Top 205 Liberals Quotes

During past years, like frightened children, we were afraid to eat the strong meat of human rights and instead sucked the milk of civil rights from the breasts of white liberals, black Uncle Toms, and Aunt Jemimas.
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Liberals shouldn’t cede the responsibility to defend free speech on college campuses to conservatives. After all, without free speech, what’s liberalism about?
Bari Weiss
The Negro revolution is controlled by foxy white liberals, by the Government itself. But the Black Revolution is controlled only by God.
Malcolm X
So a lot of our shows where even we think we’ve taken a very deliberate stand, liberals say, ‘That’s awesome, you took on the conservatives’ same show and conservatives say ‘That’s awesome, you took on liberals.’
Matt Stone
What I want is a sort of new political realignment on libertarian/authoritarian lines, and I want a new consensus to emerge of disaffected liberals, classical liberals, dissident minorities like gays, small-state conservatives, libertarians, people who basically want to be left alone.
Milo Yiannopoulos
Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from life what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government agencies to do good.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
I’m tired of liberals dividing this country up into little groups, setting them upon each other, breeding spite and envy, and then having the nerve to accuse conservatives of hatred.
Allen West
Most liberals I know do not consider themselves to even be liberals. They just think of you and me as conservatives, and that means, therefore, we’re odd and we’re kooks and maybe extreme and maybe mean.
Rush Limbaugh
Conservatism is a hard choice for a society that has become accustomed to big government and big entitlements promoted by liberals.
Jesse Helms
I get along so much better with fundamentalist Christia

I get along so much better with fundamentalist Christians than I do with wishy-washy liberals, who want everyone to get along.
Penn Jillette
I have no issue with Rosa Parks. But I do have an issue with liberals trying to canonize her in order to glorify themselves and legitimize their route to ‘progress’ through political and racial agitation instead of hard work and character.
Jesse Lee Peterson
You know, we have main English language parties, federalist parties, and traditionally the ones to watch would be the Conservatives, who form the government, and then the Liberals.
Rick Mercer
Liberals like to say there aren’t any limitations on speech, and it’s true that they can say or do just about anything. But conservatives apparently can’t even stand still while wearing a MAGA hat without crossing a line.
Charlie Kirk
I’m sick of hearing white liberals claim that if you call them out for their failed liberal programs, you’re a racist. It makes my blood boil – which is part of why I am running.
Darryl Glenn
The Liberals are intellectually exhausted.
Annamie Paul
All my friends were liberals and I grew up in a really liberal family.
Kirsten Powers
True, the country is divided, but it’s not Right and Left. It’s Left and Not Left. It is because, for liberals, politics is personal and therefore extremely loud. For the rest of us, we prefer community over calamity.
Greg Gutfeld
Liberals talk about the ‘income inequality’ and the ‘unfairness’ and the disparity of the haves and the have-nots in New York City. Who has been running that city for all this time? Who has created the underclass in this country? It’s the Democrat Party.
Rush Limbaugh
I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls.
Candace Owens
Too great a love for the presidency has caused Democrats to neglect state and local politics and to overly prize compromise and a futile quest for bipartisanship. It has made liberals too allergic to federalism and too shy about grassroots politics.
Joy Reid
Primarily motivated by a desire to keep abortion ‘safe, legal and rare,’ female liberals in the media have carte blanche to do and say anything.
Andrew Breitbart
And, when it comes to politics, it can be awfully difficult to put your desires aside and to acknowledge that the world is a much messier place, where open-minded people might be conservative and liberals may well be conscientious.
Maria Konnikova
Indeed, Miss Manners has come to believe that the basic political division in this country is not between liberals and conservatives but between those who believe that they should have a say in the love lives of strangers and those who do not.
Judith Martin
Anticommunism in its modern form was invented by liberals like Harry Truman, the architect of the national security state. The proportion of the voting population that was not anticommunist in 1961 was miniscule.
Rick Perlstein
Most liberals I know were for invading Afghanistan right after 9/11.
Michael Moore
When you practice reporting for as long as I have, you keep yourself at a distance from True Believers. Either conservatives or liberals or Democrats or Republicans.
Bob Woodward
Enslaving each other was what human beings had done for ages. And the abolitionist movement was greeted with incredulity. Conservative spokesmen ridiculed the abolitionists as liberals, progressives, do-gooders, meddlers, and activists.
Paul Hawken
The test for honest Americans or honest liberals is, are they going to defend a president they disagree with when he’s being victimized.
Tom Fitton
Conservatives and liberals can find common ground.
Jesse Jackson
It wouldn’t be fair to say that conservatives cherish property the way liberals cherish equality. But it would be fair to say that the takings clause is the conservatives’ recipe for judicial activism just as they say liberals have misused the equal protection clause.
Michael Kinsley
Conservatives literally view it as a kind of a weakness to talk to people other than their own. Nothing would bore me more than to sit around talking and listening to a bunch of liberals all day.
James Carville
The same liberals who want to protect the constitutional right of people like Colin Kaepernick to symbolically reject America by taking a knee were the ones quick to criticize Tim Tebow for bending a knee to pray and thank God on the field.
Jeanine Pirro
I think maybe it’s time for liberals to not start weeping when I say things like ‘retard’ or ‘illegal alien.’
Ann Coulter
Liberals become indignant when you question their patriotism, but simultaneously work overtime to give terrorists a cushion for the next attack and laugh at dumb Americans who love their country and hate the enemy.
Ann Coulter
In practice, conservatives are no less inclined than liberals to adopt superior stances or to tell people how to live their lives.
Jacob Weisberg
A bunch of liberals wanted to outlaw men gazing at women because the gaze was said to objectify women. Sorry, liberals, it can’t be helped among the heterosexual crowd.
Rush Limbaugh
The Liberals have been pressing for the brief on the basis of which he said there was authority for war.
Clare Short
I live in places where, although I don’t take public stands, I’m surrounded by liberals, and I’ve spent a lot of time in this country talking to people who have very different views than the people I live around and trying to see kind of what’s in common beneath those conversations.
Anand Giridharadas
Liberals instinctively cling to racism or bigotry or hate or narrow-mindedness whenever they can.
Mike Gallagher
Liberals should not overplay this weapons of mass destruction card, because you want me to tell you the truth? Most of us are not going to care if they don’t find these weapons of mass destruction. It’s enough for a lot of us to see those kids smiling on that street again.
Dennis Miller
Breaking through glass ceilings isn't reserved for libe

