Top 160 Draws Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Draws Quotes from famous people such as Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, Martin Kippenberger, Engelbert Humperdinck, Raymond Moody, Justin Tranter, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Our own self-love draws a thick veil between us and our

Our own self-love draws a thick veil between us and our faults.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
My style is where you see the individual and where a personality is communicated through actions, decisions, single objects and facts, where the whole draws together to form a history.
Martin Kippenberger
The pomp, power, and military bombast of ‘La Marseillaise’ draws me into the history of France and my own. The surname I was born with was French: D’Orsay; perhaps an ancestor was amongst those troops that marched to this evocative anthem for the first time as they entered Paris 200 years ago!
Engelbert Humperdinck
The subject of death is taboo. We feel, perhaps only subconsciously, that to be in contact with death in any way, even indirectly, somehow confronts us with the prospect of our own deaths, draws our own deaths closer and makes them more real and thinkable.
Raymond Moody
Even though L.A. can be kind of tacky, when a city’s big draws are The Roxy and the Viper Room, you know its pretty amazing.
Justin Tranter
Sometimes when your coach draws something up, you just kind of go with it.
Kyle Lowry
There’s always something more to be accomplished with a character. Theater is a human experience. There’s nothing shellacked or finished off about it. I guess that’s why it always draws me back.
Sada Thompson
Fox News has a very-high-income audience, and I think that any business channel automatically draws that. We’re not gonna reach for a lower financial demographic.
Roger Ailes
I love a beautiful, soaring, singable melody. But what really draws me to a song, at the end of the day, is the words.
Lari White
I describe management as arts, crafts and science. It is a practice that draws on arts, craft and science and there is a lot of craft – meaning experience – there is a certain amount of craft meaning insight, creativity and vision, and there is the use of science, technique or analysis.
Henry Mintzberg
Why does it have to be politics? Is there a dynamism to that world and a theoretical capacity to do things that draws many talented people? Absolutely. Are there other ways to be involved and lead an interesting life? Of course.
Eliot Spitzer
Those who embrace belief in Christ Jesus are bound together in Him, in a real yet incomplete way, in his Body, the Church. Faith is never a solitary activity, nor can it be simply private. Faith in Christ always draws us into a community and has a public dimension.
Vincent Nichols
The fact that a New Hampshire legislator’s position is not seen as a career or a way of supporting a family has meant that it draws women. At times, I think men who might be looking for a paid career have known that they couldn’t make one out of serving in the legislature. So there’s a little more space for women.
Maggie Hassan
We don’t cover too many draws in Test cricket and its great: it means the cricket is more interesting, more exciting.
Jonathan Agnew
My freshman year, the hate was all directed toward Danny Ferry. And every year, there’s some new poor sucker at Duke who draws the ire of everybody.
Christian Laettner
The picture which the philosopher draws of the world is surely not one in which every stroke is necessitated by pure logic.
Morris Raphael Cohen
There is a kind of adventure- and risk-seeking audience in classical contemporary music that is really empowering and part of what draws me to it. The people that come to these concerts are open-minded and curious.
Bryce Dessner
What draws me in is that a trip is a leap in the dark. It’s like a metaphor for life. You set off from home, and in the classic travel book, you go to an unknown place. You discover a different world, and you discover yourself.
Paul Theroux
I’ve just been competitive all my life. That draws from a competitive family. We’re all athletes, and we’re all trying to win no matter what it is, whether it’s Scrabble or basketball.
Myles Garrett
The most important impact of technology on communications security is that it draws better and better traffic into vulnerable channels.
Whitfield Diffie
I’m not very good at thinking, ‘This is the thing I should do now to help my career.’ I mean, I want to keep my career going, but that’s not what draws me to a story.
Andrew Haigh
Inarritu’s films focus on the repercussions of a single act that draws people together and simultaneously throws their lives into chaos.
