Top 20 Mack Wilberg Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Mack Wilberg Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

There are probably limits on what the choir can sing we

There are probably limits on what the choir can sing well.
Mack Wilberg
Our mandate is to sing for everyone. We don’t just sing for one group or sing one genre… This is everybody’s choir.
Mack Wilberg
I think music – it sounds cliche, but music can be very healing.
Mack Wilberg
I don’t know how to turn on a computer.
Mack Wilberg
The choir tries to perform for everyone. It enables us to be very diversified with our audiences.
Mack Wilberg
In the ’70s and ’80s, if you said you wrote for ‘the people,’ that meant you weren’t any good. But I think that’s changing.
Mack Wilberg
People love to hear the choir sing the hymns.
Mack Wilberg
It’s a great privilege and a highlight for choir and orchestra members to perform for audiences in live concerts.
Mack Wilberg
Music has unique ways of speaking to the soul.
Mack Wilberg
There’s something kind of wonderful about men singing lullabies.
Mack Wilberg
As much sorrow and grief as came from 9/11, there have also come positives.
Mack Wilberg
We are always fortunate to have our own sound folks with us that do a great job in ensuring that everybody can hear and the sound is good.
Mack Wilberg
Usually, all I want is peace and quiet when I’m driving home.
Mack Wilberg
A requiem is meant to bring comfort.
Mack Wilberg
Sometimes I prefer when I can hear other people conduct my music so I can sit out and actually hear it. When you are in the middle of it, sometimes it’s a little bit hard to hear and get the whole effect.
Mack Wilberg
From the beginning, music has been the chosen way to express feelings that words alone can’t.
Mack Wilberg
I do think one of my strengths is the ability to adapt to whatever the situation is.
Mack Wilberg
Even missionaries get discouraged at times.
Mack Wilberg
I suppose I write music for people, not for the filing cabinet or the museum.
Mack Wilberg
Collaboration is an important part of the process, and ego is never a part of it.
Mack Wilberg