Top 160 Seemingly Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Seemingly Quotes from famous people such as Stephen Kinzer, Douglas Coupland, Ann Widdecombe, Billy Eichner, Shashi Tharoor, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

If a leader comes to office in a seemingly fair electio

If a leader comes to office in a seemingly fair election and tolerates dissent, he or she qualifies for our seal of approval.
Stephen Kinzer
Only losers make decisions when things are bad. The time to rejig your life is the time when it’s seemingly smooth.
Douglas Coupland
The Royal Opera House? I once had the immense privilege of appearing there and was awed by the air of refinement of those seemingly ethereal beings who floated about in the highest echelons of musical accomplishment, effortlessly producing virtuoso performances in several different languages.
Ann Widdecombe
Facebook is weird. They have all of these seemingly random rules that I’m sure make sense to them, but don’t make sense to me or any people.
Billy Eichner
In China, national priorities are established by the Government and then funded by the state; in India, priorities emerge from seemingly endless discussions and arguments amongst myriad interests, and funds have to be found where they might.
Shashi Tharoor
The GOP grows more and more unpopular with female voters seemingly every time one of its leaders gets in front of a microphone. Misogynist is as misogynist does. The GOP and its bloviating pundits don’t like women and they are unable to hide it, nor do they seem to make much attempt to do so.
Henry Rollins
Animation is different from other parts. Its language is the language of caricature. Our most difficult job was to develop the cartoon’s unnatural but seemingly natural anatomy for humans and animals.
Walt Disney
In the case of the second world war the distorting factor is not poetry but our seemingly insatiable need to view the war through the prism of national mythology.
David Olusoga
Movement is exercise. Seemingly simple things – taking a walk, for example – can be just the spark your body needs to get back on a healthy track.
David Kirsch
From before I was born, we Arabs have been caught between two forces that, seemingly, cannot be defeated: our ruthless dictators, who oppress and humiliate us, and the cynical western powers, who would rather see us ruled by criminals loyal to them than have democratically elected leaders accountable to us.
Hisham Matar
Great software has seemingly limitless potential to solve human problems – and it can spread around the world in the blink of an eye. Malicious code moves just as quickly, and when software is created for the wrong reason, it has a huge and growing capacity to harm millions of people.
Craig Federighi
Every clinical encounter is an opportunity to generate social capital. Even in situations where patient needs are complex or seemingly insurmountable, it is the empathy and goodwill which makes the difference.
Tony Tan
Everybody is improving but I am improving slowly, which seemingly widens our distance.
Yao Ming
Whenever we try something new, mistakes will happen. Seemingly good ideas will fail and need to be re-thought.
Abhijit Banerjee
I always loved the Yorkshire members and was passionate about playing for the county, but the people who were running the club made it at times unbearable for me. The rulers had a history of doing what they wanted and sacking players seemingly on a whim.
Geoffrey Boycott
What makes me laugh about politics, sometimes, is it seems like once we get to a point where our problems are seemingly unsolvable, it’s because we’re looking through a wrong point of view. If we turn the thing on its head, then maybe we might see it differently.
Dave Davies
If one person in a group of ten is missing the tip of his little finger, I will notice it almost immediately. This extreme attention to visual detail is not a virtue, just a fact of my person. It happens seemingly involuntarily and strikes me as neither good nor bad.
Rosemary Mahoney
Just as most of us prefer to watch a trapeze artist work without a net, we like to be absolutely sure that a virtuoso is giving us our money’s worth, and a seemingly effortless performance, no matter how spectacular it may be, deprives us of that slightly sadistic thrill.
Terry Teachout
The investigations which have seemingly been the most purely abstract have often formed the foundation of the most important changes or improvements in the conditions of human life.
Theodor Svedberg
The Cure is clearly above average but seemingly unable to rally itself to move to a higher plateau.
Robert Hilburn
In ‘Fifty Shades,’ seemingly, Christian has all the power and control – but actually, Anastasia does.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
The follow your dreams thing is really important because so many people are railroaded into taking other paths by their family, their friends, people who should be supportive going, ‘What are you talking about?’ Even just seemingly regular career paths, but if it’s not what people expect for you they kind of react funny.
