Top 181 Rush Limbaugh Quotes

Conservatism is not the problem. Conservatism is the founding of this country, essentially. Conservatism isn’t even really an ideology. Conservatism is just what is right, proper, decent, and moral. That’s all it is.
Rush Limbaugh
How can people be so stupid? I marvel at that. See, I think you have to work as being ignorant – and if you’re gonna work at being ignorant, why not work at being informed?
Rush Limbaugh
The more dependent you are, the more ignorant you must be, and that’s how they want you.
Rush Limbaugh
I used to have a phrase: Liberalism is spreading misery equally. And now the ruling class throughout Washington seems to have adopted this.
Rush Limbaugh
The Limbaugh Theorem was not about me giving me credit for something. It was simply sharing with you when the light went off.
Rush Limbaugh
The way the Democrats go about seeking equality is to lower people at the top.
Rush Limbaugh
The Democratic Party does not want anybody to have a photo ID because that would have a very negative impact on cheating! If you require a photo ID, that pretty much shuts out cheating. Well, it doesn’t shut it out. It just makes it harder, and that’s why they don’t want it.
Rush Limbaugh
George W. Bush attended the intelligence briefing every

George W. Bush attended the intelligence briefing every day. Obama has not even attended half of them. He sends surrogates. That to me is significant.
Rush Limbaugh
There are a lot of Democrats that tell me that they are just distressed over what Obama has done to the health care industry and to jobs. They are afraid to say anything about it because of recriminations, because this regime fights back.
Rush Limbaugh
United States foreign policy, which includes national security, is literally disintegrating before our eyes.
Rush Limbaugh
Police and firefighters are great, but they don’t create wealth. They protect it. That’s crucial. Teaching is a wonderful profession. Teachers help educate people to become good citizens so that citizens can then go create wealth. But they don’t create the wealth themselves.
Rush Limbaugh
Young people never do have a clue. There are some young people that do, but they’ve always been the exception. They always all grow up at some point. The problem is that they’re all being indoctrinated by stupid leftists.
Rush Limbaugh
I am the Doctor of Democracy. I am America’s Truth Detector. And as the Doctor of Democracy, the deal you have with your doctor isn’t changing. You get to keep your doctor. You get to keep your plan. You get to keep your station. Nothing’s changing, and it really never was gonna change.
Rush Limbaugh
Washington is politics! Somehow if people have political objectives, then those objectives are automatically disqualified? If that’s the case, the Democrats have no business being legitimized about anything because everything they do is political.
Rush Limbaugh
Obama is a statist. He’s an authoritarian. He doesn’t want to govern; he wants to rule.
Rush Limbaugh
One of the reasons that the Senate was structured and founded the way it is, as opposed to the House, it was designed for gridlock. It was designed to stop massive new laws being passed and voted on daily. It was designed to stop the growth of government.
Rush Limbaugh
Self-reliance – that’s a dirty word to Democrats. They want people to believe that self-reliance means you don’t do anything with anybody. They don’t want it thought of as accepting responsibility for one’s life. Enterprise. Imagination. Independence. Entrepreneurism.
Rush Limbaugh
I hate charts. I just despise ’em.
Rush Limbaugh
Let me tell you the polls that count, and those are the polls a couple of weeks before the election. That’s when the pollsters worry about holding onto their credibility. Those are the polls that everybody remembers.
Rush Limbaugh
A loyal liberal can get away with anything with other liberals, as long as that loyal liberal is liberal and attacks conservatives left and right, spouts the right words, they get away with anything.
Rush Limbaugh
Sorry to interrupt myself, but it’s the only way I stop talking.
Rush Limbaugh
There’s a reason people are not going to Obamacare. They find out what it’s gonna cost ’em, and they go somewhere else. And in the process, they’re undermining the very foundation of Obamacare, all of which was predictable.
Rush Limbaugh
You have to understand the way the liberal looks at something working. Their purpose here is not to provide you health care cheaply, affordably and plentifully. That’s not what this is about to them.
Rush Limbaugh
I sometimes wish I weren’t as logical as I am and I wish I weren’t as smart as I am, because I’d be happy.
Rush Limbaugh
I’m just wondering, folks, if I gave a speech on anti-capitalism, do you think I could be named Person of the Year by ‘TIME Magazine?’
Rush Limbaugh
Nationalizing businesses, nationalizing banks, is not a solution for the democratic party, it’s the objective.
Rush Limbaugh
People are pursuing happiness, but they’re pursuing things that will never, ever make them happy, and they don’t know that. They’ve got a distorted view of what will make them happy, what happiness is, and it’s based on what they see on television.
Rush Limbaugh
You know how old I am? I’m so old, I remember when Letterman used to be funny and it was presidents who were serious. That’s how old I am.
Rush Limbaugh
In the old days, the media is who held people accountable when they lied in politics. That isn’t happening anymore.
Rush Limbaugh
All I do is convert liberals to conservatism. That’s what I do, and that’s why they don’t like me.
Rush Limbaugh
Obama just announced Americans don’t consider themselves victims, or entitled. Actually, the vast majority of Obama supporters believe exactly that. They believe exactly that.
Rush Limbaugh
If Thomas Jefferson thought taxation without representation was bad, he should see how it is with representation.
Rush Limbaugh
Liberalism has consequences. It has never worked, folks! It has never worked. And it has never fulfilled its promise.
Rush Limbaugh
The press has met their Waterloo, and it’s Obama.
Rush Limbaugh
Barack Obama, foreign policy wizard. I just have to laugh.
Rush Limbaugh
I don’t need equal time, I am equal time!
Rush Limbaugh
Styrofoam and plastic milk jugs are biodegradable! Do you know what isn’t biodegradable? Paper!
Rush Limbaugh
One of the reasons MSNBC is plummeting is that I, not long ago, refused to play any content from them. I figured, why? I mean, it’s genuine depraved partisan politics insanity, genuine extremist radical ignoramuses on that network.
Rush Limbaugh
Our nation was created in ways that allow human potenti

