Words matter. These are the best Countryside Quotes from famous people such as Jason Clarke, Martin McDonagh, Kate Grenville, Cherie Lunghi, Gary Wright, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
I’m glad to have grown up in the countryside and played, and had to use my imagination rather than a TV and had to learn to act the hard way, to have dealt with the rejection. It’s a life as well as a job, at the end the day, we all have to work for a living, but we have to have a life as well.
Ireland was an idyllic place for us as children. We had all these cousins and all this green countryside. Given what I’ve written about rural Ireland, my memories of it are all blue skies and endless play.
For years I’ve wanted to write about the Australian countryside, but, like most Australians, I’ve only got a tourist’s knowledge of it. I thought that if I disobeyed that basic rule of writing – write about what you know – I’d write a thin and inauthentic book.
At the beginning of my acting career, I worked for two seasons at the RSC and spent a lot of time in the Cotswolds exploring Shakespeare’s countryside. It’s my kind of English landscape, with its tiny villages and one-room thatched pubs.
We lived on a farm in the English countryside, where we wrote a lot of our music. You really were treated like an artist during those days-not like product, which is now the mode.
Ireland was an idyllic place for us as children. We had all these cousins and all this green countryside. Given what I’ve written about rural Ireland, my memories of it are all blue skies and endless play.
I’m not one of those people who escapes to the countryside at weekends.
I have, I must admit, despised the English countryside for much of my life – despised it and avoided it for its want of danger and adventure.
Japan was this wonderful unexplainable sensual explosion – everything about it I found fascinating. There’s a real dichotomy between the ‘Blade Runner’-esque Tokyo to visiting a Buddhist monastery in the countryside.
Both me and my wife’s extended family all live within a 50-mile radius. Like me, a lot of them did time in London then started drifting back to the countryside and the sea. Perhaps it’s a homing instinct.
I grew up in the countryside.
I live in a beautiful village in the middle of the countryside, and being able to disappear off on my bike for a couple of hours two or three times a week is a wonderful way to relax.
Stress is the demon in our society, stalking the cities and the countryside, striking down young and old and growing in strength daily.
Research the venue and location before outfit shopping, as it helps set the mood and style focus: a traditional wedding in the countryside offers a different set of sartorial rules to a tropical, beach vibe, for instance.
The Chinese countryside has become a slave labour camp and dumping ground for every imaginable pollutant. The rural peasantry is being sucked dry by corrupt government tax collectors.
Afghanistan is a rural nation, where 85 percent of people live in the countryside. And out there it’s very, very conservative, very tribal – almost medieval.
I love London. I love England. We were out in the countryside and I had the time of my life.
In L.A. you live in a big city, but you feel like you’re in the countryside. For example, I can be at home in the swimming pool and be five minutes from everything.
Two things revolutionised life: moving to the countryside and falling in love.
I’ve always been sort of interested in the rural countryside. Things happen out there that are very strange to city dwellers.
I grew up in the countryside, so I had quite a feral life up until the age of about fourteen.
Natural life, lived naturally as it is lived in the countryside, has none of that progress which is the base of happiness. Men and women in rural communities can be compared to a spring that rises out of a rock and spreads in irregular ever-widening circles. But the general principle is static.
I prefer the simple things and I love walking in the countryside, or going camping… but simplicity is hard. It’s easier to over-complicate things.
I was born and brought up in the countryside. I used to live in a sort of converted stables on the grounds of a castle, and I spent a lot of my childhood running around with a pretend sword pretending to be Robert the Bruce.
I love the countryside, which is where I live and feel most comfortable, and hate being surrounded by herds of people.
I love to see a wood full of bluebells. Growing up in the Kent countryside, I have special memories of this brief annual spectacle.
I grew up in a small town in Sudan. There weren’t many cars, so we did things in the countryside near where we lived.
I grew up in Sant Esteve Sesrovires, a small village near Barcelona. My house was near the countryside, so there was a lot of nature, and at the same time my village is surrounded by factories. That conditioned me a little bit.
I’m very aware of modern countryside issues, such as rewilding: how, as science progresses, we begin to understand that a healthy ecosystem is multiform.
I grew up in a miniature village in the middle of the countryside in England, quite secluded from the outside world. I was always enamored by the fashion industry.
