Words matter. These are the best Overly Quotes from famous people such as Eric Bana, Barton Seaver, Neal Schon, Ari Melber, Anna Quindlen, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
The Israeli accent wasn’t one that I was overly familiar with so had to learn from scratch but I was very fortunate I had the right amount of time.
80 percent of our global fish stocks are fully exploited, overly exploited or have collapsed. Two billion people rely on the oceans for their primary source of protein.
In a lot of aspects it’s cooler that we don’t have a lot of really overly famous people in the band.
Law and politics are often overly complicated because there are people that don’t want the rest of us to know what’s going on.
Women who marry early are often overly enamored of the kind of man who looks great in wedding pictures and passes the maid of honor his telephone number.
I’m not overly focused on being loved by everybody.
I know I sound overly optimistic, but you know me, I’ve always been an optimistic guy.
Trans women are conditioned to accept that society sees us as overly sexualized objects – even more so than how society already sexualizes cis women. It’s almost as if they don’t see us as fully developed human beings.
Computers are really patient. They can sit there all day. It’s a totally different situation dealing with humans. They can be tired or overly excited.
I haven’t gotten overly confident or cocky. I think staying level and humble has helped me through the bad times and the good times.
The trick, when you’re flirting, is figuring how to keep a balance between being engaging enough to retain someone’s attention and not seeming overly available. So you tease a person a little.
I’m not easily wound up, but overly cynical people irritate me.
Women pay attention to how men drive because it’s a good indicator of what kind of character you have. They want someone who’s going to be intelligent and cautious and assertive and confident when you need to be, but not overly aggressive and reckless, and also not timid and overly paranoid.
Ice Cube went straight outta Compton to hearing, ‘Are we there yet?’ Eddie Murphy blew up striding across the stage in a red leather ensemble that would have made Elvis Presley chuckle, yet is probably best known to anyone born in the 21st century as the overly chatty donkey from ‘Shrek.’
The interesting thing about depression and anxiety is that, it’s not always wholly negative things that bring them on. Often times, those heavy swings of emotion can be brought on by just anything that is overly emotional.
A cliche is like a coin that has been handled too much. Once language has been overly handled, it no longer leaves a clear imprint.
It is during fertility that a female loses herself and enters that cloud overly rich in estrogen.
I have actor friends, but they’re not famous. I feel like if you’re an actor or – famous, you have to overly prove that you’re a normal, cool person.
The three actors I admire the most are all dead. Humphrey Bogart, Spencer Tracy and the French actor, Jean Gabin. They’re all very natural, sort of masculine without being overly macho.
I didn’t overly have friends in L.A. I would work and come home and watch television.
I don’t really buy the death-drive thing too literally; it feels overly neat and convenient. But I am suspicious of fighting back being the dominant model for cinematic conflict and personal conflict and political conflict.
I treat myself more as an athlete instead of as a fighter. As a fighter, you’re going out there as a street thug, relying on your hands, trying to knock someone out, being overly aggressive.
If someone’s got good, clean skin, with not too much make-up on, and good, clean hair that’s bouncy, and the nails are clean and not overly done, then you can put anything on her and she’s going to look good.
My overly ambitious dream is to be a Lena Dunham – I get immense pleasure seeing her name repeated over and over in the end credits of her brilliant creation ‘Girls.’
An overly expansive virtual ‘toll’ for the Internet that blocks consumers’ and competitors’ access to the e-commerce superhighway is not the right answer.
I try not to be overly nostalgic, and I don’t use nostalgia to be kitschy.
I probably have an earlier curfew than anyone. My mom wants to keep me really safe and my dad’s not overly protective, but he’s a dad no matter what.
If you aren’t overly effusive or really nicey-nice with the press, you get a reputation for being outspoken or difficult.
I think the funny thing about acting for me – and I hold it in a very holy, spiritual way – not to be overly fundamentalist about it, but it’s that important to me – is that it is an ancient healing art.
Rejection happens, and you have to have a thick skin about it, which is hard. You can’t be overly sensitive about people not picking you.
I could write an entertaining novel about rejection slips, but I fear it would be overly long.
I don’t wanna marginalize myself. I don’t wanna be the overly woke rapper, and I don’t wanna be the turned-up rapper.
Have I been overly aggressive in some sparring sessions? Yes, I have. There’s things, there’s punches and things I’ve thrown that’s been too aggressive and I’ve gotten to where I’ve had to tell myself, yeah, I shouldn’t have done that, kind of thing.