Elvis Mitchell
You know when you play Pictionary and someone draws a state? My biggest fear is that I’m not gonna know what state it is. I’m so bad at geography.
Melora Hardin
Nature is a dictionary; one draws words from it.
Eugene Delacroix
I know certainly, when one job draws to a close, that I feel I’m simply never going to work again. No one will ever want me for anything ever again. I think that’s a vulnerable moment in every actor’s life, and it happens every time you finish a film.
Anjelica Huston
Once I started down the path of co-founding Image Comics, and even co-publisher, it just seems a lot more like a career path that isn’t that atypical for someone with a college degree. Whereas, someone who draws comic books as a freelancer and lives from job to job is a more unusual story.
Jim Lee
I’m not really a guy who draws on things from my own past. I think if you’re a competent actor with a good imagination, and if it’s on the page, it makes your job a lot easier. If it’s well written, it allows your imagination to run wild and draw inspiration from that.
Miguel Ferrer
YouTube Live @ E3 is going to be different than the kind of show I would make for TV. In fact, one of the main draws is the opportunity to work side by side with many of the top creators on YouTube.
Geoff Keighley
When school officials want to get a teacher out of the classroom, they have to go through an arduous and multi-year process involving hearings and appeals and lawyers and more hearings. All the while, the teacher draws full pay.
Mike Gallagher
It is important to emphasize that guerrilla warfare is a war of the masses, a war of the people. The guerrilla band is an armed nucleus, the fighting vanguard of the people. It draws its great force from the mass of the people themselves.
Che Guevara
Browbeating the tech industry for a problem that does not exist also draws attention away from the real problems with Google and other tech companies.
Mazie Hirono
You fall into my arms. You are the good gift of destruc

You fall into my arms. You are the good gift of destruction’s path, When life sickens more than disease. And boldness is the root of beauty. Which draws us together.
Boris Pasternak
One of the rudest things you can do, food-wise, is to stare at someone in the act of eating. It draws attention to the unseemly fact that eating is a bodily function – like animals, we are trapped by our hungers, but we do our best to disguise them with such civilized props as menus and forks.
Bee Wilson
Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world… Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
You’d better believe that Putin sees that in Syria, Obama draws a red line and ignores the red line.
Ted Cruz
As a professional, you’re taught from a young age to despise losing. But I began to accept that, in football, you will win some games, and you will lose some games, with draws here and there, too. That’s just the nature of the game.
Craig Bellamy
Watson augments human decision-making because it isn’t governed by human boundaries. It draws together all this information and forms hypotheses, millions of them, and then tests them with all the data it can find. It learns over time what data is reliable, and that’s part of its learning process.
Ginni Rometty
Dragon’s Lair’ we played a lot as kids. It’s a fun game to look at – it’s not a very fun game to play. Everyone who played it as a kid had the same experience: It’s outrageously expensive, it looks really cool, it draws you in like a magnet, and then it just takes your money and is very frustrating.
Matt Duffer
Let my body be delivered to the earth without attention to the place where it lies; nothing should be associated with my dusty remains. Shame on him who draws any attention to a rotted flesh that is already no longer mine: he is worshipping the worms nibbling it.
Nikolai Gogol
It’s the imagination that is involved in sci-fi, and fantasy is what draws me to it. Stories, everything.
Mark Sheppard
A stylish person, for me, is one who draws your eye without necessarily being showy; they wear clothes that are beautifully cut, flatter the wearer, and show that they are not impervious to fashion, but not a slave to it either.
Jojo Moyes
You can’t relate to a superhero, to a superman, but you can identify with a real man who in times of crisis draws forth some extraordinary quality from within himself and triumphs but only after a struggle.
Timothy Dalton
There is a reactionary conservative side of classical music, which is not the most exciting side of it. The side that draws me in, there’s a real encouragement of risk-taking, going back to masters of that tradition like Beethoven and Bartok and Stravinsky.
