Top 165 Suspect Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Suspect Quotes from famous people such as Kurt Vonnegut, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Curtis Sittenfeld, Carl Hart, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

One might be led to suspect that there were all sorts o

One might be led to suspect that there were all sorts of things going on in the universe which he or she did not thoroughly understand.
Kurt Vonnegut
My husband and I were very in love, and I had no reason to suspect that his interests lay anywhere else.
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Blow the dust off the clock. Your watches are behind the times. Throw open the heavy curtains which are so dear to you – you do not even suspect that the day has already dawned outside.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
In general, when any of us get outraged by relatively minor pop-cultural phenomena, I suspect it’s a way of relaxing and not focussing on more daunting and intractable problems, whether personal or social.
Curtis Sittenfeld
In the mainstream, I’m suspect because I’m black. I have dreadlocks, I have a goatee. I mean, I’m just suspect. In my classroom and at Columbia, I’m not as suspect because it’s clear I know what I’m doing, but I am still suspect.
Carl Hart
I will say this: I know no wise person who doesn’t read a lot. I suspect that you can read on the computer now and get a lot of benefit out of it, but I doubt that it’ll work as well as reading print worked for me.
Charlie Munger
I hate to think I ever make my husband frightened or unhappy, but I suspect I do.
Laurie Graham
Why is it surprising that scientists might have long hair and wear cowboy boots? In fields like neuroscience, where the events you are recording are so minute, I suspect scientists cultivate a boring, reliable image. A scientist with a reputation for flamboyance might be suspect.
Steven Pinker
Although there’s a lot of focus on the Lib Dems, we need to keep our eyes on the far right of the Tories, who I suspect will become increasingly impatient in their appetite for tax cuts, deregulation and shrinking the state even further.
Frances O’Grady
The recipe for a human doesn’t fill up a shopping list as you may suspect. Just twenty-two elements can describe almost all of the molecules that are, at this moment, you.
Kyle Hill
Some writers – most, I suspect – write in isolation. I think I’d always found that quite difficult.
Michael Morpurgo
I’ve heard life starts at 40. I wouldn’t know until I get there… I suspect 40 would just be another number. I have never allowed myself to stop and consider my age. I’ve always been on the move.
Prabhu Deva
Africans who immigrate to America know how little racism exists there. They suspect it before emigrating from Africa, and they know it after arriving in America. Indeed, America, the Left’s depiction of it notwithstanding, is the least racist country in the world.
Dennis Prager
I don’t know how much love David felt – I suspect very little. My main appeal to him was as a nurse, cook, housekeeper, creative ally, and business adviser.
Angela Bowie
I know there are some reasons to suspect me: after all, I have education in computer security and was a hobby hacker in teenage years. But hacking is not my occupation, and I do not have any job within any intelligence, either Russian or some another.
Alexandra Elbakyan
I suspect millions of people from my generation probably have comparable stories to tell: if not of sports simulations then of Dungeons & Dragons, or the geopolitical strategy of games like Diplomacy, a kind of chess superimposed onto actual history.
Steven Johnson
When I’m overseas, I suspect I look like Mr. Bean.
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Dad always explained the car engine when he repaired it, and he had many technical books, so I was making electromagnets by age eight as well as reading my mother’s medical and nursing books. I suspect I was born with a boundless curiosity, and this was encouraged through my childhood.
Barry Marshall
I think Starbucks created a platform and, ultimately, a runway for many other companies to emulate. I suspect if we had not achieved what we have, there would have been many regional brands that would have succeeded. But I’m not sure there would have been a national brand of the scope of Starbucks.
Howard Schultz
A task becomes a duty from the moment you suspect it to be an essential part of that integrity which alone entitles a man to assume responsibility.
Dag Hammarskjold
I am a kind of paranoid in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy.
J. D. Salinger
To speak about notation as the only way that you can guarantee structure of course is already very suspect.