Any time you start judging with an overly critical eye rather than letting things just be, and following what you think is right, it’s complicated to find balance.
I’m a long-term optimist, and I don’t think the problems with our society are from being overly optimistic.
‘Eclipse’ is overlong and overly self-conscious, but it isn’t a fake or a zero; it just gets exhausting. It raises a crucial question: ‘When does Concept morph into Gimmick?’
Just like it’s not healthy to think overly negative thoughts, exaggeratedly positive thoughts can be equally detrimental. If you overestimate how much of a positive impact a particular change will have on your life, you may end up feeling disappointed when reality doesn’t live up to your fantasy.
I would say I’m quite happy in my life the majority of the time. Earlier in my life I was more questioning, overly trying to figure things out. I like this way much better.
If the story wasn’t overly long, I’d type it out. And I’d carry it around with me for a week and jot notes on it, and then I’d throw it away and do another one.
I am overly ambitious, because I realize it can be done.
I’m overly excited to finally announce this amazing global partnership deal back home with EMI Music. I know I have mentioned doing music in the past but for legal reasons I was not in a position to release any new music.
The world can make an actor feel overly important. What I do isn’t hard work. It’s not ditch digging – which I have done, for one summer. Of course there are times when your fuel tank’s low, but even on the hardest days, you are on a film set. You are doing something creative.
I’ve read some criticism of ‘The Good Doctor’ that says it’s overly sweet and syrupy. I’ll take that criticism, given the world that we live in. I’d much rather be on that side of the equation than the opposite.
I was never interested in being an overly public person.
As Latinas, we tend to be overly partial considering stereotypes. I’m interested in being naughty and edgy.
I accept that I sometimes overstepped the mark, but I can tell you that, off the pitch, I’ve never been an overly aggressive person.
The Lamb’s Club is going to be a luxury bar and grill; we’re not doing an overly fancy restaurant. We wanted to make a space that people will come to every day, almost like a very high-end bistro.
I get very tired of books that feel emotionally empty. I would much rather have writers err on the side of being overly sentimental than not. I think that the perfect balance is a story that moves you without being maudlin, but I don’t enjoy books that are empty of emotion and there’s no connection to the characters.
I try to watch what I eat and not go overly crazy. I listen to my body, and am grateful for the blessings of God for my health and strength.
People try to sell a fantasy with beauty campaigns. Overly Photoshopped, perfect, white, thin figures are a standard that most people still hold as beautiful because the industry says so.
When I’m hiring leaders, I pay a lot of attention to what their peers and what people who report to them say about them. We want people who relate well with their peers and cooperate in an exchange of information rather than being overly competitive.
I’m not an overly material person. Sure, I like certain comforts in life. But buying a lot of ‘things’ doesn’t produce happiness for me.
I think it’s better to be overly ambitious and fail than to be underambitious and succeed in a mundane way. I have been very fortunate. I failed upward in my life!
I think it’s because all our music videos have chubby girls wearing crazy makeup and crazy gay dudes and trannies that are overly stylized and over-the-top. Being compared to John Waters and girl groups isn’t a bad thing, though.
The government at all levels is overly represented by white men. That’s part of the problem, and I’m a white man.
When I was getting overly ‘droppy,’ that’s when I was hitting shots left and right. That’s what we were doing, so maybe if my swing was a touch flatter, I wouldn’t drop the club as much.
In its more listless moments, ‘Pharaoh’s Army’ seems a ramshackle collection of memories not overly concerned with telling a larger story.
Everybody has different issues, good or bad, that they carry with them on the court. It affects you. And for me, it affected me to where sometimes I would be overly aggressive and, in other ways, it would affect people to where they can’t perform on the court.
As a parent, my fantasy is to cook every meal, read every story, do everything, and also work all day. I’m overly hard on myself.
It’s easier to be cynical and edgy and tough rather than overly emotional.
I’m overly confident. I believe in myself 100 percent. I believe in my game, and I believe in my work ethic.
If you’re going to quit your job to focus on an idea, you get overly attached to that idea because you had it, and it’s the reason you quit your job. Plus, most ideas are bad.
I’ve been in showbusiness all my life, but as an actress I have never been overly driven.
I prefer someone who is not overly good-looking. If he’s too good-looking, I would feel that he doesn’t belong to me.
