Top 160 Eve Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Eve Quotes from famous people such as Bridget Marquardt, DJ Yella, Ava Gardner, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Eddie Rabbitt, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

And New Year's Eve is a romantic time to get married. I

And New Year’s Eve is a romantic time to get married. It’s a romantic holiday. A good way to start off the new year.
Bridget Marquardt
When I graduated from high school, I became a DJ in a club, a local hang-out called Eve After Dark.
DJ Yella
Mama, you know, poor baby, she’d had her family all finished: four daughters and a couple of sons, and suddenly, I arrived in her midlife on Christmas Eve 1922.
Ava Gardner
There’s nothing like the feeling of being in Times Square for New Year’s Eve. It’s such a great rush. You feel like the whole world is there. People from all over the world coming to celebrate together.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
All the music has been done before except for the ‘Eve of Destruction’ and the ‘Born in the U.S.A.’ You keep reshaping – llke it was putty or clay.
Eddie Rabbitt
The Lord clearly defined the roles of providing for and rearing a righteous posterity. In the beginning, Adam, not Eve, was instructed to earn the bread by the sweat of his brow.
Ezra Taft Benson
Eve Ensler is a hero of mine. She’s been working for the rights of women for a long time.
Marcia Wallace
Adam was the image of God, he was man and woman, and yet neither of them before his Eve, but a masculine virgin in peculiar love, full of chastity and purity.
Jakob Bohme
I love ‘O Holy Night.’ On Christmas Eve, there’s a service at the church where I grew up, and at midnight, we would always sing, ‘O Holy Night’ with candles.
Rachel Boston
It is the eve of St. George’s Day. Do you not know that tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway?
Bram Stoker
I often say that if you want to really want to understand the contract of marriage, just ask anyone who has been divorced. The marriage contract is one of property rights. Or maybe you can look in the Bible to see what Adam had to say about divorce, since Eve was his second wife.
Harvey Fierstein
I buy sleeping bags, food, gloves and warmers, and I just usually go out in Bath, which is where I’m from, and hand them out. I’ve done it on Christmas Eve, schedule allowing.
Tyrone Mings
According to an ancient Sardinian legend, the bodies of those who are born on Christmas Eve will never dissolve into dust but are preserved until the end of time.
Grazia Deledda
Me and Eve are like biological sisters.
My favourite performances are by actresses like Bette Davis in ‘All About Eve’ or Gena Rowlands in pretty much anything – performances that have nothing to do with age.
Winona Ryder
Killing Eve’ was kind of the road for me as an art person, where you have this opportunity to work with so many different writers, so many different directors, and so many actors at the same time.
Kim Bodnia
The sharpest memory of our old-fashioned Christmas eve is my mother’s hand making sure I was settled in bed.
Paul Engle
We view ourselves on the eve of battle. We are nerved for the conquest and must conquer or perish. It is vain to look for present aid: None is at hand. We must now act or abandon all hope!
Sam Houston
No idea should be discarded completely, but – as one might imagine – it does take a degree of ingenuity to find a new spin on something as hackneyed as the ‘Adam and Eve’ story. But if you think you’ve got the chops for it, there’s no reason not to try.
Alastair Reynolds
In 1828 we raised the duties, on an average, to nearly fifty per cent, when the debt was on the eve of being discharged, and thereby flooded the country with a revenue, when discharged, which could not be absorbed by the most lavish expenditures.
John C. Calhoun
Every day is like Halloween or Christmas eve for me. I go to bed, and I’m so excited to get back to work. I’m very lucky that I have a career like that ’cause not many people do.
Adam Green
I remember when I was working at Sprint, I’d work on my birthday, New Year’s Day, and even Christmas Eve. I’m just used to working on my birthday, so I’ll be celebrating it afterward.
Prince Royce
And so Adam, in that his speech to Eve, uttered his faith in the promise made to her of her seed, and so in that respect Adam himself came in under her covenant.