Bryce Dessner
My art should have a lightness and sweetness. Especially since it has heavy and triggering subject matters, I prefer to present it in a way that’s palatable and draws people in.
Zoe Buckman
I mix everything up. A museum curator once said to me that there is a great jazz component to the way I do things because good jazz is improvisation and draws elements from all different cultures. And that’s the way I do everything – the way I dress and decorate.
Iris Apfel
I have discovered the secret of happiness – it is work, either with the hands or the head. The moment I have something to do, the draughts are open and my chimney draws, and I am happy.
John Burroughs
Reasoning draws a conclusion, but does not make the conclusion certain, unless the mind discovers it by the path of experience.
Roger Bacon
Every artist preserves deep within him a single source from which, throughout his lifetime, he draws what he is, and what he says. When the source dries up, the work withers and crumbles.
Albert Camus
The whole image thing gets in the way. Then there are the guys that it excites them and it’s what draws them to me. But I don’t know whether they would care for me if I didn’t have this image.
Picabo Street
Intersectionality draws attention to invisibilities that exist in feminism, in anti-racism, in class politics, so, obviously, it takes a lot of work to consistently challenge ourselves to be attentive to aspects of power that we don’t ourselves experience.
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
Aboriginal art and culture draws from the land, for Aboriginality and the land are essential to each other and are inseparable.
Paul Keating
If Obama’s enormous symbolic power draws primarily from being the country’s first black president, it also draws from his membership in hip-hop’s foundational generation.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Fomenting an ongoing political crisis is actually one of ISIS’s objectives; it distracts policymakers’ attention from terrorists inside Iraq; and it draws critical Iraqi security forces and law enforcement away from the front lines of the battle against ISIS.
Will Hurd
When I started working at NASA and understanding what the capabilities really were of the space station and the space program, one of the biggest draws for me was the ability to do experiments in space. We can do a number of experiments where gravity is actually a variable.
Kathleen Rubins
I think celebrity is such a weird word. I see myself as, like, a personality. I hate saying the word ‘YouTuber’ because it draws so much negative attention but I think personality is the best way to put it.
David Dobrik
NSF is the only federal agency with a proven track record of selecting education projects through a rigorous, careful and competitive process that draws on a wide variety of experts from outside government.
Bob Inglis
And you know, when you take on something like this, you read a book like this, you know that it’s going to be an adventure. That’s part of what draws you to it.
Lawrence Kasdan
My books were always full of ink blots, always stained and covered with smeared sketches and pictures, which one draws idly when his attention wanders from his task.
Pierre Loti
I don’t hide out. If you build a wall around yourself, it draws people to invade it. Fear is the enemy.
Matt Dillon
Character is power; it makes friends, draws patronage and support and opens the way to wealth, honor and happiness.
John Howe
I’m proud of my record at the Revs – 299 games, 110 wins, 108 draws, 81 losses – but even if I was to get the chance to coach those last two years again – 2010 and 2011 – I reckon I’d still have found it difficult to ensure a different outcome.
Steve Nicol
Not everyone is fortunate enough to earn their living playing. But what draws people to art and artists is a desire to enjoy the propinquity of play. For it is the very freedom of the imagination. And what else were we born to do, but imagine freely?
Howard Jacobson
Unlike a high-wire walker, I don't think any musician s

Unlike a high-wire walker, I don’t think any musician strikes the wires of a piano or draws a bow across a violin’s strings primarily for the kick of an adrenalin fix. There is danger on stage, but dropped notes are not broken bones; a memory lapse is not a tumble to the ground.
Stephen Hough
I’m not a particularly shiny, happy person. I’m fairly cynical, and that’s what draws me to comedy.
Elizabeth Banks
Fashion is inspired by youth and nostalgia and draws inspiration from the best of the past.
Lana Del Rey
What I wanted to do was to get that sense of being in touch with this lost world while holding onto what draws readers and audiences there in the first place.