I grew up in the English countryside, raising ducks and chickens.
I miss Brighton enormously, enormously. There is so much I miss, including rain. I miss the verdant countryside.
I grew up in a small town in Sudan. There weren’t many cars, so we did things in the countryside near where we lived.
A wealthy landowner cannot cultivate and improve his farm without spreading comfort and well-being around him. Rich and abundant crops, a numerous population and a prosperous countryside are the rewards for his efforts.
I miss Brighton enormously, enormously. There is so much I miss, including rain. I miss the verdant countryside.
Only in the English countryside could violent death remain something that is ‘cosy.’
The English tradition offers the great tapestry novel, where you have the emotional aspect of a detective’s personal life, the circumstances of the crime and, most important, the atmosphere of the English countryside that functions as another character.
I prefer the countryside to cities. This is also true of my films: I have made more films in rural societies, and villages, than in towns.
I really, really missed the Pennsylvania countryside and hills.
We live in the countryside, 15 minutes from the closest town, so I would never have time to drive and go somewhere. So I have a personal trainer come to my house, normally three times a week, and we do circuit training depending on what I need.
In the countryside, you’re always hearing sheep, birds, tractors and farm equipment.
Because I live in the countryside, I want a building which encourages me to have a fully formed relationship with the environment. It gives me an opportunity to not just be inside or outside, but in a range of contexts.
I was one of the many kids in Northern Ireland who grew up in the countryside and had an idyllic childhood well away from the Troubles.
I like the countryside. I like chopping wood. I’d like to be a carpenter.
In my early 20s, there was a period when all I owned was about a dozen CDs and a crappy Discman. I’d listen to ‘The Man Who Sold The World’ album endlessly as I sat on off-peak trains jerking around the Sussex countryside to and from the asylum I worked in.
I prefer the simple things and I love walking in the countryside, or going camping… but simplicity is hard. It’s easier to over-complicate things.
The widespread use of pesticides in the French countryside, and its worrying effects on nature and the environment, had troubled me for years.
Hobbits are an unobtrusive but very ancient people, more numerous formerly than they are today; for they love peace and quiet and good tilled earth: a well-ordered and well-farmed countryside was their favourite haunt.
If I lived my life over again I would stay in the countryside. I prefer the countryside, the milking of the cows and the sheep.
At home, I hardly ever leave London. I don’t like the countryside in England.
I like to wake up late, around 11 A.M., especially if I have been out the night before. Then I go to brunch with either my friends or my girlfriend. I then like to just chill out: read the papers, read some scripts and then take it very easy. If it’s sunny, I go for a walk with my dog, Niles, in the countryside.
I bridled strongly when Labour introduced their Right to Roam, fearing that it would be misused by the hard Left to stir up unnecessary trouble in the countryside. In fact, greater access to the uplands has been a very good thing.
I would head to the countryside for peace and silence. That would be the best way, away from panicked, hysterical people.
What makes me really happy is a walk in the English countryside. A nice sunset, that British countryside – it means I’m home.
My partner, Patrick, and I live in an old house in Belgium that was built in 1840 and is out in the countryside between Antwerp and Brussels.
We wouldn’t have to speak so critically if businesses would stop feeding dead animals to live ones, putting non-food substances into food, tinkering with genetic codes, and spraying the countryside with poisons.
I live in the English countryside, so I’m surrounded by magpies.
Am I happiest on the farm or out in the middle? I am a cricketer, but the farm is a very special place and I absolutely love being in the countryside and getting away from the bubble. I like to think I’m a farmer, but there’s so much experience that goes into that.
I really feel that my body craves to be in the mountains or by the ocean or in the countryside.
Since I was a kid, I inherited my dad’s love for animals and wildlife, even for the ones we had around the house in the French countryside, a ‘smaller’ kind of nature. Then, as I grew up, I looked more deeply into the African continent and its wildlife.
I have a house in the Connecticut countryside where you’ll always find me, summer or winter.
When I came to Johannesburg from the countryside, I knew nobody, but many strangers were very kind to me. I then was dragged into politics, and then, subsequently, I became a lawyer.
Am I happiest on the farm or out in the middle? I am a cricketer, but the farm is a very special place and I absolutely love being in the countryside and getting away from the bubble. I like to think I’m a farmer, but there’s so much experience that goes into that.