Thomas Goodwin
When the family gets together once a year in Georgia for New Year’s Eve, we listen to music, all kinds of music. That’s what we do.
Holly Hunter
It was a major dream come true at last. In many respects, Jerusalem is a very modern and important story about people in a period of transition, with all the unrest that permeates society on the eve of a new century. The big life issues are at stake.
Bille August
I have spent every New Year’s Eve since 1992 in Lourdes. I spend the hour of my birth every year in the grotto. It’s a place with meaning for me.
Paulo Coelho
It all goes back, of course, to Adam and Eve – a story which shows among other things, that if you make a woman out of a man, you are bound to get into trouble.
Carol Gilligan
As if we didn’t have enough fabulous actresses, it’s a thrill to be joined by Wales’s finest, Eve Myles. Having worked together on ‘Torchwood,’ it’s a joy to be able to welcome her to ‘Broadchurch.’
Chris Chibnall
My look is always glitzy for New Year’s Eve, even if I am at home.
Gloria Gaynor
In France, Christmas is a family holiday. You stay home. New Year’s Eve is when you go out.
Alain Ducasse
Dick Clark will be truly missed. We will carry on his legacy every New Year’s Eve.
Eve wasn't a size 6 and neither am I.

Eve wasn’t a size 6 and neither am I.
Delta Burke
I watched, for the 17th and hopefully the last time, The ‘Guns of Navarone’ on New Year’s Eve. I always watch just in case the explosives don’t go off in the end. You have to watch the end, just to make sure it’s OK.
David Cameron
The one I remember is going into London, as it was for us in Essex, on New Year’s Eve in 1981. There were four of us and we’d had a few lagers on the way. One of my mates threw up in the Tube and then stood up and fell over in it. We thought it was the funniest thing we’d ever seen.
Alan Davies
I beg people not to accept the seasonal ritual of well-timed charity on Christmas Eve. It’s blasphemy.
Jonathan Kozol
Indeed, the Royal Family still retain the German custom – introduced by Prince Albert – of opening their presents on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas morning.
Ingrid Seward
We played New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles, maybe 1978, opening for Kansas or somebody. Driving to the hotel after the gig, we came on KLOS. It was like, ‘All right! We’re in L.A., we just played a big gig, and we’re on the radio!’ That was the start of something big.
Rick Nielsen
I tend to go to bed really early on New Year’s Eve. Then I wake up early, drive up while it’s still dark, and hike out somewhere beautiful to watch the sunrise. I just take a couple hours and have a post-mortem of the year.
Charlie Hunnam
It’s quite a famous story that takes place on Christmas Eve, and the Germans, French, and Scottish are trying to make peace one night and they bury their dead and they play football. I play a German opera singer, in German, which I never have so I am really excited about that.
Diane Kruger
We play Amazing Race on New Year’s Eve. My mom or aunt makes a whole list of things that we have to find, and we split up into teams. Sometimes it’s like a Chinese takeout menu or take a picture with a cop, so on New Year’s Eve we’re running around all over the place going into restaurants and different things.
Trea Turner
The knowledge you have through so much shooting, so much work you do, you develop yourself very fast. And because of the success of ‘Killing Eve’, it moves on to another level and the possibility to get more jobs.
Kim Bodnia
We always do a white elephant gift exchange on Christmas Eve, but my mom always gets really nice gifts for it. And we hang out in our PJs on Christmas Day.
Lacey Chabert
Christmas was always a big holiday in our family. Every Christmas Eve before we’d go to bed, my mom and dad would read to us two or three stories and they would always be ‘The Happy Prince,’ ‘The Gift of the Magi’ and ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,’ and I would like to keep that alive.
Cameron Mathison
Eve was not taken out of Adam’s head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.
Matthew Henry
My favorite film is ‘All About Eve’.
Ruth Negga
The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year’s Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you’re married to.
