Words matter. These are the best Almost All Quotes from famous people such as Ueli Steck, Herbie Hancock, Justin Theroux, Astro Teller, Frank Lloyd Wright, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
Today, to find a challenge is really hard. In the Alps, everything is done. The new lines, almost all of them are finished. So to find a new challenge, it’s all beginning to go to speed.
Clare Fischer was a major influence on my harmonic concept. He and Bill Evans, and Ravel and Gil Evans, finally. You know, that’s where it really came from. Almost all of the harmony that I play can be traced to one of those four people and whoever their influences were.
I’m a big believer that the reception is not the endeavor. And what I enjoy about almost all my work is the endeavor, the doing of something.
Most ideas don’t work out. Almost all ideas don’t work out. So it’s okay if yours didn’t work out.
I have been black and blue in some spot, somewhere, almost all my life from too intimate contacts with my own furniture.
Almost all the Disney villain witches are gay icons.
Do not suppose, however, that I intend to urge a diet of classics on anybody. I have seen such diets at work. I have known people who have actually read all, or almost all, the guaranteed Hundred Best Books. God save us from reading nothing but the best.
Vast volumes of mixed media surround us, from music to games and videos. Yet almost all of our online actions still begin and end with writing: text messages, status updates, typed search queries, comments and responses, screens packed with verbal exchanges and, underpinning it all, countless billions of words.
The exit polls suggest that after a relatively disappointing first term, Obama managed to reassemble almost all of his 2008 electorate.
Writing is a discipline: it’s almost all about holding back.
Almost all politicians are able to have a great one-on-one meeting. But I’m not interested in the candidate who can have a great meeting. I’m interested in the person who can make the right decisions.
I became a fanatic of the architecture of Le Corbusier and I visited almost all his buildings and read all his books. Only later on did I discover that all the things that impressed me in his books, particular his ideology, he had picked up from Auguste Perret.
Novels are one of the few remaining areas of narrative storytelling where one person does almost all of the creative heavy lifting.
Almost all the knowledge required to produce more food than eroding soil is available today – we just need to use that knowledge within a holistic paradigm – managing agriculture holistically, forming the policies that undergird it holistically.
At first I read mostly books by Southern authors – black and white – because almost all the people I knew were born and raised in the South, starting with my mother. I remember I got a lot of Erskine Caldwell.
I enjoy almost all of the game we kill. I only like to eat game that I have cleaned. I guess duck and dressing are still one of my favorites. We prefer fat green-winged teal or wood ducks for our dressing.
You should bear in mind that almost all my documentaries are feature films in disguise.
In almost all city governments in America, the small group of people who don’t want change are able to block change.
Almost all accidents take place because of human distraction.
Almost all of my stories can be understood to be elaborations on our drive to remake the world and our adjustments to the result.
Astonishingly, in spite of decades of research, there is no agreed theory of cancer, no explanation for why, inside almost all healthy cells, there lurks a highly efficient cancer subroutine that can be activated by a variety of agents – radiation, chemicals, inflammation and infection.
Why in almost all societies have married women specialized in bearing and rearing children and in certain agricultural activities, whereas married men have done most of the fighting and market work?
Kansas City, I would say, did more for jazz music, black music, than any other influence at all. Almost all their joints that they had there, they used black bands. Most musicians who amounted to anything, they would flock to Kansas City because that’s the place where jobs were plentiful.
The reserve of modern assertions is sometimes pushed to extremes, in which the fear of being contradicted leads the writer to strip himself of almost all sense and meaning.
India is a groundwater civilization. Almost all Indians use groundwater, directly or indirectly, each day.
A lot of the Jews I met in Israel, almost all of them are secular. They get turned off by their religion, in the same way that Americans get turned off Christianity by people like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robinson.
Almost all of us growing up have played baseball on some level. It has an inside track with people. It has a unifying effect.
First of all, you want to do the soaking with almost all of the larger beans because that will take care of the gas, and second of all… they want to be seasoned and flavored.
Adding salt to desserts helps to balance and pronounce flavors. Almost all of my desserts have salt in them. They don’t taste salty per se, but if I gave you two of the same item – one with salt and one without – side by side, you would realize something was missing.
