Top 202 He Or She Quotes

Words matter. These are the best He Or She Quotes from famous people such as Norman Spinrad, Rich Moore, Gary Chapman, M. J. Rose, Kyle Hill, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The thematic, psychological, and cultural concerns of a

The thematic, psychological, and cultural concerns of a writer are more relevant than whatever literary mode he or she chooses to deal with in any given novel.
Norman Spinrad
What we’ve done now sits with those films that inspired me as a kid, and I hope there is a kid like myself today who is watching ‘Wreck-It Ralph,’ and he or she is inspired the way I was inspired when I was 5 years old, and now they’ll pursue this crazy dream.
Rich Moore
Typically, we get annoyed when our spouses complain. We get defensive. But, really, when your spouse complains, he or she is giving you wonderful information about what would make him or her feel loved.
Gary Chapman
When I do a workshop, there is always at least one author who comes up afterward and asks if I’ll take a look at his or her book and consider blurbing it. For some reason, I can turn someone down in e-mail, but when he or she is looking me in the eye, I cave.
M. J. Rose
Given the weight of an Oscar statuette, one made out of solid gold would be worth $219,000. That twinkle in a winner’s eye would be more than just a realization that he or she is a decent actor; it would be the joy of holding a chunk of metal worth a new Lamborghini.
Kyle Hill
One thing they never tell you about child raising is that for the rest of your life, at the drop of a hat, you are expected to know your child’s name and how old he or she is.
Erma Bombeck
A singer can quit once he or she has made ten great songs; a director can finish once he or she has made five amazing films; a writer just needs to write three great books.
Alber Elbaz
The deepest failures any fiction writer is likely to have are failures of not quite comprehending the truth of the story that he or she is telling.
Richard Russo
No one gets angry at a mathematician or a physicist whom he or she doesn’t understand, or at someone who speaks a foreign language, but rather at someone who tampers with your own language.
Jacques Derrida
Every once in a while I get a fan letter from someone about thinking he or she saw me in an episode of an old western or police series. The writers are probably right.
Lorne Greene
Ultimately, love conquers all, and gay or straight, don’t we all want to believe that? I would that if this was to happen to me, and one of my kids had come and told me he or she was gay, I would say: If that’s the only way you can live, then I love you.
Paul Sorvino
You want to give the person as much freedom as you can within the boundaries of being a responsible producer with a contract to a studio. It’s about giving as much freedom as you can, and the more the filmmaker proves he or she is on the track that you feel good about, then you just kind of watch dailies.
Wes Craven
In many campaigns, one candidate or another is asked to answer for comments he or she made in the past. The answer is usually gibberish – ‘That was a long time ago,’ or ‘I was trying to say something else.’
Andrew Rosenthal
My goal is to produce as rich and historical an experience for the reader as I possibly can, to the point where when somebody finishes reading the book, he or she emerges from it with a sense of having lived in the past.
Erik Larson
I got used to interrogators asking me the same things. Before the interrogator even moves his lips I knew his questions, and as soon as he or she started to talk I turned my ‘tape’ on.
Mohamedou Ould Slahi
To exclude all jurors who would be in the slightest way affected by the prospect of the death penalty would be to deprive the defendant of the impartial jury to which he or she is entitled under the law.
Byron White
Let each person have a chance to be who he or she wants to be. Only then can we be considered a truly liberated nation.
Kubra Sait
Parents, first and foremost, it is important to… understand and recognise the activities your child is naturally gravitating towards. It’s important also to ensure that your child likes what he or she is doing. I believe in exposing children to as many hobbies and extracurricular activities as possible.
Viswanathan Anand
I learned that instead of relying on and imitating American music, there is a better chance for an Asian artist to succeed if he or she follows his or her own culture.
I’ll tell you – there’s no author that wants to give his mother an e-book of his new book. I think he wants to present her with – or she – wants to present her with something beautiful that he or she created.
Jonathan Galassi
No writing effort is ever wasted. At the very least, it’s practice, and a writer never knows when he or she might usefully cannibalize an earlier effort for something new.
Therese Fowler
Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer’s no. That’s not America. Is there something wrong with some seven-year-old Muslim American kid believing that he or she could be president?
Colin Powell
Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.
You can imagine, if somebody’s approaching retirement, and all of a sudden the funds that he or she is depending on is depleted by 50% or however many, it gives them a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach.
Pat Robertson
The abduction of a child is a tragedy. No one can fully understand or appreciate what a parent goes through at such a time, unless they have faced a similar tragedy. Every parent responds differently. Each parent copes with this nightmare in the best way he or she knows how.
John Walsh
A musician is a professional, whether he or she is successful or not. The profession itself must be regarded as a stable job.
A. R. Rahman
Candidates should be extremely cautious in displaying a sense of humor. If he or she tells a joke with a point, there is almost certain to be some minority group offended.
Jack Germond
The true greatness of a person, in my view, is evident in the way he or she treats those with whom courtesy and kindness are not required.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Ask a celebrity what social cause he or she wants to take up, and many would say utopic things. For me, however, the decision is very clear… I want to do something for children, a category of people I am genuinely fond of.
Sushmita Sen
No matter how much you like your local school teacher, he or she is a government agent.
Nancy Pearcey
Untapped potential is the difference between where a person is now and where he or she can be.
Bo Bennett
You can't brand an artiste and take away the fact that