Evan Parker
I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.
Barack Obama
Those in supreme power always suspect and hate their next heir.
I suspect that no community will become humane and caring by restricting what its members can say.
Derek Bok
A lot of people, quite frankly, think intense attachments to animals are weird and suspect, the domain of people who can’t quite handle attachments to humans.
Caroline Knapp
‘Criminal Minds,’ our original show, is a phenomenal show, and all elements of that show work so well. I think that ‘Suspect Behavior’ just didn’t click. I don’t think it has anything to do with spin-offs. I think a spin-off still has to be successful on its own.
Nina Tassler
Disney is thrilling and informative and important and beautiful and suspect. Butts was a detail I observed later and definitely ties in. I suppose I was programmed, yeah.
Mark Morris
Rewards are directly proportional to the suspect and his peers’ status in society: $100,000 was offered in the Moxley case. It meant nothing to millionaires.
Mark Fuhrman
Back then, in 1968, everything was suspect – family, government, and obviously the family unit in ‘Night of the Living Dead’ completely collapses. That’s what we were focused on.
George A. Romero
I suspect that you, like I once did, are picturing the Arctic as one endless Pingu landscape of flat ice, broken only by the occasional Berghaus-clad James Cracknell type striding manfully out of the spindrift.
Alexander Armstrong
I find myself unable to let go of the sense that human

I find myself unable to let go of the sense that human beings are somehow special, and that moment-to-moment human experience contains a certain unquantifiable essence. I still suspect there is something too quirky, too paradoxical, or too interpersonal to be imitated or re-created by machine life.
Douglas Rushkoff
Honesty is wonderful, but I suspect it’s also overrated.
Karan Johar
In truth, even if they have an imperfect insight into their own methods, I still slightly mistrust writers of fiction who are assured literary critics; it makes me suspect that they favour the word over the world it should describe. Such scribes fall victim too easily to the solecism of equating style with morality.
Will Self
My dog’s name is Tucker, and his DNA is unidentifiable and suspect.
W. Bruce Cameron
No other animal bonds to a human being the way a dog does. And I suspect there is no other animal to which human beings can bond the way we can bond to a dog.
Robert Crais
If it’s bathos you want – and I suspect we are all bathos junkies in the end – nothing gives it to you quite like watching sport. Unless it’s playing sport.
Howard Jacobson
I suspect most politicians feel overwhelmed because people’s lives are a real struggle, full of unhappiness, and you would probably feel powerless to do anything about it.
Jo Brand
There are several occupational hazards for book reviewers, chief among them being the Curse of the Jaded Palate – that sinking feeling when you start reading a new book and begin to suspect that you’ve seen it all before.
Tony Bradman
Ron allowed us to see right away the private piece of a person about to become very public. I suspect we’re going to see more of her very private world – Laura’s private experience. I’m not sure yet how public she’s going to be about the actions she’s going to have to take.
Mary McDonnell
I suspect that among parents or siblings of a person with autism there are higher rates of talents in systemizing.
Simon Baron-Cohen
We all have our opinions. But I suspect that writers are actually less worth heeding, because they regard themselves as so uniquely important, so culturally sensitive.
Simon Hoggart
Libertarian immigration policy would be an experiment in which I don’t think we should participate. We should not bet the republic that the results will be good. I suspect the results would be a disaster and the end of the American experiment.
Jan C. Ting
From a distance, the American political system is a remarkable success. We have accomplished the peaceful transfer of power for more than two hundred years, and that’s unmatched by any civilization in human history. Up close, our political system still has all the ugliness and bad actors that you might suspect.
Douglas Brunt
I suspect that most retailers are so busy buying goods, taking care of markdowns, and so on that they have too little time to give thought to creativity.
Stanley Marcus
I suspect many people have the problem that they type much more slowly than they think. Consequently, they keep resynchronizing their thought processes with what they have typed so far, and they match a later part of the thought with an earlier part that they have typed.