Our nation was created in ways that allow human potential to prosper, and it created the greatest nation for people in the history of humanity. Now Obama is dismantling it, because he has no appreciation for our greatness. In fact, he resents it. He blames this country for whatever evils he sees around the world.
Rush Limbaugh
I’m whispering so that the media doesn’t hear me.
Rush Limbaugh
I will be the first to admit that getting votes and getting an audience are two different things. For example, a politician really can’t be elected if he’s hated by half the people. A talk show host, however, can be an overwhelming national phenomenon while being hated by half the people.
Rush Limbaugh
The difference between Los Angeles and yogurt is that yogurt comes with less fruit.
Rush Limbaugh
I do not believe that Obama is smarter than anybody else. I do not believe he has cut a new path and is a politician unlike any we’ve ever seen regarding his intellect. I don’t believe any of this hocus-pocus. I didn’t believe it when they said it about Hillary, Smartest Woman in the World.
Rush Limbaugh
I’ve been to the Vatican more than anyplace else outside this country in the world. I am mesmerized by it.
Rush Limbaugh
Most liberals I know do not consider themselves to even be liberals. They just think of you and me as conservatives, and that means, therefore, we’re odd and we’re kooks and maybe extreme and maybe mean.
Rush Limbaugh
I am opposed to Obama’s efforts to destroy the American economy. I’m opposed to Obama’s efforts to so-called fix the health care system. I’m opposed to the way Obama wants to go about fixing unemployment.
Rush Limbaugh
If I wanted to be president, and if I were ever serious about it, the biggest thing I would have going for me is that I’m a conservative.
Rush Limbaugh
The Republican Party, I really believe, suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder from years and years of bullying and taunting. The Republican Party is Jonathan Martin. The Democrat Party and the media are Richie Incognito.
Rush Limbaugh
I’ve had so many people tell me that they are shocked that AM radio still even exists with all the different listening options.
Rush Limbaugh
If liberalism discredited itself, Obama woulda never gotten elected, and the New Deal woulda gone by the wayside, and LBJ woulda never gotten the Great Society. Liberalism does not discredit itself. It has to be explained and beaten back.
Rush Limbaugh
One of the biggest challenges we have, folks, is making liberty and freedom cool.
Rush Limbaugh
Journalists should have been the first to tell people what Obamacare would mean to them. They are now the last to figure all of this out.
Rush Limbaugh
Barack Obama happens to be the first African-American, and so criticism of him is and always was gonna be racism, and therefore not permitted.
Rush Limbaugh
Obama’s not down for the civil rights struggle, and he certainly wasn’t down for the apartheid struggle, but he’s clearly gonna take advantage of it and insert himself in such a way as to make it look like he is single-handedly responsible for apartheid going by the wayside.
Rush Limbaugh
There hasn’t been anybody else write a Constitution like Madison. There just hasn’t been, because that person hasn’t existed anywhere but here.
Rush Limbaugh
I’m not afraid of having an agenda. I do have an agenda. It’s a positive agenda.
Rush Limbaugh
I never try to get noticed. It just happens. I never try.
Rush Limbaugh
Poverty is not the root cause of crime.
Rush Limbaugh