Joan Jett
As our focus turns to the oceans and the seemingly impossible task of repairing our marine habitat, we could look at Everest as a fine example of turning back the clock.
Ben Fogle
Fire has always been and, seemingly, will always remain, the most terrible of the elements.
Harry Houdini
Scarlett Johansson was wonderful in ‘Lost in Translation,’ and then, seemingly within a couple of weeks, she became completely Hollywoodised. I was shocked. I didn’t recognise her. I hope to God it’s just a phase.
Ian Holm
There’s certainly something very uncomfortable about the voyeurism involved in being in the press, being an actor, where people have a seemingly insatiable curiosity about, you.
Claire Danes
A great sense of peace entered my body, and seemingly into every cell.
Harold E. Hughes
Fiction leaves us so much work to do, allows the individual so much input; you have to see, you have to hear, you have to taste the madeleine, and while you are seemingly passive in your chair, you have to travel.
Hilary Mantel
I believe that my children, who are young, will look back on the early years of the 21st century in rather the same way I look back on the middle of the 20th: as a time when seemingly respectable people supported discrimination against Americans simply because those Americans were different from themselves.
Jon Meacham
The enthusiasm for Tesla and other bubble-basket stocks is reminiscent of the March 2000 dot-com bubble. As was the case then, the bulls rejected conventional valuation methods for a handful of stocks that seemingly could only go up. While we don’t know exactly when the bubble will pop, it eventually will.
David Einhorn
While I’ve won five Junos, I’ve donated four of them to the National Archives in Ottawa. Which left my fifth Juno sitting, seemingly abandoned by its four family members, on my bookcase in my dining room.
Dan Hill
The Air Force has it far worse than the Navy in terms o

The Air Force has it far worse than the Navy in terms of existential fears, primarily due to the rapid rise and unbelievable dissemination of drones, where seemingly now every military unit has their own miniature air wing of what would have recently passed as toys.
Thomas P.M. Barnett
Art brings to life things that can seemingly be dead, and can put a fresh perspective on things that are living. It’s so important we keep creating.
Mark Foster
Federal rules and regulations too often become seemingly insurmountable obstacles to simple changes that can have a positive impact.
Cindy Hyde-Smith
I sketched out what I believed to be my optimal strategy for ‘Jeopardy:’ Play fast, build a stack, bet big, and hope for the best. In my mind, playing a seemingly risky game actually minimizes my chances of losing.
James Holzhauer
All of us… anyone that’s been in Fleetwood Mac, as far as I’ve been aware, has been seemingly pretty well brought up by their parents: not goody two-shoes – God knows we weren’t – but there was a level of civility that the lads in the band were aware of, what is over the brink of decency.
Mick Fleetwood
The Nazis and the Khmer Rouge went to great lengths to hide their crimes against humanity. Instead, ISIS posts its many crimes on social media for global distribution with seemingly no thoughts for the consequences.
Peter Bergen
In our ‘Strictly’ group, we really did bond. It’s seemingly disappointing to some that we had no diva meltdowns. I made true friends during the experience, which is surprising because I’m not a new-pals sort of person.
Robert Rinder
The job market improved impressively under Barack Obama’s presidency after the Great Recession, when millions of jobs vanished seemingly overnight.
Stephen Moore
I did not study science at school until I was 13, when I was totally turned on by a seemingly dreary old teacher who suddenly, unannounced, manufactured a huge explosion in the middle of a totally boring monologue. From then on, all of his class wanted to make explosions.
Robert Winston
A very receptive state of mind… not unlike a sheet of film itself – seemingly inert, yet so sensitive that a fraction of a second’s exposure conceives a life in it.
Minor White
As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such a twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air – however slight – lest we become unwitting victims of darkness.
William O. Douglas
I try to remember our relative insignificance on this planet and that these seemingly important things do not mean quite as much as we think they do.
Billy Squier
The Internet is a seemingly unreal environment where we think we are anonymous. It’s a potentially provocative place. As a result, we may not behave the way we would in the real world. Some of us are drawn into what could become a dangerous situation.
Drew Pinsky
Most people who succeed in the face of seemingly impossible conditions are people who simply don’t know how to quit.
