more inimical to writing than the spirit of fundamentalism. Fundamentalism abhors the play of signs, the endlessness of writing. Fundamentalism means nothing more or less than going back to an origin and staying there. It stands for one founding book and, thereafter, no more books.
J. M. Coetzee
Most superheroes, when you look at origin stories – before they invent their costume, they just go with what’s around.
Cheo Hodari Coker
It is impious to say that evil has its origin from God, because naught contrary is produced by the contrary. Life does not generate death, nor is darkness the beginning of light, nor is disease the maker of health, but in the changes of conditions there are transitions from one condition to the contrary.
Saint Basil
In 2010, my two Harvard mathematician colleagues and I dismantled kin-selection theory, which was the reigning theory of the origin of altruism at the time.
E. O. Wilson
Geologists are rapidly becoming convinced that the mammals spread from their central Asian point of origin largely because of great variations in climate.
Ellsworth Huntington
I have thus given you a full statement of all that I know respecting the origin of Mormonism.
Charles Anthon
What is the origin of God?
John Clayton
Embracing my origin has made me the confident and grateful person I am.
Jeannie Mai
My father was a bricklayer, and my mother was a housewife. It was complicated, obviously, because of our humble origin, but thank God we were all focused.
Jose Aldo
The only way that we can disincentivize Central American immigrants from illegally entering our country is if we change our policies, tweak our laws, cut the bureaucratic red tape and immediately send them back to their countries of origin. Until then, this self-imposed crisis will continue to worsen.
Paul Gosar
It is even possible that laws which have not their origin in the mind may be irrational, and we can never succeed in formulating them.
Arthur Eddington
I have a Husky named Blu. One would think, given his country of origin, that he would love a cold water bath, but he is a third generation Husky who has quite adjusted to the climate in Bengaluru.
Pranitha Subhash
My label is to play bad guys of Latin origin in American movies. I’m happy with that label. I prefer to play that than to play a city boy. The bad guy is always something very tempting for the audience.
Jordi Molla
Unlike other peoples the United States found their origin in a deliberate act of corporate self-assertion, and ever since the Revolution every little American has been taught to associate himself personally with this creative act.
Christopher Dawson
I love a great myth. I love a superhero origin story.
Patty Jenkins
There is a duality in recognising what an incredible disease it is – in terms of its origin, that it emerges out of a normal cell. It’s a reminder of what a wonderful thing a normal cell is. In a very cold, scientific sense, I think a cancer cell is a kind of biological marvel.
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Something pretty mysterious had to give rise to the ori

Something pretty mysterious had to give rise to the origin of the universe.
Richard Dawkins
We have now seen that there is no particle of evidence for the Egyptian origin of Tarot cards.
A. E. Waite
Most of the dogmatic religions have exhibited a perverse talent for taking the wrong side on the most important concepts in the material universe, from the structure of the solar system to the origin of man.
George Gaylord Simpson
Of course, there is no reconciliation between the theory of evolution by natural selection and the traditional religious view of the origin of the human mind.
E. O. Wilson
Ethics is in origin the art of recommending to others the sacrifices required for cooperation with oneself.
Bertrand Russell
I would never be comfortable with an edited name. I have never hidden the fact that I am of Indian origin.
Jay Chandrasekhar
It does feel like we get to just carte blanche create a superhero origin story for 2021, for this day and age, that is told through a distinctly Asian American lens.
Simu Liu
I enjoy the hero genre more than anything else. I enjoy origin stories. I enjoy doing stories about people who learn what they are capable of.
David Nutter
Today, the origin of 90% of all the edible food Gambians consume are from places they have never heard of.
Yahya Jammeh
I think that water is immediately interesting. It’s just, as an element, it is full of life. It is associated with origin; it is bright – it reflects you.
Seamus Heaney
The myths connected with individual sanctuaries and ceremonies were merely part of the apparatus of the worship; they served to excite the fancy and sustain the interest of the worshipper… no one cared what he believed about its origin.
William Robertson Smith
Migrants make huge contributions to both their host countries and countries of origin. They take jobs that local workforces cannot fill, boosting economic activity. Many are innovators and entrepreneurs.
Antonio Guterres
Stopping and returning illegal migrants to their countries of origin must become standard procedure.
