Top 20 Karen Kilgariff Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Karen Kilgariff Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Every true-crime thing you see goes in with that kind o

Every true-crime thing you see goes in with that kind of ominous music and low lighting, so to be able to talk about these things but not have to feel somber about it and not feel guilty that you’re not feeling somber about it – I think that’s what appeals to me.
Karen Kilgariff
I think most people’s conversations are as light as they are dark. That’s how life is.
Karen Kilgariff
I told my mom for years that I wanted to be a manicurist, and she’d always be like, ‘But what if you went to college and you got a degree?’ She’d try to explain how I could actually do a thing that would make me a ton of money, or that I didn’t have to just pick the business that was closest to our house.
Karen Kilgariff
I think there are lots of those moments when we meet people – listeners at a meet-and-greet – and they tell us that they’ve changed their major to forensic science, or criminal justice, or they’ve become a victim’s advocate.
Karen Kilgariff
I think sometimes it’s only by talking about what’s really going on that you can make it less scary.
Karen Kilgariff
I want to talk about the things that people don’t think you’re allowed to talk about.
Karen Kilgariff
I turned down a job when I was broke to the point that I was about to go into foreclosure on my house, but I didn’t want to work on the job because of the content of the show.
Karen Kilgariff
We all feel anxious at times and acknowledging that only helps.
Karen Kilgariff
I think people are isolated and really lonely.
Karen Kilgariff
I think women believed for a long time that it was inappropriate for them to be interested in true crime. It made them judge themselves, or feel weird or ghoulish.
Karen Kilgariff
Any therapist can give you the expertise of their education, but we all know there’s that person in our lives that’s been like, ‘Hey, one time I did this thing,’ and that will stay with you for so much longer than the stuff that probably should, because it’s from direct experience.
Karen Kilgariff
Santa Barbara’s gorgeous. It’s just a perfect little getaway.
Karen Kilgariff
True crime has always been popular.
Karen Kilgariff
I had to host a comedy show the day after 9/11, and I really knocked it out of the park. But that was before the Internet really took off, so the only people that know are the people who were there.
Karen Kilgariff
Writing about our mistakes turns the stupid stuff we’ve done and cringed over for years into a sort of do’s-and-don’ts guide for others. Actually, more of a don’ts-and-don’t guide.
Karen Kilgariff
We’re in no way crime journalists or professionals really.
Karen Kilgariff
There’s nothing better than a personal story.
Karen Kilgariff
True crime is not for everybody.
Karen Kilgariff
I don’t know the States.
Karen Kilgariff
We get some great gifts. Trophies, very funny things, one woman even made a diorama of us sitting recording the podcast.
Karen Kilgariff