Top 22 Hedi Slimane Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Hedi Slimane Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Fashion somehow, for me, is purely and happily irration

Fashion somehow, for me, is purely and happily irrational.
Hedi Slimane
I thought I should work more on the idea that you wear a suit or a jacket because of the fun it can provide, because it’s a game, because it might even have a sexual quality.
Hedi Slimane
Men’s fashion has a certain heaviness in the fabrics and construction. But also there is a heaviness in the mentality.
Hedi Slimane
Just like zillions of children, album covers educated and informed me, and certainly did I later transpose organically, rather than by intent, those principles both in fashion design and photography.
Hedi Slimane
I only like luxury fashion. You have to decide where you stand. I like well-made, authentic clothes, well-crafted tailoring. I also like the dream and fantasy of luxury, the exception and rarity of it. I have no interest at all in fast retail. It is ambiguous.
Hedi Slimane
The framework of men’s wear is so narrow, that when you play at the edges you get labeled.
Hedi Slimane
I love California. It has such a strong contribution to the history of culture, and popular culture. For better and worse, of course. Even the worst can be interesting to some degree sometimes for somebody creative.
Hedi Slimane
Sex is not a subject in my photographs, or would only be if it had to do with romance, sometimes vulnerability. The photographs are quite clearly about happiness, or search for happiness.
Hedi Slimane
I discovered Los Angeles in the late ’90s. The city was not at its best at the time, but I fell for it right away. There is something almost haunted about it, a vibrant mythology I find rather inspiring.
Hedi Slimane
I have a great admiration and tenderness for Azzedine Alaia. I haven’t seen him in a while, but I guess he must be still sewing some dresses at night.
Hedi Slimane
Men are not supposed to be mysterious. That’s what you say about women. But I think men can have a little of it, too.
Hedi Slimane
I like the ritual, the liturgy of a well-crafted, emotional fashion show. I will never be jaded with this side of fashion. The catwalk is pure anthropology, something like an esoteric encrypted parade. It can totally be replaced but it will be missed.
Hedi Slimane
I like the idea of paradox, between the authentic fabrics and sophisticated shapes and between masculine and feminine. I’m not so much for sportswear. I think it’s over.
Hedi Slimane
Photography has always been about documentary, the depiction of the instant, a moment, sometimes a place. Each project is somehow an experimentation of a specific context or a character.
Hedi Slimane
I always loved designing, but the context needs to be right, and have a positive perspective.
Hedi Slimane
Hedi was and is still misspelled ‘Heidi,’ and my perception of genders ended up slightly out of focus from an early age.
Hedi Slimane
Music has shaped men’s fashion, and transposed in a playful and witty manner its riding or military heritage. It is difficult to figure out who leads, but music and fashion are connected genetically.
Hedi Slimane
When I was designing, I had in mind Jimi Hendrix, and I could hardly find skinny indie black kids to wear my clothes. I remember one telling me he had to swap his skinny jeans for baggy ones in the subway before going home, so he wouldn’t get in trouble in his neighborhood.
Hedi Slimane
Since I was a child, my whole life has revolved around music. It’s often while listening to a song that ideas for my fashion collections formed.
Hedi Slimane
David Bowie, for me, was the butchest guy in town. Jagger was like a truck driver.
Hedi Slimane
I don’t like the collusion between high fashion design and high street. You have to know where you stand. I belong to luxury fashion. That’s what I’ve always felt and embraced. I like the best quality, the best fabrics and the most creative field in fashion. I will stay consistent. I belong to this world.
Hedi Slimane
The iPad needs to catch up with Flash before I put a hand on it.
Hedi Slimane