P. J. O’Rourke
New Year’s Eve, we’re going to be doing a concert with the Philadelphia Orchestra in Symphony Hall. It makes me feel good, because of all the people they could have had, they wanted me! We do have to do a little work with the rhythm section.
Barbara Cook
Of Adam and Eve: They had what they wanted. That they did not like it when they got it does not alter the fact that they certainly got it.
Charles Williams
And sometimes people say, ‘Oh well, we all descend from Adam and Eve.’ But do you descend from Charlemagne directly? Do you descend from Saint King Louis IX? I do.
Princess Michael of Kent
The second gig I did was New Year’s Eve at the Birmingham Anglers Club, and that started with booing.
Frank Skinner
I saw Ronnie Hawkins play near my hometown, Port Dover, Ontario, and I saw him play there on New Year’s Eve and the following spring I booked myself to be his opening act on maybe five shows, and he hired me after the first night.
Rick Danko
I worked every day – Christmas Eve, birthdays – trying to become a great basketball player. Everywhere I went, I had a basketball.
Harvey Mason, Jr.
Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Well, of course not Adam and Steve. Never Adam and Steve. It’s Adam and Steven.
David Rakoff
You don’t normally do another presentation of All About Eve. You do one All About Eve, and that’s it.
Sydney Pollack
New Year’s Eve was always a big occasion at home with the family. Every year we would get the karaoke machine out and I’d entertain everyone, even as a young kid.
Olly Murs
People have been killing because of racial differences since the time of Adam and Eve, but in this country racism has been primarily aimed at African Americans.
Bob Cousy
Until Eve arrived, this was a man’s world.
Richard Armour
On the eve of World War I, an estimated two million Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire. Well over a million were deported and hundreds of thousands were simply killed.
Eliot Engel
We saw The Who on New Year’s Eve in 1975.
Morgan Neville
It is women who have traditionally, historically been given non-human roles, perceived as simply the daughters of Eve, perceived as either Madonna or whore. And I think that it is the sexual revolution that plays one part in female emancipation.
Hugh Hefner
I simply think that water is the image of time, and every New Year’s Eve, in somewhat pagan fashion, I try to find myself near water, preferably near a sea or an ocean, to watch the emergence of a new helping, a new cupful of time from it.
Joseph Brodsky
I was a total nerd growing up. I’d rather sit home and read a novel on New Year’s Eve and say, ‘Wow, I read the whole thing in one night!’ That was my idea of a big time.
Beth Broderick
My problem with present buying is usually lack of time.

My problem with present buying is usually lack of time. Not because I’m super-busy, I’m just super-lazy. I leave everything to the last minute and end up running up and down the high street on Christmas Eve like a crazed baboon.
Mel Giedroyc
The Lord made Adam, the Lord made Eve, he made ’em both a little bit naive.
E. Y. Harburg
I guess being French, I love Hollywood. I love Hollywood movies. Joseph Mankiewicz’s ‘All About Eve.’ ‘Mildred Pierce.’
Christian Louboutin
None of us can boast about the morality of our ancestors. The record does not show that Adam and Eve were ever married.
E. W. Howe
My parents used to throw great New Year’s Eve parties. They invited such an eclectic mix of showbiz people. All those cool people were always hanging out at our apartment.
Ben Stiller
The only place I do avoid is Trafalgar Square on New Year’s Eve. I saw in the New Year there once – it was the most terrifying experience of my life.
Arlene Phillips
Man’s survival, from the time of Adam and Eve until the invention of agriculture, must have been precarious because of his inability to ensure his food supply.
Norman Borlaug
We ended up New Year’s Eve playin’ a show. My date had stood me up, and I remember walkin’ back to my friends with, like, two minutes before midnight and thinkin’, ‘I’m not gonna have anybody to kiss on New Year’s.’ And there she was, standin’ right there, and I remember kissin’ her, and then that was game over.