Robert H. Schuller
I have a fascination with the nasty things people do to each other and the way relationships go wrong, and how there can be this very dark underbelly to seemingly normal, mundane domestic life. They’re the stories in the newspapers I always find interesting. That’s not a very nice thing to admit to, is it?
Paula Hawkins
I was a problem child, and problem children do the seemingly insane because they are trying to find out how to fit into the scheme of things.
Leo McCarey
Creating something that builds lasting value and changes the lives of millions of people requires forging a team that will work hard to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, stand up to the pressures of fame and fortune, and stay true to the original vision long after others stop believing.
Jay Samit
Values are principles and ideas that bring meaning to the seemingly mundane experience of life. A meaningful life that ultimately brings happiness and pride requires you to respond to temptations as well as challenges with honor, dignity, and courage.
Laura Schlessinger
It’s successful, middle-class Arab men and women, professionals with seemingly happy family lives, who are prepared to go to paradise for a greater cause. That’s terrifying.
Damian Lewis
If you subscribe to any online service, whether it be AOL, Google, Yahoo, or the Huffington Post, have you noticed that you are forced to watch a seemingly endless ad before the video story appears about a news item that caught your eye? AOL and the Huffington Post are especially annoying.
Mark Skousen
I might seem biased, but I use Evernote every day. It came to me through my readers, who I’d asked for software recommendations via Twitter and Facebook. For seemingly every function, the answer was ‘Man, you have to use Evernote.’
Tim Ferriss
Seemingly, man has learned to live without God, preoccupied and indifferent toward Him and concerned only about material security and pleasure.
Billy Graham
I feel genius in great works of art. I have seen medical cures that science can’t explain, some seemingly triggered by faith. The same is true of millions of other people.
Deepak Chopra
I love people; don’t get me wrong. Individually, I love that interaction between people, and I’m not an ogre or something; but huge crowds of people, huge groups of people who seemingly have endless access to you – as I get older, I’m not really into that.
Devin Townsend
I have become intrigued with the combining of seemingly unrelated ideas or images, or the drawing upon the many, sometimes dissimilar, meanings a word might have.
John Barton
I’ve been working on Barb for a while. I looked at her as a sort of every woman. She’s incredibly strong; she’s incredibly generous. She’s seemingly insane because she is in the situation of a polygamous relationship, but she had definite reasons to do it.
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Cultivate the habit of zest. Purposefully seek out the beauty in the seemingly trivial. Especially in the trivial. The colors and shapes of the foods you eat. The shadows a vase makes on your table. The interesting faces of the people on the bus with you.
Karen Salmansohn
Sooner rather than later, any other form other than digital media will be a thing of the past. It won’t vanish, but let’s face it, this is seemingly the way of the future.
Billy Gibbons
Ever since ‘Single White Female,’ the 1990 novel which was turned into a supremely scary film, the idea of a seemingly normal woman who will stop at nothing to get what she wants has become an abiding literary trope.
Lisa Jewell
Experience has shown, and a true philosophy will always show, that a vast, perhaps the larger portion of the truth arises from the seemingly irrelevant.
Edgar Allan Poe
I always like how a seemingly benign activity that was meant to be fun can turn into drama.
Chris Harrison
While the 2011 revolution did not remove the regime, it

While the 2011 revolution did not remove the regime, it has shortened the seemingly endless patience that many Egyptians once had for military rule.
Mona Eltahawy
Even seemingly innocuous housecleaning robots create maps of your home. That is information you want to make sure you control.
Oren Etzioni
One of the most dysfunctional beliefs of successful people is our contempt for simplicity and structure. We believe that we are above needing structure to help us on seemingly simple tasks.
Marshall Goldsmith
There are people to whom heroism under fire comes naturally and seemingly without effort, but Patton was not one of them.
Michael Korda
Deepfakes – seemingly authentic video or audio recordings that can spread like wildfire online – are likely to send American politics into a tailspin, and Washington isn’t paying nearly enough attention to the very real danger that’s right around the corner.
Ben Sasse
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
When you have tools with which to stalk everyone all the time, the most seemingly aloof person wins.
Mary H.K. Choi
As a person, I am totally obsessed with the choices and decisions we make in our lives and how they dictate the course of our lives. Seemingly random choices that we make end up defining everything.