Turning back the inequality revolution may be difficult. But that would certainly help more families – at almost all income levels – than turning back the gender revolution.
‘My Struggle’ came from a place of questioning and feelings of inauthenticity and frustration, and almost all of that is gone.
I found my voice singing pop and ballads, almost all of them Colombian artists. When I was 16, my family gave me a recording session with some Colombian producers, and that’s where I started my career.
Oh, yeah, I love DVD’s. I don’t have what you’d call an extensive collection, maybe a couple of hundred or so. But I have something on almost all the time.
Almost all analysis of politics and government considers relatively surface phenomena.
Mollie Hunter was both a great friend and a very fine writer for children. She was fascinated by Scotland’s history and its folklore – almost all her novels reflect her tremendous knowledge of both.
It’s a small percentage of people who do the 80-hour-a-week high-powered career thing, and they’re almost all men. Why? Well, men are driven by socio-economic status more than women.
I’ve heard that almost all the people crowding around the big art openings barely look at the work on display and are just there to hobnob. Nothing wrong with that, except that none of them ever come back to look at the art – but they will tell everyone, and actually believe, that they have seen the exhibition.
Traditionally, nations have harnessed taxpayers to their territory by making almost all social guarantees dependent on working in one country, every day, every month, and for at least three decades. In creating free movement of people, this web has only got more complex but never disappeared.
I wear sunglasses almost all the time outside – not because I think I’m really, really cool, but because of the rays.
Almost all the things you can do online can be enhanced by the social structure of MySpace.
As children, as we learn what things are, we are slowly learning to dismiss them visually. As adults, entirely submerged in words and concepts, we spend almost all of our time thinking and worrying about the past and the future, hardly ever looking at or engaging with the world visually.
It is a fairly open secret that almost all systems can be hacked, somehow. It is a less spoken of secret that such hacking has actually gone quite mainstream.
I write almost all my songs on an acoustic guitar, even if they turn into rock songs, hard rock songs, metal songs, heavy metal songs, really heavy songs… I love writing on an acoustic because I can hear what every string is doing; the vibrations haven’t been combined in a collision of distortion or effects yet.
I have done almost 100 movies and given voice over for almost all Hollywood stars.
Almost all novels are improved by cutting from the top. On their first pages, authors parade those favourite effects which disgust the impartial reader.
‘Blithe Spirit’ is played almost all over Britain somewhere at all times because it is such a unique and ridiculously funny show. But it’s also, in fact, under those layers of humor, a very serious show. It’s quite misogynistic.
As the president of Estonia, I represent the only truly digital society which actually has a state; almost all our citizens’ interactions with the government, including voting, can be done securely online, and our ‘e-residents’ can incorporate and run their businesses in Estonia without ever having to set foot here.
I’ve seen almost all of Rajinikanth sir’s movies, at least the ones that have come to Mumbai, since I don’t understand Tamil. I loved him in the movie ‘Hum’ as well.
In justice to human society it may perhaps be said of almost all the polities and civil institutions in the world, however imperfect, that they have been founded in and carried on with very considerable wisdom.
I’ve been in a competitive situation almost all my life. I’ve been having a competition with myself and trying to be the best I could be.
All my films have been larger-than-life. And since I’ve sat on almost all the scripts of the films I’ve produced, I do not compromise on aesthetics and visuals that could add to a scene.
Most people are dead. Did you know that? It’s true, out of all the people that ever were, almost all of them are dead.
To the Kenyan families, school doesn’t really matter because none of them are going on to college. Almost all of drop out of school and so, they’re spending their time learning things that are important to them.
Climate change is something that we cannot fix alone – it is the original collective action problem – it will not work unless almost all the large economies of the world act together.
People think the earth is going to die and they have to save it. That’s ridiculous. If you rid the earth of flowering plants, people would die, period. But the earth was without flowering plants for almost all of its history.
It used to be that almost all innovation came from the U.S. and a small number of other developed countries. That’s no longer the case, and as China and India grow, it’s changing even more. Expect a lot more Chinese and Indian Nobel prizes in the future.