Zac Brown
Each one of us sees Jesus in a different way. To some, He was prophet, for they needed to know the kingdom was at hand. But most of all, He was the son of God, and He came to experience the consequences of the curse the Father had put upon mankind when Adam and Eve disobeyed.
Mother Angelica
I work hard on New Year’s eve as I perform at shows. And then round it off by spending a lazy day on January 1st.
Mahima Chaudhry
I get myself a gig somewhere, whether it’s in a club, whether it’s in a bar, it doesn’t matter, and I just work on New Year’s Eve because I always feel it’s very symbolic for me for the next year, for the new year.
Debbie Harry
Keeping the magic alive can be as simple as going to the mall to sit on Santa’s lap or reading special stories on Christmas Eve.
Stephanie Land
I remember thinking, at the end of 2015 on New Year’s Eve, I’m actually quite glad to see the back of that one. 2015 was a bit complicated and had some very traumatic bits in it.
James May
When I was a kid, the miracles of my life were the Resurrection, a candlelight service on New Year’s Eve, the Virgin Birth, and the Three Wise Men.
Dan Brown
New Year’s Eve is a great time to think about making a resolution to change a behavior, improve upon a practice, or to start something new. Most people don’t keep their resolutions very far into the year, but there’s no reason to wait until Dec 31st to reboot.
Dana Perino
I came in the game in the era when Eve came in the game. We kind of came in together. I think she was a year or two before me. I worked with her. She’s somebody that’s a friend in the industry, especially when it comes to females.
Calgary wins for my coldest New Year’s Eve gig. That’s when I learned Fahrenheit and Celsius cross at 40 below. I could see callers’ breath coming out of my phone.
Elayne Boosler
My great-grandparents came from Poland. Interestingly enough, they were named Adam and Eve. But I do not believe they are the original.
Jane Krakowski
I was at a New Year’s Eve party, and someone asked me how was my year, and I said, ‘I honestly think 2011 was the best year of my entire life,’ and I actually meant it.
Dave Grohl
On Christmas Eve, it’s my wife and my son and my daughter and I. We’re home, and we open our presents together on Christmas Day, and then after we go visit the rest of the family.
Bart Millard
The last time I saw Elvis was when I played my second New Year’s Eve show for him in 1970.
Ronnie Milsap
For millions of women and men around the world, the playwright Eve Ensler is a beloved figure. She represents the epitome of the politically engaged artist, someone who uses her creative brilliance to illuminate injustice and give voice to the voiceless.
Jackson Katz
Since St. Augustine announced that Eve – and, hence, collective woman – was responsible for original sin, rabid sexism has been a major pillar of patriarchal religious tradition.
Barbara G. Walker
Based on the Bible, I believe that all the land animals were made on day six, and Adam and Eve were made on day six, and people try to make fun of us for believing that dinosaurs lived with people, but there are a lot of animals living today that evolution says lived with dinosaurs.
Ken Ham
The last thing I stole was a box of Coca Cola from a parked truck in Adelaide. I was nice and drunk. It was New Year’s Eve. And that was about 28 years ago.
Ronald Biggs
Marriage was defined by God a long time ago. Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve – one man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don’t think anyone else should either.
Kirk Cameron
Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to.
Bill Vaughan
I was at a party New Year’s Eve, and – no lie – at least 10 different people came up to me. One guy was like, ‘I lost 30 pounds because of you.’ So people just coming up to me. I don’t know these people – random people.
Fat Joe
I don’t know if I would be doing what I do without ‘Eve’s Bayou,’ and I don’t know if I would have the career that I have without working on ‘Eve’s Bayou.’ The love for what I do, I found it in that project.
Jurnee Smollett-Bell
I love sparkly eyes for the holidays, especially New Year’s Eve.
Kat Graham
I have loads of lip balm and lip glosses. Eve Lom Kiss Mix is one that I love. I also use a Charlotte Tilbury lipstick in Amazing Grace. In a pinch, I’ll put some on my cheeks as a blush.