Ray Tomlinson
Spiritual growth and spirituality always seem suspect to some people.
Marianne Williamson
Some residents, I suspect, may be politically motivated in suggesting that having two members of Congress lessens Montclair’s clout. Quite to the contrary. I think it increases Montclair’s visibility – as a matter of fact, Essex County’s visibility.
Rodney Frelinghuysen
I suspect that even most conservatives would prefer to live in the kind of world conjured up in the liberals’ imagination rather than in the kind of world we are in fact stuck with.
Thomas Sowell
I envy people with dreams and passions, but I don’t think that way. I still don’t have a ‘bliss’ to follow. For people like me – I suspect that’s most people – holding out for a ‘dream’ or a ‘passion’ is paralyzing. I just like having work I enjoy that feels meaningful. That’s hard enough… but it’s enough.
Jane Pauley
Research shows that if patients believe they are taking the real drug, they are more confident of improving and, so, improve even if they are actually on the placebo. Conversely, if they suspect they are taking the placebo, their expectancy of improvement declines, and so does their improvement.
John Cornwell
If there is something I don’t know and I suspect that I need clarification and so does the viewer, I just ask for it.
Harris Faulkner
Usually, I would mistrust a book if it took that long to write. Usually, if it isn’t done in two years, I suspect there’s something wrong and throw it away.
John Burnside
A Democratic president should propose a major permanent tax reduction on the middle class and working class. I suspect most of the public would find this attractive.
Robert Reich
Don’t automatically obey Presidential directives if you disagree or if you suspect he hasn’t considered key aspects of the issue.
Donald Rumsfeld
Either ‘Deuce Coupe’ has aged badly, or I have. I suspect it’s the latter.
Robert Gottlieb
I suspect that authors who start their careers writing for an adult audience – and who eventually produce a young adult novel or two – are more common than authors who begin by writing for young adults and who then gravitate toward composing something for an adult audience.
Paul Di Filippo
I know so many players who say they wouldn’t entertain coaching, until they retire that is, and then they want to take their coaching badges. I suspect this might happen with David Beckham.
Gordon Taylor
Popular music is one endless love song that, I suspect, the basically solitary Ella Fitzgerald approached much as the basically solitary Marianne Moore approached poetry: reading it with a certain contempt for it, Moore said, you could find a place in it for the genuine.
Margo Jefferson
I have always tried to hide my efforts and wished my works to have a light joyousness of springtime which never lets anyone suspect the labors it has cost me.
Henri Matisse
I suspect that young adults crave stories of broken futures because they themselves are uneasily aware that their world is falling apart.
Paolo Bacigalupi
In these times of stress, snark, division and despair, I still suspect that two of the most important features we possess are imagination and a capacity for goodness. Those are qualities for which we will be remembered most fondly.
Geoffrey S. Fletcher
The problem with the mobile industry is that it deals w

The problem with the mobile industry is that it deals with an intangible service which is largely similar across major players. Most consumers cannot tell the difference between Vodafone and Orange, or AT&T and Verizon in the U.S., beyond the colors and the logos. I suspect neither can the companies.
Nirmalya Kumar
I can’t think whether I’ve actually interviewed the widow of a crime suspect. Obviously, I’ve interviewed members of the families of people who’ve been accused of things.
Fiona Barton
Every couple needs glue to stay together. Like all marriages, I suspect, if you’re busy you don’t see it coming until you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. It’s a bit like going broke. It happens slowly and then very quickly.
Anne Robinson
I suspect there’s a lot of validity to the premise that big companies aren’t going to attract entrepreneurial talent.
Evan Williams
The truth is, I like to engage with life fully. Given an opportunity to do something I don’t often get a chance to do, I feel the need to try it, even if I suspect I’ll make a fool out of myself.
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from the failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so.
Byron White
I suspect the Left’s obsession with raising tax rates is not about helping the poor or middle class or about lowering the budget deficit, but about tearing down the rich.
