Top 165 Freely Quotes

I came not to your glorious shores to enjoy a happy rest – I came not to gather triumphs of personal distinction, but as a humble petitioner, in my country’s name, as its freely chosen constitutional leader, to entreat your generous aid.
Lajos Kossuth
As this is the first time I have had the floor, it may be well for me now to confess, that I am in the habit of freely imputing errors to my fellow-men.
Gerrit Smith
I think a guitar solo is how my emotion is most freely released, because verbal articulation isn’t my strongest communication strength. My wife thinks that I should do interviews by listening to the questions and playing the answer on guitar.
David Gilmour
I was afraid the other musicians might want to present themselves too much, though I see in the coverage I’ve received of the album that the musicians got wonderful reviews for their contributions and abilities. I think the four musicians played freely within my limits.
Eberhard Weber
I think bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are great ideas. They should be allowed to be traded freely and used freely to find their appropriate role in the economy.
Thomas Peterffy
We are not going to damage our safety and our security. We’re not going to give those extremists the privilege to come so freely to Israel in order to carry out more attacks against us and kill us one day after another.
Silvan Shalom
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly.
Bertrand Russell
I freely admit that I am a bit of a misfit.
Rhys Ifans
If the so called ‘democratic’ individuals out there really believe in their talk about diversity, they should let those with truly different opinions be allowed to talk freely in public, too.
Varg Vikernes