Sonya Walger
When I was a kid, we would get McDonalds on Christmas E

When I was a kid, we would get McDonalds on Christmas Eve, and that was a big deal because the closest one to the south side of Chicago was a 35 minute drive away. I remember opening the bag and smelling those fries, and even now when I smell them, it reminds me of Christmas Eve.
Jane Lynch
After I failed in my first two games, I did not expect to be picked. But on the eve of our match against Uttar Pradesh in Kanpur, Pravin Amre sir came to my room and gave me the confidence that I was playing.
Shreyas Iyer
Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived. It is a pity that this is still the only knowledge of their wives at which some men seem to arrive.
F. H. Bradley
I always work on New Year’s Eve, no matter what.
Debbie Harry
I love watching ‘Twilight Zone.’ New Year’s Eve they do the marathon; I watch it every year.
Gerard Way
If we descended from space aliens, that’s just as viable as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, as far as I’m concerned.
Jon Gries
Swedes celebrate Christmas Eve. Every Sunday leading up to Christmas, we light a candle, then make gingerbread and saffron buns.
I am sure that in the story of Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit was a fig and not an apple, pear or anything else.
Yotam Ottolenghi
Growing up, my imagined life as a musician was something along the lines of me lounging in a Learjet en route to a swelling outdoor amphitheatre on a dazzling summer’s eve.
Kat Edmonson
What is the most popular scene in the Bible? Adam and Eve biting the apple. It’s not there.
Eduardo Galeano
Every man casts a shadow; not his body only, but his imperfectly mingled spirit. This is his grief. Let him turn which way he will, it falls opposite to the sun; short at noon, long at eve. Did you never see it?
Henry David Thoreau
Grace is a much more accurate word to use when dealing with the state of human existence. God gives us unmerited favor through Jesus Christ, and since Adam and Eve, our lives have depended on it.
Monica Johnson
Sorry Day falls on the eve of Reconciliation Week, giving us the chance to ask whether we are making progress in the wider challenge of reconciling Indigenous and other Australians.
Malcolm Fraser
With Whitney Eve, I really wanted to dress everyday girls. I wanted it to be a more sophisticated than just casualwear, but be comfortable at the same time. All the fabrics are easy fabrics, they can be dressed up or dressed down.
Whitney Port
‘Birdman’ is basically ‘All About Eve’ – the 1950 comedy about rehearsal rivalries in a Broadway show, and another Best Picture laureate – reimagined as a Batman suicide mission. The movie couldn’t be actor-ier.
Richard Corliss
I built my church on Easter services, Christmas Eve services, and Norman Vincent Peale.
Robert H. Schuller
Christmas Eve is my wedding anniversary so it is a double whammy.
Sheila Hancock
New Year’s Eve to Valentine’s Day is our peak season, and in many ways, Valentine’s Day is our Christmas. Everybody in the world makes the same three New Year’s resolutions: health, career and money, and love.
Sam Yagan
Everyone loves to feast their eyes on Times Square on New Year’s Eve.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Today’s man of the world proclaims that sin, and his enterprising in sin, are a part of modern living, but it is not modern. It goes back to Adam and Eve – to desire and the temptation to know – to experience evil.
Mother Angelica
I am baffled by the way sophisticated theologians who know Adam and Eve never existed still keep talking about it.
Richard Dawkins
In popular Egyptian and regional culture, women are seen as weak, easy victims to temptation in the same way Eve couldn’t resist that shiny apple in the Garden of Eden.
Richard Engel
Ever since Eve started it all by offering Adam the apple, woman’s punishment has been to supply a man with food then suffer the consequences when it disagrees with him.
Helen Rowland
One of the problems with organized religion is that it has always kept women in a second-class position. They have been viewed as the daughters of Eve.
Hugh Hefner
Shaving my head was a millennium ritual, to not let it pass as just another New Year’s Eve. A lot has happened to me in the last couple of years, personally and spiritually. I wanted to mark it for myself.