Stephen Moore
I do suspect that this world is hell.
Francesca da Rimini
I cannot bet my life on it, because I was not involved, that Alex Rodriguez ever used steroids. But in my opinion, I suspect he has, yes.
Jose Canseco
Neither my mom nor my dad ever bought me any comic books. Certainly not for Christmas. I suspect that doing so would have violated the Parents’ Code.
Michael Dirda
Facebook is not ideologically neutral. In fact, it emerges from a very particular world view which we can trace back to Hobbes. I discovered this by examining the profile of Zuckerberg’s fellow board members who, unlike him, are a very interesting bunch and, I suspect, the real power behind the poster boy.
Tom Hodgkinson
There is something suspect, especially in America, about people who don’t have ten-year plans for a career or at least a regular job.
Sylvia Plath
There’s a lot more to being a woman than being a mother, but there’s a hell of a lot more to being a mother than most people suspect.
Roseanne Barr
I suspect that perfect happiness is not possible for me. I suppose if I was ever selected for eternal life – the moment I was informed – that would bring me the closest.
Owen King
I haven’t checked, but I highly suspect that chickens evolved from an egg-laying ancestor, which would mean that there were, in fact, eggs before there were chickens. Genius.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Of course Stephen King doesn’t believe in teen novels. I’ve started to suspect he doesn’t even believe in teenagers.
Robin Wasserman
But I suspect most people across the United States are still unfamiliar with PFAS and don’t realize the exposure that occurs. I’m going to continue doing what I can elevating that awareness.
Robert Bilott
My mum and dad were incredibly supportive – although I suspect my dad would have preferred me to go the university route. However, I know they were extremely proud when I won the 2011 BAFTA Best Actor for playing comedian Eric Morecambe in ‘Eric and Ernie.’
Daniel Rigby
In the mind, we doubt and suspect, and we get a kind of pleasure, a kind of joy from that. But in the heart, we try to encompass the full world, and by loving the world, we get joy.
Sri Chinmoy
I suspect music is auditory cheesecake, an exquisite confection crafted to tickle the sensitive spots of… our mental faculties.
Steven Pinker
Those who are incapable of committing great crimes do not readily suspect them in others.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
True-crime shows and podcasts aren’t the only ones flattening the complexity of forensic science into easy-to-grasp narratives: journalists do so, too. They say DNA or trace evidence ‘matches’ a suspect, when scientists can’t be so definitive.
Sarah Weinman
I am opposed to any individual taxes until we eliminate all of the unconstitutional agencies, and I suspect we wouldn’t need a tax after that.
Michael Badnarik
Many police departments still use DNA evidence the way they have used fingerprints and tire tracks: to determine whether a suspect committed the crime.
Bill Dedman
I’m fascinated by politicians, because I suspect the huge majority of them go into it full of ideas and for the best possible reasons but end up being hijacked.
Kevin Whately
Our writers are full of cliches just as old barns are full of bats. There is obviously no rule about this, except that anything that you suspect of being a cliche undoubtedly is one and had better be removed.
Wolcott Gibbs
To be frank, I suspect that today there is little respect for Christianity as source of moral teaching about goodness.
Timothy Radcliffe
There is something suspicious about music, gentlemen. I insist that she is, by her nature, equivocal. I shall not be going too far in saying at once that she is politically suspect.
Thomas Mann
I’m probably a believer in abandoning too-big-to-fail firms or breaking them up in some way so that the system can try to take care of itself. I imagine you’re not going to get there, and therefore, I suspect regulation is what’s going to be required.
Andrew Ross Sorkin
Brains, you know, are suspect in the Republican Party.
Walter Lippmann
The ‘Vampire of Ropraz’ claims to be based on a true story, but the name of Rosa’s father matches that of a notable Swiss artist and restorer. The eventual suspect has the overlong teeth and shambling menace of a would-be vampire, but Chessex leaves the real possibility of his guilt an open question.