Technology will play an increasingly important role in business, and employees will be required to interact constantly with it. It will create an unprecedented revolution in the way we work, dramatically changing jobs within almost all organizations.
Almost all of my graduate students say that they got interested in dinosaurs because of ‘Jurassic Park.’
We live in the kind of society where, in almost all cases, hard work is rewarded.
After I began in elementary school, I was able to go to the movies, and that was how I would spend my weekends, watching several movies one after another and almost all of them American movies. This is how I fell in love, at so young an age, with American movies and culture.
To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time.
One of the more difficult tasks for me as president was to decide on the issue of confirming capital punishment awarded by courts… to my surprise… almost all cases which were pending had a social and economic bias.
Since I started Turning Point U.S.A., almost all millennials are off the college campuses, where the organization and I continue to focus much of our efforts.
Almost all of my favorite shows are limited series. It just seems to be the better way to go.
People need to put my music in a perspective where they use other established artists from the past, and almost all the names I see related to my music are great musicians.
I do a lot of speaking about energy and environment. But that’s more a second job than a hobby. Hobby-wise, I love the outdoors – hiking, biking, kayaking, swimming, scuba diving. Because I spend almost all of my life in front of a screen, time in nature is especially important, I think.
There are days where I’m at the facility almost all day long. It’s definitely demanding mentally and physically.
We own almost all our knowledge not to those who have agreed but to those who have differed.
This open eye for possible alternatives which need to be scrutinized before we can determine which is the best grounded is profoundly disconcerting to all conservatives and to almost all revolutionaries.
Almost all of my jobs have been on locations. And I think you can be that person who says, ‘I have a job that forces me to travel and I’m just going to go ahead and do it and pray for my next flight home.’ Or ‘this is where I am, this is my life, let me see a part of this world I now live in.’
Almost all first ladies have had tremendous power on personnel issues, whether the public realized it or not, whether it was Barbara Bush or Nancy Reagan or whoever.
Almost all comedy is of its time. You can’t expect audiences now to laugh at what amused people 60 years ago.
When it comes to whether Britain should remain in the European Union, almost all political parties and traditions – Labour, the Greens, Liberal Democrats, the SNP, Plaid Cymru, and half of the Tory Party – agree that we are better off in Europe.
We have learned in recent years to translate almost all of political life in terms of conspiracy. And the spy novel, as never before, really, has come into its own.
I’m a mother myself, and sometimes mothers get a bad rap just because they’ve tried to do their job. Some people have more of a knack for it than others do, but almost all of it falls to, ‘My mother’s suffocating me.’ Whatever.
A great deal has been written in recent years about the purported lack of motivation in the children of the Negro ghettos. Little in my experience supports this, yet the phrase has been repeated endlessly, and the blame in almost all cases is placed somewhere outside the classroom.
My personal telephone book is a book of the dead now. I’m so old. Almost all of my friends have died, and I don’t have the guts to take their names out of the book.
But, right now, the situation is that almost all of my writing is out of print.
And these two elements are at odds with one another because Freud is utterly adversary to almost all the ways of structuring the human experience found in Western religions. No Western religion can countenance Freud’s view of man.
All I know is that Salman has signed 80 percent of my films without reading the script, and almost all our films have done well.
The truth is, none of us is OK, not really. The best, most dear, most thoughtful and engaged and open and feminist men in my life have occasionally come out with some statement that’s made me gasp. Then again, so have almost all the women.
I learned this lesson very quickly when I came into the NBA: Almost all the media and accolades go to the No. 1 guy. But if you’re building a team, the most important player is the No. 2 guy. Because if the No. 2 guy wants to be the No. 1 guy, you have a major problem.
The market is incredibly inefficient and capable on rare occasions of being utterly dysfunctional. And people have a really hard time getting their brain around that fact. They want to believe that it’s approximately efficient almost all the time, and it simply isn’t true.
For some students, especially in the sciences, the knowledge gained in college may be directly relevant to graduate study. For almost all students, a liberal arts education works in subtle ways to create a web of knowledge that will illumine problems and enlighten judgment on innumerable occasions in later life.