I think being an immigrant makes me overly optimistic.
My upbringing wasn’t overly comfortable.
I’m Jewish, but not overly religious, and have certainly never formally observed the Fourth Commandment, other than via the tradition of wearing white on Friday nights at summer camp, which never seemed to dovetail with the fact that Fridays were also the night for grape juice.
I remembered seeing it and it was this metallic turbine and I thought it was beautiful. I had never been in a power plant before, but I felt, without being overly dramatic, compelled to make photographs of this for myself.
I had to force myself not to be overly protective because I had lost one child.
Chemar Holder plays Xbox with me online all the time but it’s not like any of us are going to be buddy, buddy in the middle. We might make a small joke every now and again but it’s not going to be overly friendly because everyone’s got a job to do.
I tend to get overly excited and want to just go. I just love, love big waves.
Overly restrictive regulations not only stifle the private sector; they also ultimately hurt consumers.
‘Cool’ is detached and emotionally cool. My instinct is to battle anything that seems overly cool.
I really am not overly comfortable with attention to be honest. Paradoxically I’ve noticed this is a pretty common trait amongst actors. You like to let the work speak for you, I think.
I think mental illness is a slippery slope to talk about these days because people are overly diagnosed, overly prescribed, overly everything.
I’d rather not ever make anything overly simple just because I’m scared people won’t get it.
I’m a sensitive, sensitive person. Overly sensitive. Extremely emotional.
I’d never be overly confident about anything.
The reason it was so bruising when someone said I was from a rich family is that, like many of us, I’m deeply invested – probably overly so – in the myth of my own self-creation. I like to believe that I got where I am, such as it is, by working hard and charting my own course.
Women don’t want an overly feminine vehicle – they want to feel secure.
Not to get overly psychological about this, but it’s probably why I became an actress in the first place: for that kind of freedom and refuge, as well as for the fact that I just love acting so much.
Too often, black athletes are presented as angry, overly aggressive and overly sexual. Or sometimes, they’re just plain emasculated.
I think when it comes to women who write or who fancy ourselves ‘hip downtown literati’, there is a certain contempt for being overly sexual or really looking for boyfriends. We tend to be marginalized as some ‘Sex & The City’ Carrie Bradshaw chick-lit dummies who just want shoes and a ring.
Friends are sometimes a big help when they share your feelings. In the context of decisions, the friends who will serve you best are those who understand your feelings but are not overly impressed by them.
Michelle has had to grapple with Hilary Clinton’s legacy as First Lady… Michelle Obama never wants to be seen as the kind of First Lady who is overly involved in the West Wing.
Not only are mandatory minimum laws overly punitive and discriminatory, but they’re also expensive. Prison is not free. Governments, and ultimately taxpayers, bear the costs.
Nick’s mother and I were attentive, probably overly attentive – part of the first wave of parents obsessed with our children in a self-conscious way.
Sometimes I wanted to be aggressive. I felt like if I wasn’t getting shots up or if I wasn’t being overly aggressive on defense then I wasn’t playing good. I finally realized just to slow down and just let the game come to you.
I never want to play a show where it feels overly programmed, processed, and all that. For anybody that comes to one of our shows, the goal for me is to make sure that’s their show. That nobody else is going to see that show ever again. You know what I mean? I try to make it different every day.
I’ve talked to men who feel like they’re overly sexual and, therefore, are attracted to any female who walks down the street. I will not excuse his activity with every female just because he feels driven in that direction.
Other female rappers are overly sexual, have no wit, and their lyrics are so generic. I want to change the game to make rap that shows I’m not a normal female rapper – it’s not about how rich I am, how much sex I have, or how many boyfriends I have. That’s just not me.
Among the many signs of a lively faith and hope we have in eternal life, one of the surest is not being overly sad at the death of those whom we dearly love in our Lord.
Readers of novels often fall into the bad habit of being overly exacting about the characters’ moral flaws. They apply to these fictional beings standards that no one they know in real life could possibly meet.
I try not to be overly analytical.
I don’t think that – you know, I’m sure that there’s guys that are doing it, because I’m sure in every sport there’s players who want to get the edge. But I think that it’s been blown overly – way more than guys are using it in our game.
Ultimately, in the long run we need to immunise our system from being overly responsive to fluctuations in the exchange rate; that is, people should, by and large, be reasonably hedged, or they should borrow more in domestic currency rather than foreign currency.