Andrew Haigh
Most people cherish their very existence and try their best to live a life worth living. In spite of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles in our way, we somehow hope against hope and find a way to be as life-affirming as humanly possible! How? Love!
Richard Belzer
Deep in the human nature, there is an almost irresistible tendency to concentrate physical and mental energy on attempts at solving problems that seem to be unsolvable. Indeed, for some kinds of active people, only the seemingly unsolvable problems can arouse their interest.
Ragnar Frisch
Memory enhancement self-help programs abound and promise improved memory performance by the utilization of any number of seemingly unique techniques focused on the context of how information is encoded.
David Perlmutter
I see genres as generating sets of rules or conventions that are only interesting when they are subverted or used to disguise the author’s intent. My own way of doing this is to attempt a sort of whimsical alchemy, whereby seemingly incompatible genres are brought into unlikely partnerships.
Mal Peet
We have found that companies need to speak a common language because some of the suggested ways to harness disruptive innovation are seemingly counterintuitive. If companies don’t have that common language, it is hard for them to come to consensus on a counterintuitive course of action.
Clayton M. Christensen
Cancer cells come pre-programmed to execute a well-defined cascade of changes, seemingly designed to facilitate both their enhanced survival and their dissemination through the bloodstream. There is even an air of conspiracy in the way that tumours use chemical signals to create cancer-friendly niches in remote organs.
Paul Davies
We conceal it from ourselves in vain – we must always love something. In those matters seemingly removed from love, the feeling is secretly to be found, and man cannot possibly live for a moment without it.
Blaise Pascal
Northern New Jersey looks like a cluster of idyllic suburbs, but each of those seemingly normal towns has a dark side that’s constantly gossiped about but never publicly acknowledged. They seem to thrive on their strangenesses.
Chris Gethard
I love that people are still obsessively trying to understand and decode ‘The Shining.’ People want to find meaning in things that seemingly don’t have meaning on the surface.
Lee Unkrich
As the bull market goes on, people who take great risks achieve great rewards, seemingly without punishment. It’s like crime without punishment or sex without sin.
Ron Chernow
It is funny, the things you miss about a more conventional lifestyle. I miss seemingly mundane tasks, like cleaning the kitchen, moving my furniture around to achieve just the right look, and checking the mailbox. I miss making my bed in the morning before work.
Lauren Gibbs
The only difference between me and my critics is that I don’t lie to the world about who I am. People are complicated and often seemingly hypocritical. Embrace the diversity of your mind.
Mike Cernovich
Growing up during the Cold War, I remember the seemingly imminent threat of nuclear war. In primary school we were taught to ‘duck-and-cover’ for protection. But even as children hiding under wooden desks, we recognized the inadequacies of this strategy.
Mike Quigley
There must be something in the water in Minnesota because historically, despite its seemingly homogeneous population, the state has produced some of our more radical political thinkers, and its people have put their prejudices aside to vote for them.
Keith Ellison
While my seemingly compulsive school-hopping has raised some eyebrows among my peers and caused my parents understandable consternation, I do not regret it.
Alexandra Adornetto
There are few things as seemingly untouched by the real world as a child asleep.
John Irving
I think this is the funny thing about PWR BTTM that a lot of people don’t realize at first, which is that straight people have always loved us – inexplicably, seemingly.
Liv Bruce
It is the function of creative man to perceive and to connect the seemingly unconnected.
William Plomer
The human-made world is mostly beyond our comprehension. Our daily survival depends on seemingly magical gizmos that provide our food, water, clothing, comfort, transportation, education, well-being, and amusement.
Mark Frauenfelder
‘Not A Love Story’ is inspired by true events, but it is not based on those events completely. When I first read about the Maria Susairaj case, I was fascinated with the psychological aspects, that two seemingly very ordinary people can go completely berserk.
Ram Gopal Varma
The editorial strategy of the ‘World’ is seemingly rested upon the theory that in a desperate cause, it is well to ask a little less than you hope to get. I think you should ask more.
Heywood Broun
The seemingly omnipresent storm clouds hanging over the Constitution often make it hard to find a silver lining. Every day, the front page of The Drudge Report is littered with stories of government assaults on our civil liberties – from local government officials all the way up to the Oval Office.