The U.K. and almost all of Europe have erred in terms of believing that austerity, fiscal austerity in the short term, is the way to produce real growth. It is not. You’ve got to spend money.
One of the things people think about me is that I don’t do deadlines. But if you look at all the books I’ve ever done, they’re all sequential every month. There might have been glitches along the way. But almost all of my books appeared sequentially.
Almost all human beings have the capacity for empathy. Everyone has the potential to be at least troubled, or feel genuine anguish, about the suffering of other human beings.
I still drive my 1977 Honda Accord. The paint is almost all worn off. It’s still running.
Almost all the people I’ve met in temporary accommodation fell behind with their rent because of benefit cuts, or found their landlord was no longer willing to keep them on since their income had been frozen.
Christmas is a season which almost all Christians observe in one way or another. Some keep it as a religious season. Some keep it as a holiday. But all over the world, wherever there are Christians, in one way or another Christmas is kept.
I’ve travelled a huge amount, but almost all of it has been through work. I spent five years stationed in London in the special services of the American Air Force, producing and directing shows for the troops, which I absolutely loved.
Almost all decisions based on cost accounting are utterly wrong.
Almost all crime is due to the repressed desire for aesthetic expression.
The downside to becoming a doctor, I think, is it’s a very long process; four years of medical school, three years of internship, two years of residency, umpteen years of specialization, and then finally you get to be what you have trained almost all your life for.
Promoting dependency is the Democratic Party’s vocation. It knows that almost all entitlements are forever, and those that are not – e.g., the lifetime eligibility for welfare, repealed in 1996 – are not for the middle class.
My role in ‘Legally Blonde’ was really rewarding, because I had so much fun working on the movie. I’ve had really rewarding experiences on tiny low budget films that you’ll never see but where I had a cool time creating characters as well. I love almost all of the characters I’ve played.
By definition, big data cannot yield complicated descriptions of causality. Especially in healthcare. Almost all of our diseases occur in the intersections of systems in the body.
I can’t pick a favorite animal; I love so many! But I guess if I have to choose, I pick bees! There’s this brilliant documentary called ‘Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us?’ I think it’s important for people to be educated about bees – they pollinate almost all the food we eat. They are amazing!
I have a lot of blurring between fiction and non-fiction in so many of my works. For example, my first novel, ‘When Nietzsche Wept,’ has a great deal of non-fiction in it. I didn’t create many characters at all. Almost all of them are historical characters that actually existed.
I’ve always been very one-sided about science, and when I was younger, I concentrated almost all my effort on it.
I’ve been a Colt for almost all of my adult life, but I guess in life, and in sports, we all know nothing lasts forever. Times change, circumstances change, and that’s the reality of playing in the NFL.
We were a Seuss family. As a child, I read almost all of his books, but the one I loved best was ‘The Lorax.’
I don’t have a massive fan base. I don’t have Patton Oswalt numbers, but the fan base I have is incredibly generous, and of the 22,000 people who follow me on Twitter, I think almost all of those people participate.
I’m exhausted almost all the time.
My Twitter feed is polluted with vitriolic personal abuse, much of it gendered. Like almost all female Members of Parliament, I have both seen and experienced inappropriate and sexist behaviour.
Almost all institutions own a lot more art than they can ever show, much of it revealing for its timeliness, genius, or sheer weirdness.
We became friends as we became a band. Our friendship evolved as the band evolved. It had its ups and downs, but it was mostly ups for the four of us. We got along well almost all of the time. Hey! We liked each other and we still do.
Listen, we all have to agree that there is too much litigation going on in this world. But every year it seems to multiply tenfold. Why can’t we stop it? Well, it’s because the lawmakers in Congress and the Senate are almost all lawyers, too!
I grill almost all of my fish with the skin on because that gives you real protection at least on one side. It’s a nice barrier against super high heat which tends to make a lot of fish to turn really flaky. It’s very easy to overcook fish on the grill. But I still brush it with oil before I start.
Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyze data, this will give you new ideas. Unfortunately, this belief is totally wrong. The mind can only see what it is prepared to see.