Sebastian Kurz
Country of Origin labelling is something that consumers really want, and I think it’s critical to support Australian farmers.
Christine Milne
All sins have their origin in a sense of inferiority otherwise called ambition.
Cesare Pavese
Even though it’s called Music Of Black Origin, it’s not just music for black people. Music is for everybody. I think it’s good that black music is acknowledged, and it’s open for lots of artists, including white artists who have been inspired by black musical heritage.
Alesha Dixon
We should be the natural home for the millions of Britons of immigrant origin. But we’re not. Because too often we’ve sounded like people who wish they hadn’t come here at all.
Francis Maude
Scientists have no agreed theory of the origin of life – plenty of scenarios, conjectures and just-so stories, but nothing with solid experimental support.
Paul Davies
Fundamental ideas are not a consequence of experience, but a result of the particular constitution and activity of the mind, which is independent of all experience in its origin, though constantly combined with experience in its exercise.
William Whewell
I think a lot of people, even if you’re not Asian, you go to your place of origin where your family comes from, and you get this sense of, ‘Wow – people look like me and talk like me and treat me like their son in the stores and like a cousin in the restaurants.’
Jon M. Chu
There’s an Inuit myth about the origin of the human race. There were two brothers, and the younger brother eventually gets changed into a woman. And that’s how humans reproduced. And I thought, ‘How could I really understand that?’
William T. Vollmann
The origin of the absurd idea of immortal life is easy to discover; it is kept alive by hope and fear, by childish faith, and by cowardice.
Clarence Darrow
I read the ‘Old Testament’ all the way through when I was about 13 and was horrified. A few months afterwards I read ‘The Origin Of Species’, hallucinating very mildly because I was in bed with flu at the time. Despite that, or because of that, it all made perfect sense.
Terry Pratchett
Let’s set things straight… there are 300 million people living in countries within the Nile basin in horrific economic and security conditions. The $500 that they earn in Israel every month is an annual salary in their countries of origin.
Eli Yishai
We should get used to the idea that we’ll probably never be able to find – and confirm – a good explanation of the ultimate origin of the universe, though I see no reason to believe that we can’t press much further on this question than we have managed to date.
Daniel Dennett
The persecuting spirit has its origin… in the assumption that one’s own opinions are infallibly correct.
John Fiske
Because of this, originality consists in returning to the origin.
Antoni Gaudi
I believe that all men and women are created equal, but it took our country until 1920 to acknowledge this for women. And then it took until 1964, the year before I was born, to outlaw discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. And same-sex marriage became the law of the land in 2015.
Brad Feld
The latest horror to hit the U.S. looks to have been caused by people of Middle Eastern origin, bearing Muslim names. Again, shame. This fuels more hatred for a religion and a people who have nothing to do with these events.
Cat Stevens
Lyric poetry is, of course, musical in origin. I do know that what happened to poetry in the twentieth century was that it began to be written for the page. When it’s a question of typography, why not? Poets have done beautiful things with typography – Apollinaire’s ‘Calligrammes,’ that sort of thing.
James Fenton
The whole of ancient astrology owed its origin to conversation with the cosmic intelligences. But by the time of the first centuries after the rise of Christianity, ancient astrology – that is to say, conversation with cosmic intelligences – was a thing of the past.
Rudolf Steiner
The essence of morality is a questioning about morality

The essence of morality is a questioning about morality; and the decisive move of human life is to use ceaselessly all light to look for the origin of the opposition between good and evil.
Georges Bataille
The truth is, my folk-lore friends and my Saturday Reviewer differ with me on the important problem of the origin of folk-tales. They think that a tale probably originated where it was found.
Joseph Jacobs
It is fundamentally important in our system of government that every American be given the opportunity to vote, regardless of who they are, where they live, and what their race or national origin may be.
Lisa Murkowski
Like the winds that we come we know not whence and blow whither soever they list, the forces of society are derived from an obscure and distant origin. They arise before the date of philosophy, from the instincts, not the speculations of men.
Adam Ferguson
‘Hispanic’ is English for a person of Latino origin who wants to be accepted by the white status quo. ‘Latino’ is the word we have always used for ourselves.
Sandra Cisneros
Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire.