Bob Barr
Trump is an erratic figure – seemingly fragile, consumed by his own unpopularity and desperate to somehow exceed Barack Obama in public acclaim.
Joy Reid
Positive market incentives operating in the public inte

Positive market incentives operating in the public interest are too few and far between, and are also up against a seemingly never-ending expansion of perverse incentives and lobbying.
Mo Ibrahim
Disproportionate corporate power over governments is giving license to the greed that denies workers even minimum living wages. It is also seemingly a license to allow the sheer brutality of treatment of working people at the base of the supply chains.
Sharan Burrow
The 500 years following the fall of the Western Roman Empire were dubbed by the poet Petrarch ‘dark.’ Although the 14th-century Italian was referring to a literary decline, the term caught on to denote the seemingly backward turn the Western world took with regard to religious and technological developments.
Sarah Weinman
When daughters react with annoyance or even anger at the smallest, seemingly innocent remarks, mothers get the feeling that talking to their daughters can be like walking on eggshells: they have to watch every word.
Deborah Tannen
It is very necessary to have markers of beauty left in a world seemingly bent on making the most evil ugliness.
Thornton Wilder
I think you can have varied and seemingly contradictory depictions of a single person because we all have many facets and, in a way, many selves.
Maya Soetoro-Ng
My grandmother was content to sit in the back yard wearing her old, wide-brimmed summer hat and occasionally getting up to feed herself raspberries from the seemingly inexhaustible bushes.
Keith Gessen
We don’t all have perfect lives, even if they are seemingly so.
Ginger Zee
When you turn from one room to the next, when your animal senses no longer perceive the sounds of the dishwasher, the ticking clock, the smell of a chicken roasting – the kitchen and all its seemingly discrete bits dissolve into nothingness – or into waves of probability.
Robert Lanza
There was a time when ‘universe’ meant ‘all there is.’ Everything. The whole shebang. The notion of more than one universe, more than one everything, would seemingly be a contradiction in terms.
Brian Greene
The condition of sleep is profoundly contradictory. It is a precious good… but it is a good like none other, because to obtain it, one must seemingly give up the imperative to have it.
Emily Martin
The quantum world is still very mysterious, still seemingly very powerful, and I’m definitely attracted to the mysterious and the unknown and just the vastness of what my imagination puts on it.
Van Hunt
It’s about how to bring together the seemingly contradictory aspects of the memorial, which is about a tragedy and how it changed the world, but also about creating a vital and beautiful city of the 21st century.
Daniel Libeskind
Technology is causing a set of seemingly disconnected things – shortening of attention spans, polarization, outrage-ification of culture, mass narcissism, election engineering, addiction to technology.
Tristan Harris
Yet the wonder of it all is that, while engaged in a seemingly endless struggle, the Israelis have managed to turn a desert into a garden.
George Ball
Every time a twenty-something CEO turns down a multibillion-dollar offer for a company that has little or no revenues, it hits a raw nerve in me. Unlike most professionals, I am not shocked by the seemingly bizarre behavior of those founders who pursue their vision beyond all rational thought or monetary reward.
Jay Samit
Sometimes people’s behavior is seemingly unexplainable.
Adam Scott
There is not much of a bureaucratic leap, if history is any guide, between a seemingly benign call for ‘continuous situational awareness’ and the onset of a covert and illegal campaign of domestic surveillance.
Michael Hastings
I can’t know entirely what’s at stake beforehand; you find out as you go. I love to take a poem, for instance, that starts with something seemingly frivolous or inconsequential and then grows in gravity until by the end it’s something very serious.
James Tate
Rarely is it correct to play a hyper-aggressive style of poker. But there are certain situations where a seemingly reckless approach will actually be the most profitable strategy to employ, like at the Main Event at the World Series of Poker.
Daniel Negreanu
Work is the order of the day, just as it was at one time, with our first starts and our best efforts. Do you remember? Therein lies its delight. It brings back the forgotten; one’s stores of energy, seemingly exhausted, come back to life.
Boris Pasternak
Trust-me companies are companies whose financial results gallop ahead of their businesses, companies with seemingly perfect control over their quarterly sales and profits. Companies whose financial statements are loaded with footnotes: companies that short-sellers often attack but rarely dent.