I was brought up in the countryside in Ireland and would go bonkers if I couldn’t escape the city. I like to wake and hear birds tweeting, not the low drone of traffic.
I don’t make any notes, but I do know where to find things. Suppose I need to know where Wexford first talked about his love of the countryside or where he quotes Larkin or what was the beginning of his hatred of racism or where he first encountered domestic violence; I would be able to find it straight away.
I come from the deep countryside. My family was in farming. I was not really exposed to business. Coming from that environment, I just wanted in my life to go overseas – that was a childhood dream because I wanted diversity, contacts, cultural meetings with others.
I’ve never seen anywhere in the world as beautiful as Kashmir. It has something to do with the fact that the valley is very small and the mountains are very big, so you have this miniature countryside surrounded by the Himalayas, and it’s just spectacular. And it’s true, the people are very beautiful too.
When I go home, I go to my house in the countryside. I don’t hang out in Dublin. I go home to be with my family and have a rest and so on. I don’t know anything about the Irish music scene, and I’ve never felt part of it.
When I worked in the city, it was about survival. Now when I work in the countryside, I feel like I’m truly living.
My life has been that of someone who has moved from the countryside to the society. To make that transition, I have had to learn a lot.
I moved to New York when I was 15, but my parents lived nearby in Connecticut, so I could go be in this incredible countryside when I needed it.
Society in the English countryside is still strangely, quaintly divided. If black comedy and a certain type of social commentary are what you want, I think English rural communities offer quite a lot of material.
My wife and kids like the quiet and the countryside – I still find that kind of quiet hard to listen to.
My mom used to call us ‘free range kids,’ like free range chickens… We roamed the countryside.
My grandfather loved the countryside.
I love long power walks in the countryside.
As early as December 1945, I accompanied my wife and a few relatives in their return from evacuation in the countryside to Cologne, where over the years we settled down in a destroyed house.
I like the countryside. I like chopping wood. I’d like to be a carpenter.
New roads carve up the countryside, dispelling peace, creating a penumbra of noise, pollution and ugliness. Their effects spread for many miles.
I suppose most crime writing is urban. There’s not a lot… certainly not in Australia, people don’t often set books in the countryside.
It is quite interesting that whilst there are tremendous theories, in the 1960s when IT was born, everybody was supposedly going to their cottage in the countryside to work in a virtual way.
I grew up in the countryside riding horses, and I also ride every holiday in Spain, which is where I was born. It’s a big part of my life.
London is not a healthy place. I feel much healthier when I’m living in the countryside or, indeed, anywhere out of London. When I go back to the countryside to visit my mother, I get out of the car, and suddenly there’s great wafts of fresh air.
Of course, we all know Italy is an amazing country. We have stunning coastlines and a scenic countryside. We have a climate that allows us to spend a lot of time outdoors. We have fashion, we have food. But life in Italy is so good that sometimes we tend to rest on our laurels.
Britain still has the most reliably beautiful countryside of anywhere in the world. I would hate to be part of the generation that allowed that to be lost.
What makes me really happy is a walk in the English countryside. A nice sunset, that British countryside – it means I’m home.
I’m just fascinated by visiting actual castles in the countryside.
If you actually hang out in the countryside, which I did, it’s actually quite peaceful.
Lake Taupo is on the north island of New Zealand and in the countryside. I absolutely fell in love with it.
We habitually engage in meddling with nature. Until this century most of this meddling was good. Witness the preservation of the European countryside. But since then we’ve smoked it up and littered it and dumped too much in too many waters. I don’t think it’s our privilege to behave this way.
The countryside, particularly, is very good for my head.
I grew up in the countryside and always used to wear my parents’ Barbour jackets. It is a fantastic British heritage brand.
My brother and I were brought up outdoors. We appreciate the countryside; we appreciate nature and everything about it.
The countryside in Belfast is beautiful. No technical wizardry is needed to show quite how glorious it is in its natural state.
I grew up in a little funny town called Xuzhou, in the countryside, very poor. We didn’t have hot water. We were four children: three girls and a boy.
I grew up in the countryside in the middle of nowhere in England and got out as soon as I could!