Ludwig von Mises
At the end of the day, the sovereignty of maleness is an illusion. In essence and in origin, we are all entirely female.
It is quite moving to hold a piece of Mars in your hands and to reflect on its incredible interplanetary journey, and the science that gives confidence as to the origin of this unusual rock.
Steve Jurvetson
Each play I write has its own unique origin story.
Lynn Nottage
Freud’s view is that all love is sexual in its origin or its basis. Even those loves which do not appear to be sexual or erotic have a sexual root or core. They are all sublimations of the sexual instinct.
Mortimer Adler
I volunteered at Ayuda, in the office, on a regular basis, and I did everything from fingerprinting and interviewing persons of Hispanic origin who entered the country without inspection and who were seeking work-authorization permits.
Thomas Hardiman
My early childhood prepared me to be a social psychologist. I grew up in a South Bronx ghetto in a very poor family. From Sicilian origin, I was the first person in my family to complete high school, let alone go to college.
Philip Zimbardo
It’s not my place to say how Zoe Saldana perceives herself, and I can’t say how anybody else perceives her, either. I see her as a black person of Hispanic origin, but I don’t even know what that really means, because I don’t know anything about race and Hispanic culture.
India Arie
As life nears its end with me, I find myself meditating more and more upon the mystery of its nature and origin, yet without the least hope that I can find out the ways of the Eternal in this or in any other world.
John Burroughs
Man may be considered as having a twofold origin – natural, which is common and the same to all – patronymic, which belongs to the various families of which the whole human race is composed.
Adam Clarke
A fly cannot go in unless it stops somewhere; therefore weapons, fuel, food, money will not go to Afghanistan unless the neighbors of Afghanistan are working, are cooperating, either being themselves the origin or the transit.
Lakhdar Brahimi
The rules of origin in NAFTA need some tightening. Rules of origin are what let material outside of NAFTA to come in and benefit from all the taxes and tariff reductions within NAFTA.
Wilbur Ross
Meanwhile, my residence within the Federal lines, and my acquaintance with so many of the officers, the origin of which I have already mentioned, enabled me to gain much important information as to the position and designs of the enemy.
Belle Boyd
All riches have their origin in mind. Wealth is in ideas – not money.
Robert Collier
Nothing can have as its destination anything other than its origin. The contrary idea, the idea of progress, is poison.
Simone Weil
Tax dollars intended for science education must not be used to teach creationism as any sort of real explanation of nature, because any observation or process of inference about our origin and the nature of the universe disproves creationism in every respect.
Bill Nye
The origin of life is one of the great outstanding mysteries of science.
Paul Davies
Already at the origin of the species man was equal to what he was destined to become.
Jean Rostand
I believe, certainly in the NHL, a player who can help a team win because he can contribute on the ice is going to be coveted whatever his beliefs may be or whoever he may be. That goes to national origin, religious beliefs, or sexuality.
Gary Bettman
My favorite crypted is definitely Yeti because it’s once removed. It’s not as popular as Bigfoot or Sasquatch, but it’s more exciting. Yetis are of Tibetan origin, China or so, around Russia. They’re more of a snow-based giant hominid. Apes living up in the snow? That doesn’t make any sense! Well! People have seen them.
Rhys Darby
Many have puzzled themselves about the origin of evil. I am content to observe that there is evil, and that there is a way to escape from it, and with this I begin and end.
John Newton
To speak about yourself, you must first be able to assemble a sense of origin. For descendants of slaves, this has proved one of the most precious losses of self-knowledge we’ve endured.
Thomas Chatterton Williams
Ridley Scott’s ‘Prometheus’ is a magnificent science-fiction film, all the more intriguing because it raises questions about the origin of human life and doesn’t have the answers.
Roger Ebert
In America, we all come from somewhere else, and we carry along some dream myth of home: a notion that something – our point of origin, our roots, the home country – is out there.
Bobbie Ann Mason
If you read the whole Vertigo ‘Animal Man’ series of 89 issues or whatever, each writer has a completely different take on his origin. If you try to put them all together, they contradict one another. I had to pick and choose to make up a new origin that makes sense to new readers.
Jeff Lemire
I grew up very inspired by ‘Superman One’ and by kind of the promise of the genre of what a superhero origin story can do.
Patty Jenkins