Alex Berenson
Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.
Nikola Tesla
Sean Hannity operates at Fox News with few rules. He seemingly says and does whatever he wants, even when it embarrasses his own colleagues.
Brian Stelter
The fact that our legal system has become so tolerant of police lying indicates how corrupted our criminal justice system has become by declarations of war, ‘get tough’ mantras, and a seemingly insatiable appetite for locking up and locking out the poorest and darkest among us.
Michelle Alexander
I’ve always been fascinated by accounts of seemingly ‘normal’ people who have committed horrendous acts of cruelty and violence. You hear it on the news all the time.
Richard Montanari
As a speaker, business leader or marketer of any type, the onus is now on each of us to become equally capable of communicating very personally with a seemingly endless number of people connected by social technologies.
Simon Mainwaring
For two years, I’d lived in Silicon Valley, surrounded by other highly educated transplants with seemingly perfect lives. It’s jarring to live in a world where every person feels his life will only get better when you came from a world where many rightfully believe that things have become worse.
J. D. Vance
To do your best is no longer good enough. We now have to do the seemingly impossible.
Greta Thunburg
Although we live in a safe and stable country, Central Africa as a region has been held back by seemingly perpetual conflict – over power, resources, and who controls them.
Ali Bongo Ondimba
In the back of my mind for many years, I had always felt that my relationship with alcohol, although seemingly harmless was unhealthy and somewhat destructive.
Spencer Matthews
A DJ draws a connection between two seemingly disparate

A DJ draws a connection between two seemingly disparate things and says, ‘Look, they are alike. You can dance to them.’
Kevin Young
In American military cemeteries all over the world, seemingly endless rows of whitened grave markers stand largely unvisited and in silence. The gardeners tend the lawns, one section at a time. Even at the famous sites, tourism is inconstant.
Mark Helprin
I have found it easier to identify with the characters who verge upon hysteria, who were frightened of life, who were desperate to reach out to another person. But these seemingly fragile people are the strong people really.
Tennessee Williams
Life coaching, the mental and physical well-being of footballers, is going to be really important. I don’t mean necessarily in a deep psychological way. But they’re surrounded by a lot of people. Important people, seemingly. Not always. But important in their worlds. They’re mini companies.
Sean Dyche
Each building has to be beautiful, but cheap and fast, but it lasts forever. That is already an incredible battery of seemingly contradictory demands. So yes, I’m definitely perhaps contradictory person, but I operate in very contradictory times.
Rem Koolhaas
It is human nature that when you see something work well, you do more of it. If, in its ceaseless quest for revenue, government sees a seemingly harmless method of raising funds without causing much inflation, it will grab on to it.
Murray Rothbard
That’s the thing with acting. There are always loads of people who are more successful, richer, more famous and seemingly able to do anything they want.
Roger Allam
No design, no matter how common or seemingly insignificant, is without its adamant critics as well as its ardent admirers.
Henry Petroski
In our quest to define and describe the world, we have crisscrossed the oceans and continents, compiling exhaustive knowledge about its life forms and features, and extended our physical reach through technology, which provides us instantaneous and pervasive access to information about seemingly everything.
Alan Huffman
My husband often remarked what a pity it was that a great country like America, which in Europe is still regarded as such a young nation, should be represented seemingly only by old or infirm men.
Grace Kelly
Even when they are saturated in the sense of the older theory of valence, the elementary atoms still possess sufficient chemical affinity to bind other seemingly also saturated atoms and groups of atoms, under generation of clearly defined atomic bonds.
Alfred Werner
Being a 911 operator means balancing seemingly contradictory skills. On one hand, operators have to be fanatically precise and well-organized. On the other, they must be able to establish rapport with panicky callers.
Gary Wolf
Who would have thought that a story about a professor of phonetics would result in it being probably one of the great shows ever for musical theatre? It’s a seemingly odd subject.
Julie Andrews
The very definition of ‘blackness’ is as broad as that of ‘whiteness,’ yet we’re seemingly always trying to find a specific, limited definition.