Hobbits are an unobtrusive but very ancient people, more numerous formerly than they are today; for they love peace and quiet and good tilled earth: a well-ordered and well-farmed countryside was their favourite haunt.
Of course, we all know Italy is an amazing country. We have stunning coastlines and a scenic countryside. We have a climate that allows us to spend a lot of time outdoors. We have fashion, we have food. But life in Italy is so good that sometimes we tend to rest on our laurels.
For most of my childhood, I grew up in the countryside of England, where it was very suburban – there weren’t a lot of people who were multicultural like my family. It was a place where the blonde and brunette girls in school were considered gorgeous. And because of that, I remember feeling like I wasn’t good enough.
The countryside, particularly, is very good for my head.
This is going to make me sound ancient, but I remember Juhu Beach when there weren’t any buildings on it. You’d go through countryside and arrive at this amazing beach. I remember driving from Delhi to the Qutab Minar through countryside. Mehrauli was a little village – that’s all gone.
I’m a man with many defects. I love. I sing. I dream. I was born in the poor countryside. I was raised in the countryside, planting corn and selling sweets made by my grandmother. My children, my two daughters are with me and I want a better world for my grandchildren, for your grandchildren.
It doesn’t matter if it’s soggy or it’s sunny, there are so many lovely roads and awesome rugged countryside in Scotland – that’s what makes it.
In spite of holidays when I was free to visit London theatres and explore the countryside, I spent four very miserable years as a colonial at an English school.
That image of the countryside being a threatening place still exists. People continue to resist the challenge of learning about aspects of life they don’t understand.
But the good news is that out in the countryside, just about every place that’s got a zip code has somebody or some group of people battling the economic and political exclusion that Wall Street and Washington are shoving down our throats.
I was brought up in a very open, rural countryside in the middle of nowhere. There were no cell phones. If your lights went out, you were lit by candlelight for a good four days before they can get to you. And so, my imagination was crazy.
I wish people would take more care of the countryside.
As a little girl living in the English countryside, I used to go running around in the forests, creating my own fairy tale.
When I worked in the city, it was about survival. Now when I work in the countryside, I feel like I’m truly living.
Slow, skinny, and an utter countryside coward: I lived in dread of nettles, spiders, and the very sound of a wasp. As a victim, I was beneath the dignity of the bullies in my year but fair game to the ones in the year below.
My brother and I were brought up outdoors. We appreciate the countryside; we appreciate nature and everything about it.
Windmills are going to be the death of Scotland and even England if they don’t do something about them. They are ruining the countryside.
Where I live is about an hour and a half West of London. I live in the countryside… It’s a classic little village, and it’s idyllic in a lot of ways.
I grew up in the countryside, in literally the middle of nowhere. We had one neighbor and a lot of sheep.
I grew up in the English countryside, raising ducks and chickens.
What I discovered all over Ireland is that people living simple lives by the sea or in the remote countryside seem a lot calmer than city folk with their iPads and their Android phones.
I grew up in the countryside in Saitama prefecture, north of Tokyo.
I grew up in the New Zealand countryside. We didn’t have television until I was 14, so sing-alongs were our only entertainment.
It is quite interesting that whilst there are tremendous theories, in the 1960s when IT was born, everybody was supposedly going to their cottage in the countryside to work in a virtual way.
I long for the countryside. That’s where I get my calm and tranquillity – from being able to come and find a spot of green.
I love long power walks in the countryside.
The widespread use of pesticides in the French countryside, and its worrying effects on nature and the environment, had troubled me for years.
Two things revolutionised life: moving to the countryside and falling in love.
In Surrey, we’re surrounded by countryside and wildlife. And I love my garden. My father was never more at peace than when he was in his garden. I’ve inherited his green fingers.
I grew up in the countryside with the factory here, my house 200 metres away, my grandma’s house 50 metres away, in a kind of old-style Italian society where everyone works for the family business, everyone lives nearby, and the people you spend your time with are your family.
I was brought up on a council estate in the countryside near Stoke Prior in Worcestershire, but I adored visiting the farm where my father worked.
Whether it has been supporting Corby’s new free school, or fighting for the truth on the Cube overspend and land development deals, or striving to protect the East Northamptonshire countryside, in my work as the local MP I have always been struck, as I said in my maiden speech, by the pride people have in our area.
