Top 185 Overly Quotes

I was arrested in September 2011 and detained for nine months before I was found guilty in June 2012 under Ethiopia’s overly broad Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, which ostensibly covers the ‘planning, preparation, conspiracy, incitement and attempt’ of terrorist acts.
Eskinder Nega
Why do we feel jealousy? Therapists often regard the demon as a scar of childhood trauma or a symptom of a psychological problem. And it’s true that people who feel inadequate, insecure, or overly dependent tend to be more jealous than others.
Helen Fisher
Realize that a Muslim will know that his wife was seen naked in this machine. You know what would be the reaction?… Terrible. I believe there’s technology out there that can identify bomb-type materials without necessarily, overly invading our privacy.
Isaac Yeffet
Too great a love for the presidency has caused Democrats to neglect state and local politics and to overly prize compromise and a futile quest for bipartisanship. It has made liberals too allergic to federalism and too shy about grassroots politics.
Joy Reid
I don’t know, maybe I’m overly paranoid that they’re going to be spoiled, but I want to keep them going as kids for as long as I can. I want to keep them innocent and free.
Stella McCartney
I was lucky in the sense that I was never blessed with an overly reflective nature.
Dylan Moran
I have in the past overly trusted people and was, in turn, let down by some. Since then, I have learned the difference between putting faith into people and blindly trusting them.
Do Won Chang
There was a show at the Mayan in Los Angeles where I got overly enthusiastic and jumped into the crowd, and I know they weren’t thrilled about that. When I got offstage the manager told me not to do that again. I said, ‘Really, for my own safety?’ And he said, ‘No, because the Pixies don’t do that.’
Kim Shattuck
For many residents, the DMV is the face of state government – it is an office that virtually every adult needs to interact with and for far too long it has been overly bureaucratic, arduous, and – quite frankly – operating in the 21st century while relying on 20th century processes.
Ned Lamont
As an overly confident college freshman, the first time I received a below-average score on an exam was a needed wake-up call.
Stephanie Coontz
One of my favorite things to do is play golf at Braemar Country Club. It’s quiet and not overly crowded. The people are nice, and there’s wildlife all around the course. As far as my game itself, I can go from a 10 handicap to a 30, depending on the day.
Scott Baio
Google’s entire business model and its planning for the future are banking on an open and free Internet. And it will not succeed if the Internet becomes overly balkanized.
Rebecca MacKinnon
I think a lot of actors are overly concerned about being well liked in the parts they play.
Molly Parker
Some golf instructors get overly technical and teach the mechanics of the ideal swing. That approach didn’t work for me. So, I found a pro that didn’t insist that I learn Tiger’s swing. He accepted my physical limitations and improved my game by focusing on the minimal golf skills that I have.
Daniel Negreanu
Maybe it was the home tutoring, or the late start to formal schooling, or an overly cautious and protective upbringing, but in any case, I never became a talkative person. As an adult, I am not always comfortable in social gatherings with small talk. I must have inherited my father’s gentle nature.
Charles K. Kao
One way a collaboration can go wrong is if your connection is inauthentic or overly prescriptive.
Mark Parker
A great song is a great song, whether it’s on vinyl or CD or cassette or reel to reel or mp3. Then again, that might be an overly optimistic view, but I do think that great music will transcend the medium in which it is delivered.
Without sounding overly pompous about it, I don’t really trust certainty in anything, actually. Especially as I get older. Except love. I’m certain of love, I guess.
Martin Freeman
Overly vigorous investigations of ominously ill-defined ‘bullying’ can themselves constitute a form of bullying.
Lionel Shriver
I’m speaking for everyone who has ever been incarcerated, especially those who are innocent or have been overly charged.
Isaac Wright Jr.