Stephen Greenblatt
A western audience might not appreciate ‘Chanakya’s Chant’ because of its dependence on history and ancient statecraft. My book is a modern-day thriller that draws on a bedrock of history. My primary object is to entertain, not educate.
Ashwin Sanghi
Except during the nine months before he draws his first breath, no man manages his affairs as well as a tree does.
George Bernard Shaw
ISIS itself, it draws its central belief system from the Koran and from the writings of the Prophet Muhammad. That is undeniable. And it’s a medieval interpretation of it. It is a literal interpretation of it.
Jack Keane
I loved ‘Homeland’ – it’s such an intriguing, intelligent piece of television, and I am fascinated by them making a hero and heroine that are so odd, so flawed and so complicated. It is a programme that really draws you in.
Lindsay Duncan
Who doesn’t love ‘Frogger?’ It draws its power from our shared memories of powerlessness. Wherever we are now, at one time or another we have all felt the poor frog’s anxiety in the face of the world’s intransigence, its blind and callous disregard for our happiness or well-being.
D. B. Weiss
Powerful drawing hands, like a pair with a flush draw or even conventional straight and flush draws, are often good opportunities to try a semi-bluff – making a bet or raise that you hope will not be called, but leaves you some outs if it is.
Daniel Negreanu
We focus way too much on the front of our midsection, which, in the process, over-strengthens and draws the torso forward so you end up with shorter-looking abs. Focus on lengthening by working your lower back instead. This will give your midsection a full overhaul.
Harley Pasternak
The power of the story sheds a light and great perspective on well known facts. The power of cinema draws on that collective history.
Cate Blanchett
Dear friends, we may well sing to our Beloved when it is near the time of our departure. It draws near, and as it approaches, we must not dread it, but rather thank God for it.
Charles Spurgeon
You know, motherhood is my favourite topic in my personal life and I won’t shut up about it, but it’s not something I want to discuss publicly just because of the amount of attention it draws to a small person who didn’t choose to be exposed.
Isla Fisher
One cannot judge the poll outcome by the crowds one draws at public meetings.
N. Chandrababu Naidu
Everybody draws when they are little.
Keith Haring
‘Power’ is a funny thing. Maybe it’s a show that draws people in because they are watching people do things they secretly wish they could do or know they could get away with.
Omari Hardwick
Russia! Russia… Everything in you is open, desolate and level; your squat towns barely protrude in the midst of the plains like dots, like counters; there is nothing to tempt or enchant the onlooker’s gaze. But what is this inscrutable, mysterious force that draws me to you?
Nikolai Gogol
But when you have a coaching staff that draws the last play for you, you better go out there with the confidence.
Bojan Bogdanovic
Living animals are too eccentric in their movements, and the law of gravitation usually draws me from my seat upon them to a lower level; therefore, I am not an inveterate lover of horseback.
Charles Spurgeon
I’m always drawn to strong female leads, so that’s what drew me to ‘Lost Girl.’ I was a ‘Buffy’ fan and watched it with friends every week. I was also a big fan of ‘Alias’ when that was on – they both had strong female leads, and that’s what draws me in the most.
Anna Silk
God’s Word is alive and powerful! When you declare these words over your life, the truth of God’s Word draws forth the seeds of love that God deposits into us when we invite Jesus to be our Lord and Savior.
Victoria Osteen
Anything that would help me get my ranking up and get me seeded at tournaments will make my draws a lot easier and give me a much better opportunity to go deep in these tournaments.
Taylor Fritz
Forensic science offers great potential, as it draws on almost every discipline and, in doing so, creates widespread opportunity for innovation.
Mark Walport
Every man ultimately falls into the company with which he affiliates. And he is the strongest who draws men to himself, who creates the company; and this is through having a positive quality – courage and physical prowess.
Orison Swett Marden
‘The Grace of Kings’ draws on Western traditions as much as it does on Chinese traditions, though the bones of the story are drawn from the Chu-Han Contention period before the Han Dynasty.