You can’t brand an artiste and take away the fact that he or she wants to do something genuinely different.
Sameera Reddy
Each justice enters the Supreme Court possessing a record of opinion by which he or she is measured, and that without threat of election or outside influence, they will apply the Constitution as they always have; thus, it’s ridiculous to assert the opposite.
Dana Loesch
When one sees me on screen I hope he or she only sees and feels the character, not Shefali.
Shefali Shah
It takes courage to acknowledge uncertainty. And nothing is more attractive than demonstrating to another person that he or she is of value to you.
Tony Goldwyn
I always say I write my own novels and the characters don’t take control of me, but in fact, I look at the characters in the early stages and I think, ‘What is he or she like,’ and they slowly come together and they become the person they are.
A. S. Byatt
Just because I have signed a contract doesn’t mean that he or she has bought me from head to toe.
Shilpa Shinde
How do you know love is gone? If you said that you would be there at seven and you get there by nine, and he or she has not called the police yet – it’s gone.
Marlene Dietrich
When someone fears losing your affection, he or she will strive to keep it. Perhaps you have strived to keep someone’s affection, too. Fear of loss is not love.
Gary Zukav
When I sign on for a project, I’m there to give the director all the material he or she might need to tell their story, and that’s the number one priority.
James Franco
I don’t know anybody who said, ‘I love that teacher, he or she gave a really good homework set,’ or ‘Boy, that was the best class I ever took because those exams were awesome.’ That’s not what people want to talk about. It’s not what influences people in one profession or another.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Every small business will give you an entrepreneurial way of looking at things. I guarantee you that for every plant that closes, if you gave it to one small-business person in that community, he or she would find a way to make it work. The small-business attitude is you always find a way to make it work.
Hamdi Ulukaya
The hardest thing about having three kids is trying to find a balance, because there’s always the odd man out, and you also need to make sure each child gets the attention he or she needs.
Patrick Dempsey
If the bottom dropped out of the market and the artist was not going to sell anything, he or she will keep working, and the dealer will keep trying to find some way to convince somebody to buy this stuff.
Chuck Close
There’s nothing in the First Amendment that even remotely talks about spending money for political contests, and to say that an individual can spend as much of his or her own money as he or she wants constitutionally without any limitation, I think is just absurd.
Arlen Specter
Why would anyone be an actor if he or she weren’t insecure? That’s why anybody pursues this kind of work.
Paul Rudd
Just because an employee does things differently doesn’t mean he or she won’t do the job right or as well. If you establish expectations of the goal and the standards to follow, then methodology shouldn’t be an issue.
Harvey Mackay
However, should any Singaporean consistently establish that he or she rejects Singapore or our Constitution or runs Singapore down with a political agenda overseas, neither I, nor the WP will stand for such conduct.
Pritam Singh