Breaking through glass ceilings isn’t reserved for liberals.
Katie Pavlich
Time and time again, history has proved that the conservatives are right and the liberals are wrong.
Stockwell Day
The Liberal Party has finally shown its true colours. I’m talking about the real Liberal Party: the tax-hiking, rule-breaking, perk-loving, deficit-spending, debt-mounting, virtue-signalling Liberals Canadians have come to know and despise.
Andrew Scheer
Where liberals see as an ever-more-splendid diversity of colors, creeds, ethnicities, ideologies, beliefs and lifestyles, the Right sees the disintegration of a country, a nation, a people, and its replacement with a Tower of Babel. Visions in conflict that democracy cannot reconcile.
Pat Buchanan
The ability to choose who governs us, and the freedom to change laws we do not like, were secured for us in the past by radicals and liberals who took power from unaccountable elites and placed it in the hands of the people.
Michael Gove
As black Americans continue to be insulted and dismissed by protected white liberals, the Black Talented Tenth will continue to benefit from political donations, speaking engagements, national media presence, accolades as the official black leaders, and perpetual gigs on MSNBC and CNN.
Burgess Owens
Have you ever noticed how hell-bent liberals are at making the United States seem inferior to other countries… to any country?
Steven Crowder
Not a lot of conservatives on this list. Are more liberals than conservatives screwing up America?
Matt Lauer
Since Ronald Reagan’s election in 1980, conservatives of various sorts, and conservatisms of various stripes, have generally been in the ascendancy. And a good thing, too! Conservatives have been right more often than not – and more often than liberals – about most of the important issues of the day.
Bill Kristol
Almost everything I think we’ve accomplished for the good of the country has been because of liberals against conservative opposition.
Alan Colmes
In general, liberals fear conservative judges far too much. In almost all areas, in fact, they dramatically overstate the stakes.
Benjamin Wittes
Liberals tend to stress how marvelous education is, in and of itself, and also adore it as a vessel for genuine equality. (That’s me, by the way: Hell, I think we should be spending $50 billion a year to make college education free).
Rick Perlstein