I am forever indebted to the ANC, the liberation movement I have served almost all my life.
Almost all of your life is lived by the seat of your pants, one unexpected event crashing into another, with no pattern or reason, and then you finally reach a point, around my age, where you spend more time than ever looking back. Why did this happen? Look where that led? You see the shape of things.
Almost all people have this potential for evil, which would be unleashed only under certain dangerous social circumstances.
The fact is, that with the creation of the Jewish state in 1948, hundreds of thousands of Jews fled Arab countries, almost all of whom left behind all their property for which compensation was never paid.
I think almost all manic depressives exhibit some kind of criminal behaviour, even if it’s something as minimal as shoplifting, but then they often go on to bigger and better things – in my case, it was fraud.
No one knows how Donald came to be who he is better than his own family. Unfortunately, almost all of them remain silent out of loyalty or fear. I’m not hindered by either of those.
Almost all the great players I admire performed well deep into their 30s and their 40s, almost all of them, and I don’t think I’m any different.
WWE was an opportunity to wrestle in front of thousands – in 2013, I did 227 matches, and almost all of them were in front of more than three or four thousand people, with a high of 70,000 plus. It was an incredible experience to be part of that.
In politics almost all of us are nerds, so that’s just a given… but we’re cool nerds.
I make almost all the decisions on set and have to deal with all the financial aspects.
I think of John McCain as a conservative, but he is clearly not the same kind of ‘conservative’ as, say, Rand Paul. The word is close to losing almost all meaning.
Almost all the fans I meet are pretty cool people. They’re intelligent and tend to think about things a bit more than your average rock’n’roll fans: sensible people I wouldn’t mind having a drink with.
Almost all wars, perhaps all, are trade wars connected with some material interest. They are always disguised as sacred wars, made in the name of God, or civilization or progress. But all of them, or almost all of the wars, have been trade wars.
I’m hard-pressed to think of companies that don’t need venture capital that are going after big opportunities. I think, in almost all cases, if they’re going after big opportunities, they are going to need to raise quite a bit of money.
Almost all the ideas we have about being a man or being a woman are so burdened with pain, anxiety, fear and self-doubt. For many of us, the confusion around this question is excruciating.
Everybody feels like an outcast because the world is so large and every fingerprint is so vastly different from one another, and yet we have these standards and beliefs, and dogmatic systems of judgment and ranking, in almost all the societies of the world.
I wear sunglasses almost all the time except when I’m on stage.
Almost all my middle-aged and elderly acquaintances, including me, feel about 25, unless we haven’t had our coffee, in which case we feel 107.
In the past, we had several dog butcher shops in Cheongnyangni, but I closed almost all of them down through various measures.
If we could take one of my skin cells and turn it into an embryo-like cell and turn it back into a skin cell, it has reset almost all of the developmental indications of age.
You know, I love stop-motion. I’ve done almost all the styles of animation: I was a 2D animator. I’ve done cutout animation. I did a CG short a few years ago, ‘Moongirl,’ for young kids. Stop-motion is what I keep coming back to, because it has a primal nature. It can never be perfect.
Almost all of the Marshall Islands’ 72,000 residents live within seven feet of sea level. If the climate continues to change at its current pace, ocean acidification could destroy its resources and rising oceans could flood large parts of the islands.
The lowest and most level land areas show us, especially when we dig there to very great depths, nothing but horizontal layers of material more or less varied, which almost all contain innumerable products of the sea.
I used to get an awful lot of letters, and they have almost all gone. I used to answer nearly all of them.
I do almost all my movies in French. I dub them.
I think the term ‘friend’ itself has lost almost all of its exclusivity. Even the term ‘good friend’ is overused. Adding the word ‘vital’ provides a clear definition of what we mean.
Almost all our suffering is the product of our thoughts. We spend nearly every moment of our lives lost in thought, and hostage to the character of those thoughts. You can break this spell, but it takes training just like it takes training to defend yourself against a physical assault.
The one noticeable similarity with almost all serial killer victims is their short height and low weight.
When I was 5 years old, my mother read me ‘Gone With The Wind’ at night, before I went to bed. I remember her reading almost all year.