Sarah Weinman
I kind of have an interest in all history. And I suspec

I kind of have an interest in all history. And I suspect it comes from being Irish – we like stories, we like telling stories, which makes a lot of us lean towards being writers or actors or directors.
Colm Meaney
I don’t recall exactly when I first began reading about Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery, but I suspect that it was in fourth grade.
Joseph Bruchac
The NSA should keep close watch on suspected terrorists to keep our country safe – through programs permitting due process, the naming of a suspect, and oversight by an accountable court.
Rand Paul
You sort of suspect if a book’s fun to write, it will be fun to read.
Geraldine McCaughrean
If I had to give up reading or give up listening to music, I suspect I’d stick with the music.
Charles Frazier
Callista Gingrich has, I suspect, given Newt’s advisers a giant headache. She’s a constant presence at her husband’s side – and a constant reminder of his acknowledged infidelity. Newt cheated on his second wife with Callista, a woman 23 years his junior.
Patti Davis
There is nothing makes a man suspect much, more than to know little.
Francis Bacon
I’ve got a quad copter on my Christmas list, as I suspect quite a few people do.
Blake Farenthold
I have been unsure, from the start, what the Occupy movement was all about, although I did suspect that it was just fatuous, anti-enterprise, left-wingery.
Nigel Farage
There is not now, nor I suspect will there ever be, a le Carre novel with ninjas in it. Most serious novelists are wary of including ninjas in their writing. That’s a shame, because many much-admired works of modern fiction could benefit from a few.
Nick Harkaway
I suspect a singing teacher would have a fit with my diction. They’d probably think I was doing a very bad job.
Elizabeth Fraser
I don’t know what’s going to happen specifically on votes on Obamacare. I suspect we’ll vote to repeal early to put on record the fact that we Republicans think it’s a bad policy, and we think it’s hurting our constituents, and we think health care cost should be going down, not up.
Rob Portman
Comedy comes easily to me, and so for me, comedy is suspect.
Marshall Brickman
The cold, mean ‘Sunset Boulevard’ – a beautiful title, though I suspect it was shot on another boulevard – is further proof of the resurgence of art in the Hollywood of super-craftsmen with insuperable taste.
Manny Farber
I do suspect my star ratings average too high. But, of course, star ratings are ridiculous. I’m stuck with them.
Roger Ebert
Washington is a place where people have always been suspect of style and overt sexuality. Too much preening signals that you’re not up late studying cap-and-trade agreements.
Maureen Dowd
Naming is nice. It took me days before I was able to speak a name for my first child (what if people did not like it?), and I suspect we gave her a secret, second name as well, to keep her safe.
Anne Enright
I suspect that one of capitalism’s crucial assets derives from the fact that the imagination of economists, including its critics, lags well behind its own inventiveness, the arbitrariness of its undertaking and the ruthlessness of the way in which it proceeds.
Zygmunt Bauman
Black culture is a fight. We want to hold on to what we are, but sometimes the things that we are can be totally negative. You have to think: can’t we try something new and not be seen as suspect?
Donald Glover
I’ve had a family my entire adult life; I started raising kids when I was 21. I suspect that being part of a family has probably informed my life as a writer as much as anything else has.
Amy Bloom
Sectarian political festivals are not the way Londoners want their money to be spent. Most of us, I suspect, just want to be trusted to get on with other people and not be instructed by activists about the dangers of racism.
Munira Mirza
When I looked into the eyes of the people who knew Laci best, I saw something I didn’t want to see: a group of people who desperately loved Laci, and who were beginning to suspect she wasn’t coming home.
Amber Frey
In my own life, I find myself doing some task – driving or playing golf – and having a conversation with my mother or father, who are both deceased. I don’t know if that means I’m mentally ill, but I suspect lots of people do it. And when I hold that conversation, different images of my parents appear to me.