Joan Jett
New Year’s Eve is not about having a big party for me. It’s a time of reflection, and I often go on spiritual retreats.
Monique Roffey
One of my favorite movies is Bette Davis in ‘All About Eve,’ and it is shocking there was no pressure on her to be likable.
Melissa Rauch
My mom was sarcastic about men. She would tell me Adam was the rough draft and Eve was the final product. She was a feminist minister, an earth mom who wore a bra only on Sundays.
Daphne Zuniga
I make a huge batch of cinnamon buns on Christmas Eve and bake them off early Christmas morning.
Christina Tosi
I’d be happy to live till 80 as long as I was comfortable and in good health. Mind you, ask me again on the eve of my 80th birthday. Even so, I hope we don’t all start living to be 120. I’m not sure I’d cope with another 60 years.
Bonnie Tyler
I would like to go right back in time to when God created man, and the Adam and Eve story, and the Anunnaki and all that, to discover the real truth about our creation.
Would the Benjamin Netanyahu of the eve of the election

Would the Benjamin Netanyahu of the eve of the election want me to get hurt? Regretfully, I would say so.
Benny Gantz
Every Christmas Eve, the elves will come and give us a new pair of pajamas.
Sabrina Carpenter
To turn our hearts to our fathers is to search out the names of our deceased ancestors and to perform the saving ordinances in the temple for them. This will forge a continuous chain between us and our forefathers eventually all the way back to Father Adam and Mother Eve.
James E. Faust
Adam and Eve are like imaginary numbers, like the square root of minus one… If you include it in your equation, you can calculate all manners of things, which cannot be imagined without it.
Philip Pullman
After a pretty amazing year that included more wins than I thought possible, I rang in 2013 by watching the Times Square ball drop on TV… and then heading directly to bed. It might not have been the typical New Year’s Eve for a 21-year-old, but what can I say? It was a training night!
Ashley Wagner
I don’t even drink! I can’t stand the taste of alcohol. Every New Year’s Eve I try one drink and every time it makes me feel sick. So I don’t touch booze – I’m always the designated driver.
Kim Kardashian
We always throw a Christmas Eve party, and then we do a whole matching pajama thing.
Sistine Stallone
You can’t forbid children to do things that are available to them at every turn. God told Eve, ‘Don’t give the apple to Adam,’ and look what happened. It’s in our nature to want the things we see.
Evel Knievel
Well, we were originally called Huey Lewis and the American Express. But on the eve of the release of our first record, our record label, Chrysalis Records was afraid that we’d be sued by American Express.
Huey Lewis
‘Eve’s Daughter’ – that’s like, ‘Make way, women are cool.’ I feel like it’s my responsibility to try and do at least a little bit for my own daughter.
Amanda Shires
Conversation between Adam and Eve must have been difficult at times because they had nobody to talk about.
Agnes Repplier
Nor can the Apostle mean that Eve only sinned; or that she only was Deceived, for if Adam sinned willfully and knowingly, he became the greater Transgressor.
Mary Astell
To beguile is to deceive or lead astray, as Lucifer beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I collect art. I just recently bought two gorgeous photographs of Marilyn Monroe by international photographer Eve Arnold and I know it sounds horrible but when she dies all her pictures are going to be worth triple. But I won’t tell you how much I got them for – let’s just say it was a lot.
Mel B
The loneliest ebb of my life came on that Christmas eve, only one day after my arrival in New York. The abyss of loneliness. I ate a solitary dinner in a small cafe, and the very food tasted bitter with my unshed tears. One doesn’t dare cry in America. It is unmanly here.
Rudolph Valentino
We always go to downtown Oklahoma City to look at all the Christmas lights that have been put up… We go to the Christmas Eve service at church, and we always beg my parents to open a present – just one present – on Christmas Eve. We get them to cave.