Ken Liu
I try to use the attention that I get to help and to serve, and that’s really what I’d see as my work – to serve my community, serve the planet, serve my family. And I think a celebrity is someone who draws the attention on themselves, and then it kind of stops there.
Michael Franti
Imperialist enterprise draws political consequences.
C. L. R. James
There’s something about being afraid, about being small, about enforced humility that draws me to climbing.
Jon Krakauer
With two people and luggage on board she draws four inches of water. Two canoe paddles will move her along at a speed reasonable enough in moderate currents.
C. S. Forester
Get the shading right, the lighting right, and there are things you can do to make the CGI look more real. People end up going crazy and give themselves a little too much freedom in how they use CGI, and if you overuse it, it draws attention to itself.
Jon Favreau
When a child is born, the exact moment it draws its fir

When a child is born, the exact moment it draws its first breath should be noted, as that moment, and not the time of delivery, is the time of birth from the astrologer’s point of view.
Max Heindel
I’ve come to believe that what draws women to true crime tales is an instinctual understanding that this is the world they live in.
Megan Abbott
I try to create something that draws you in without overthinking it. Something that resonates with you automatically that you don’t have to think about. That’s what the best pop is about: Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Nirvana – these guys made some of the most authentic and popular music.
Frank Dukes
VR is so immersive, and when it works, it draws you into the story in a way that is truly unique and powerful.
Doug Liman
For me, clothing has always been connected to history. That’s what draws me in.
Liz Goldwyn
I don’t believe in updating. If a play works, it draws something from being true to its time.
Frank D. Gilroy
Beautiful tunes are all very good and fine, and great musicians are always great, but that alone isn’t enough. Most folks, when they see movies or hear records, need something that they find pulls them in, draws them in, and appeals to them beyond just the notes.
Ry Cooder
I swim in a sea of words. They flow around me and through me and, by a process that is not fully clear to me, some delicate hidden membrane draws forth the stuff that is the necessary condition of my life.
Geraldine Brooks
The relationship to one’s fellow man is the relationship of prayer, the relationship to oneself is the relationship of striving; it is from prayer that one draws the strength for one’s striving.
Franz Kafka
My wife and I often visit Rosales and the Ilokos as a matter of habit or whim induced by nostalgia, homesickness – whatever draws pilgrims to worshipped sanctuaries. Or, perhaps, what compels moths to seek the votive flame.
F. Sionil Jose
My routine prior to a big game is the same for any other match. Eat, sleep, chat with teammates during the day, and then, as the match draws near, I listen to my music on the trip to the stadium and zone in.
Gerard Pique
What always draws me back to the Caribbean vibes are the upbeat vibrations of welcoming melodies and positive energy exchange through the rhythms that make you feel like dancing with someone.
I love TV now, and ‘Modern Family,’ but what draws me back to theater is that initial instinct of wanting to be a theater actor. I love the challenge of starting a play and not stopping until you finish. I love the immediacy of trusting your instincts.
Jesse Tyler Ferguson
If it’s a good story, it’s a good story, and it draws readers in.
H. W. Brands
I looked at Willie Nelson and Farm Aid as a role model; they do it every year, and it draws people together, and drawing people together where they realize they’re not alone, to me, is strategic in healing.
Joe Walsh
‘Option B’ draws not just on my story but on the research and stories of many people overcoming all kinds of adversity. No one should have to go through challenges and trauma alone.
Sheryl Sandberg
To Catholic, Orthodox, and some Protestant Christians, communion involves partaking of the physical real presence of God in the bread and wine of the Eucharist. By contrast, the Torah draws the Jew into engagement with God’s infinite mind. Torah learning is the definitive Jewish mode of communion with God.
Meir Soloveichik
Americans have always prized individuality – it is part of our national DNA – but America is a community that draws strength from the sum of our people and has always known that the total of that sum is worth far more than its individual parts.
