Top 18 Cheryl Hines Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Cheryl Hines Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

My father had a heart attack and he has heart disease.

My father had a heart attack and he has heart disease. He had a full recovery, and I’m very lucky, but it certainly made him look at the way he’s living and how he’s treating his body.
Cheryl Hines
Sometimes I don’t want to stand around a room full of strangers, chitchatting about nothing, so I’ll come late to a party – and leave early. Though now that I’m saying this in a magazine, I’ll probably never be invited to another one.
Cheryl Hines
For me anyway, until I was exposed to doing improvisation and walking onto a stage without any script, I would have never felt comfortable enough to walk into a room with someone like Larry David and audition.
Cheryl Hines
It is weird. People will say, ‘Oh my God, I love you.’ And I’ll say, ‘Oh, that’s so sweet. Thank you.’ And the people who are walking around with me for the first time will say, ‘I don’t understand what happened. Somebody just told you they love you. I don’t even understand what that means.’
Cheryl Hines
Well, usually, when you’re doing a sitcom, you get a script and every word or for the most part, is written. So, you know, if it’s a 30-minute sitcom, then it’s a 35-page script or something like that.
Cheryl Hines
Well, I was born in Miami, and then I lived for a long time in Tallahassee, and before that, Winter Haven, which is a tiny town in Florida. I was not a city girl.
Cheryl Hines
Well, when I was a little girl we had 17 cats once. They all lived outside, and they kept having more kittens. My mom made us put little ribbons around each kitten’s neck, put them in a wagon, and go door-to-door around the neighborhood to try to give them away.
Cheryl Hines
I think as a director you have to make it your own. It’d be a mistake to approach a project with the idea of ‘I’m going to do this the way I think somebody else would,’ because then you’d never be clear on your idea.
Cheryl Hines
I do have a tendency to talk a lot at the poker table, which throws people off because they spend a lot of time trying to read me. But I talk a lot when I have a good hand and when I have a bad hand, too. Sometimes it annoys people so much they can’t wait to get out of the tournament. And that can only be good for me.
Cheryl Hines
Whenever somebody folds, say, ‘Good laydown.’ It encourages them to fold on a later hand because it makes them feel like you had the best hand even if you were bluffing. It’s an odd form of flattery that seems to work at the poker table.
Cheryl Hines
I started playing poker in 2003 during my pregnancy, to distract myself from my awful morning sickness. For months all I did was cry and play Texas Hold’em.
Cheryl Hines
For my birthday my husband learned to cook and is cooking one day a week for me. But he only likes to do fancy dishes. So we end up with weird, obscure things in the refrigerator.
Cheryl Hines
I was a little shocked at how adult some of the humor was, because I was never that into animation before and when I watched ‘Shrek’ I really laughed out loud.
Cheryl Hines
The Go Red for Women campaign raises awareness of the risk of heart disease. I think a lot of people don’t realize that heart disease is the number one killer of women. So what we’re doing is encouraging women to tell five other women to learn more about heart disease and how they can prevent it.
Cheryl Hines
My experience is at The Groundlings Theater, where we created different characters and did sketch comedy. And sometimes the characters were outrageous, but they always came from a real place. So even working there, we had to create characters from the people that we knew.
Cheryl Hines
My mom is very Southern and she in real life says things like, ‘If you’ve got it, flaunt it.’
Cheryl Hines
Manipulating people is what’s so fun about poker. I love that you can just look into someone’s eyes and lie – and it’s perfectly acceptable.
Cheryl Hines
I was an assistant once. I worked for Rob Reiner and his family. I did sign a confidentiality agreement, though.
Cheryl Hines