Darci Lynne Farmer
From the time of Adam and Eve, man has tried to escape suffering in any form.
Mother Angelica
At 99 and after a long stay in a nursing home, the death of legendary photographer Eve Arnold was hardly a surprise – though she may have been just a little annoyed to quit a few months short of 100.
Beeban Kidron
The curse of Adam and Eve that fell upon the earth because of their sin will be lifted when Christ returns.
Tim LaHaye
The idea of the split personality is as old as Genesis. For a start, Eve was manufactured from Adam’s rib. Then there’s Cain and Abel, twins at war. They were followed by Esau and Jacob, likewise divisible into hairy and smooth types.
Clive Sinclair
Well, knowledge is a fine thing, and mother Eve thought so; but she smarted so severely for hers, that most of her daughters have been afraid of it since.
Abigail Adams
Every Thanksgiving, we visited our New York cousins and went shopping at Bergdorf’s and Saks for long dresses to wear to the Homestead for New Year’s Eve.
Tinsley Mortimer
When I played the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas on New Year’s Eve, I got to bring Wiley, my 85-pound black lab. He’s responsible for my favorite New Year’s memory of all: At the end of the show, he ran onstage and then out across all the tables in the showroom, sending champagne glasses and gamblers flying.
Elayne Boosler
Any litigator will tell you that adding to your legal team on the eve of trial most likely will not produce better lawyering but, rather, chaos.
George T. Conway III
I grew up in Beijing and Beijing roast duck is my favorite. My mom makes it every year for Christmas Eve. How crispy the skin is is how good a duck restaurant is.
Lulu Wang
Come Christmas Eve, we usually go to my mom and dad’s. Everybody brings one gift and then we play that game when we all steal it from each other. Some are really cool, others are useful and some are a bit out there.
Amy Grant
To go to the synagogue with one’s father on the Passover eve – is there in the world a greater pleasure than that? What is it worth to be dressed in new clothes from head to foot, and to show off before one’s friends? Then the prayers themselves – the first Festival evening prayer and blessing.
Sholom Aleichem
Temptation is as old as time; or at least, the history of temptation extends as far back as the moment Eve gave Adam that serpent’s apple. But what sets the lady apart from the tramp is the ability to acknowledge she needs to clean up her act – and then, of course, the fact that she actually does clean up her act.
Derek Blasberg
I get called ‘Memphis Eve,’ but my first name is Eve. I know Memphis is in there somewhere, but on my passport I’m ‘Eve Sunny Day Hewson.’
Eve Hewson
I love the sport, and I have for a long time. I’d stay up late and watch the Pride New Year’s Eve shows. I watch all the UFC pay-per-views. I’m a fan. I love this stuff.
CM Punk
Most people tell you there are certain moments you should celebrate in life: for example, the weekend coming, so you should party on a Friday. Or your birthday or New Year’s Eve. But what if you’re excited about being alive every day? Can’t you be in that celebratory state every moment you’re not dead?
Andrew W.K.
I fought Miguel Cotto in Madison Square Garden on the e

I fought Miguel Cotto in Madison Square Garden on the eve of the Puerto Rican Day parade – it was like fighting the devil in Hell.
Paulie Malignaggi
We have 40 people over for Thanksgiving, 30 people for Easter lunch, 35 people on Christmas Eve. People tend to expect to spend their holidays with us, which is lovely and an expectation I carry with pride.
Sonya Walger
I have already spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning alone, missing my children, and crying because I have no family nearby.
Brandi Glanville
For those in America, ITV is the biggest channel in the UK and they are getting wrestling on that station on New Year’s Eve.
Marty Scurll
Growing up, I was a little hippie kid. I went to some good concerts… Amnesty International with Bob Dylan and Tracy Chapman… The best concert I ever went to was this one at the Cow Palace my freshman year in college on New Year’s Eve. It was Pearl Jam opening for Nirvana opening for Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Summer Sanders