We should make it very clear to Saudi Aramco and others who want to list in London that they are very welcome but we aren’t going to overly amend the rules just for one particular listing.
I was a very romantic, overly dramatic young lady, which served me well as a songwriter. Especially as someone who had to focus on lyrics and melody, because if you’re a dramatic and romantic person, lyrics come easy, and you turn every single short-term relationship into the biggest ‘Romeo-and-Juliet’ story ever.
I think mankind is overly sensitive, very needy, greedy, and flawed.
In tech entrepreneurship, even a lot of hack events tend to be overly commercial in that they’re designed to produce companies.
My ‘I can’ comes from confidence really, because I’m not an overly confident person.
My brain has so many qualities that do not work with social media. I’m an overthinker, I’m overly private, and those two personality traits just do not work when it comes to Instagram.
Black and awkward is the worst, because black people are stereotyped as being anything but awkward in mainstream media… Black people are always portrayed to be cool or overly dramatic, anything but awkward.
I’ve always been a very passionate, sometimes overly emotional person. Sometimes things affect me more than they should.
Getting so much attention all at once, with so many people who want something from you or want to talk to you… for someone who is overly sensitive to other people’s needs, that can be difficult.
With most of the songs and music that I’ve composed, irrespective of the myriad videos made, I was always careful not to overly define the experience, leaving room for people to internalize things for themselves, making their experience more integral.
Devising the menu for an intimate meal can be a thorny task. You want to make something your guy will go crazy for, but that usually means big and heavy. And feeling overly full kind of kills the mood.
Long ago, I did a five-and-a-half-hour-a-day, six-day-a-week talk show for four years, early on, in Los Angeles – local show. And when you are on that many hours with no script, you know, you get very comfortable, maybe overly comfortable with that small audience.
Basically, what you really want to do is try to engage the viewer’s body relation to his thinking and walking and looking, without being overly heavy-handed about it.
I don’t know why that is, but English politics is just so overly white. It’s very much about the class structure.
By employing a certain sense of humor, you essentially get more serious about things and show conflict more effectively than if you were overly dramatic or only violent because that’s a one-way approach that just forces audiences to watch something appalling.
I love playing sports. I’m overly eager and aggressive and not very skilled, so it leads to many small injuries.
I don’t think I could, with a straight face, describe myself as a completely positive person, but I’m not overly negative, either. On the whole, most writers think plots through to their consequences, and it’s not always a sunny place. I have an occupational temperament for anxiety.
I was an overly young father, is the most polite way of putting it. I think I was rather immature and all I can say is that I think I’ve made a much better grandfather… I don’t think I was ready to be a father to be honest.
I’m really interested in social justice, and if an artist has a certain power of being heard and voicing something important, it’s right to do it. It could still be done in such a way that it’s not aggressive or overly didactic. I’m trying to find that form.
When you’re writing a book, you don’t want it to be overly trendy because you want people to enjoy it for years and refer back to it.
I’m overly sentimental and don’t throw things away.
We’re raising a generation of kids who are being overly praised for incredibly minor accomplishments. I think it’s counter-productive.
Do not give in too much to feelings. A overly sensitive heart is an unhappy possession on this shaky earth.
Most of my friends aren’t actors – and not one of them is overly impressed with what I do.
The individual must not be allowed to be overly free, but the country must be entirely free. When the country can exercise freedom, China will have become a mighty and prosperous nation.
Without sounding overly sentimental about the process, I’d say trying to describe how you tend to conceive of a book is like describing how you tend to fall in love.
Confidence is highly overrated when it comes to creating literature. A writer who is overly confident will not engage in the struggle to get it exactly right on the page – but rather, will assume that she’s getting it right without the struggle.
I’ve got an overly developed sense of what selling out is, and I of course worry about it too much.
I’ve always been a religious guy, but not overly religious. I’ve always believed in God and Jesus. I pray.
The Kennedys tried to avoid using the big U-shaped table, but when they couldn’t, they had several tricks – including keeping the flowers simple – to keep it from appearing overly stiff and formal.
I wouldn’t ever pose naked… I’m fine to do bikinis and certainly lingerie if I feel it’s done tastefully… cute like Victoria’s Secret, but nothing like raunchy or overly sexual.
The thing is, when I feel like I have to lose weight, the opposite happens. I remember stuffing loads of chocolate on the plane to the shoot, and I thought, ‘Why don’t you have the courage to show up in a body that’s natural, not overly worked out?’
