Top 175 Optimist Quotes

Let optimists rule the world.
Lauryn Hill
I have become my own version of an optimist. If I can’t make it through one door, I’ll go through another door – or I’ll make a door. Something terrific will come no matter how dark the present.
Rabindranath Tagore
I am an optimist, and I try to think that the light will always prevail in any situation, so it doesn’t really make me sad about humanity because I think, deep down, everybody is full of love and light.
Thomas Gibson
I am an optimist, and I believe that people are inherently good and that if you give everyone a voice and freedom of expression, the truth and the good will outweigh the bad.
Matt Mullenweg
I try not to be too optimistic or pessimistic. If you’re a pessimist then that’s depressing all the time; if you’re an optimist and things don’t work out then that’s depressing, too.
Nicholas Hoult
In my last year of school, I was voted Class Optimist and Class Pessimist. Looking back, I realize I was only half right.
Jack Nicholson
With optimism, you look upon the sunny side of things. People say, ‘Studs, you’re an optimist.’ I never said I was an optimist. I have hope because what’s the alternative to hope? Despair? If you have despair, you might as well put your head in the oven.
Studs Terkel
I’m an optimist.
Ricky Gervais
I sometimes say I am a ‘happiness optimist’ but a ‘revenue pessimist.’
Tyler Cowen
We like to imagine that women would do a better job of ruling the world – and I’m one of those optimists – but women aren’t a superior kind of life form just because of our gender. We’re awesome but not perfect. We’re human. Just like men.
Marjorie Liu
All my life, I’ve been sort of a professional optimist, full of good cheer about matters political and journalistic. I always thought I’d get older and become an unnaturally cheerful old fart. But it’s not happening.
Molly Ivins
I am an optimist about the UK. We have been involved in trade with our European partners, which we will always be doing whatever this relationship is. We are a member of the EU. That gives us benefits. But we have to figure out where that is going. In the world, we are a global trader already.
Iain Duncan Smith
I’m still a hard-edged reporter, but I’m an optimist. I’m a perpetual optimist.
Joel Benenson
I’m an optimist.
Tim Kaine
I’m an optimist about humanity in general, I suppose.
Tim Berners-Lee
I’m an optimist. My own fiction, while it has its own dark warnings about pitfalls ahead, depicts the potential of science to improve society by networking human minds.
Ramez Naam
I weirdly do consider myself an optimist about love.
Aziz Ansari
Progress is more of a challenge for the cynic but also more important and urgent, since for the optimist things aren’t that bad and are bound to get better anyway.
Julian Baggini
I guess I lean toward being an optimist, as far as improving tech being good for people, but that’s not to say there are not potential downsides, and you have to stay aware of those downsides.
Marques Brownlee