My main problem with Norwegian Black Metal is that almost all the bands from 1992-1993 are made up of rats, who ratted each other out and blamed me for everything that went wrong in the scene. I really don’t want to be associated with them in any way.
And we reduce almost all male-female problems by working on both the female and the male. And that usually means having both sexes take responsibility.
I’m lucky: almost all my family has lived to be very old. I have one grandfather who lived to be 100.
Vijay Sethupati has been a part of almost all my films. He trusts me blindly, and I feel the same trust in his abilities each time.
Ants are the dominant insects of the world, and they’ve had a great impact on habitats almost all over the land surface of the world for more than 50-million years.
Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.
Thanks to our present surgical methods in physiology we can demonstrate at any time almost all phenomena of digestion without the loss of even a single drop of blood, without a single scream from the animal undergoing the experiment.
I have acted in more than 100 films so far. And I have worked with almost all top stars and leading directors.
‘9 to 5 the Musical’ is perfect for anyone that’s ever wanted to string up their boss, which is almost all of us.
Three things about water affect almost all of cooking. First are the hydrogen bonds, which is why it has an incredibly high boiling point. Another is that it’s a polar molecule, so that it dissolves a lot of things, and there are things that won’t mix with it. And then there’s how much energy it takes to heat water.
Belgium is half French-speaking and half Flemish, and I was born on the French side. So we spoke it a lot – like, in kindergarten, it was almost all French. But then I moved to New Zealand when I was 10, where we obviously spoke English all the time, so I lost the French a little bit.
I thought that after ‘Hate Story 3,’ people are going to typecast and offer me the same roles. But, I have been lucky enough to be offered almost all different genres.
If it didn’t happen in your life before, then you’re not paying attention you don’t think it’s possible. But almost all important events never happen in your life before.
We live in a very uncertain world, and I think that uncertainty of itself generates an environment which we should not make a decision that deprives future generations of the deterrent effect that the nuclear weapons have provided for us and for almost all of my life.
At a purely practical level, history is important because it provides the basic skills needed for students to go further in sociology, politics, international relations and economics. History is also an ideal discipline for almost all careers in the law, the civil service and the private sector.
I see all kinds of people work hard all over the world, and some of them are barely making it. I don’t just mean subsistence farmers. I mean people in the developed world who work multiple jobs, and because the cost of health care and child care eats up almost all of the living they make.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, most people in Britain lived in small village communities. They knew all their neighbours. They dressed alike, and almost all were white. The vast majority belonged to the same religion and spoke much the same language.
It did occur to me that certainly African-Americans are not underserved in picture books, but those books are almost all about specifically black experiences.
I think that, in almost all human beings, there is buried a profound tribal instinct that makes us very susceptible to being aroused to patriotic fervour.
On ‘Angel’ I got to work a lot with Mike Massa, who was David Boreanaz’ stunt double, and Mike would let me do most of my stuff by myself. I did almost all my fight scenes by myself.
I enjoy the honesty of English football, because nobody gives up, and almost all the best players are here. Italian football is at the bottom because of all those scandals. Their league is not very interesting.
It’s going to sound terribly glib and cliched but the more I learn about animals, the more convinced I am that almost all the fears we have about them are unfounded.
Look, I don’t think President Obama would have bowed to the ruler of Saudi Arabia if he didn’t have oil to the degree that the Saudis do. I think they and other producing states, almost all of whom, except Norway and Canada, are dictatorships or autocratic systems, have thrown their weight around because of oil.
I do think we’re at a point in our history where almost all of the big, grand, challenges faced by the human race are those that demand a scientific solution: climate change; access to clean water; over-crowding; plastic waste.
I remembered watching the film from Alfred Hitchcock, ‘Dial M for Murder,’ and he shot almost all of that movie in one room. There was a genius in what Hitchcock did by manipulating things in that room so that you could see the distances between things like the tables and the vases because of how he used perspective.
The people I grew up around, almost all of them had been born and raised in the South. And, you know, they didn’t always go to church, but they lived their lives as if God were watching everything they did.