I’ve realized that I really like spending time in the countryside and having a garden.
I grew up in Colombo but was lucky enough to spend a lot of time in the countryside as well. Although there was considerable turbulence, even in the 1950s, it did not throw a shadow on my consciousness.
Very early on, I was writing stories, and I was amazed at Spielberg’s movies when I was young. Coming from the countryside, I was so impressed with the way he was able to tell stories and the way he was able to deal with le merveilleux – the wonders.
Well, I just said that Jesus and I were both Jewish and that neither of us ever had a job, we never had a home, we never married and we traveled around the countryside irritating people.
Have you ever been to the countryside? It’s so small. And there’s nothing to do.
I usually live an extremely normal life, since I live in the countryside. Even when people call me ‘famous’ and such, I can’t really fathom it, even now.
I grew up in the New Zealand countryside. We didn’t have television until I was 14, so sing-alongs were our only entertainment.
Japan was this wonderful unexplainable sensual explosion – everything about it I found fascinating. There’s a real dichotomy between the ‘Blade Runner’-esque Tokyo to visiting a Buddhist monastery in the countryside.
Apart from its dangers, much of Iraq isn’t very interesting to look at. The landscape is flat and dun colored. The dirt just beyond the highway is littered with hunks of twisted and mangled metal, some of it the detritus of wars, some of it just unclaimed junk. The countryside looks muddy and broken.
I prefer the countryside to cities. This is also true of my films: I have made more films in rural societies, and villages, than in towns.
Well, I just said that Jesus and I were both Jewish and that neither of us ever had a job, we never had a home, we never married and we traveled around the countryside irritating people.
I’m certainly not squeamish at all. The countryside makes you very aware of birth and death.
I would head to the countryside for peace and silence. That would be the best way, away from panicked, hysterical people.
I think that a lot of people will agree that Donegal is the countryside, it’s trees and fields, but especially when you’re a kid you can make so much out of that.
I grew up in the countryside as a normal kid.
The ideological and cultural revolutions have been promoted successfully in the countryside with the result that the ideological and spiritual qualities of our agricultural working people have been transformed remarkably, and a great development has also been achieved in the realm of cultural life in the countryside.
I was brought up in a flat in North London – virtually the last building in London, because north of us was countryside all the way to the coast, and south of us was non-stop London for 20 miles.
When we went to Belfast we saw some beautiful countryside and coastlines.
In our fervor to halt the potential spread of totalitarianism, what incredible precedent are we setting in Vietnam? By marching our legions through the countryside of foreign continents, burning homes, laying waste to the land, and indiscriminately killing friend and foe alike?
They don’t have a lot of crime in the countryside other than theft. But every once in a while, things turn ugly, and when they turn ugly, they turn very ugly.
For such a small country, Britain packs in an amazing diversity of landscapes: coastline, lakes, mountains, rolling countryside, villages and great cities.
With ‘Stones is His Pockets’ you have effectively a bare stage with two actors and yet a whole world in rural Ireland is created. There’s the countryside, the bar interior, the dressing room and the star’s bedroom.
I grew up in the countryside, and I was obsessed with horses and wildlife.
My life has been that of someone who has moved from the countryside to the society. To make that transition, I have had to learn a lot.
Research the venue and location before outfit shopping, as it helps set the mood and style focus: a traditional wedding in the countryside offers a different set of sartorial rules to a tropical, beach vibe, for instance.
I live in the English countryside, so I’m surrounded by magpies.
That’s one of the things I miss most about Australia – the countryside.
Most of the black women who lived in the lower end of Vrededorp came from the countryside and were there to be near their menfolk who worked in the mines. They spoke neither English nor Afrikaans.
If you’re going to learn how to ride a bike as an adult, do it somewhere where there’s no people in the middle of the countryside. Don’t do it where people are born on bikes basically.
I have, I must admit, despised the English countryside for much of my life – despised it and avoided it for its want of danger and adventure.
Natural life, lived naturally as it is lived in the countryside, has none of that progress which is the base of happiness. Men and women in rural communities can be compared to a spring that rises out of a rock and spreads in irregular ever-widening circles. But the general principle is static.
In the countryside, litter doesn’t have a friend. It doesn’t have anybody who’s saying, ‘Wait a minute, this is really starting to get out of control.’