James Remar
I suspect I am like most people on the Internet in that I sign up for all sorts of sites and frequently use the same passwords.
Rachel Sklar
I’ve always been curious about how much of our cultural baggage we bring to what and how we read. I suspect we bring a lot, although we like to think we don’t.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
I suspect that living 24/7 in workout attire is the clothing version of the messy topknot. We all know that your hair is dirty, or too long, or too frizzy, or your roots have grown out, but we are all going to accept it as fabulous because that’s the deal.
Mary H.K. Choi
There’s a lot of risk in putting what you suspect you really are into your music.
Josh Tillman
I suspect that writers and other creators are never really finished with any work.
Cecilia Dart-Thornton
Most of the things we do, we do for no better reason than that our fathers have done them or our neighbors do them, and the same is true of a larger part than what we suspect of what we think.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Everyone succumbs to finitude. I suspect I am not the only one who reaches this pluperfect state. Most ambitions are either achieved or abandoned; either way, they belong to the past. The future, instead of the ladder toward the goals of life, flattens out into a perpetual present.
Paul Kalanithi
Maybe we’re kind of predisposed to think that anything a politician does is calculated and therefore suspect.
Deborah Tannen
Even while we busily attend meetings, contribute money

Even while we busily attend meetings, contribute money and perform our assigned tasks, we suspect that we may be helping to create a force that is inimical to many values we hold dear.
Robert Shea
I suspect that writer’s block afflicts mainly people who have some stable and ample source of income outside of writing. So far it hasn’t been a problem.
Fred Saberhagen
It was once understood that resistance is a serious crime because it necessarily triggers an escalation of violence that endangers the life not only of the police office, but also the suspect.
William Barr
I’ve received tweets that I suspect people wouldn’t have sent in 2015. Is that a changed country or is that people who are unpleasant feeling emboldened to speak?
David Olusoga
In this fallen world, I suspect we will never achieve perfection. But that won’t stop me trying.
Michael Gove
I suspect that some apparently homosexual people are really heterosexuals who deeply phobic about the opposite sex or have other emotional problems.
Marilyn vos Savant
With ‘River Monsters’, I am the investigator: here’s the crime scene, I talk to witnesses, I establish a suspects list, I narrow it down; here’s the prime suspect, I go and arrest the prime suspect – who often doesn’t want to come quietly.
Jeremy Wade
Vice President Biden’s surprising declaration of unqualified support for gay marriage seems to have forced President Obama into a public endorsement of a controversial social issue. It is difficult not to suspect that Biden’s pronouncement aimed to give the president some political cover.
Robert Dallek
I suspect that war will become obsolete only when something worse supercedes it.
Joe Haldeman
I am a sandwich man. Somewhere early in life, my epigenetic switches got flicked to ‘likes sandwiches,’ and that’s where they still are. I suspect it’s at least in part because they’re easy to eat while reading.
Tad Williams
My principal once told me that I was a penny waiting for change. But I suspect that I irritated him probably because I was making more money than he was.
GG Allin
A woman of honor should never suspect another of things she would not do herself.
Margaret of Valois
Although technical discussions are interesting to composers, I suspect that the truly magical and spiritual powers of music arise from deeper levels of our psyche.
George Crumb
Whatever brief delights it provides, mere strangeness in poetry and prose eventually leaves us cold, especially when we suspect the writer is stretching for effect to avoid the actual life before his eyes.
Roger Rosenblatt
The secret of it is to read what you’ve got in front of you. Don’t, if you suspect that something has a double meaning, don’t pause. Don’t put on a leery vocal expression if you know what I mean on radio. Don’t sort of do anything other than read it.
Humphrey Lyttelton
Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect.
Steven Wright
I wish I had a filter; then, I’d suspect, who knows? I’d perhaps have more friends.
Robert Rinder
The notion that a black suspect can do no wrong and is always the victim is B.S.
