Top 19 Ken Blanchard Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Ken Blanchard Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

All good performance starts with clear goals.

All good performance starts with clear goals.
Ken Blanchard
At my company, we have 300 employees spread across offices all over the world, and I send them all a voicemail each morning with a message from me about why our work is important and a reminder about one of our values. I call myself our company’s ‘chief spiritual officer.’
Ken Blanchard
People love to be appreciated.
Ken Blanchard
I absolutely believe in the power of tithing and giving back. My own experience about all the blessings I’ve had in my life is that the more I give away, the more that comes back. That is the way life works, and that is the way energy works.
Ken Blanchard
When you write a business fable, people get caught up in the story and don’t get judgmental about what you’re teaching them. If you’re teaching a bunch of concepts, people get skeptical and say, ‘Where’d you get that research?’ But if you tell them a story, they get caught up in it while they learn.
Ken Blanchard
Many companies claim they have core values, but typically what they’re referring to are generic beliefs: having integrity, making a profit, responding to customers and so on. These values only have meaning when they’re defined in terms of how people behave and are ranked to set priorities.
Ken Blanchard
One of the topics I’m most passionate about is servant leadership – the greatest leaders recognize that they’re here to serve, not to be served.
Ken Blanchard
As a leader, you absolutely must expend your energy engaging your frontline employees so that they will take care of customers, who will tell stories about how great your company is to other people, who will become new customers.
Ken Blanchard
Don’t quack like a duck, soar like an eagle.
Ken Blanchard
Age is rarely a limitation to being a mentor.
Ken Blanchard
I never use notes, they interfere with me.
Ken Blanchard
Managing by values – not by profits – is a powerful process that will set your business on the path to becoming what I call a ‘Fortunate 500’ company.
Ken Blanchard
Patrick Lencioni, Spencer Johnson, and Stephen Covey are great communicators.
Ken Blanchard
‘Lead with LUV’ is the first book I’ve ever done that’s just a pure conversation between my coauthor and me.
Ken Blanchard
It’s been true in my life that when I’ve needed a mentor, the right person shows up.
Ken Blanchard
The biggest obstacle that stalls leaders’ growth is the human ego. When leaders start to think they know it all, they stop growing.
Ken Blanchard
Too many leaders act as if the sheep… their people… are there for the benefit of the shepherd, not that the shepherd has responsibility for the sheep.
Ken Blanchard
If people aren’t clear on what business you’re in, what you’re trying to accomplish, your values, your goals, then shame on you. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t involve them. It’s just your responsibility to make sure that that’s clear.
Ken Blanchard
I think a great leader is somebody who realizes it’s not about them, it’s about the people that they’re serving, that they’re really other-directed rather than self- directed.
Ken Blanchard