I’m not an overly skilled piano player or organ player at all, but I think I’m the right piano and organ player for the Heartbreakers. And I’ve been the right piano and organ player for a lot of sessions that I’ve been called on.
Writing has never been an intentional endeavor to me. I know a lot of people have experiences and then sit down and try to sort them out through song, but whenever I sit down to write, it comes out hackneyed or overly saccharine.
The area where I grew up in Birmingham was very diverse – I was aware of my race but not overly aware of it – and there seemed to be an understanding that we were all very much in the same boat.
I became a master of disguise and could play the straight man down to a tee, sometimes over-compensating by getting into fights or being overly aggressive because I didn’t want the real me to be found out. So I created this alter ego, knowing full well that I was living in my little fantasy bubble, my shell.
I’m not overly greedy.
As a kid, I was overly studious, overly serious, very academically driven. It was important to me on a cellular level to do well. And then I went to college at Harvard, and I relaxed a little bit.
There is a tension in relationships between wanting to return to the womb, but also wanting to be free. Because sometimes the woman’s attentions can be overly maternal, and you want to go, ‘Ahhhh!’
I try not to be overly literal. When I’m writing songs, I write down a lot of words, and then I try to simplify it. I like to give people hints or words that make visual pictures for them.
I think that – this is my personal opinion – but sometimes African American athletes are considered overly cocky.
There are a lot of people who are overly judgemental on the Internet.
We didn’t grow up overly religious, but there was an understanding that you had a duty as a citizen to help your fellow man.
I don’t want to be overly philosophical, but I think there are things you earn for yourself as you go.
We’ve always been modestly leveraged, and we’ve never believed in a great deal of leverage on either our private equity business or on our investment banking business. And I think it really goes back to my uncle and dad growing up in the Depression and just seeing what happened to people who were overly levered.
I think directors can become overly infatuated by gilt and gold, and the word ‘lavish’ and everything being magnificent.
I didn’t enjoy studying for my A-levels, so didn’t really want to go to University to do something overly academic, and when I saw that Creative Writing was an option, I suddenly realised that it was something I could try to do.
I think was overly empathetic for a while in my life.
I didn’t grow up overly privileged.
I can see how the young girls really get hurt when their moms are critical, or vice versa when they’re overly critical of their moms. It can be so painful.
I am, of course, directly descended from Brian Boru, the last king of Ireland, a fact certified by my mother and therefore beyond dispute. But as everybody else with a drop of Irish blood in his carcass is also a guaranteed descendant of the old billy goat, I am not overly arrogant because of this royal strain.
My basic philosophy is never do anything with the word ‘celebrity’ attached to it. Without being overly pompous, if you have worked hard to have an audience trust you a bit, why blow it? That is my currency.
I’m not overly alarmist about it, but I do think there are some worrying signs, like the growing accumulation of wealth by a very small proportion of the population, plus elections in the US are much more dominated by money than anywhere else calling itself a democracy.
Amy Winehouse was not a person I ever met, and I can’t say that I am overly conversant in all of her music. I do have her albums, and years ago, when I first heard her sing, I thought she was extraordinary. The tone of her voice, her phrasing, her raw appearance – these qualities were extremely captivating to me.
I can’t show false humility, nor be overly proud and ostentatious.
Raymond Floyd. The man knows how to control situations. He was experienced. He didn’t let me get overly excited; he kept me in check. It allowed me to free myself up, and I played really well with him.
I write about what I know: teenage dating, overly charged sexuality, all the things that make you uncomfortable.
As a high-school drop-out, I knew I wanted to write, but I wasn’t overly confident that I was going to be writing anything serious. I was happy enough with the idea that I could be a penny-a-word guy and survive.
I am whelmed, and not overly whelmed, just whelmed about a lot of facets in life – just how fragile life is and the different challenges you have in life, phobias about things.
I really like Braun Strowman. I would turn the volume down on him just a little bit. I think he is a little bit overly animated, and he doesn’t have to be. He is already a larger than life character when he wakes up and has a cup of coffee.
Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying or getting overly angry or to maintain control.
I’m not an overly happy person. There are times when I’m happy, and that’s usually in my private life.
I don’t want to make any general statements, but I feel like so many stories that are presented as being about humanity and human emotion are just so convoluted and overly dramatic and focus on these certain little things that are supposedly meaningful, but just don’t really mean anything.