Tomi Lahren
Every word I write I suspect the next day.
Richard Burton
Regular panelists on shows can be terrifying. They own that space, and many guest comics suspect they are favoured in the edit, while their own hilarious jokes end up being ejected into the ether.
Jo Brand
There’s this joke that Anna Drezen wrote for Melissa Villasenor, where Melissa plays every teen-girl murder suspect on Law & Order.’ And there’s this joke in there that is like, We stabbed her as a joke, but she took it the wrong way and started bleeding!’
Bowen Yang
I didn’t feel a strong bond with the parents who raised me, and I had anything but a happy childhood. My mother was overly sensitive; my father, ascetic. I was neither. I felt as if I were living with complete strangers. I suspect that my parents felt the same way.
Lisa Lutz
It’s very easy for Australians living in big cities to either romanticise or demonise the situation in Aboriginal places – to kind of look at things through the ‘noble innocents’ prism or through the ‘chronically dysfunctional’ prism, and I suspect that is so often the case.
Tony Abbott
People think it’s suspect and self-indulgent to make art, and I don’t think that’s true. Some people think you should be busy making something that you can sell in the marketplace, and if nobody wants to buy it, it must be crap. And that’s not true.
Dana Spiotta
I suspect any serious reader has a first great book, just the way anybody has a first kiss.
Michael Cunningham
Dan Brown is a character from ‘Foucault’s Pendulum!’ I invented him. He shares my characters’ fascinations – the world conspiracy of Rosicrucians, Masons, and Jesuits. The role of the Knights Templar. The hermetic secret. The principle that everything is connected. I suspect Dan Brown might not even exist.
Umberto Eco
We are always paid for our suspicion by finding what we suspect.
Henry David Thoreau
In due course, following an additional debriefing, the FBI confirmed to me and to my former counsel, Tom Carter, that I was not a suspect in this case. I assumed that my involvement in the investigation was over.
Steven Hatfill
I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think.
Anne Sullivan
To deny women directors, as I suspect is happening in the States, is to deny the feminine vision.
Jane Campion
I suspect any worries about genetic engineering may be unnecessary. Genetic mutations have always happened naturally, anyway.
James Lovelock
We are not supposed to go out and kill all those we sus

We are not supposed to go out and kill all those we suspect to have committed a crime.
Bianca Jagger
My ‘Pearl Harbor’ story is that I’ve never seen it, and I suspect that I was cut completely from the movie, but my name is fairly high in the credits at the end. So, anybody that’s ever said that they saw me in Pearl Harbor, I think they just saw the list of credits at the end of the movie.
Sean Gunn
Anything that raises any internal honesty about gay life is inherently suspect.
Andrew Sullivan
I don’t quite know how the urban music category came about, but I suspect it had something to do with trying to maximise sales.
Chris Ofili
I suspect I was not the first 21-year-old who thought he knew more than he did. And one of the virtues of age, one of the virtues of getting married and becoming a father, is it often leads one to take a more measured approach to life.
Ted Cruz
Secular humanists suspect there is something more gloriously human about resisting the religious impulse; about accepting the cold truth, even if that truth is only that the universe is as indifferent to us as we are to it.
Tom Flynn
You always notice a facelift on a woman. It’s a tightness around the ears, and the scar is usually inside the ears. If I suspect it’s been done, I usually move around until I can see it. But with a man, it actually pulls your beard and your sideburns back, and that’s what’s so strange.
Tom Ford
There is no rule more invariable than that we are paid for our suspicions by finding what we suspect.
Henry David Thoreau
There was never any point in my life when I wasn’t called Mr. Donen. I’m told my first words were, ‘Call me Mr. Donen.’ But I suspect that’s apocryphal. My mother, Mrs. Donen, tended to exaggerate.
Stanley Donen
I received a call from America after finishing ‘Suspect’, and I told them that I would go to America if things are ready.
Gong Yoo