Evan Bayh
I’m most interested in people who’ve lived life in the extreme, which is what draws me to crime fiction.
Nick Petrie
People love to be told stories, but it’s the sugar that draws you into the theater.
Craig Bierko
Obviously, you need talent to do well in your sport, but I think hard work goes a long way. You need to be lucky within the sport too, though. In badminton, you can benefit from good draws and people getting injured.
Rajiv Ouseph
I’m a big horror fan, but I don’t enjoy a lot of gore and watching somebody cut their leg off for five hours. I like the older movies where it draws you into the suspense, that sort of shock and awe.
Jacqueline MacInnes Wood
It is clear to everyone that astronomy at all events compels the soul to look upwards, and draws it from the things of this world to the other.
Costa Rica, with its tourist-based economy and lack of a national army, has focused on keeping safe its beaches, parks and other public draws. It is one if the safest countries in Central America based on the number of homicides.
Laura Chinchilla
I can’t honestly account for the very personal response that I have to one story and not another, a sense of an orbit, the orbit of a world that draws me as my own life recedes.
Daniel Day-Lewis
And suns grow meek, and the meek suns grow brief, and the year smiles as it draws near its death.
William Cullen Bryant
On some level, every story draws something from life experiences. Most of the time, it’s just a matter of me pulling bits and pieces of my own past to help give characters or settings a little more life.
Cullen Bunn
The drafts which true genius draws upon posterity, although they may not always be honored so soon as they are due, are sure to be paid with compound interest in the end.
Charles Caleb Colton
I am an abolitionist. What does this mean? Abolitionist resistance and resilience draws from a legacy of black-led anti-colonial struggle in the United States and throughout the Americas, including places like Haiti, the first black republic founded on the principles of anti-colonialism and black liberation.
Patrisse Cullors
You can avoid the press if you really want to and I don’t walk around with five security guards either because I think that just draws attention.
Rod Stewart
Whether someone like Klitschko wins, loses, draws, or gets knocked out in five seconds, he is still a big name.
Tyson Fury
4chan's culture is unique and spreads and draws people

4chan’s culture is unique and spreads and draws people in like no other. It’s also important to realize that 4chan wasn’t some overnight success, and there was never ‘hockey stick’ – like growth.
Christopher Poole
Pictures of me where my face was swelling, I had water retention – where you have filler, your face draws up a load of water. So my face began to swell like a balloon.
Old Etonians are the most charming people in the world. It’s not just the analytic ability and the great education; there is a really easy confidence to them that draws people to them and makes their passage though the world a little easier.
Laura Wade
The painter who draws merely by practice and by eye, without any reason, is like a mirror which copies every thing placed in front of it without being conscious of their existence.
Leonardo da Vinci
I feel like I’m walking into the illustrated pages of a fairy tale when I go to the vineyard. It draws you to nature and cleanses your soul, and you just don’t want to leave.
Zhao Wei
The lesson that any thinking person draws from the Stewart saga is that when the government asks questions, run for your lawyer and don’t say a word. Had Stewart kept her mouth shut, she’d be OK.
Allan Sloan
A father draws boundaries and calls a halt, whenever necessary. As I didn’t have that, I was able to stay childishly naive that much longer – so I did what I liked, because there was nobody stopping me, even when I got it wrong.
Gerhard Richter
What has helped me: There aren’t a lot of girls who dance, who are as refined in dancing. That is what draws people to see me. The dance, and the prettiness.
Sahara Davenport
There’s never going to be a decathlon that you’re going to have 10 events that your satisfied with. You’re always, always going to be dissatisfied in something, and that always draws you back to try to retry that the next time you do a decathlon. It’s like you go for the perfect 10.
Ashton Eaton
There’s nothing worse than an ostentatious shot. Or some lighting that draws attention to itself, and you might go, ‘Oh, wow, that’s spectacular.’ Or that spectacular shot, a big crane move, or something.