Issa Rae
Mash-ups have gained a lot of credibility between the fall of Danger Mouse’s infamous ‘Grey Album’ and the rise of Girl Talk’s overwhelming mega-mixes. There’s just something marvelous about hearing seemingly mismatched ideas work together, as two worlds collide to a heavy beat.
Anthony Fantano
Who needs checks and balances when the left, seemingly, knows and can decide right from wrong? When the left can decide what can be said and what cannot be said? When the left can decide how much money you’re allowed to make or whether or not you deserve health care? It is a quest for power. And, it is dangerous.
Trish Regan
I really liked Quentin Blake, who did all of Roald Dahl’s stuff. I don’t think I really got Quentin Blake as a kid, but as I grew older, I really appreciated the kind of knowledge and the skill that went into those seemingly effortless drawings, and I really wanted to capture some of that in my own work.
Noelle Stevenson
Everything that we used to think got taught at home now seemingly has to be taught in the public school system, and something is going to get lost in the process.
Ann Richards
The reality, I believe, is that all change starts small. The big picture is just too unwieldy, too incomprehensible and seemingly immovable. But give us something individual, quantifiable and personalize-able and, suddenly, our perspective shifts to the one.
Mick Ebeling
Panic implies that there is no rational thought taking place. That we are frozen and incapable of adjusting. Powerless to logic, and subject to seemingly unthinkable behavior.
Anthony Scaramucci
The credit which the apparent conformity with recognized scientific standards can gain for seemingly simple but false theories may, as the present instance shows, have grave consequences.
Friedrich August von Hayek
Often, a seemingly clear clean beach has a huge amount of hidden litter.
Ben Fogle
Everybody’s life has these moments, where one thing leads to another. Some are big and obvious and some are small and seemingly insignificant.
Peter Jackson
Looking back at my first job, even when I was asked to do something seemingly menial, unglamorous, or very difficult, I always went all-in. In my most trying moments with managers I liked the least, I did not give up, complain, or slack off.
Clara Shih
Our comedy was light-hearted amusement that seemingly tripped naturally off the tongue. That’s why I don’t think it will date.
Ronnie Corbett
The phenomenon of creativity, we know, is closely related to the ability to yoke together separate, and even seemingly incompatible, matrices.
Wole Soyinka
For the show, it’s really important that we remember that Lucifer is the Devil. It’s important for Lucifer sometimes to remember that he’s the Devil: to keep the notion that he is a wild animal that is seemingly being tamed but, at any moment, could snap.
Tom Ellis
Until the Nineteen-Eighties, when Deng Xiaoping designated the area as China’s first special economic zone, Shenzhen had been a tiny fishing village. Suddenly, eleven million people appeared, seemingly out of nowhere; factories sprang up, often housed in hastily constructed tower blocks.
Michael Specter
Even with seemingly simple things like eye color, you can’t tell from my genetic code whether I have blue eyes or not. So it’s naive to think that complex human behaviors, like risk-seeking, are driven by changes in one or two genes.
Craig Venter
Over time, the business itself has evolved and changed almost seemingly every year. I’ve been able to adjust and change my style and adapt to whoever I’m in the ring with.
Bobby Roode
It’s challenging to find self-love when there’s confusion and you’re living in a world that’s seemingly very binary and black and white.
Tommy Dorfman
Peoria is such a seemingly quintessential American city

Peoria is such a seemingly quintessential American city, and I had always wanted to draw on that in either my fiction or in nonfiction. The Midwest is also a landscape that I have always been infatuated with, perhaps because it’s the first one I can truly remember.
Dinaw Mengestu
When a business becomes successful seemingly overnight, no one knows about all the months and years you’ve invested, all the projects you’ve tried before that didn’t work.
Niklas Zennstrom
Two things happen when you’re fearful. First, you make seemingly rational decisions that are actually hedges. Or second, you fail to do something because you worry about the consequences.
John Landgraf
As seemingly impossible as it may seem of having zero regrets, when I look at my life now and all the mistakes I’ve made, all the bad decisions I’ve made, all the things I could have done differently or done more in, I don’t think I would have changed anything.
Apolo Ohno
Just as discipline and freedom are opposing forces that must be balanced, leadership requires finding the equilibrium in the dichotomy of many seemingly contradictory qualities between one extreme and another.
Jocko Willink