Words matter. These are the best Elective Quotes from famous people such as Dorothy Bush Koch, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., James L. Buckley, Matt Gonzalez, Eva Amurri, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
The traditional path to making a name for yourself in our family is running for elective office, and I couldn’t do that because, for one thing, all the really good offices were taken.
The black masses must demand and refuse to accept nothing less than that proportionate percentage of the political spoils such as jobs, elective offices and appointments… They must reject the shameful racial tokenism that characterizes the political life of America today.
What people fail to appreciate is that the currency of corruption in elective office is, not money, but votes.
This idea that once you get into politics… you are now signed up for lifelong duty being in elective office, makes a fundamental error – and that is believing that the only way you can hold progressive views and implement them is in elective office.
My big thing is I think women should birth their babies, as long as they’re healthy and their doctor says it’s OK, however they want, whether that means in the hospital with no drugs, at home with an epidural, elective C-section, whatever.
I was eleventh-grade class president. That was the first elective office I held until I came into Congress.
Football is an elective. It’s a game. It’s make-believe. And to think that people have brain damage from some made-up game.
In my final year of attending a Christian sports camp in rural Missouri, the year before I started high school, they began to offer an elective Bible study group for young Christians who wanted a chance to read in the afternoons instead of learn to water-ski.
Under the circumstances, may I suggest another means of encouraging probity in elective office. I refer to term limitations, which can serve ends beyond that of saving congressional souls.
I didn’t set out with the notion of running for elective office; it sort of grew over time. And I honestly at times questioned if progressive change can be effected through elected office.
Friendships are the family we make – not the one we inherit. I’ve always been someone to whom friendship, elective affinities, is as important as family.
My senior year at College Park, University of Maryland, I took an elective class in crime fiction taught by Charles C. Mish. He turned me on in a big way to reading and books. I was lucky to have a teacher who changed the course of my life.
When patients are admitted to hospital for elective surgery or non-urgent conditions, their vital signs are only monitored every four hours, unless they have been identified as being at high risk of deterioration.
I don’t see myself in any way in elective office.
We stand a better chance with aristocracy, whether hereditary or elective, than with monarchy.
Elective office and public service are obviously something that have long ties with my family, and something I’m definitely interested in.
Before holding elective office – 12 years in the Wyoming House of Representatives and 18 years in the U.S. Senate – I served a different type of time. I was on probation for a federal offense committed as a teenager.
I don’t like surgery. I don’t like elective surgery, I don’t like surgery that you have to have.
I teach a lecture course on American poetry to as many as 150 students. For a lot of them, it’s their only elective, so this is their one shot. They’ll take the Russian Novel or American Poetry, so I want to give them the high points, the inescapable poets.