Roger Deakins
Apparently, cats are very, very curious and have a mysterious power that draws people to them.
Emma Corrin
I do not wish to produce prose that draws attention to itself, rather than the world it describes.
Nick Hornby
I’ve always like ‘Dragonball Z’ and ‘Naruto,’ that kind of drawing. My older brother draws so he was always drawing ‘Dragonball Z’ characters and so I got into it from there.
Santan Dave
Every sport, every profession, every group united by a single passion draws on a lexicon that is uniquely theirs, and theirs for a reason.
Susie Dent
There’s something to be said about seeing your face represented. There’s just something really important about that. It just draws you in more.
Okieriete Onaodowan
Any kind of conflict draws me to a role.
Anne-Marie Duff
We believe content relationships are compelling draws even where paid-TV-provided guides are prevalent, such as here in the United States.
Alfred Amoroso
I don’t like it when people leave their takeaways on the street: it makes me sad and it draws foxes and rats.
Mel Giedroyc
People often ask me, ‘How do you go about choosing who to feature on Into The Gloss?’ And I’ve never had a great answer. Ultimately, I think the #1 thing that draws me to someone is their sense of freedom.
Emily Weiss
If you are the kind of guy who draws in 100 million people to see his film, you’ve got every right to be paid accordingly, but I qualify as a character actor. I don’t put a bum on a seat.
Peter Mullan
Some people would say comedy draws from some dark places, from your dark stuff. Life’s great optimists aren’t necessarily the funniest people.
Colin Firth
Usually, even when a bill draws extreme opinions, there can be a process of expression and negotiation.
Carrie Lam
Mississippi is a beautiful, powerful state. We have many natural resources: from the fertile soil that produces our crops to the beautiful coastline that draws visitors from around the world. But Mississippi’s greatest resource has always been and will always be our people.
Tate Reeves
The world can only be free when men are content in themselves and each draws from his own fountain.
George William Russell
I had a terrible time hiring rich people. It sounds funny, but the problem is when things go wrong they can ask, ‘Why am I doing this?’ You don’t ever want anybody asking that question. You want them to say, ‘I know why I’m doing it, I need the money, let’s go’ or whatever it is that draws them.
Ben Horowitz
He steps on stage and draws the sword of rhetoric, and when he is through, someone is lying wounded and thousands of others are either angry or consoled.
Pete Hamill
I don’t know what draws me to my films. In hindsight, my choices turn out OK.
Dulquer Salmaan
I enjoyed watching ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’ very much. Many such sports films should be made so that the upcoming generation draws inspiration from the sportspersons of our country, win medals at the Olympics and Asian Games, and make India proud.
Milkha Singh
We don’t play to grind out goalless draws.
Joachim Low
The time draws near, when a radical change must take place for the whole world in the management of diplomacy.
Lajos Kossuth
As the third anniversary of the September 11th attacks draws near we must ensure our nation is prepared to handle the continued threat of violence and terrorism on our country.
Leonard Boswell
It's a great responsibility before God, the judge who g

It’s a great responsibility before God, the judge who guides us, who draws us to truth and good, and in this sense the church must unmask evil, rendering present the goodness of God, rendering present his truth, the truly infinite for which we are thirsty.
Pope Benedict XVI
Well, my son really loves wildlife. And everytime he draws a polar bear I want to tell him there probably won’t any by the time… he’s my age. That’s kinda hard to deal with.
Thom Yorke
Cheryl’s artistically inclined. She draws and sketches, but I don’t know about acting.
Lana Turner
Choose your companions from the best; Who draws a bucket with the rest soon topples down the hill.
William Butler Yeats
What does the artist do? He draws connections. He ties the invisible threads between things. He dives into history, be it the history of mankind, the geological history of the Earth or the beginning and end of the manifest cosmos.
Anselm Kiefer