It’s funny; it’s a real balancing act. In TV, everybody’s talking about authenticity. In order to make ‘Dirty Jobs’ authentic, I really can’t be overly informed. The minute I am, I become a host… It’s a very tricky business paying a tribute to work, because TV is very bad at it.
Piercing minds go mute around poetry. It is imagined to be overly technical, like advanced arithmetic; otherworldly, priestess-like; suffocatingly personal; excessively decorative; exhaustingly bourgeois or tiringly avant-garde.
I didn’t feel a strong bond with the parents who raised me, and I had anything but a happy childhood. My mother was overly sensitive; my father, ascetic. I was neither. I felt as if I were living with complete strangers. I suspect that my parents felt the same way.
In a way, I’m overly ambitious, selfish in a way. I think because I am so active, I think that’s what keeps my brain going and I can bounce things off of each other.
I’d gone from being a mum to all of a sudden having people fussing and overly pampering me. It can easily change you.
Reviewers and critics can be overly cynical. If something the least bit sentimental comes up, they’ll often start flying off the handle. But I’m like, ‘Wait a minute, you’ve had those times in your life. Everybody has.’
I was arrested in September 2011 and detained for nine months before I was found guilty in June 2012 under Ethiopia’s overly broad Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, which ostensibly covers the ‘planning, preparation, conspiracy, incitement and attempt’ of terrorist acts.
Why do we feel jealousy? Therapists often regard the demon as a scar of childhood trauma or a symptom of a psychological problem. And it’s true that people who feel inadequate, insecure, or overly dependent tend to be more jealous than others.
Realize that a Muslim will know that his wife was seen naked in this machine. You know what would be the reaction?… Terrible. I believe there’s technology out there that can identify bomb-type materials without necessarily, overly invading our privacy.
Too great a love for the presidency has caused Democrats to neglect state and local politics and to overly prize compromise and a futile quest for bipartisanship. It has made liberals too allergic to federalism and too shy about grassroots politics.
I don’t know, maybe I’m overly paranoid that they’re going to be spoiled, but I want to keep them going as kids for as long as I can. I want to keep them innocent and free.
I was lucky in the sense that I was never blessed with an overly reflective nature.
I have in the past overly trusted people and was, in turn, let down by some. Since then, I have learned the difference between putting faith into people and blindly trusting them.
There was a show at the Mayan in Los Angeles where I got overly enthusiastic and jumped into the crowd, and I know they weren’t thrilled about that. When I got offstage the manager told me not to do that again. I said, ‘Really, for my own safety?’ And he said, ‘No, because the Pixies don’t do that.’
For many residents, the DMV is the face of state government – it is an office that virtually every adult needs to interact with and for far too long it has been overly bureaucratic, arduous, and – quite frankly – operating in the 21st century while relying on 20th century processes.
As an overly confident college freshman, the first time I received a below-average score on an exam was a needed wake-up call.
One of my favorite things to do is play golf at Braemar Country Club. It’s quiet and not overly crowded. The people are nice, and there’s wildlife all around the course. As far as my game itself, I can go from a 10 handicap to a 30, depending on the day.
Google’s entire business model and its planning for the future are banking on an open and free Internet. And it will not succeed if the Internet becomes overly balkanized.
I think a lot of actors are overly concerned about being well liked in the parts they play.
Some golf instructors get overly technical and teach the mechanics of the ideal swing. That approach didn’t work for me. So, I found a pro that didn’t insist that I learn Tiger’s swing. He accepted my physical limitations and improved my game by focusing on the minimal golf skills that I have.
Maybe it was the home tutoring, or the late start to formal schooling, or an overly cautious and protective upbringing, but in any case, I never became a talkative person. As an adult, I am not always comfortable in social gatherings with small talk. I must have inherited my father’s gentle nature.
One way a collaboration can go wrong is if your connection is inauthentic or overly prescriptive.
A great song is a great song, whether it’s on vinyl or CD or cassette or reel to reel or mp3. Then again, that might be an overly optimistic view, but I do think that great music will transcend the medium in which it is delivered.
Without sounding overly pompous about it, I don’t really trust certainty in anything, actually. Especially as I get older. Except love. I’m certain of love, I guess.
Overly vigorous investigations of ominously ill-defined ‘bullying’ can themselves constitute a form of bullying.
I’m speaking for everyone who has ever been incarcerated, especially those who are innocent or have been overly charged.